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Friday was alright, but have you guys heard Saturday? Bumpin song man. Better singing too. Can't wait till Sunday comes out!
Just bummed there's only gonna be like 5 more songs, then its over. No more days of the week to sing about. Sucks.
does she code in javascript @carb0nshel1 -_-
@androidplusios.design Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@androidplusios.design @carb0nshel1 doesn't really contribute much here, don't worry about them.
@CapricaSix you have hosted this page at github?
@androidplusios.design that is correct.
i guess that's not a paid service?
yep. GitHub pages
I contribute like. stuff.
Yall won't be laughing when I'm Mod
Full room kickbans are coming. Get ready.
You mean like this?
That escalated quickly
@Zirak I will be writing that email server with chrome sockets :D.
I am still laughing @carb0nshel1 hehehehe
omg omg it is working omg woot
First eight crypto challenges done!
@SomeKittens Will you write a TLS layer for my chrome email server? ^_^
@AwalGarg Sure, I'll make sure it's in ECB mode with a repeating key for easy decryption
@SomeKittens fuck efficiency and feasibility, just use OTP
oh wait I am using a deprecated api
I did jquery lot time back....I question. If i can do any thing with javascript

What the use of jquery(slow)
lot *long
ok, it is not a server actually :/ just a client.
too bad I didn't notice the deprecation message earlier :(
@androidplusios.design generally, there are much better options than jQuery
Anyone has an email address here which accepts emails from raw ips without any filter etc?
@SomeKittens & can you list some of them?
@androidplusios.design writing your own utility functions for one
hmm, porting to the newer api won't be difficult, I guess
@androidplusios.design I should probably just blog this but the big one is it's HARD to maintain a jQuery project as it goes. There's no built-in module system, nigh-impossible to ensure orthogonality and using the DOM for state management gets hairy FAST.
And the API is a POS.
debugging is either simply not possible, or pain to do
die jquery, die.
/me gets to writing
was looking for something to do tonight
Why isn't there a framework called brown.js yet?
Seriously, its 2015. Brown is my fav color
@SomeKittens be sure to bash at jquery as hard as you can.
Poll: Why do frontend engineers dislike jQuery? I'm collecting this all into a blog post.
@SomeKittens State stored in the DOM, and callback hell
@AwalGarg I'll need more detail, possibly an example.
too bad they removed the yo mama jokes from it :(
@AwalGarg Neat!
@SomeKittens Lots of dev's mistake the $ sign for an actual sign jquery will make them more money.
@AwalGarg not 100% sure that alert is core JS
It isn't.
@SomeKittens That'd be the DOM API, no?
function welcome () {
    alert('Hello World!');
} // core javascript till here
@SomeKittens it is aimed for beginners, but you are right. My bad :/
Don't get me wrong, overall it's a good article
I'm writing the docs for our new framework at the moment. It's hard not just to say Ya know web components? That.
OH: "Maybe I'm just being pedantic but that's because I hang out with compilers all day"
:D I have more nitpicks in that article
> Represents JS dev only as DOM manipulation
^ sound good?
@monners ...a new framework...
@SomeKittens reliance among new devs
@phenomnomnominal Good point.
@SomeKittens Boilerplate-ish. We've moved to a component style that groups all html, css, and js into module directories, rather than having it all separated out into behemoth stylesheets/scripts
@SomeKittens also that it's not really needed most of the time now.
@monners Though to be perfectly honest I've been working on a new way to modularize things in Angular 2
@phenomnomnominal Right. 90% of the functionality has been replaced by QSA
And the other 10% by fetch
@phenomnomnominal Someone made fetch happen?
mozilla got a polyfill \o/
@SomeKittens It's a much nicer way to work. Everything's self-enclosed and self-executing. Pubsub for modules that need to talk to each other, SCSS that doesn't bleed
@monners How do you manage pubsub? Where's the event bus?
also, how do you manage multiple modules on the page needing the same info?
@phenomnomnominal fantastic
@SomeKittens Honestly, we haven't actually had a use case for it yet.
@SomeKittens What do you mean?
We're tending towards a more flux-y model
We use handbars to build our modules, and map the values to fields that you pass in when you include the module partial
So a module include looks something like this...
{{> module.hero-banner
    title = "This is the title"
    caption = "Here's the caption"
    button = "Click me!"
Can be reused where ever with different values, but always consistent markup
And if you need to override a style, you can pass in a value for an additional css class, specific to that include
Makes integration a hell of a lot easier because the backend guys can immediately see both where the markup cutoffs are, and the fields that need to be mapped
@monners Say I've got three modules that all want the current list of logged-in users. Do all three modules make an XHR request?
@SomeKittens We're not using this for production, it's to help frontend template creation at this point. But, if we were going to do that, we'd roll an Angular directive I guess? Bind it to a service.
Remember, I work in a .NET shop :(
Why the hell do so many many people use google maps api :?
We are pushing to move more control over to the frontend, just interface with an API for things like product listing and filtering (stuff that Angular's good at)
@monners Right. Angular shouldn't be doing the actual business logic.
Right, and it's not
Whatever the backend is though, separating styles, functionality, and markup into modules makes a lot of sense, especially for long-running and maintenance jobs
Basically, I want to make that possible
I was trying to submit a form by pressing enter. This is jquery snippet that handles that:
if(e.keyCode == 13)
The issue is that it does submit the form but immediately after that gives an error `Method Not Allowed`. What is going wrong?
@AnimeshPandey oh gosh.
It works! :D
1 hour later…
How to think in terms of directives. I mean yesterday I was trying directives by building an Weather App. But all I ended up was with creating controllers and factory , getting the data and formatting it. :(
@argentum47 In Angular, you use Directives when you want to A) Reuse HTML in multiple places or B) Directly touch the DOM.
can you tell an use case, I mean a practical scenario where it is used.
@argentum47 say you want to capture all the behaviour of a particular type of element.
Say something that can only take numbers, including all the labels and validation etc.
You might make that a directive if you needed to reuse it
@argentum47 Say, the "Hot Network Questions" in the StackOverflow sidebar
We want that on every page, so we turn it into a directive and then adding it is as easy as <hot-network-questions>
eshell is awsome ...
@SomeKittens just came across a comment of yours on karma-coverage :)
@phenomnomnominal wait, what? Where?
Dunno, something about karma and istanbul
having to drop to 0.2.6
oh yeah
I still can't get it to work.
browserify + karma + istanbul is being silly
1 hour later…
!!translate Es una mierda no sirve no gasten megas en esto
@argentum47 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
it's a shit not served not spend megas on that
1 hour later…
hey guys! anyone around? :)
haven't seen you in a while :)
i know!! hows it going dude :)
i just been so busy, went travelling and now back... boring aint it :p
travelling is never boring ;)
haha it is when ya land back :(
hoping to head out again soon
Hi @KirstyHarris, welcome back!
why thankyou :)
Hello, should i use the jQuery validation plugin to validate my form, is that a good habbit? I also would like to add this method to the highlight then, is that possible?                                                                                                                                            $('#Email, #Email2').on('keyup change', function()
        if(email.val() != email_live.val())
        else if(email.val() != "" && email_live.val() != "")
Does anyone know how to pass in a parameter as a filter condition using Angular?

I have the following:

<li ng-repeat="todo in data | filter:{ archived: {{someBool}} }"

The above code is inside a directive template.
Another short question: Is it a good habbit to have javascript and jQuery in one document? They both end with .js, right?
@Proton jquery is javascript.
can I somehow, in RxJS, have an observable that only ever has one value?
hmm, that's not right
I mean, an observable that has a value, and I consume it, and then it has no values
no history
not sure I'm explaining myself very well
@Mosho try explaining your concrete situation
I have a search
with auto-completion
when a user types stuff, a search happens to get the valid options and puts up a list
if he submits the form (presses enter) he gets redirected to the first suggestion
I want to deal with the scenario of a user typing then immediately submitting before results from the typing come back
so I want the submission observable to wait for the search observable
@Mosho What if the user triggered two search and the second result comes before the first? Should the newer result get overwritten by the slower and older result?
I'm using flatMapLatest, should take care of that
I think :P
@Mosho There is an until method
If you put form submissions in a stream as well, I'm almost sure there's a method that waits until there's an entry in another stream.
@phenomnomnominal yes, i know. It's a library.
@SecondRikudo ? I mean this: $('#yourForm').validate ....
@SecondRikudo I tried withLatestFrom
it works the first time, but then every search will trigger a submission because while it waited for the first value, it also saved it and will use it on subsequent calls
var submitWaitForSearch = search.withLatestFrom(submission, function (a, b) {
	return b;
maybe skipUntil
then I would need to stop it
I could write my own :X
well that was easy
or not
damn it
@SomeKittens I like jQuery
jquery is best
how do i wait while variable becomes true and only then execute function ?
use an event
@Mosho sure, a promise is assimilated to one event, they also have a result thing that's an event with one value.
yes that's the right logic!
I didn't find event handler for variable change. Variable is not an object. What now ?
are you setting that variable yourself?
or is it being fetched from somewhere else?
so why don't you just execute the function when you set the variable?
boolean that represents if animation in process.
And answer to that is - cos i have to setTimeout etc.
You can just call the function when you set the variable
I promise
well i might .. Ok.
@rlemon Hi o/. Yes I did the next day you asked me I think
(sorry I'm traveling to France right now so I don't have much time to come here very often)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I recently noticed this is the same thing you were fixing with the search
with the resolve in the no-results route
a few months ago
@dievardump strange, wanna re-add me when you get a chance.
question; is there any more effective way of tracking unique views to a post than to save every user id that has viewed it?
HTTP is stateless, view tracking is hard
I know nothing about the topic, but if it was me, I'd use a cookie
Save every user id.
@corvid No. And even that's not perfect. What are "user ids"?
@SecondRikudo with MongoDB, a unique "primary key" on the user table more or less
@corvid Ah, so registered and authenticated users.
did you just use "MongoDB" and "primary key" in the same sentence?
I should get a raise because I figured out how to mvc from scratch, in iojs.
@KendallFrey I guess he means _id
In that case, yeah. Keep an array of user IDs somewhere in the post document.
@KendallFrey I used quote primary key quote
^ And a count. You don't want to get the entire array each time if you're just after the total num.
^ smart guy
^ what does he know
^ this is a caret
^ _^
dat asymmetry
my face is horridly deformed
I don't have a face
looks like a Klei character
oh windows
I'm in a Skype call, TeamViewer session and internet chat room. All without an internet connection.
That's the warning for 'Limited Connectivity'. Something else might be up.
dumb question again; can you limit the size of a set in mongodb to be fairly small?
@RoelvanUden it says "No Internet Access"
@KendallFrey Ahaha
Anyone interested to help me??
I guess it's trying to make up for showing internet access when I don't have it
> There is no need to ask to ask a question. For more details see Asking for Help.
I need help with node webkit...
Don't we all?
is it possible to convert spliced array value into a variable?
Ho Hey
I have a login web service call, in the response headers of which I get a Set-Cookie header from the server. It works in a normal browser but I don't get the header in the node webkit browser. Any idea about that??
@rlemon I thought you message got 12 ,009 stars.. But its only 12.
@HaltlolXD yes
@Sid You don't "get" the header? How did you confirm that?
@Sid cookies are accessible from within nwjs
is there a function for it @rlemon
It doesn't show up in the chrome devTools network section
@HaltlolXD I actually didn't understand what you wanted, but it sounds reasonable
with other response headers
$(function () {
var cars = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"];
var rand = cars[Math.floor(Math.random() * cars.length)];

$(".cards img").each(function (index) {
var src = cars.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * cars.length), 1);
console.log(src, cars.join())
$(this).wrap('<div class="front"></div>')
.parent().wrap('<div class="flipper"></div>')
.parent().wrap('<div class="flip-container"></div>')
.append('<div class="back"><img src="kaart/'+ src[0] + '.png"</img> </div>');
the values that I splice here, I want it to be converted to variable, I am not sure it is possible
@Sid Look at your back-end then. If it doesn't send the header, nwjs can't do much about it. Whatever funky backend you have is probably doing something stupid. Is it Apache+PHP by chance?
@HaltlolXD you are casting the ones you splice out to the src variable
what more do you want to do
Yup they are images
It's a Java backend and it sends the header on it's own. I tried it in a normal browser and even by a C++ webservice call and it always sends the header
and later on the page ( still coding ) I want it to "save" it into variables
it is in variables
you have a second? maybe I can show you what I mean
not really
Q: JavaScript array splice

HaltlolXD Hello StackOverflow community! At the moment I am completly stuck with my code, have try different ways to remove a value from array when picked, I know I have to use splice for it, but for some reason it is not doing what I want it to do Since the web page is quite difficult to explain as my e...

but I imagine you wanna just push them to another array
this is resolved,
in ember, Perhaps I can listen to ember events in a component like after render?
the user can pick 3 random cards, they will show 3 random images from the array, and I want the, once he picked up 3 random cards, that the script can put the 3 cards in a variable and mail it to someone
hah, some1 wants to crack a 10 char digit with a kinda like JS. that would take ages
Q: setInterval skipping count

SakshamI am writing a script to crack a 10 digit code and have script as: var currNum = 9999999999; setInterval(function(){ var tmp = currNum; $('#code-box-10').val(Math.floor(tmp%10)); tmp = tmp /10; $('#code-box-9').val(Math.floor(tmp%10)); tmp = tmp /10; $('#code-box-8').val(...

This is what I'm talking about...
@HaltlolXD Working with arrays has nothing to do with html and css
this is javascript room right?
I figured the reason why the cookies aren't getting set is because the browser doesn't receive(or maybe discards) the Set-Cookie response header...


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
@Sid you can open the dev tools to look at the responses
that's breakfast
gotta have my bowl
@ShaU ...
I've already checked the responses in the devTools...
trolls on high level
I ignore the stupids
@HaltlolXD He's not that sophisticated, don't flatter him.
@Sid was there a set-cookie header in the response?
@NickDugger Ignore yourself.
Who's shitty bot is that?
I have a login web service call, in the response headers of which I get a Set-Cookie header from the server. It works in a normal browser but I don't get the header in the node webkit browser ----> this was my first post
@NickDugger some java person I think
I already pinged them to get the bot away from here.
@NickDugger *Whose
in Java, 1 min ago, by Unihedro
@Michael OakBot really shouldn't bother the Javascripters ^
Now we wait. xD
And wait and wait and wait and wait
Does anyone else find SO chat incredibly laggy?
@NickDugger Sorry, rule three is that A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Unihedro only if you live in the fantasies of a dead SF writer.
jesus that was a fast 6 flags
@PeterWone The Internet is a huge fantasy anyway. xD
@NickDugger You're about to get banned, lol.
@NickDugger Self destroy in 3 ....2....1...........bmmmmm!!
8 flags on the message I replied
2 mins ago, by Nick Dugger
kill yourself
Who is even flagging? Geez
Aaaaaand see you in 30 minutes
telling "kill yourself" to someone isn't really acceptable, no matter how you turn it...
> This user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content and cannot chat for 29 minutes.
Why does my head have a 1 on it?
Which is now gone
what happened?
@PeterWone Must be padding glitch with some other users' 1 rep
is this chat about javascript in any way?
@schnellboot Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@HaltlolXD NickDugger's message got flagged and he got automatically suspended by the system.
@KendallFrey horselime?
@schnellboot Only in some ways.
No it happened again, it happens when someone names you like this @Unihedro
Oh! It's the ping counter.
I'm also open to better alternatives to node-webkit
@PeterWone 2
See? xD By clicking on it, you dismiss (/ack) a ping
so what's the benefit of that?
If you walked away you can come back to see who needed you.
ok then
Sorry for intruding your room everyone, enjoy your day! I'm returning now.
Why is it that the first and only time I have people responding without lag or idiocy I've just finishing sorting out my problems on my own?
It's Murphy's Law
Yes I expect you're right.
And the goal of this room is not to help you with your problems
Anyway as mentioned it's all working a treat, time to check-in code and go shoot aliens
:22116683 Nice password
Argh. xD
@Unihedro only ROs can see it now :P
Read onlies?
I changed it no worries, and I know how removed messages work ;)
Happens to people all the time. I got my phone that way
Have a nice [time of day for your timezone] people.
Time zone tov :)
A: What Yodeyan slang terms are there?

Isaac MosesTZT / Time zone tov / Good time zone - Have a good one. "TZT" is an initialization of "time zone tov." "Time zone tov" is a partial Hebraization of "good time zone," adopting the form of the common Hebrew greeting "Shavua' tov" ("Have a good week.") "Good time zone" is meant to be an equivalen...

@Mosho yes, it is :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hi Sir.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think I found something that works
I modified combineLatest, which emits a value every time any of the observables that make it up does but takes only the latest values from each
my version flushes the saved values every time a value is emitted so it will wait for each observable to generate a value
or something like that :P
I have a "quick" JavaScript question that is too-broad/off-topic for a SO question
I wonder if any of you could offer some insight
I have developed a game in HTML/JS using Cordova, it has a board and tiles drop (a Tetris-like game). For the drop, I have used jQuery animate() but sometimes it is "bumpy"
I looked into moving it to CSS transitions/animations (as I read they are faster) but the problem is that I need to execute some checks on each step, and I don't think that's possible only with CSS
For games you really want to look into Canvas/WebGL with libs like d3, phaser, etc.
If you don't know what's slow, use timeline in the Chromium developer tools
Is there an alternative to jQuery animate() that I could use and that would be faster?
d3 and phaser... ok, that's something. Thanks :)
jQuery animations are garbage
I agree with what they said.
The timeline is a good thing, but jQuery animations work through JS events and DOM repaints/reflows. That's terrible. Especially on mobile. CSS animations are better, but hardware support is often lacking. Especially on WP and Android. Canvas/WebGL are the way to go imho.
would you recommend any site in particular for a tutorial or the documentation from the official site is good enough?
d3 and phaser have lots of examples/tutorials.
I used melonjs in the past, but documentation is scarce...
I wish I could remember how I learned canvas
And any of the two that you would recommend over the other?
Not really. Pick for yourself. I lean towards phaser but that's just for TS.
WebGL would be overkill for you, for now. Get familiar with 2D canvas first, then once you're comfortable, you can explore the scary world of shaders.
pixi might also do the job for you. D3 might not be what you're searching for
That was going to be my next question :P
Kinetic... not a suggestion, but it is an option
which of those would have an easier learning curve
Pixi yeah, Phaser uses pixi so if you like going lower, pixi all the way
Thanks everyone! :)
> Your birthday is the 145,062 digit of pi!

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