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As a company, not a fan.
what put me off about it was needing those one types of files..
wtf were they..
@rlemon lol nah
you had to declare the types or whatever
like if you used an external plugin
ha! you think MS or Apple are less evil than Google?
Only for existing JS libraries
cool. I 100% disagree
I <3 MS, MS is doing great stuff lately
Every company is evil. No one is more evil than the one next to it.
just got a windows tablet, its amazing actually, makes me want to get a Windows phone
!!afk going to work.
@Loktar yea MS is bringing it back for sure. Apple is dropping balls right left and center. Google is trying to still crack under the radar
see ya @phenomnomnominal
If you see a chance to make more money, you will. That's some business knowledge for ya
rivetsjs.com looks really nice.
You just need to be careful about how attached you get with any company's services.
thanks, but I gladly accept my google overlords
they've treated me real well so far
yeah same here.. so far
In exchange of?
they know everything about me
@Loktar Is it a Surface Pro 3?
@DemCodeLines nah, cheapo $150 tablet
targeted ads make me happy
but its damn awesome
the Pro 2 is a really nice tablet
really impressed/surprised by it
@ssube the surfaces are badass, but too pricey for me
works well for simple dev work, netflix, music, and porn
haven't tested anything else
I can play Warcraft 2 and Starcraft on my tablet
thats all i need for the rest of my life
!!s/targeted /d/
oh, and civ5
@KendallFrey dads make me happy (source)
There is actually an anticipation for Surface Pro 4, which is quite amazing since the only other Microsoft product that gets people excited is the Xbox (and perhaps Windows for the techy folks).
@Loktar we should online WC3 sometime
civ5/beyond earth touchscreen is sweet
yeah civ5 is native I forgout about that
@rlemon I have it installed actually lol
I assumed so
I also assume it is on Steam?
seriously I remember as a kid wanting Warcraft on a handheld SO BAD
@rlemon no, through Blizzard
if you own the original you can input your key and you get a digital DL
I wanted HOMM II on a console/handheld
that was actually
@Loktar yea I owned it a long time ago
that cd/key is long gone
it was on the gameboy color
@ssube that game is evil
I never remember that
Heroes of Might and Magic is a series of games that were remade for the Game Boy Color. They are based on early games in the original Heroes of Might and Magic series. The remakes were developed by KnowWonder and published by the 3DO Company. == Heroes of Might and Magic == The first game is a port of Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest, but without multiplayer capabilities. It was released in North America on April 29, 2000 and in PAL regions on October 20, 2000. == Heroes of Might and Magic II == The second game is a mix of the first three Heroes with many graphics converted...
there is also a #2 as well
it's like a black hole, it swallows time
not HOMM, HOMM 2
I own both, they are a bit hard to find now.
@Loktar ohh neat
HOMM1 was kinda lame if you ask me
after I played 2 that is*
I loved them all, including the original Kings Bounty
I used to play that on my 286 all the time
yea I didn't. only started enjoying them once 2 came out
friends had kings bounty
Why doesn't this work? var res = str.substr(str.length - 2, str.length - 1);
define "doesn't work"
@HelpingHand you want substring, not substr
read the docs for both and you will see why
Is it possible to order a SQL query by logarithm?
in atom shell, can you bind key events to the browser window?
@HelpingHand Also, once you have it working with substring, let me dazzle your mind by showing you how you can do it easier
!!> "abcdef".substr(-2,1)
@KendallFrey "e"
@DemCodeLines wouldn't that be the same order? What do you mean?
@Luggage I have ORDER BY LOG(MAX(ABS(questions.VOTE)) + questions.id, 10) DESCbut that causes the query to return 0 results. I basically need to return "top" questions.
JUST the order by makes it return 0 results?
SELECT TOP 1 id FROM blah blah blah
@Luggage Well, only the ABS part works in that query.
@rlemon I don't mean like the first couple. I meant reddit-style top posts
I have to try that at some point, but I need to know how to access my router in that way first XD
@DemCodeLines top questions aren't calculated like that.
What is questions.vote? what type? is it negative sometimes?
We calculate them at tipranks for a part of analyst ranking, the math isn't obvious
why are you adding the ID to it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum There is a voting system similar to SO and Reddit.
Reddit has a different from SO system.
SO is just "top score on top"
Reddit is "best score on top"
I am working with someone else's code, I don't know the logic, I just need get this working. It was much worse before this.
In any event the log shoudl not change order: sqlfiddle.com/#!15/26bcb/3/0
@BenjaminGruenbaum In that case, I just to order by vote, because the vote column contains the difference of downvotes and upvotes.
Basically it's a Wilson score
In statistics, a binomial proportion confidence interval is a confidence interval for a proportion in a statistical population. It uses the proportion estimated in a statistical sample and allows for sampling error. There are several formulas for a binomial confidence interval, but all of them rely on the assumption of a binomial distribution. In general, a binomial distribution applies when an experiment is repeated a fixed number of times, each trial of the experiment has two possible outcomes (labeled arbitrarily success and failure), the probability of success is the same for each trial, and...
Yeah I was reading about them earlier today: amix.dk/blog/post/19588
@SecondRikudo you have to try 404?
This is how scoring in the system should actually work - that formula represents exactly how good something is based on how many upvotes and downvotes it got with confidence. It's subjective but it has the good properties you usually want.
Bowling for Soup has a song called, "I'm Gay"
@DemCodeLines nice
working links!
that is awesome
haven't seen that before, I should do that to my dad
he just got a new wireless adapter lol
so id blame it on that
imagine him taking it back to BestBuy telling the employees that
> It made my internet upside down!
@Loktar then you just CTRL + ALT + DOWN his pc
and lul all the way to the bank
> there you go dad, all fixed up
ctrl + alt + down?
flips your screen on certain (most?) displays
drag the start menu to the top of the screen first so it's on the bottom upside down
ctrl + alt + left and right work as well
up resets it back
must not do anything on Windows 7 :/
thats what I'm on at work
sounds awesome though
it's you graphics card that determines it iirc
not the OS
it's fine, it's jsut for rotating your scrren.
works on xp/7/8/10 etc
ah interesting, I should totally do that lol
I do it all the time to people at work
they still don't know how to fix it
yea, if you have a monitor that roattes, it's handy
I used too :( I wish mine now did
but i've only ever used it to mess with people.
@Loktar your kids use youtube much?
all the time
shift + greater than speeds up playback
less than slows it down
heh yeah they know about that
they showed me actually
my daughter did
she is a youtube pro
Only YouTube pros can watch this
@rlemon did you know you can play snake on youtube?
I vaguely remember that easter egg
I googled for easter eggs one day
I cheated
@SterlingArcher lmfao
@rlemon there's also a setting you can click on
Anyone here have knowledge of slack api and wss?
so anyone experienced Ubuntu eventually saying "fuck you" when swapping out removable media?
after about 30 cards, in and out, nothing would mount and the pc wouldn't reboot
I had to hard boot it
Q: RTM Slack API & Websockets, proceeding past connection

MoakThe slack docs doesn't have any examples, but I was able to get a valid wss url for my slackbot. connection = new WebSocket(wss_url); connection.onopen = function () { console.log('Connected'); }; // Log errors connection.onerror = function (error) { console.log('WebSocket Error ' + error)...

Random fact: Friday they're launching a mission putting a man in space for a whole year
@KendallFrey perfect day to do it
hope he can decide which seat to take!
I'm sure that's all decided
I am smurt
@phenomnomnominal flags as abusive
@rlemon o right lol
anyway, yay rockets
is it going to be a live launch like always?
@Loktar "I see my frieeeeends" Dayum I have good vision
@rlemon I assume so
@KendallFrey who is
@Jhawins NASA and probably Russia too
USA astronaut on a russian rocket iirc
Oh you guys and your make-believe space missions..
We all know gravity stops you from leaving the ground
@rlemon that's where all astronauts go, for now
ahh, no more manned missions for the USA right now?
well yeah
We haven't done that in a long time?
but you know they stopped with the shuttle
I'm not into rockets as much as you
and they've been hitching with the commies since then
I knew they still sent stuff up, I thought maybe we had a new manned rocket?
honestly, I never bothered looking it up
@KendallFrey yea, but that was a while ago
@rlemon SpaceX is working on it, I think
I don't know too much I just remember Russia has been the only one capable/willing to do a manned launch for awhile
SpaceX wants to change things tho
I dunno of SpaceX is gonna take men to ISS
they are aiming for Mars
And they sure as fuck will lol grasshopper is awesome
welp, TIL. I thought the private sector had solved that already
shows what I know
cargo yes, people no
@KendallFrey well they have pretty heavily researched it right? I thought they had a craft specifically designed for taking people/supplies to ISS?
they do take supplies with the Falcon
And were hoping to win a bid
no manned launches afaik
Dragon is the one that can do people
!!xkcd kerbal
Orion is the one for Mars, right?
Yeah they're totally planning to use dragon to deliver people to iss it looks like. Who knows. SpaceX is crazy
spacex.com/dragon check out the page. Scroll down. I really like the UI
It breaks the ship apart as you scroll
Oh, yeah the Falcon is the launcher, Dragon is the orbiter
my bad
@Jhawins bah, spaceX
I've lost all respect
jQuery 1.8 and they $(document).bind
what noobs
they can't even jQuery and they expect to make rockets?!
Talk them into hiring you and fix it/get rich
I'm not the one needing a job ;)
@rlemon Meh
@rlemon hey, rockets aren't jQuery science
To be fair... jQuery is a lot harder than sending a spacecraft to the ISS
We're at a point where we can send a probe 500 million km and land it accurately on an astroid, but can't stream it without Flash.
guess which one
too far?
@rlemon Damn good point
@KendallFrey $('#engine').ignite()
eh too far.
:22303626 I was about to say, there's only one thing harder than sending people to space
$('#engine' + engineIDNum).ignite() // remember it is nooby
should be .engine
in case you have clusters
and don't want clusterfucks
You run the above inside a loop @KendallFrey
@Jhawins or you just use .engine
And that is how you become Elon Musk
Hey, if you want to program rockets, there are mods for that
$('.engine').each(function() {
Oh for KSP?
@Jhawins yeah
Orbiter supports Lua scripts too
I never play. Honestly the interface is just shit and I got way too tired of it. Haven't played since I last came here and rage quit
!!afk driving and stuff along those lines
KSP has kOS, or you could write your own mod in C#
I get that it's complicated and hard to make that interface better but that doesn't make a shitty interface ok.
@Jhawins you think the interface is shit now, you should have been around back in the good old days
That's what I've been told lol
by me probably
I ragequit until I saw @Loktar livestreaming it
thank you @Loktar
woah really?
np dude
hah wow thats crazy, and now it like your fav game of all time right?
I played it like months before
yeah, i loved the game, but I didn't like the bugs with creating large rockets
and I didn't know about the part clipping hack
part clipping hack?
so I couldn't build big enough rockets
now my rockets are all small
@SomeKittens yeah you could enable part clipping, which would fix the bug with phantom clipping
or disable I should say
from the Alt+F12 menu
which you should check out if you haven't
you can launch giant snowballs at kerbals and rockets and buildings
My truck is pissing coolant. Time for the gamble trip home from work haha
@KendallFrey I didn't find that menu for so long
It's not something you're really supposed to "find"
unlike the dead kraken
and the giant kerbal face
and the monoliths
yay easter eggs
@KendallFrey Thanks for the help! You saved me a good deal of time...
I always like to give a helping hand ;)
Hrm, I don't like how Java/Spring can't implicitly see that a date input should be parsed as a Date object, not a String.
Java is worthless with dates, until Java 8, and Spring is just plain worthless.
I see it's ups and downs. I haven't had to write a single line of SQL but recreating the ERD is annoying
The ORM is my second-least-favorite part of Spring, after its butchered equivalent of DI.
JDBC + Guice all the way.
@ssube do you know how to parse a String date format into a Date object?
I tried..
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy");
try {
    Date date = formatter.parse(enddate);
    this.accruedstartbalancedate = date;
} catch(Exception e) {
But that prints a date like.. "Sun Nov 12 00:00:00 EST 198" with the html date input 12/31/2015
I'm so confused
The format has dashes, you gave forward slashes
Also, it won't be able to know the time of day (literally)
... :facepalm: god dammit
Programming muddafukka
at least you're not sharing SimpleDateFormat refs between threads
jokes on you i have no idea what that means!
Unparseable date: "2015-12-31"
what the fuck java
that's not even the way it's inputted
Are you sure?
Here's some logs
2015-12-31 //initial html input
Thu Dec 31 00:00:00 EST 2015 //format parsed
Person posted //person has been posted
null //person.date()
Now I have to figure out why is parses to null
omg im a fucking moron
@SterlingArcher you figured it out finally?
yes... the instance variable was the wrong variable... because i copy and pasted the method
!!afk gonna go drown myself
@SterlingArcher I do believe you have misinterpreted my comment, good sir
I think you misinterpreted my foot in your ass
I think you should wash that foot and put peroxide on it
no telling what's on it now
people don't get sick in Canada
remember we have free healthcare
The aids to head trauma from hockey pucks ratio is astounding in canada
I've been hit in the head with pucks before
luckily not hard
Compared to how many aids?
Dat ratio
I love this so much
> You know I really have not seen my penis for years
@crl that's awesome hahaha
I'd like a version where you pedal against the others :)
hey - is anyone good with knockout?
I just know a bit, and like it
I'm trying to dynamically change a button color with knockout data , and ran into not being able to override the hover color that came from css
awesome , just got the requirements changed - now I don't have to dynamically change hover color - that's the easiest way to go
@ScottSelby Hah - that's the best news
@Mr_Green I gave your question a total overhaul and posted an answer. I tested it - I assure you it works. stackoverflow.com/a/29267706/1435655
The code sample I gave you last night was almost dead on, just needed to pipe the file into brfs instead of handing brfs a filename like I was.
You should use that rather than executing brfs in the shell. This way, brfs, which you actually need, is a dependency of your project rather than shell, which you don't.
Alright, edited my resume, finally. After months of your guys' feedback going un-used, I've finally use it. - docs.google.com/document/d/…
!!afk home
@NickDugger Would love to review it - ping me later tonight
@SomeKittens Sure thing
what is a http request method 'OPTIONS' ??
@ScottSelby That's a request for the CORS headers to see if XHR is allowed against that URL
probably could've googled that , that is why I don't keep the chat windows open like I used to years ago - I either get distracted on some random shit - or just type all my google questions in here
I am having trouble with getting my Javascript to accept a response. It will not pass a if (response.success) statement, but I am not sure what to feed it for it to pass. What should I should I be sending back in PHP to satisfy the response.success?
an http code of 200
I have tried that. I did echo '200', do I need to say it differently?
or encode it or anything
@Austin that sends the text 200, not a 200 code.
A: PHP: How to send HTTP response code?

dualedI just found this question and thought it needs a more comprehensive answer: As of PHP 5.4 there are three methods to accomplish this: Assembling the response code on your own (PHP >= 4.0) The header() function has a special use-case that detects a HTTP response line and lets you replace that ...

@SomeKittens Okay, how do I send a code then? (sorry been trying to get this to work for a few hour now and I am losing my mind haha)
I shall look at that!
Getting a little confused on `header()`, is this something I am sticking in my PHP or Javascript?

My Javascript runs this

service.Login = function(username, password, callback) {
$http.post('./Scripts/login.php', {username: username,password: password})
.success(function(response) {

Which callbacks to a if `(response.success)`
you shouldn't need to check success in the callback
200 is sent by default
you're registering the cb as a success callback
Hmmmm...I am just following a tutorial for this. :/ I got the dummy version to work, now I am trying to get the web api (PHP) to work
It sees my username + password fine, but I just can't figure out how to get it to trigger the authentication system now, like the dummy did
washing your bald head.... in space.
@CSᵠ so if I just have a blank where I am putting the echo "success"; that should be a 200?
@Austin i meant php sends 200 by default, unless something goes terribly wrong
Mhm, so I should really "send" nothing back and that means 200?
I tried too and still nothing... :(
Here is the controller that invokes that statement above
$scope.login = function () {
    $scope.dataLoading = true;
    AuthenticationService.Login($scope.username, $scope.password, function(response) {
        if(response.success) {
            AuthenticationService.SetCredentials($scope.username, $scope.password);
        } else {
            $scope.error = 'Username or password is incorrect';
            $scope.dataLoading = false;
I can't get it to pass the if (response.success)
response is just data, not the XHR/event
@Austin you're logging the whole response, what do you get?
with nothing (no echo) its blank. If I say echo 200, its 200. If I say echo "200" its 200.
in you initial code you are just registering a success callback, it won't be called upon failure
( I am new to this haha, just trying to get this guide to work)
@Austin ok, so send back a json from php, make sure it has a success field on the 1st level

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