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That was on purpose, as you are suggesting a DOM abstraction library for simple tasks when no library was asked for. Also, jQuery isn't the only DOM abstraction OP could have used, why not Zepto? Maybe we can throw underscore into the mix to be extra sure we have the kitchen sink OP never asked for. — rlemon 23 secs ago
@MadaraUchiha it would with removeEventListener
@MadaraUchiha Then use sizzle. The point is, it's bad engineering for you to continue using vanilla javascript in most scenarios. It's just more code to maintain for little to no gain. — user1477388 1 min ago
If using vanilla JS is bad practice, and jQuery uses vanilla JS, then isn't using jQuery bad practice too?
> The point is, it's bad engineering for you to continue using vanilla javascript in most scenarios.
jQuery clearly can't use just jQuery.
hello dudes i am trying to implement the gridviewscroll in my application
but it does
@ssube sorry, who the fuck is this guy?
so zepto (jquery clone) and sizzle (jquery's selctor engine) are the alternativs?
@BoltClock when this is all over, wanna clean up those comments ^^^^
but i get an error: Line: 2384
Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'gridviewScroll'
@AwalGarg No idea, don't really care. He's suggesting an unnecessary dependency, so I'm addressing that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's possible, but this seems like an underlying bug. My shot in the dark is that they added some offset (the backpointer thing) and forgot to account for it in some other part.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.9.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/gridviewScroll.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {

    function gridviewScroll() {
            width: 1600,
I use Vanilla JS solely so according to him, I am following "bad engineering" eh
@AwalGarg worst engineer, ever!
So apparently one of the creators of The Chive and the guy who invented jQuery have the same name...
@Zirak I think it would be better to just fix it from the dev tools side since .constructor still works. And to report the other bug.
but are apparently not the same person
@ShotgunNinja John?
@KendallFrey Correct.
There's some confusion as to "managed code" in those comments, too.
@ShotgunNinja mind. blown.
^ That's Chive John Resig
@user1477388 I've been using vanilla JS for a long time now, maintaining your own code is by definition easier than maintaining code with a library. Since that library is now your code too. If there's a bug in jQuery, the client doesn't give a damn. It's your problem. So now what do you do? Also maintain jQuery? No. jQuery abstract the ugliness of the DOM, and the DOM isn't quite as ugly as it used to be. jQuery is pretty irrelevant when developing modern apps. So are underscore and lodash for the most part. — Madara Uchiha 18 secs ago
People seem to fail to understand this simple context.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It fixes the symptoms, not the disease. I can see how difficult it'd be, there's one oddity there I need to look at, but it seems like the weakling solution
I think people hate jquery for the wron reasons. It's fine as a more convenient api for dom manipulation. But.. you shoudln't be maniulating the dom that much to need it. use a template library or data0binding library.
^ That's jQuery John Resig
Code you put in your app, with or without reading/writing it, is your code.
And now it's your responsibility to maintain it when it breaks.
@Zirak btw to add pressure I told Paul you were on it, he remembers you :)
I want to bash and insult that guy for saying vanilla js is bad engineering but.. time.
And jQuery is not bug free
@MadaraUchiha using a library when it makes sense is perfectly good practice. If it's a good library, it's easier than maintaining it yourself.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I will murder you until you're dead
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hahaha
Stop the pointless jQuery discussion on that topic.
jQuery, however, is largely obsolete and not a very good library.
@ssube Using a library has costs
@MadaraUchiha pssst canonical
Sometimes the benefits outweigh the cost
@Zirak demo please?
Unless it's Angular, then everything's happy and roses
@Zirak xoxoxoxo
@SomeKittens Right! Link again please?
@MadaraUchiha web dev muscle memory? :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum kk im done :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum re: stackoverflow.com/questions/29856105/… too bad IE sucks and only just implemented it
@ssube No, @SomeKittens just talked about a canonical
that is mostly me bitching about IE btw ^
Insta association with "post"
@rlemon don't care about IE, also data attributes are bad for other reasons :D
eh, I argue they can be okay if use correctly. (just like jQuery!)
@BenjaminGruenbaum you take that back. Data attributes are beautiful and I love them.
just look at all the curves in 'data'. There are at least 3, maybe 4 if you have a really nice font.
but I just got told we're going home early (not just, but confirmed)
@ssube sure, storing information in your presentation layer is awesome, who needs separation of concerns.
so later suckers
@BenjaminGruenbaum definitely not google.
I always set my font size to 100 when working on data attributes, that way I get to add "big data" to the list of my qualifications
@SomeKittens Explaining how to wrongly build a Promise object sounds a bit pointless
@MadaraUchiha fair enough, I'll cut that out
anything else?
!!afk home time
@BenjaminGruenbaum Where can I bother v8 people? libuv? There're some definitions I need to ask about
The OP is wondering how he started a war by asking a question about button click events
Like wtf is a RealNamedProperty and why is it important
@Zirak I bug Petka, but on IRC in the libuv room there are usually some helpful people
Is he on there? I could use a familiar face to yell at me
or, erm, familiar handle
I bug him on fb, but yeah he's there
A real named property is (surprise) a real property, stuff that's not "magical"
For example __proto__ is not a real named property
if he's ever not on IRC ping him on twitter and tell him to get on IRC
worked for me :D
I swear there was another name for those
!!afk for real. I should not do this until I'm done with emails.
I saw that in InternalSetPrototype there was another name...
Please stop the arguing here, it's pointless and meta. @user1477388 you can raise the issue on meta if you think answering with jQuery is appropriate here but I warn you there is a strong community consensus that it's not so you'll have to be really convincing. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 2 mins ago
@rlemon That's why I grab two
@Zirak by the way, these sort of questions would make (surprise surprise) good questions for Stack Overflow
hrm, I wonder then....the objects say they don't have a real constructor property (obj->HasRealNamedProperty("constructor") === false)
Which on the one hand makes sense, since they're inherited properties. But on the other doesn't, since those should be accounted for (right? right?)
@SomeKittens this
.catch(function (err) {
  throw err;
Is completely pointless.
@MadaraUchiha this is a nop
It's the same as
.then(function(value) {
    return value;
@MadaraUchiha Right, but I wanted to be explicit in using catch (as chaining w/ one catch is a huge advantage)
I could do something other than throw
@SomeKittens console.error("I had an error! Message: " + err.message);
@SomeKittens this.status >= 200 is more readable than this.status > 199
@MadaraUchiha that's what you momma said
Your momma so dumb she wraps promises with promise constructors instead of chaining them
btw @BenjaminGruenbaum that's the condition that's stopping the console from falling back on obj.constructor.name: code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/third_party/…
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, sometimes you just gotta promise to promise someone.
That HasRealNamedProperty returns false
@Zirak and it returns true before the Object.create right?
But it works before the Object.create
  params = Object.keys(params).map(function (key) {
    return encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[key]);
That's because GetConstructorName returns correctly before the create call, so it doesn't fall back on .constructor.name
@SomeKittens does xhr.send accept an array like this?
Or did you perhaps means .join('&')?
Yep, nice catch
AFAIK, it doesn't accept an array
@Zirak it has to be the dev tools, because in jsh it works just fine
As in, it logs Foo and not Object.
!!afk beer
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm telling you it's v8's GetConstructorName. The innards changed recently.
Specifically it's Map::GetConstructor
I don't like that backportholewhatever
@MadaraUchiha Updated with comments: gist.github.com/SomeKittens/49222d46c0b3e1002fe8
@Zirak @BenjaminGruenbaum every time I think I've accomplished something, you nerds take it to the next level.
5 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@SomeKittens this.status >= 200 is more readable than this.status > 199
opens mouth hands to argue, realises I'm wearing a batman t-shirt, shuts up
@Zirak How come I have yet to see this alleged batman t-shirt?
Because why would you?
!!nudge 38764 sp
@AwalGarg Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
@AwalGarg Nudge #1 registered.
@AwalGarg I doubt she'd live that long.
@MadaraUchiha 19.974999999999998
@Zirak pics or you're not batman
@MadaraUchiha 26.919444444444448
@Zirak I'm wearing this
@SterlingArcher If you were to go on hangouts more often...
@MadaraUchiha just a backup reminder in case my personal assistant doesn't work :P
@Zirak usually I'm asleep or out drunk D:
@SterlingArcher @Zirak is the jQueryman
I'm the libraryman this development community deserves
what does being drunk have to do with javascript
@Paul Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
He fights the tyranny of VanillaJS wherever it comes. Because he isn't the hero JavaScript wants, nor the one it needs.
@Paul Obviously everything.
I've been doing it wrong
@Zirak and you defined weird functions on Array.prototype... ~_~ noob :P
> Alternatively, you could use the fetch API (polyfill) but this is not likely to become standard,
@BenjaminGruenbaum has some input on this iirc ^
@FlorianMargaine BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: beer
Like it's going to be dropped
@MadaraUchiha I love this
@MadaraUchiha lies. JavaScript actually says: "I don't really give a fuck" :P
so javascript turns into gollum
got it
code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=31662 I laughed when they started saying meth
> This is real issue. I mean, Meth is definitely a real issue, too, but this is the case of V8 having a bit of a problem.
@Zirak I'm quoting @BenjaminGruenbaum
> ninja'd
that's hilarious
@NathanJones I really need to finish that show
Also, in case anyone was wondering, the magic happens here: code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/v8/src/…
@MadaraUchiha any other objections?
@SomeKittens none so far
Pending @BenjaminGruenbaum 's and @rlemon 's approval
@SomeKittens yuno use addEventListener???!!1
I got another dumb question...
@Zirak lol
also passing the err object directly to console.error is better for backtrace etc.
@Zirak php is worse on this side: lxr.php.net/…
oh and it was so easy I solved it quickly anyway
@FlorianMargaine haha, the nerve, to have magic.h and magic.c
@Zirak That's completely normal?
@copy Of course dear, you don't have a rectangular head
also why reject with statusText instead of status?
and maybe the typeof and truthy check applied to params needs to be applied to headers too.
it's an error message?
@MadaraUchiha approval on what?
I'm on mobile so if that was a reply I missed it
So, the bodyParser module takes the body of the request and makes it available in the req object before running the callback?
That's what it does on POST, what does it do on GET?
Read the Source, Luke.
Also, think. Does a GET have a body?
technically, it can
thank god, it can
I had to send GETs with bodies a couple weeks ago
@Zirak whew, and what a body
fap fap fap
@FlorianMargaine Why?
I was testing nginx new "proxy_request_buffering" feature with a php backend
the thing is, php buffers POST requests, so I couldn't test properly
using a GET, I could test that nginx properly did not buffer the request body
(I had already checked with strace, so I knew that was on php side)
so, yeah, not a classic use case.
@Zirak find "proxy_request_buffering" on this page nginx.org
it's a feature that finally allows you to not buffer the request body
so it streams right away to the backend
I just made a Mongoose schema to represend my user record in Mongo. Wait, I thought Mongo was schemaless?
@StevensHaen How long did you try and research before asking that?
@Zirak I've worked with MongoDB before through the shell. That adds up to a lot of research.
That, specifically. You wondered to yourself, X time passed, you asked here. What's X?
@Zirak yeah. Especially useful when you use nginx as a load balancer
or just a frontend to multiple services
@Zirak if I were to send you an email, where would I send it to?
I check it ~once a week so ping me if you send me something important/in general
I'm dropping an exclusive workaround here in js chat for a deprecated tag:
im gonna be rich once I patent this
@Zirak sent
hey, man. you need to display the MIT liscense to use that software
but granted, it is much improved
rAF doesn't always run with a constant frequency
the timing needs to be tightened up too; I was singing it in my head, and it started changing pace
hey, I did say it was a workaround
not perfect
Use setTimeout
but we can work out the kinks together
@Rooster ooh baby
i believe in US
Now with more display: block jsfiddle.net/1x63z8ox/4
nothing like friday whiskey time at the office :)
oh boiee!
jsfiddle.net/1x63z8ox/7 screw display: block
let's fix those timings instead
@SomeKittens "look ma, no hands js!"
@ShotgunNinja What'dya mean "fix"? Mine conform to the spec!
@SomeKittens yeah, but mine conform to the song
@phpPluginMaster "Instrunctions" is not how it's spelled
or at least are reasonably close to the song timing
> Download file (which file?)
it doesn't work in Netscape 2
> Move preferred language files to main directory (so there's more than one file? Which is better?)
> Link to index.* (I'm not sure what this means, how to do it)
i can post a screen shot if it will help you debug
> If unable to be ran on server because language isn't instaled reconfigure lines: (some spelling, I am again unsure what that means)
not sure
> 1-8 to do the same thing
12 "value"
17-19 display results link shown if possible
> Move file name from preferred language folder to the "search" folder (which file again? what search folder?)
> Configure "resuts" to look as you want it to (how do I configure? EXAMPLE)
#somekittens care to attach yourself to the project
@phpPluginMaster Absolutely not.
useful plugins everyone should see use in
good catch awal
github.com/FREE-FROM-CMS/AutoComplete/blob/master/php/… how|what|when|why|???? did you think this is a plugin
@phpPluginMaster you should be providing a configuration wrapper, following IoC, and removing/separating all the styling part
i thought of it so you have something to build on for your autocomplete framework
@SomeKittens Pong
does it make logical sense to have it like that?
@phpPluginMaster +1e(1e100) for thinking about "freedom from cms". I guess you are a proficient programmer but just lacking in JavaScript/PHP?
Indicator of compromise
how do you write a config wrapper?
@phpPluginMaster in the present form? no. hell no.
I only Cabbage
@phpPluginMaster Inversion of Control.
i know enough to get by
In software engineering, inversion of control (IoC) describes a design in which custom-written portions of a computer program receive the flow of control from a generic, reusable library. A software architecture with this design inverts control as compared to traditional procedural programming: in traditional programming, the custom code that expresses the purpose of the program calls into reusable libraries to take care of generic tasks, but with inversion of control, it is the reusable code that calls into the custom, or task-specific, code. Inversion of control is used to increase modularity...
@SomeKittens k
:people are asking me for CR's - what is this backwards land:
@phpPluginMaster I like the fact that you though about "freedom from cms" (I'll just read it as freedom from frameworks for my pleasure).
bold move
@rlemon Blame @MadaraUchiha
it dumes it down to caveman level without needing to use a CMS
1 hour ago, by Madara Uchiha
Pending @BenjaminGruenbaum 's and @rlemon 's approval
do i have any bug reports yet?
@SomeKittens mention responseType maybe?
@phpPluginMaster So you looked at the entire field of software engineering and said "Y'know what the problem is here? Coding isn't dumb enough."?
for some things, yes
@SomeKittens Maybe reject with some error object, not just the status text - include the statusCode and response
like someone could build a chat room framework, then create a "chat lines" file
Especially with 400 codes the response can contain info on what was wrong with the request
@phpPluginMaster We will get to bugs after your thing is safe to run.
@phpPluginMaster Try and write some tests
@FlorianMargaine I like to think of that as magic constants, and of php's file as magic stupidity
bugs do not come from "safe to run"?
@Zirak hehehe
i have
the javascript, and PDO works properly
maybe i should bring it to a meetup
I get a Reference Error: $ is not defined...
aww, jquery XD
@phpPluginMaster you got a whole slew of bug reports (all boiling down to "README doesn't make sense") from me.
@FlorianMargaine Makes sense to use unique numbers to identify different file systems
(I didn't run your code, actually)
Like PCI device ids
@copy yup. The filename is exactly because "magic numbers" github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/…
Also, someone searches for '>foo bar and game over.
@SomeKittens only thing I can think of is to return the xhr object on resolve/reject?
but ofc that is moot
looks good
i revised readme a little bit
does index.* make sense to you?
what is 3.1415?
* is the generic language flavor you prefer
such mathematician
pi - 3.1415
like the humor?
yeah, I am asking what does it have to do with your so called "plugin"
brb gotta start the fire
it's a joke
mathleets would get it
does my sense of humor have something desirable?
cya laters
√-1 2^3 ∑ π and it was delicious!
Can i use lodash directly with angular?When I use _.pluck inside a $q promise from angular-pouchdb,it throws an module not found error.
Thank you for exemplifying why web dev is terrible
@rlemon some kids really are thugs
@rlemon what @rlemon
@rlemon their vacuum must really suck be bad
some are noisier than others
It's not about noise. You feel it sucking the floor if it's working
Q: Angular does something strange when I add lodash

vamsiampoluI am trying to use lodash in my project in order to simplify one of the operations on data. However,the app which works well when lodash is not involved,throws this error when I use it: Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module app due to: Error: [$injector:nomod] Module...

something really odd is happening here...am I using angular incorrectly??
i found a bug in my code :D
@vamsiampolu Do you know why you include //<![CDATA[ in your <script> tags?
i use jspm
and i also use browser-sync
ok that was copied from browser-sync i believe
@vamsiampolu where was it copied from? (link?)
@vamsiampolu so you copy/pasted some code without understanding what it did. Do I need to explain why that's a bad idea?
localhost:3001,it was the browsersync page
i agree that it was a bad idea(im just learning to use gulp,browser-sync and angular here)
I'm not looking for excuses - I'm looking for understanding.
It is perfectly fine to be new to something. You don't need to excuse it.

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