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Is Obama even human? Skeptics say no.
doesn't that SO bot tweet things if they are hot on the network?
Oh actually the answer was interesting and not some political bullshit lol
It may seem very strange and inappropriate to leave a sport just like that, but I kind of feel nostalgic about rowing. Does anyone have any experience on this front?
@rlemon I didn't know but I wouldn't think so.
It came up with a "hint" and uploaded the photo on it's own if so
@towc I left hockey for football (in HS, played hockey from like 6-7year old)
@Jhawins ahh, good point
@rlemon there are no errors in the console that is the problem
dude, what console are you looking at
> Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
right there
@lovetolearn you..... ugh
chrome console
<source src="song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
no you are not
its referring to the song.mp3
@lovetolearn Do you know what this means??
its not going to work on jsfiddle
:P you are looking for it at a relative path
i am asking if the code is correct
I see errors in chrome
no you asked why the song doesn't play :D
does window.onload wait for audio files?
i'm actually unsure on this
6 mins ago, by lovetolearn
why is the song not playing
I don't use window.onload
Damnit, @Jhawins, I just wasted my time.
any ways, try to wait for the audio onload
var audioElement = document.createElement('audio');
audioElement.src = "song.mp3";
audioElement.addEventListener("load", function () {
@Luggage Hahaha you got it!
Alright.. I fixed a few things in his question.. that I could. I don't know anything about this stuff whatsoever. stackoverflow.com/questions/29260966/…
Do you want SQL injection? Because this is how you get SQL injection! — Sterling Archer 5 secs ago
I have a friends table which obviously has mappings between two people defined as "friends". I also have a questions table which contains the question, the date posted, the id and the author. Is it possible to select only those questions which your "friends" have asked?
I love Archer so much..
@rlemon I saw, she's gorgeous!
@SterlingArcher get to the bit where someone posts her name... then google her. she is bad fucking ass dude. poacher hunter, mma, model... holy shit
@JLott awww, I love you too Carol.
brb thymeleaf stuff
4:00? thyme to leaf
!!xkcd organic fuel
@rlemon any ideas on the question I posted?
> Bad Request Errors
screams "server issue"
What's the right version to bump when updating a readme?
I have 3 computers, 5 phones, 2 office phones, and an ipad on my desk
plz help... too much hardware
there's no new functionality, nor is it a bug fix...
@SterlingArcher let me pm you my shipping address
@SterlingArcher I wish I had an ipad to test responsive on. I'm just resizing my browser, for now
Don't get excited they're all old as Mother Teresa except my phone, the ipad and my office laptop
I'm testing our app on multiple devices becase xcode decided that emulating multiple iphones was not gonna be happening today
And android, but android testing is easier
it is?
I couldn't get that stuff to work at all.
I was surprised to find that testing android is even worse than iphone.
the andorid to chrome port forwarding screen casting thing?
no way, I even wrote a guide for easy android testing
> Android
Make sure the Android SDK is installed on computer
Enable USB mode on android device
Using command prompt, navigate to the platform-tools adb (or start your command with the path to adb, ex: /Users/jordana/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb)
run command: adb install appname_zipaligned.apk
Test app on phone/deviceappname
I got the chrome android debugging to work after about an hour. They have incomplete instructions on their site
Anyone use nginx on osx? -s reload doesn't work like it does on windows and linux. I have to stop and start the servive fir changes to take effect.
hmm. The emulator was the slowest jankety thing ever, and I couldn't get my phone to connect (it's dated)
I use weinre..
@DemCodeLines Yea. Know how to write a join?
@NickDugger Seems pretty straight-forward to me. What was the issue?
@Luggage What's your command?
sudo nginx -s reload
@OliverSalzburg The driver
@NickDugger Always those fucking drivers…
@Luggage That's right :/
you could use service
Q: How can I get a reliable debugging connection?

Oliver SalzburgWhen I'm trying to deploy/debug our mobile application, I usually connect my Nexus 4 and try to cordova run android, which will usually tell me that no suitable device was found. A quick check with adb devices also confirms that no devices are attached. However, the phone did register as a porta...

@OliverSalzburg Yeah, so I found instructions on someone elses site, and they had a couple different steps; and viola'
While we're on the topic ;P
service nginx reload|restart
This isn't linux, it's OSX. I have no issues on linux.
@Luggage Yeah, I have this: SELECT questions.id FROM questions LEFT JOIN friends ON questions.author = friends.frd_id WHERE friends.mem_id = :usr) but it doesn't return any results. 0.
Ohhh hahaha
I dumb
Still I'm pretty sure nginx -s should work.. What's it do?
lol nice
@SterlingArcher bro, don't event start -- do you wanna play a game??
Idk man. Sorry.
Yea, it's not a big deal. this is just my dev machine. I was just hoping someone knew.
stoping/restarting is no issue on here, though
can you which nginx then ./$path restart
run it directly and not as a service
works fine that way.
@DemCodeLines That looks like it should return results (too many, maybe). I'd need to know the contents of the tables.
@Luggage I'll try to get a sql fiddle going
Can anyone tell me what this error means :

TypeError: apn is null
// a vector of pairs of [regexs or string, replacement] => (alias, actual)
I am getting this error in the console
@towc nudge
you guys see this?
GG dart.
long live javascript, etc etc.
/me claps.
Javascript has really grown on me
I mean no langauge is BAD if the tools are good
writing javascript, debugging javascript in 2004 = effing nightmare
11 years later = pretty fun
I had hopes for Dart when it came out. qq bros.
oh I shed some Q's no doubt, I was kinda hoping for something cool
@SimonSarris I could never take Dart seriously. This waste was a shame
alas, either it should be massive success or a gentle death, I'd hate something in between
and this announcement from google is commitment that we won't have something in between
They should close it and make the developers move either to JavaScript or to a really different language not bound to some compile-to-js commitment
I'd still like to have another browser scripting language, though
(no, Florian, not lisp)
Why "scripting" ?
@NickDugger why?!
why another language
I'm sure some will move to V8 or typescript-ish projects or asm.js-ish pursuits, etc etc etc
but Dart may live for a few more years anyway.
I'd be interested in a very different language, not in another js-like language
@dystroy vbscript? :D
this is a great month
@SimonSarris Ahem...
@Loktar Is it too much to ask for static typing!?
grails is dead, dart is dead
@NickDugger yes
@NickDugger google closure compiler :D
I use it every day
@NickDugger if typing was meant to be static, why would your keyboard have moving buttons?
JS is messy
biology, life, is messy
but we made it behave
we wash our hands, we have garbage disposal
@ssube tape only works so well, after breaking it
JS ecosystem is the same thing
we have the tools to make JS behave
careful observation of the rules, closure compilers, linters
AMAZING debuggers and devtools nowadays
its a great time to be a JS programmer
JS moved to allow a very efficient coding system, meaning you can very fast make something strong, feature-rich and fast enough
Of course you can do shit, but if you know how to code you can do wonderful things in JS
compared to like 2004
wanna TRY something?
@Luggage what the heck, you created it a full working example without knowing all the specific details before I even compiled the sql code lol
Press F12!
wanna SHARE something? send them a link to codepen.io!
@SimonSarris dude, JS in the late 90's was so much fun
@SimonSarris wat? never seen em
I could make that text move from side to side
at the time that blew fucking minds man.
@SimonSarris You know, I started long before 2004, with Netscape Server...
I remember I had a slide in menu for a clan website in like 2000
I was such a king for that
@rlemon did you get the script to do that from hotscripts.com?
or dynamicdrive?
I learned JS in late 2013. I missed most of the fuckery.
@dystroy In 2004 I was... 16?
@Loktar iirc dynamicdrive but it took some modding
@SomeKittens I owe you an email (tonight!)
haha nice, yeah man those sites are where you could get anything
they are how I learned js
rip apart the crap they gave me to make something customized
@SimonSarris LOL damn you're young
@Luggage your solution works and does the job exactly as I needed it to. Thanks a lot bro!
I was already in the USAF by that time
damn.. I was 22
@SimonSarris couldn't have been. I graduated in 2004 at 16
you are all young, except @dystroy
and I'm 2 years older than you
what's the age here?
Hopefully y'all are past college, otherwise this room is waaaay too advanced
it seems like mostly mid-20s
@DemCodeLines It's your query, I just made enough test dat to prove it works.
yeah mid 20's seems about right
or what I like to call, noobs.
@Loktar <25 plebs*
it's the internet, of course it's full of mid-20s white males
@ssube you forgot obese*
@DemCodeLines I never passed college, if that counts
@ssube you underestimate the amount of children on the net
@rlemon I was born in 1988
I am confus.
I think mid 20's people have been eclipsed
@SimonSarris and I '86
@ssube @ssube you underestimate the amount of FBIs on the net (source)
so we are two years off.
@Luggage Yeah I realized that, but don't know why mine didn't work but yours did. Could it have something to do with the * after the questions instead of just the id?
@Loktar nah, they're all snapchatting and Meerkating, not StackOverflowing
@SomeKittens well, then...
@SomeKittens good point
haha jk
@rlemon you were 18 in 2004 then!
@DemCodeLines I dropped out to take a job in San Francisco
And I was 14 in 2004!
easy to calculate when you were born in 1990
but.. but... how? my last year of school I was 16
@SomeKittens nvm
everything is a lie!
lol @SomeKittens I think you missed a decade
@SimonSarris when? did we? XD
@DemCodeLines Yep.
@Loktar ...right
I thought you said you got a full time job at the age of 14.
@DemCodeLines haha, all good
@rlemon maybe you had 2 schoolyears more than him
@towc we hired like this poofy vampire
@SomeKittens dammit, you're younger than me?!
k-12 here
but I'm a "three year jr"
that accounts for one of the years.
all these people born after the NES, such sadness.
I graduated at 16, then turned 17 before the next physical school year but before the year ended
but that.. still... I'm missing a damn year
@SomeKittens LOL
Ever done a project where you had a list of all of the requirements, but half way through, you just start making it up as you go? That's been this project.
@NickDugger literally every project ever
^ all projects
from like hello world to finding a mate in life
@NickDugger nope, never gotten reqs
ever notice you can make this massive list of qualities you want to see in a partner, then you find someone you actually LIKE and throw the stupid useless fucking list away? Software is the same thing.
Well, glad to know that I'm normal*-ish*
Except instead of finding someone you like you are constrained by time and the DOM.
why that didn't italicise is beyond me
does that remove markdown formatting?
my planning:
Boss: "Rob, think you can make this work?"
Me: "ummmmm... yea that should be possible."
Boss: "ok get too it"
Me: <starts coding>
@rlemon same
Except half the time it's nuts
lol same
@SimonSarris you're too organized.
youve seen what I'm trying to do with this terminal crap
My list for a partner... is girl, girl like, girl pretty.
@Loktar god you're picky.
Looks like it's not possible to order a query by Log
@Loktar no you're on the right track
expecting lists of qualities is super dumb
This top starred post, someone explain
@SimonSarris I pinned it because it was interesting
though it might open a discussion.
eh I like it, in line with what I've been doing, although I have absolutely ZERO experience with testing
@Loktar if she can stand to be near me for > 4h at a time. she's a keeper
need to fix that..
@rlemon haha thats a good quality too I guess
@Loktar I can teach you how to SQA!
just not unit test.
fuck unit testing.
@DemCodeLines No, * just returns all columns. You shoudl still be getting ids. It's the data in your tables. Follow it thoruhg one step at a time. As in:
Yeah I like it too, as someone who is about to convert a whole bunch of .net devs to the angularish world, it's a nice snapshot of the world.
@rlemon SQA?
software quality assurance
boo angularish world
more like web component world
@Loktar it'll be angular 2 before they come over hopefully
nice, yeah Angular 2 actually sounds pretty sweet
1. Verify "from friends where mem_id" returns what your think
2. Verify "from questions where author in (...)" returns what you think it should
in 2096 Google will have the Earth renamed "Googlonia"
but I'm loving react+flux too much lately to look at anything else yet
So many good tools, now.
angular + flux concepts works really nice. And no JSX
@phenomnomnominal yeah it looks like Angular 2 uses flux concepts
honeslty though I like jsx
Anyone want to help me build my UI automation UI?
@Loktar yeah I need to bite the bullet and do some react stuff
@phenomnomnominal only if you automate it
Its really easy, react I mean
flux has a small learning curve.. but isn't bad either
@ssube it tests itself with tests it made itself?
it's called bootstrapping
@Loktar yeah flux is pretty intuitive though
apparently it's good
have a few .net devs working on this project thats react+flux
they love it
@rlemon too bad they won't stop their evil tactics
which makes me pretty happy
heh they are saying its easier than jQuery :P
so much for "don't be evil"
@Loktar give them typescript and they will lose their shit
Ours are loving it. And me too actually.
haha yeah I'm sure theyd be right at home
TypeScript + pretty decent test coverage is a fucking dream.
@phenomnomnominal You like Microsoft
I haven't used TS at all yet either, I really need to :/
@DemCodeLines they are the lesser of three evils.
@DemCodeLines I like a project that Microsoft make.

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