hii..I have a doubt in anroid app can any1 clear it for me? I am new developer.if we use a marvel character of any movie and developing a android application will it cause any legal issue of copyright. Should we ask any permission from marvels before making the app.
@SamuelDavid Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Fuck a duck... the apartment I'm moving to probably doesn;t support Xfinity, so I'll have to pay to cancel my contract with them, and settle for super shitty AT&T internet thats gonna be slow as bricks... not happy.
passport.use(new LocalStrategy.Strategy(function (username, password, done) {
var query = connection.query(
'SELECT id FROM names WHERE id = " + id + "', function (err, result, fields) {
if (err) throw err;
if (result) {
//this is the user obj, will be accessible in req.user
done(null, {id: username, name: username});
} else {
done(null, null);
How do I check in the database for the id from passportJS?
do you really want some random person on the internet to decide what you'll build your app on? without knowing anything about how good a dev they are? or even knowing if they've actually tried the frameworks they talk about? I wouldn't.
The best research would be to implement a simple app with each of the candidate frameworks and see how they run, kick the tires so to speach. It's a major decision why not spend a few days making it
@ivarni okay i'm new to Java script and web development, so i didn't know where i have to start and which is best. i can see there are lot of JS framework on internet so was confused to choose best one.
@GurumoorthyArumugam Right, that changes things. If you pick ember/react/angular for that you'll have to do a lot of work on your own. I'd say keystone.js is a good pick but it's also the only one I've used so there might be better ones out there
keystone gives you the admin UI for free and provides a nice hook into both node and mongo, I found myself mainly focusing on writing the actual site instead of doing all the plumbing myself
you can probably pair it with ember/angular/react if you have a lot of client side functionality as well, though I didn't find the need to do that
how to delete a bit from a byte. like I want to remove every third bit .... which is 1. The situation is like this, for a combination of options marked 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 a bit , '1' for selected, '0' for not. so for existing data I have to set the third bit to 0 , if its not 1 ... One way I thought of was doing an XOR .. like say its 011111 XOR 001000 . But someone doesn't like it .. what are the ways to compact it ?
@argentum47 (Sorry, you have to use << not >> I just woke up :P) 1 << n moves 1 bit n positions, so if you do 1 << 2 you get 4. Then |= is just a short hand for value = value | ?? so it is an inclusive OR assignment, meaning you get all bits set to 1 from value and the ??. Effectively, you can set your bits very easily like this.
@vamsikrishnamannem Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak Bluebird web-site has an example that is quite similar what I have been trying. This should not work (you need to scroll little bit down on the linked section) -> github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/…
@JanDvorak if you search for "Example of using a predicate-based filter"
Added instafeed.js to my website and successfully styled it.
Now trying to add a roll over feature which highlights each icon...
Added css, then changed script and it won't respond as it is supposed to.
Debugged and no errors....
<script type="text/javascript">
var userFeed = new In...
@argentum47 1000 | 0101 yields 1101, that's inclusive (where a bit is set to 1) and OR (when EITHER of the two bits is 1). Say you do an AND on 1000 and 0101 you would get 0000 because there is not a single bit that is set on both bits.
@TimSalabim Terrible question. What is it supposed to do? What is the error? What did you even want? What is instafeed? Why is there nothing reproducing the issue others can play with?
Added instafeed.js to my website and successfully styled it. It is a feed to show instagram photos on a website. This worked correctly.
Now trying to add a roll over feature which highlights each icon...
Added css, then changed script and it won't respond as it is supposed to.
Debugged and no ...
I was testing out James Shore's Object Playground, and I see that all methods inherit from Function.prototype, including the methods on the global Object.prototype. How does that work? Isn't that kinda circular? I mean... doesn't the Function.prototype "itself" inherent from the Object.prototype?...
Seems the timetracking is extremely closely integrated with windows and AD though, pretty much the same shit for me even if it works with Maxthon because I'll still have to switch browser to track hours
It just baffles me that in 2015 there are still browser-specific apps being made, it makes me loose faith in my own field of work
@JeremyBanks why did you reopen that WeakMaps post? Both the OP and the author have left SO and the answer is blatantly incorrect. I know it because we know the guy who wrote it and he has no intention of coming back to fix it.
I am submitting my form using jQuery - however e.preventDefault() and return false does not seem to be stopping the form submission ...... Anyone else seen this??
I am trying to make it simply synchronize concatenated string which starts before the function and ends after the function. Please see the code snippet and make it simple to get the output like: