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If that floats your boat :>
why does closure compiler make a === 1 to 1===a ?
is there an easy way to store thumbnails in mongodb?
How do you even post images
@argentum47 because it needs to make a decision? so it decides to put primitives on the left hand side of the comparison?
or the author is a fan of Yoda Conditions
you choose
@rlemon why not preserve by default?
@g3mini just post the url in its own message
That condition shall not pass.
how did Yoda come here ? :3
aight lemme try this
@JanDvorak because, by nature, it is re-organizing your code.
@argentum47 those are called yoda conditions :P for real.
Holy sh*t that's big
@g3mini rofl
In programming jargon, Yoda conditions (also called Yoda notation) is a programming style where the two parts of an expression are reversed from the typical order in a conditional statement. A yoda condition places the constant portion of the expression on the left side of the conditional statement. The name for this programming style is derived from the Star Wars character named Yoda, who spoke English in a non-standard syntax. Yoda conditions are part of the WordPress coding standards. == Example == Usually a conditional statement would be written as: Yoda conditions describe the same expression...
ow. :P cool
@g3mini thats what she said.
@rlemon Turns out I do this and didn't even know it was a thing
nice read it was
@rlemon haskell maybe yoda's programming language then ?
It it convenient to perform comparison value-first in java, since you don't have to first check if a value is null before calling .equals on it
@rlemon have you read the elegant universe ?
any sci-fi books you suggest ?
@darkyen00 Exactly ;)
@darkyen00 douglas adams
Anyone know how to fix html import csp?
@Neil do you also use Pokémon Exception Handling. ?
@rlemon I'm afraid to ask..
try {
  // everything
} catch( emAll ) {

gotta catch em aaahhhl
No, I don't do that. Not a big Pokémon fan
Turns out I don't have to catch all the exceptions ;P
Have you heard of baklava code already?
I might do the try/catch em all actually
Debugging purposes.
@JanDvorak is that like duck features?
I tend to use Ninja Comments a lot
@rlemon nope. Too many layers
ninja comments?
duck features ^^
@g3mini Not a big fan of doing that
@g3mini excactly
If you haven't thought to catch an exception, either you're lazy or it's important enough to take note of
@GNi33 What is a ninja comment xD
> Also known as invisible comments, secret comments, or no comments.
I write a lot of stringly typed code
@Neil well, i am lazy...
@GNi33 ahh xD
@GNi33 I tend to add the comments when the code is done, I keep forgetting the damn comments
@g3mini All good programmers are
@Neil Well if
Types? What types? Everything is an array of bytes
I was good, that would make my life a bit easier
> Doctype Decoration
@JanDvorak Shh! Don't tell him that. You'll break his spirit
hahaha xD
refucktoring anyone?
when you refactor code and make it needlessly complicated
I just do the code
And let my ide indent that stuff
Refactoring: The process of removing obscure bugfixes from your code.
> Shrug Report - a bug report with no error message or repro steps and only a vague description of the problem. Usually contains the phrase "doesn't work.
I find that some programmers are good at debugging while others are good at architecture
I'm really good at refactoring apparently
Not sure if I would have chosen to be good at refactoring had I had a choice
I'm good at taking working software and making it not work anymore
I'm good at making software work without any idea why it works
how can i write jquery when css property changed without refreshing the page
@g3mini I wish I had that talent :)
I'm often guilty of smug reports
@Neil Hehehehe xD
me too :D
@Bassem what?
Bad part is, that if it doesn't work, i don't know why either
The only bugfree program is one that wasn't tested enough.
I have created bugfree programm
anyone free to help a bit ?
Every bug was "intentional"
!!welcome THE
We're all free afaik
@THE Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I cost a one-time fee of $1e-12
I really dislike CSP.
I need a heatmap matrix example, which can zoomin
that's not "a bit"
@rlemon could you pin dystroy's message? the one with the two stars
I need some sort of direction to follow @JanDvorak
Something like that?
e.g. SVG, Canvas, Html5 ?
canvas is html5
svg sucks
therefore html5
@g3mini but its compatible with ie8 ini
SVG is freaking awesome
well ie sucks too
@rlemon got a link ?
to a specific book ? or something ?
search the author
@darkyen00 I guarantee you that you'll know a book by the guy
@g3mini SVG doesn't suck
SVG kicks ass
can i use toggle without click event
css and canvas can do a lot more
it just doesn't zoom in and out
not really, it depends on the use case
@g3mini well css shouldn't be in the mix because it augments the html and SVG content, meaningless for canvas. and SVG does a lot of specific things much easier and smoother than Canvas.
Smoother as in.. anti-aliased?
smoother as in runtime and visually
There are ways
Have yet to see unreal tournament run in svg
have you seen animated line paths in as few lines of code run as smooth in canvas?
> .. SVG does a lot of specific things much easier and smoother than Canvas.
I'm just contesting your claim SVG sucks. because SVG definitely does not suck.
@rlemon i searched him got too many books.
Definitely looks smooth to me
(I did not make that, credits go to whoever did)
lol okay
think whatever you like.
hi guys i use this code to close a popup after user press on search button

@Bassem ew
but it works on second click
double ew
so much wrong here
this button is execute another jquery code
oh g*
@darkyen00 dude, it's the author of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
please i need help i spent hour(S) on this :(
hmmmm, well SVG or Canvas, this is what I want,

I want to generate a 9 matrix heatmap, or 9 blocks on the screen, then add list items to each of the block depending on code logic,

when user clicks on any item, he should be able to see its details
how simple is that :)
@THE learn d3.js
wow... busy room...
noobs. y u no raf?
@GNi33 :-/ no sarcasms
@darkyen00 Doesn't get much smoother than that
@darkyen00 what?
@g3mini It does
@g3mini sure it does. don't use setInterval :)
@GNi33 I was merely awaiting when you link it :-/
@rlemon its not free though
And request animation frame i guess
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a comedy science fiction series created by Douglas Adams. Originally a radio comedy broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1978, it was later adapted to other formats, and over several years it gradually became an international multi-media phenomenon. Adaptations have included stage shows, a "trilogy" of five books published between 1979 and 1992, a sixth novel penned by Eoin Colfer in 2009, a 1981 TV series, a 1984 computer game, and three series of three-part comic book adaptations of the first three novels published by DC Comics between 1993 and 1996. There were...
don't tell me you don't know this book?
@GNi33 -__- I KNOW
i give up ... i was merely waiting for lemon to link it :-/
PS I have read it, but i must buy it :D
so what's your problem? :D
@darkyen00 why?
you can read the titles from the author and see what looks neat to you
all of his books are good
go read some Asimov or so :P
> “This must be Thursday,' said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer. 'I never could get the hang of Thursdays.”
@rlemon as a joke.
@GNi33 I got these for today
read Enders Game
> “So this is it," said Arthur, "We are going to die."
"Yes," said Ford, "except... no! Wait a minute!" He suddenly lunged across the chamber at something behind Arthur's line of vision. "What's this switch?" he cried.
"What? Where?" cried Arthur, twisting round.
"No, I was only fooling," said Ford, "we are going to die after all.”
read Dune
fuck dune
@rlemon thanks
u fukin wot?
Dune is brilliant
1 message moved to Trash
@GNi33 ringworld is probably better
Richard Dawkins - The God Dillusion
Brian Greene - The Elegant Universe
ND Tyson - Death By A Black Hole
Douglas Adams - Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy
Hawkings - The Grand Design
could be, I never read it
should be enough for a month eh ?
How do you move stuff to trash?
still, Dune is a solid piece of Science Fiction, I loved it
@GNi33 I've never read Dune :D
@g3mini room owners and mods can
Ah, ok
Wondering why that message was moved though
because books are great.
I can't even.
probably because you don't read.
I do read, just no books =
I've liked a book or two, but it's just too hard to find a good book.
well that's probably because it's hard..
I was wondering what was consuming so much memory in my Miaou tabs. Almost always more than 250MB. I removed the AdBlockPlus extension : no more memory problem. WTF ABP !
I got a SciFi book lying around for ages now but I haven't found time to read it. And for the life of me, I can't think of the name right now
No issues with ABP here
@GNi33 ohh I've got a few I still need to read.
Idk what caused it for you o.0
@dystroy don't run ad blockers ;)
now that will drive me crazy
Ad blockers are awesome
it has a Cyberpunk - theme and it's pretty well known
I didn't draw that at all
Srsly though
@argentum47 I don't even.....
Ads are annoying
why ???
@g3mini sure they are...
ads keep the content you enjoy for free, free.
cc @Loktar
learn how the internet works.
Well it's hard to enjoy something that contains more ads than content
Neuromancer.... that's it
well... I run my adblocker, but I exclude some sites
an extension I need for perf reasons breaks video ads anyways
Sure, if small companies show ads i'm fine with that
That might be their only income
But things like Google.....
adblock to the max
googles main source of revenue is ads..
@g3mini Where do you think Google takes its income ???
how do you think google makes it's money?
Unfortunately ABP can't be disabled by default
Idk, by existing?
@JanDvorak hmm.. would be interesting
Android stuffz
Chrome books
android is free
Android phones aren't
@g3mini if existing would be a business model, I'd be pretty fucking rich now
google doesn't make the phones
except a few now*
@g3mini "Android phones" don't exist in the first place
i guess
All the cool stuff you get from Google exist only because Google makes money from ads
their main source of revenue is ads.
google exists because of ads
brb, gotta walk dog
or bbl, w.e
!!afk beer
~want, too!!
@JanDvorak czech people, drinking beer at 4pm
10am... probably shouldn't have beer yet
!!beer or gym
tomorrow is a holiday however. drunk hangouts tonight?
it's really demoralizing when people are leaving for beer as I sit down in the morning
@GNi33 beer
@GNi33 it should be 5PM over there...
@ssube ikr
@Vogel612 given that "over there" is where I am, no it's not
well I guessed it were one hour + from my Timezone..
@CapricaSix dammit, Caprica. You be stealin my gainz
but it seems it isn't
@GNi33 4pm is clearly time for beer
@GNi33 mah gainz :(
Meh... it's forbidden to drink the beer at my workplace before 5
then on the other hand the beer's free
so there's that
@Vogel612 nah, Prague and Czech Republic is in the same timezone still
!!creemore or baus
@rlemon Neither
@rlemon I so wish to
@GNi33 why prague?
well my weekend is going to suck
because Jan is from Prague iirc
and how does that relate to me?? and me thinking that I and Jan were on different Timezones?
anyone knows any codepen or jsfiddle for a matrix like this ?
if i want to search it on google, what should i call it
@THE <table> and td.x1y1 { background-color: ... }
@Vogel612 what? I was merely saying that its 4pm over there and that we all are in the same timezone
@ssube he's looking for a prefabbed interactive heatmap graph
I suggestd d3
half hour ago
@Neil Zero Cool > Neo
Neo probably can't even hack a Gibson dude
The Rock > Zero Cool
My 90s hero can beat up your 90s hero
my 90's hero made out with angelina jolie
in a pool
acid burn was her name
that was a good movie
I especially liked the bit at the end where they were naked
I enjoyed any scene with cereal
well I'll be back to work... ~lurking
@ssube I'm absolutely done with the internet
@towc are you hating on baman piderman?
@ssube no, I'm lovin'em
oh, good. It's a great show.
Sometimes we all roll around on the floor at my house and sing the theme song.
how old are you again? XD
it varies
Who here was venkateshwar?
@rlemon sad that i can't stop watching it.
@Loktar try space command fr chrome
asynchronous code is a pain work with such
i it hate
dumb autoform is lame :|
@ssube Promises!
nah, my tests are failing on the CI server because they can't find Backbone
except the first thing I do is require backbone, before loading the test files
Code Igniter?
build server
it's just running gulp, which runs karma, which runs jasmine tests
sorry I see CI and think PHP :P
before running tests, I have an explicit require([$, _, Backbone]...) thing
but nope
in that function, I window.Backbone = Backbone, too
jQuery underscore and backbone.
trifecta of fun!
ReferenceError: modules is not defined
that and another typo were my only two errors
@rlemon I'm taking tomorrow off because tomorrow is the best Friday
@darkyen00 space command?
@Loktar I don't know about the best, it is a good friday tho.
my dream. ---- i so wished for this.
@darkyen00 lol nice
There should be a filter to hide all questions where the user himself states he's a new coder or doesn't know the language...
@rlemon aka "wait, we need a single-page web app? ok, let's grab a few bottom-shelf libraries"
on the other hand, we started that project before gulp existed, and most of the other libs that are cool today
!!s/web app//
@darkyen00 @rlemon aka "wait, we need a single-page ? ok, let's grab a few bottom-shelf libraries" (source)
My boss talks about supporting us and whatever we need, but the moment I ask for a library or something that costs 50 euros, it's "What, are you crazy?!"
"Lets go with the library, what did you say it was called? The free one.. That sounds best"
@Neil where the heck are you finding pay for libraries?!
/me heads to meeting
@Loktar If I had pay for libraries, I wouldn't be asking my boss :P
@Loktar I have figured to go on a journey :P
1 month of complete offline-ness
from 4th april
[after what happened in morning]

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