Yeah.. that's what I've seen. I've also seen many questions regarding meteor from @corvid and have yet to see anyone respond to them. I was guessing we, as a room, don't have much interest in meteor eh?
@NickDugger People bashed meteor quite a bit. Mixing client/server is bad and all that.
@BenFortune I don't really care. Even my pro customers agreed to use only Chrome and Firefox. There's been a few years all my applications use SVG and Canvas so it was almost easy
@SecondRikudo I think it's a preference thing more than anything... I kind of find it annoying to worry about front end and back end as being completely disparate things
@JohnBlythe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SecondRikudo well, kind of what I mean is like if you have some sort of accounts wrapper. It seems to make more sense to be able to create an extension giving some sort of HTML template, client request, server request, etc. Just puts more ability to create a "more full" product imo
The server is not interested in what the client does behind the scenes, all it cares is that it gets the POST to /login with the user and pass.
And the client is not interested in how the server does authentication all it cares is that the server replies with the proper HTTP status code and a representation of "success" or "fail".
The only case where I think it makes sense for client and server to share code is validation... and that's a pretty small reason for an entire framework.
@SecondRikudo I don't think they really "share" the code in meteor. You could do meteor package --directory node/ to see what it looks like as Node code.
@SecondRikudo yeah, but you can make the server do the validation in meteor... Meteor doesn't make the client/server one in the same, it just provides a framework so working with each is less "divided", really.
@BenFortune hivemind Hivemind is when two or more people come to the same thought at the same time because of the same circumstances but do not know each other beforehand (i.e. it cannot be an inside joke). This usually happens on internet message boards, and is especially noticeable when the thought reached is not a meme. The name is reflective of insects who act in unison with their hive (or nest) mates.
jQuery abstracts away DOM differences, underscore/lodash/whatever that new one is abstracts away the pains of working with collections in a functional way
Knockout gives you two-way-binding, which is a high level abstraction over DOM
Angular abstracts away a lot of things, and lets you stay in a relatively consistent writing style and tools
What does meteor do for me? What are its strong sides?
Let's say you're writing an OAuth2 wrapper. You need the client and server involved in that. I can write a single code base, package that together and distribute it, so people can get a lot more out of the box. That, I think, is real benefit of meteor.
I'm troubleshooting something in Angular that ends up checking Object.length. The result is 1. The string representation of it does not show any arguments. I get that the first argument is used.
var obj = new Object({ a : 27 });
Object's constructor function lists the argument as optional.
The length of a function is the number of declared arguments, excluding any rest parameter.
From the MDN:
length is a property of a function object, and indicates how many
arguments the function expects, i.e. the number of formal parameters.
This number does not include the rest paramete...
@SimonSarris how else would you even come close to fullfilling the requirements for most of those job ads that are around if you don't even know all of those languages
I'm playing around with Angular. I'm getting an object from a MySQL DB via PHP, returning as JSON to my controller. I need to process this further for output to the view
all the better-than-average programmers I've met or worked with do know about what he said though... more or less, of course, but that's his point about depth
okay, then maybe I read the question wrong. Is it an answer to "what must a 9-5 programmer person know to make a living + have a hobby", or an answer to "which topics should a programmer person delve into to have good, well-rounded knowledge"?
You can look at a piece of code and know it's written by someone who only knows Java. He could be the single greatest Java developer ever, but not knowing other platforms is a huge stone in his step.
@Retsam The problem is that its like someone asking "what kind of knives should I buy to be a good cook?" Even if you answer talking about EXCELLENT KNIVES, its a canard, you haven't helped the person get closer to being a good cook.
@SimonSarris I think you're making a lot of strange assumptions about who specifically is reading this answer and who its talking to. I think an answer about what knives to buy is a prefectly reasonable thing for a would-be chef to know
It's obviously not the only condition to being a good chef, and its not the first thing that they need be concerned with, but it is useful information, and probably necessary information for them eventually.