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I went through it seemed like the most fleshed out app
I liked #3 as well, was a pretty cool fractal generator
lol I made the dark souls of frogger :P
@SomeKittens what did he get for first place?
I missed what the prize was, was too stoked about winning a drone lol
@Loktar Latest Nexus tablet
oh sweet
And it basically uses GitHub as a backend.
@rlemon omg yes!!!
ahh ok
yeah prizes were announced at 11pm I had been working on mine since 11am, was too tired to take a long look at the entries honestly
was pretty fun though
the training itself was pretty good, most useful day was thu, when he went over flux in depth
if they do it again ill probably ask my company to pay the diff and go in person
!!youtube stephen lynch - beelz
@rlemon imma cry dude this is beautiful
@SterlingArcher that is like 1/10 videos I've seen about low bridges in the USA
more more more plz
they get grandfathered in and therefore are not legal height. no one checks the signs because they are so few and far between at this height
just a fun one
I love the guy trailing behind... "yea, I'm a slow down right around now... SMACK"
oh dang lol all I saw was :thunk:
!!> undefined > 0 === false
@Shmiddty true
I don't know if the problem is with the device tree, the hardware, or the software.
Good thing that bridge is made out of steel... damn
!!>undefined < 0 === false
@CSᵠ true
I just love the compilation of can opener trucks lol
where has @Zirak been lately?
i was laughing so hard air came out of my nose
any experience clearing lodash memoize cache?
@SterlingArcher this one happened 3 days ago 11foot8.com/…
@CharlieBrown I think you can do foo.cache = new _.memoization.Cache() to clear the cache.
@SterlingArcher is that an uncommon occurrence for you? Because if so, you may want to consult with a physician
doctors are for children
@SterlingArcher giggity
@SterlingArcher well, obstetricians are for children
@SomeKittens I dislike jQuery, not for the library, but for the people.
a key of "100|state|wi" returns the same result as "100|state|md"
those are for a different kind of children
There's different types of children?
some have three arms
just like there are different types of adults
Humans are all the same >=(
on the inside
I don't have the same size and shape liver that you do
They all bleed the same sir
I know from experience
My blood is superior to yours
I don't bleed once a month
every other, tops
Trust me, you don't want to know about my bleeding habits.
@Retsam that's funnier from an Asian perspective
@SterlingArcher NAK
@KendallFrey How so?
@Retsam er, uh, how do I put this nicely...
anyone know how, with gmail, to get my exchange server emails to my web based gmail interface?
on my phone I just 'select secondary account' or w/e
the web interface is just stupid
I desperately want to ball here
@KendallFrey ball hockey would be so much fun
on that*
@rlemon Can you import using pop3?
@copy yea but I didn't see the option in the gmail interface?
unless I'm blind?
I saw forwarding and shit
Top right, click on the cog
@rlemon "floor hockey" to avoid any ambiguity
It has that
Accounts and Import
> Add another email address you own
I was looking in pop/forwarding
thanks @copy and @NickDugger
> You already have an account with this server and username.
ok, yes, because I set this up on my gmail on my phone
I feel like floor hockey on that would just be a recipe for a puck in the face.
is there such a thing as an ordered object in javascript?
Ideally I'd want something that is defined as a normal object:

var obj = {
a: 'cheese',
b: 'guacamole',
foo: 'bar'

and accessable as we usually access objects (obj.a, obj.b and so on), but if I try to access obj[0] it would return the same thing that would return obj.a, obj[1] = obj.b and so on
@towc not in es5
es6 might have something
I know I could do that using nested arrays and I'd need more than 2 variables, but I wonder if there's an easier way to do it
@towc Write your own abstraction
what does that mean?
write it yourself
it shouldn't be too difficult
Write your own OrderedDict class
and then implement it in js?
or withing js?
wait, wouldn't a Map solve this?
err, well, if he adds them in order that is
var myMap = new Map();
myMap.set(0, "zero");
myMap.set(1, "one");
for (var [key, value] of myMap) {
  alert(key + " = " + value);
@Retsam you don't use a puck for floor hockey
Here's an implementation using List and Dict in Python: hg.python.org/cpython/file/2.7/Lib/collections.py#l26
there are many ways around it, but it really doesn't feel right
or a set?
But ugh, that linked list
@KendallFrey You can; that's what we used in PE.
@rlemon that's ES6, right?
@Retsam you can but you don't
var map = new Map([['a', 'foo'],['b','bar]]);
map.forEach(function(key, val) {});
@KendallFrey Uhh, from wikipedia: "Floor hockey equipment differs between each code. Some codes use an indoor puck, while others use a lightweight plastic ball, or a heavier ball. "
and yes it is es6
@rlemon eww dat forEach
@Loktar they are unordered from what I've understood...
Map cannot be easily shimmed though
> Since arrays only use numeric indices, developers had to use objects whenever a non-numeric index was necessary. ECMAScript 6 introduces several new types of collections to allow better and more efficient storing of order data.
@towc ^ in ref to sets
I really wish it was ".each" not ".forEach"
anyone good at figuring out logic issues?
er actually this is better
> A set is in an ordered list of values that cannot contain duplicates. You typically don’t access items in the set like you would items in an array, instead it’s much more common to check the set to see if a value is present.
I wish nodelists has foreach
I like forEach
but for..of is better
the not containing dupes might be an issue for you idk
@NickDugger I wish nodelists were just arrays
outline based upon database queries
@rlemon that too
@Shmiddty lol I was thinking that
for (let foo of bar)
for (let tel of rof)
I used a for..of in my es6 MVC test this weekend
for (let ter of alphabet) huehue
yeah I was thinking the other day how it would be hard to go back to not using a transpiler
too many useful things in es6
I can't wait for V8 to get arrow functions right
I haven't dug in yet. I'm a bit intimidated, honestly
Classes worked fine in iojs, but arrow functions would have been nice too
ES6 is nothing to be intimidated by. It makes javascript easier/prettier
@Shmiddty just dive in!
Say geronimo
what helped me is the react community uses it everywhere
well it's a time thing
so I had no choice really
In Node, many features are already available without a transpiler
I've got work, then hobbies, then everything else. I'm not drawn to tinkering in my free time these days
thats why you have to work it into work :P
perhaps after the Q1 crunch
I really need to look more into ES6's new concepts
Any preferences for a WebSocket framework? (like Bluebird for Promises here) Socket.io, ws, etc
Play with it on the babel playground
THat's how I learned most of it
@MLM If you definitely want WebSockets, ws > Socket.io; Socket.io is uses ws and falls back on polling if WebSockets aren't supported.
2013-12-13 13:44:00.000 // wut dis timestamp format called
@Loktar You should just make that answer your home page.
@Jhawins Without a T in the middle? ISO-ish?
That's it copy/pasted..
Funny too cause the docs say that period should be a colon for this particular framework...
ISO 8601 Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times is an international standard covering the exchange of date and time-related data. It was issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and was first published in 1988. The purpose of this standard is to provide an unambiguous and well-defined method of representing dates and times, so as to avoid misinterpretation of numeric representations of dates and times, particularly when data are transferred between countries with different conventions for writing numeric dates...
@Jhawins The period is indicating fractional seconds
@Shmiddty I know. I said the docs say it should be a colon.
@Retsam Thanks! I can't find it as a dependency on Socket.io but I assume it is buried deep somewhere in the dep tree. I am looking for to do some real-time updates from a database model -> Front end (React probably) and maybe allow for multi-user collaboration in the future.
> in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss:mss format
@Jhawins Bug report
gotta love this: the beagle bones now by default boot from the emmc, so as a quick workaround to make it boot from the sd card I just rename the MLO file that uboot looks at on the emmc for the devices. not perfect but works... so anyways, just got a board that every time it reboots it restores the file. it is the same revision of every other board I have in here.
I think that is interesting to say the least.
have you tried fixing it with css? classes?
This place is full of fuckin shit. 3 different employees will respond with random doc pages/other bug reports that have nothing to do at all with what I said.
listen, don't make me bust out my script
So there are no more bug reports from me lmao
You'll have to adjust your regex
@MLM Yeah socket.io depends on engine.io which depends on ws.
Seeing the word "knob" censored to "k**b" on a foreign news site was confusing
@Jhawins Sounds like you need to be more clear
@NickDugger at the end of the day, I just toss a label on it and throw it in the 'fix later' box
@Jhawins why would that be censored ?
it's a euphemism for penis
@Shmiddty No trust me. It's not me it really really isn't. They outsource "support positions" to India and the support is always copy/paste you can google it and find it in multiple other places on their site
But really, what isn't a euphemism for penis?
@MLM If you need strict compatibility with old clients, go for socket.io
@Retsam penis.
flagged again
@KarelG Idk. Saw it censored on some story quoting James May calling Jeremy Clarkson a "K**b"
@NickDugger you've made your fuss now grow the k**b up
@copy Might as well right?
@Jhawins flagged
children children
@MLM Yeah
swear words offend me, and you have to walk on eggshells around me because I'll flag you, because you're too caught up in your privilege, but what about my privilege?
Gotcha conquer you then Mister Dugger
no flag = no offend
@NickDugger flagged
Not really
@Jhawins are you sure that it's "knob", and not something else ?
It's the second tier
@KarelG Yeah, I searched for the surrounding text and found the direct quote on other sites as "knob"
of the kkk
i'm curious what's wrong with it. Even a door has a knob
It offends me, therefore nobody can say it, because my rights matter more than yours
@Loktar still falling in love with react?
ah the title of the video in the same article isn't censored ... lel
@Jhawins yeah I like it
its easy
Top Gear without Jeremy Clarkson isn't even Top Gear. That's stupid.
he sometimes crossed the line
although he can be humorous, he has to respect other things
Are you saying that the person that he punched is a 'thing'? Offensive. Flagged.
var a = '*/a';
^ really ? JS interpreter can't figure that out?
I've had issues like that because of regex
@m59 really? you expect that to work?
lol ofc not
what is there to figure out
you expect it to intervene with your code?
@m59 That would mean it needs to start parsing JavaScript inside of comments
It would be bad if it "worked"
It ignores everything inside /* and */, including the '
But the people in this room have made that clear, I think
Read: /* var a = '*/a'; */
var a = '*\/a';
Not sure why it would be a bad thing if it did parse in the comments for strings.
Kinda awkward that you can't comment a block that contains a glob.
// Imagine if this comment wasn't a comment and fucked up your code
You're saying you think ' (single quote) should be treated as meaningful inside of comments?
the comment sign has a higher priority
@Jhawins that would be terrible
/* ignore this, but run 'this.please()' */
Maybe not, but some kind of way to be able to comment things like that.
comments and usually ws are stripped, typically in the first steps of parsing
You can't block comment a block that contains another block comment, either, which I think is a bigger issue.
Don't use /*
that's why you gotta change */ to * /
which is pretty easy, tbh
@m59 //
Don't use mutliline comments. Prob solved lol
Don't comment code
And use a decent editor that inserts the // for you so that it's not a massive pain.
Don't code
I hate seeing

comments are evil
Just don't.
@NickDugger well I hate seeing
In most editors you have a shortcut to make it just as painless... And most editors won't do multiline comments because of things like this
Let your IDE comment random blocks of code at random
yeah, I do.
It's a good avatar
> It's not easy, being cheesy.
@NickDugger what a waste
that reminds me, clever tweet @phenomnomnominal
@NickDugger just messin with ya :P
Do you really need to hide partial or multiple lines? It's easier for me to read as each line being commented out by the beginning.
@KendallFrey You might even say it is... phenomenal?
1 min ago, by Nick Dugger
I hate seeing

You rely a lot on syntax highlighting I imagine if you use multiline comments. Which probably led you to believe your code was fine
if you ever need to quickly choose between two blocks of code
you can do this by removing or adding the / at the beginning of this clever block of code
you hate seeing?
(don't do that)
@Jhawins read it again you <don't flag me bro>
I find the toggling comment block fairly useful, actually.
@corvid Where do I recognize your avatar from? FFT?
@Retsam I find it ridiculous
@Shmiddty World of warcraft probably, it's an arakkoa
* takes Dugger's flag and breaks the pole in two pieces with the knee *
@KendallFrey You've never wanted to replace something for the sake of debugging?
@corvid that would make sense
Q: document.ready doesn't work properly

Fabrizio Coccoi bet it is a small mistake. But I can't find it. I have a mixed php/JQuery Page and want that the page reload every second. I did that with JQuery. But now i want to start/stop the reloading process. This works too. But now i wan't that only the right div with the button shows up. Ether the one ...

@KendallFrey it's fine if it's not for publication
@Retsam not like that
@KarelG I used to be a dugger than I took a flag to the knee?
Obviously you remove the code block that you won't use when you're done. Pushing commented code to prod is dermb
I used to be cool, then I nevermind
!!s/nevermind/got my panties in a bunch/
@Shmiddty I used to be cool, then I got my panties in a bunch (source)
That would be better than what I got
!!s/\bb/l/ 22124727
I wish I could read
I wish you could read
I wish @KendallFrey could read.
That's three wishes. Did it work?
ENGLISH <dont flag me bro> DO YOU READ IT?
man man man, i was looking for a problem with the JDK core jar file, and i was looking in the program files(x86) folder for a half hour.
then i realized that i installed a 64 bit version one ...
Instead of tacos, I bought noodle soup. #healthychoices
I had thai, for lunch, but they made it super spicy, so instead of having painful shits while at work, I'll eat it when i get home, and spend my evening on the toilet
view from ISS
dat lightnings
I made that
I made you
^--- possible because it's from a camera on the ...
forgot the name
ISS? Falcon? Progress? Soyuz? Other?
fuck my life with a rubber fucking hose..... I just tossed my working SD card into the pile of bad ones..... I need that card to make a master image from... there are like 200 cards in this bin :(
this could be a very tedious task :(
@KendallFrey no, a part of the ISS
usually they should be on the top of the pile. Also, i hope for ya that they have different colors
@ircmaxell +1 for KSP
seriously.. I have to check these god damn cards by hand now :(
someone shoot me now
@rlemon ou ouuu pick me :D
@ircmaxell " Randal demonstrates " <-- forgot an additional ' l '
@rlemon omg ._.
@KendallFrey which one!?
anyone have experience testing in meteor?
@phenomnomnominal your 2000th
@KarelG fixed
@KendallFrey ahh yes
@ircmaxell Have you ever heard of this? google.ca/…
fuel-milage calculation <--
I'm vwey witty
or is that right ? i see that twice
@KendallFrey no, but that's awesome
@BasementKeyboardHero does lebanon have guns powerful enough to even hurt ??
@KarelG twice?
@ircmaxell ikr. gold
@ircmaxell " Fuel milage can be thought " + " area of the milage "
sorry for being a grammar retard
(i don't see myself as a grammar nazi, but a clean blog is a good read)
@KarelG no, I really appreciate it

how can i pass div that have large amount of text from one page to another
for example


-have large text <div id='data' > lablabla . . </div>
-hyperlink or button

i want when i press this link or button it navigate me to page2 and i will find this div there !

Is that possible ?
@KarelG thats awesome
@KarelG *mileage
@ssube oh boy, it's a copy from ircmaxell's blog, that he could fix it.
@KendallFrey google.ca/…
mistakes can happen if you have written a large text.
@ssube fixed, thanks :-)
@ircmaxell np, but i thought that dimension analysis is a common practice in high school ?
at least in my country.
@KarelG formalized (meaning as a formal technique)?
yeah, as a part of first physics courses. The teacher said that it's darn useful for upcoming theories that we are getting.
it's a nice read. +1
@ircmaxell I've wanted DA in mainstream languages for some time now. People doing seconds += metres is really stupid and should be caught at compile time
that would be pretty cool
a dimensioned data type
It should be an abstraction on top of Number
Hmm, one of the few times I'd actually want operator overloading would be to implement something like that.
think what this would do for game programming
no more position += velocity
I might be pushing my laptop too much. Fans been at full and its been unresponsive for about five minutes now
var foo = 5..setUnit("meter"),
    bar = 3.2.setUnit("second"),
    baz = foo / bar;

baz.getUnit(); // "meter / second"
@Shmiddty EW EW EW
@Shmiddty I don't think so
I think it would need to be part of the type system
since it doesn't do anything at runtime (the types are there for checks).
You could do a compile to JS language that added that sort of logic
so an extension in the type system to handle that for you would do that
var foo = 5m, bar = 3.2s, baz = foo/bar;
@KendallFrey Interesting.

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