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How come I get 2 Removednodes for adding this in a mutation record?

    <input type="text" placeholder="login">

The two nodes are
1. Input
2. Text
yuk mutationobservers actually fire when comments are removed in chrome inspector
hello all
Is it suffice to make a package.json file for creating a npm module or we have to consider other things while doing npm integration of our code ?
in Teenage Programmers Chatroom, 7 mins ago, by Unihedro
Using stuff like cpanel is bad for your mental health and can lead to development sclerosis.
@black-perl And an NPM account.
Sure, thanks and any others things to consider if I wrote a node library and wants it to be npm package
@GabrielTomitsuka cpanel is awesome
@BenjaminGruenbaum It makes stuff a bit faster to deploy, but maintenance and performance after deploying makes it not worth it
@GabrielTomitsuka cpanel is awesome
@BenjaminGruenbaum Massive heartface :-P
cpanel is awesome, it makes your life easier.
It's one of the best admin panels, it got PaaS over 10 years ago
It might have been 10 years ago, but not anymore. There are better options now, and the best option: Learn how to use nginx/Apache and deploy stuff yourself.
Lol, that option is horrible.
Why would you want to go to a deeper level and understand a web server's CGI pipeline?
If you can just copy files over in cpanel and it works, and create dbs and so on in a GUI that's so much better.
What about performance? There is nothing inherently slow in cpanel and if you care about performance don't use the LAMP stack anyway or solve performance issues at the caching level.
lol mutationobservers also record carrage returns as a node when they are removed
if your target is a simple hosting, then cpanel is fine. No need to dig up the engine from the hood.
@Loktar have you tried Elite: Dangerous yet
@GabrielTomitsuka you should really stop listening to people who drank all sorts of cool juice and feel smart because they know how to edit a configuration file.
id you add:
you will get 3 nodes added but if you add

just 2 nodes recorded!
Do whatever you find simple, there is nothing leet or elegant in editing configuration files contrary to what people want you to believe.
I found editing apache config simple enough :X
@BenjaminGruenbaum : i'm sure that they have googled these stuff if they wants to do something. Using cpanel doesn't require searching because of it's nice UI
hi, sorry for intruding, anyone here using slimerjs?
time performance :D
@asendia Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mosho since we both edited the same apache configuration files several times - are you telling me that you actually understand everything there? Can you actually tell me how Apache's pipeline works from end to end and where to configure each part?
More importantly do you (and should you?) care?
he's a dog, he likes to bite the cables
I don't see the connection between how it works and editing the config files
@Mosho Compare how easy it is to use an automated tool like an Azure website to what we had to set up on a vm with apache for SA and AR - which was easier? If Microsoft weren't retarded with their optimizations we'd still be using a website instead of all that configuraiton, and backups and all that.
it's very well documented and I seldom felt lost
it depends on what you need
One word - .htaccess
You need to deploy a website to a web host. That's the scenario.
depends on the scale of the website
The argument I'm making is that unlike @GabrielTomitsuka says - if you can get away with automatic deployment and not manual configuration you should.
you should do whatever is easiest and fastest if your only goal is to get it up
That's what I said :)
that's not necessarily automatic tools though :P
Heheh, "get it up"
@Mosho a pump works, I guess.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know how to work with Nginx, no worries.
I prefer pills
@GabrielTomitsuka sure you do buddy, I'm sure you know exactly how nginx works from the ground up and so does everyone else who needs to upload a website.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's not necessary to set up a server using config files
Yay, 2 minutes passed
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know enough for everything I could possibly need about Nginx.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command moshoboner learned
2 mins ago, by Mosho
you should do whatever is easiest and fastest if your only goal is to get it up
@copy of course it's not..
@GabrielTomitsuka also about life and the universe.
Then why the sarcasm, @GabrielTomitsuka doesn't want to do anything more than setting up a server
Our goal is after all to make everyone know and care about as much low level shit as possible rather than focus on making things.
It's cheaper and simpler (as in, the whole system is simpler) to do it with config files
@copy because it's annoying when people claim "people using tool X" are stupid or that "tool X" is retarded when it solves a big use case for a lot of people - setting up a server is not trivial and there are a ton of things people can (and do) get wrong.
@BenjaminGruenbaum btw, I'm doing a proof of concept of our app using ES6 stuff
using systemjs and babel
@Mosho nuice. I'll be in the office on Wednesday and Tuesday I think
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're the one who's basically implying that config files are retarded
@copy I've seen people fuck up configuration files for apache/nginx so many times. People don't understand what the different modules do or why - most people who do web development don't understand HTTP to begin with and certainly don't know what an handshake is.
sudo tasksel install lamp-server
I'm not saying config files are retarded - I'm saying that saying they're the only way is retarded.
Alright, we agree then
If someone can get their sane defaults otherwise good for them.
Anything that makes life for developers simpler and does not make them make choices they're not qualified to make is usually good.
Hi, I have a suggestion for an edit in the OP of a question I answered... but I do not have enough reputation to make the edit. Would anyone be interested in looking at it?
@JacksonHunt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm using systemjs with jspm, it feels so right
feels like real programming :D
@Mosho like a real language :D
I'm sure @GabrielTomitsuka has intimate understanding of what the different configuration options in nginx and apache mean and so does @Mosho but I on the other hand am shit-scared when I mess with our servers and configuration files because every option has a lot of implications.
Lots of things are turned on by default for development and you need to turn them off for example.
Rails was infamous for this. FFS GitHub got hacked (twice I think?) for a misconfiguration in their rails setup.
Now I'm sure everyone else here is much smarter than me or GitHub, but I just don't think that saying a tool is terrible for making developers not make these choices :)
I'm sure it would have worked out for them perfectly fine if they had used cpanel
They wouldn't use cPanel to begin with because it doesn't do what they need - but for most people making small websites for Boyde's Toast it works just fine.
Of course, except @Unihedro who obviously is a 1337 hacker who knows better™ than to use tools.
@BenjaminGruenbaum What's the groundless insult for?
For using Java
Makes sense. In that case...
throws away witty comeback and walks back to coding
Yeah, Javascript scripter :p
I've been doing math all day, but in general - most of my code is not in JS.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That (the second part) kind of goes without saying, not that I am one to assume.
I use the term "coding" in this case because I'm building with a structure defined by a programming language specification, unlike activities likewise such as programming (the umbrella term for making things work) and debugging (fixing things).
Oh well, you probably never care anyway. :p
ding! ding! ding! ding!
There you go.
green = coding / programming; orange = debugging; purple = slacking off; yellow = configuring stuff
For your entertainment purpose, just pretend that the green is swapped with the purple label.
Meetings in one hour right?
oh crap yeah
thanks for the reminder
Currently out grabbing taco bell wanted to make sure lol
Should be a fast one
Not any topics really
On mobile every avatar has green blobs looks crazy
@ThiefMaster You around?
@Loktar an confirm
has been annoying
1 hour ago, by Mosho
you should do whatever is easiest and fastest if your only goal is to get it up
@KendallFrey is the room ready?
I just created it
(the old one is frozen)
@Mosho yes
I backed that game for like $350 lol
its pretty fun, but I'm an elite fanboy :P
@rlemon oh good I'm not the only one! lol
Room Meeting is happening now.
I've never played the old ones
I thought it was my phone
@Loktar just started like 2 days ago
star citizen is too far off
I want to buy an oculus for something
@Mosho id wait now
the Valve VR headset (Vive) is out end of the year
I want to be immersed, to forget about my shitty life
immerse me nao
people spend so much money to fight world hunger
that shit is hopeless
why not give us real VR instead
2 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
Room Meeting is happening now.
@Mosho I want a hololens
@BenjaminGruenbaum I want something that works
if M$FT can get it done, hololens it is
google glass "worked" too
I'd rather have VR than augmented reality. I won't be an early adopter for the hololens, I can say that muich
woah. snap. I could like, nerf war with holographs, though!?
I want a mix
AR done right is far off though
@Loktar thanks for letting me down gently
@m59 about what?
I was already geared up and heading to Best Buy :/
wait for what?
Anyone have thoughts on the best js ide for macs?
To kill those mf holograms
oooh lol
play ESO, or program... hmmm
Bruno Skvorc (who is a prominent web development blogger) throws his weight behind webstorm in this qu0ra thread: quora.com/Whats-a-good-JavaScript-editor-for-Mac
But others are saying "sublime text". Which I've never, ever been a fan of.
@NickDugger How worth the $70 is it?
@m59 It just installed... I have no idea, yet
cool. I kinda want it, but then if it's good I'll want to get it for my wife too, and $70 - $140 right now sounds kinda suck.
I actually hate sublime text.
@Fuser97381 why :D?
in Lounge<C++>, 6 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
It's official: Marmalade themese are REPLACEMENT, FALLING, TEXT INPUT ACTION GAME. Remember, you just need two. We start 1700 UTC tomorrow.
What the fuck
@SomeGuy You have been chosen by a random draw to be next month's meeting moderator. Let me know if you can do it.
@BartekBanachewicz What's text input? Keyboard input?
@copy It's up to you how you understand the themes
I understand it as "typing characters"
Dunno. Just not into it. I like IDEs.
@BartekBanachewicz Right
Do I have to do the art myself?
Is that saying there are repos you can just push to openly?
stay classy Canada
@connormartin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@m59 There are open remote shells, databases, file servers, …
Web cams
Nuclear reactors
Oh fuck I missed the meeting?
Wasn't too exciting, @KendallFrey will make notes and stuff
!!afk movie
@m59 Well yes, arguments isn't really an array so concat assumed you wanted to shove the arguments object to the end of the array
yep, yep. I'm so lame still getting trolled by that stuff.
@SecondRikudo (@m59) Array.from
but hey, that Function.bind business was awesome =D
Array.of(item0, item1, ...) is equivalent to [item0, item1, ...]
Why is that even useful?
Because it's a method call instead.
Because array literal is syntax, not a function
You can't do arr.map([])
Why is it that delete and get from xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#interface-formdata are not exposed to FormData.prototype in any of the browsers?
And Array(n) creates an array of length n
ahhh cool
@AwalGarg Because it's still in the living proposal; URLUtils isn't implemented anywhere (where it's exposed, anyway)
Yes, it's stupid that we still don't have this shit
oh :(
I'm having fun with Chartjs right now haha xD
owait you talked about FormData, but same deal. Living standard, blah blah, not actually widely implemented for some reason.
I saw a video from Mozilla in which the guy used get method on FormData. Although he was using the latest snapshot from the trunk so maybe it is coming? @Zirak
It's coming for more than a year now. I lied when I said it's not implemented; it's implemented, just not exposed.
oh, ok.
(@AwalGarg you can see Firefox's IDL here, observe that only append is exposed, while a lot more is implemented)
Does anyone here have experience in using Twig/Chartjs?
@Zirak ah sweet. Maybe I should do a PR to get it exposed.
It would be the best PR I can do :/
Search their bug tracker first, it's not exposed for a reason, I just don't remember what it is
yesterday, by rlemon
@SterlingArcher @KendallFrey @FlorianMargaine https://github.com/letsgetrandy/DICSS/blob/master/dicss.js#L5
@KendallFrey Why does that seem like a bad idea?
So I explored quite a bit of python (2.7). Looks like all the goodness of ES6 to me :P
how to set content editable only for iframe node ?
I'm having an issue with getting a Chart.js chart to display data. I want to assign something to variables in Twig and use those variables as the data source for the chart but I'm not sure how to do it correctly. Does anyone have experience?
$('iframe #here').contents().prop('designMode','on');
i use jqyery... code not work
sounds more convincing
@jAndy i tryed that ... no luck
is the element #here a childnode within that iframe ?
or is the iframe's id "here" ?
@CSᵠ {}
@jAndy yes, i appended that element to iframe body
well in that case.. my modified line should do its job
I've tried to explain what I mean here, I'm not very good at explaining things though
@jAndy no this line does not kick in. Even after a second of timeout
Maybe SOP problem.
Try going into the iframe from console and root execute the commands.
@animaacija check your console if there pops any suspicious error, otherwise try to console.log( $('iframe').contents().find('#here') );
you will need some way to identify your iframe though, if you have a lot of them or lots of weird extensions.
@jAndy it logs out object with length of 1
so... houston we have no problem.
@AwalGarg i use one for dev. but ill have many and have it sorted out.
@AwalGarg about "some way to identify your iframe though"
What I meant is, open the console, and change the inspector frame from the frames dropdown to your iframe. Then execute the commands there as if you had opened the iframe in the tab.
ghhh... the idea is WYSIWYG where user toggles live "mode" and sees exact page and edits just a part of it.
@AwalGarg i cant do it!
so you have a problem inside the iframe. debug it first.
@AwalGarg no, no no ... i trying to do this "as if you had opened the iframe in the tab" and ive never executed code via console.
i have just a firefox .. ill go and get firebug ? ... i
oh. now is the time to do it. use your console to your heart's content.
eh no
welcome to 2015. We have had in built awesome browser dev tools for over a millenia.
also, we have Chrome now
FF's better FFS.
@AwalGarg aight, i locaded my iFrame in DOM, right clicked and clicked 'on use in console'. Am i close ?
@AwalGarg and how the console commands work? same javascript sythax?
@animaacija yes
I strongly recommend you to take a step back and learn core JavaScript and the browser developer tools first, and come to DOM based code later.
i think in the past you knew the degree, but novadays there is no correlation between degree and a mazing job you can get
@animaacija you're watching youtube again arent you!?
@Shmiddty lol that demonstrates the ems problem so well, +1
@Loktar good firebug debugging videos from 2009
@animaacija I didn't mean that :/
country music in the background, deblocked 120p quality and like windows 98 :D
@AwalGarg well thx for help. Ill drop this advanced idea, since $('iframe').contents().prop('designMode','on'); works, and on all iframes.. ill go from there. Ive no time to learn devTools, for know. And i just understood, youtube-edu might be for losers -> time wasting, you must take what youve been given. Faster is reading and parsing needed in brain than skipping spooned videos.
Hey nerds.
What'd I miss in the meeting?
Time zones are evil.
Not much
"Don't fight, be nice"
not sure I follow... but good luck.
@Shmiddty oh oh, where'd you get linked to that?
@Zirak btw this is the video I was talking about: youtube.com/watch?v=PUgRMRQoTq4
@Zirak reddit
@Shmiddty oh. Less interesting. I remember a really good article linking to that site, but can't remember what article it was.
Just got a Kindle. Book recommendations?
American Gods is on my list
@SomeKittens Genre? Mood?
Then the next GoT book, whenever that comes out
(also, congrats on a kindle)
@Zirak I like technical things and scifi
@SomeKittens ain't that the truth!
does the kindle do comic books? You'd probably enjoy Transmetropolitan
@Shmiddty Not the PaperWhite (I think)
Ah bummer
@SomeKittens The Circle
I actually haven't read a sci fi book in quite some time
Me neither, mostly fantasy and fiction
i heard something at PHP room about language that is programmable or smth
but dont remeber the name of it..
The kindle does comics
they are just black and white (obv)
@animaacija what does that mean?
but yeah you can read comics just fine on it. I <3 Kindles
probably ruby
there's a 4 color e-ink already, kindle doesn't have it, patent is somewhere else
@CSᵠ yes that is interesting ... but it was legit
not ruby, something brand new and exciting
like a braketrhu
Rebol/Red ?
@SomeKittens Famous ones (and less so) by Asimov, H.G. Wells, Philip K. Dick (I still can't get Ubik out of my head), I don't think I can enlighten you in that department
A language that is programmable, new, and exciting!? Tell me more!
aahh .. Rebol could be.
have to use kindle panel view comics
@animaacija Any language with lisp-like macros
C++ templates
@SomeKittens If you want to be a better human being I always recommend "The Little Prince", "Catch 22", "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and "Sputnik Sweetheart"
IO too.
@Zirak "better human being"? As in a more moral person?
@Zirak Zen motorcycles has been recommended to me more times than I can count.
Is The Little Prince the cliff notes to The Prince?
@AwalGarg Maybe, if that's how you define it
@SomeKittens 'bout time you read it then
don't do it
But "The Little Prince" and "Catch 22" first
The Circle is a 2013 novel by American author Dave Eggers. It chronicles tech worker Mae Holland as she joins a powerful Internet company which starts out as an incredibly rewarding experience, but as she works there longer things start to fall apart. It is Dave Eggers’s tenth work of fiction. == Plot summary == The book follows the story of Mae Holland, a recent college graduate who lands a job at The Circle, a powerful technology company run by the so-called "Three Wise Men." Mae owes her job largely to her best friend and college roommate, Annie, one of the forty most influential people in the...
I've read Little Prince
@Zirak Was curious to know in what sense you meant it :P (or how the book defines it) :D
@AwalGarg I left it undefined, it's up to you to decide how you'd like to improve; the books I mentioned are tools to help you decide what that means and how to do it.
(at least they did for me)
A wild AngularJS appears.
Its not very effective!
what is it??
me casts a common delete on the wild AngularJS and it is flushed.
what is not very effective?
Say I have a quaternion rotation q and a vector v, and I want to animate q such that the forward vector of q gets closer to v and the up vector of q stays fixed. I'm a bit lost as to how to achieve this. Halp?
@KendallFrey code?
yes please
@FlorianMargaine k, lost all of my respect towards Stallman: lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2013-11/msg00538.html
generate boilerplate 1st
function foo(q, v)
    // boilerplate

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