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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

i figured it out thanks guys
Hey guys, is anyone here involved in security?
depends what do you mean with "involved in security"
Hmm... I have a tumblr for "Guys in security wearing bear hats" and I need more pictures?
i have a question (copy pasta)
out of curiosity, i'm not professional regexp, but is `flag = s.includes("foo") || s.includes("bar")` faster then checking it by regex with `(foo)|(bar)` ?
the first one is a twice loop, 2N, (if N = length of char sequence). But what's the complexity of the regex ? (worst-case scenario)
@tereško, on an unrrelated note, have you considered working for toptal?
man backticks doesn't work well
xanthir.com/demos/collidingcircles :O (turn on your speakers)
@KarelG You lose formatting with multiple lines
haven't , but then again I have never heard about TopTal before
also, their page had a full page banner ... it might not be all that successful project
Well, you work for other people not for them, and you get paid really well.
@AwalGarg it doesn't work at me, clicked multiple times on the black box
Am I correct here about $httpBackend injection? stackoverflow.com/a/29051364/1216976
@KarelG Does your browser support canvas? It works for me on chrome. (Also, it is not mine, so I can't debug :/)
it does... heh, even ie9+ support it. Why should i use IE8 for browsing ?
ah, its the clear button being culprit. refreshed the page and it worked smoothly
@KarelG Some people kind of beings use IE8 :(
these people are usually adults or elderly people, not surfing a lot on the web
i have already visited that site :)
@KarelG I think, with intensely smart optimization, it could be N/3, but that depends on the implementation.
which kind of implementation
Well, I think .NET does it that way
Aho Corasick, for example
There are plenty algorithms for simple searches like that
Although for only two elements it won't be worth creating a search tree
At run time, at least
GoooooD MorninG @to_all
@KendallFrey according to this, the NFA method is a good one, but i'm looking to the perl variant, since it got used in many languages.
but I cannot determine it's complexity because it depends of the expression itself.
@KendallFrey so what's the state of multiplayer for KSP?
mods only
no word about if they're going to have it in 1.0
@KarelG an optimal algorithm like you said is faster than checking includes twice - then again it rarely matters.
If s is small, the const of parsing a regex is more expensive than checking the includes most likely.
so I'm trying out a new mod - Smart Parts
@BenjaminGruenbaum since the data input is small in 95% of cases, i have optioned for the includes() method. the regex would be an overkill. + with @KendallFrey : Thanks for some insights.
@KarelG Kerbal Space Program
ah that. beta phase i think
it's on my list and there is already people using abbreviations ...
maybe i'm slow
A legal question for all you strangers out there on the Internet: can I use a CC-BY-SA image in a non-CC blog post? In short, can my blog post be called a "derivative work" of the ShareAlike image that it contains? Is this perhaps exactly the use case Lessig had in mind when he wrote the SA provision? I'm curious if the Creative Commons organization (or anyone else) has ever shed any authoritative light on this.
It might be fair use, it depends
the part that I am struggling with is the tabs, so my question is: how do I hide the tabs and show the correct one?
make a fiddle at jsfiddle.net
Let's assume it's not fair use (i.e., if it were a non-CC-licensed work, I'd probably fail in court on fair use grounds.)
@apsillers IANAL but as I read that license you're fine as long as you give credit. It was always supposed to be an open license, as an example SO can not do anything about screenscraper websites that post SO content as long as it links back to the original.
I assumed this splice: w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_slice_array.asp and it does not change the array it is called upon but returns a new array. — NoOneX 4 mins ago
Guy doesn't even know the difference between slice and splice and has the only upvoted anwer...
I am not even gonna click a w3schools link :p
anyone here who can help me with css issue
!!welcome steve
@steve Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
im trying to make bandcamp logo through font awesome
they dont have any so im trying to custom build it
what's the question?
unless there is another way @ivarni i need bandcamp logo icon pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1851423169/_standard.png the Parallelogram
fontawesome doesn't have it
so i used fa-stop and added webkit
but its too wide
@steve I don't think that's a javascript question...
its css i know
well for starters it skews the wrong way, so use -40deg instead. As for being too wide, well, that's not really something I know how to fix
you can make it wider with font-stretch
And yes, that's not a JS question
or transform(scale)
Q: Css, Can I stretch text?

Matthew905Can I stretch text in CSS? I don't want the font to be bigger, because that makes it appear bolder than smaller text beside it. I just want to stretch the text vertically so it'ss kind of deformed. This would be in one div, and then the normal text beside it would be in another div. How can I d...

here is javascript question then is there any javascript that will display like how many views some link has?
You mean like Google Analytics?
um no like youtube video views
well, if you really want to reinvent the wheel, add an onclick listener to your anchors and post to the server when someone clicks it, or even better handle it server-side, increase a counter whenever that page is served.
Hello, I need help for choosing a JS framework to build a REST client using it. Can anyone help ?
@black-perl Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@black-perl Any of the major one should work
@SomeKittens I didn't get it .. what you are asking ? Can you please ellaborate a bit ?
@black-perl I'm not asking, I'm answering.
Any major frontend framework should work with a REST interface.
@SomeKittens Sorry, for that.
@SomeKittens Well I actually don't need the frontend part as in case of backbone the models can be a good add but I need only write a usable API not urls or something like that
Socket.io users here?
@black-perl I'm not sure what you're asking
@SomeKittens I am elaborating
@SomeKittens I have a REST server written in python, I need to write a REST client which can turn JSON responses to JS objects and later on I can do call cascading on them. Like I get to work on pure js objects on the API frontend
I don't need to integrate the api with frontend
I just need to provide the API as a node package
@black-perl JSON isn't unique to JavaScript, Python and other languages can work with it.
Yeah I know but as I said I need to write a npm package
So I am supposed to write a javascript client
So you're looking for something like express? Or request?
O request can work I don't know much about express
I will google it
I want to make use of javascript's prototype to turn JSON responses to JS objects and later on use getters and setters on them to add more functionality.
@SomeKittens If there is some framework for these things.. you can sugges
Yeah request is good. I just need to extend it.. I guess ?
Stupid error; 'WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:8877/echo' failed: Connection closed before receiving a handshake response'
okay @SomeKittens , I think request can work in my case. Can you please suggest me some testing framework for this REST client. I am currently thinking of writing mocking tests after capturing http requests. Are there any frameworks for this?
@SomeKittens I didn't answered your previous question. I am looking for something like request.
> lost my watch at a party once. saw a guy stepping on it while sexually assaulting a girl. i walked up to the dude. punched him right in the nose. no one does that to a girl, not on my watch
Does socket.io required nodejs all the time?
Well thanks @SomeKittens . I guess your busy.
* you're
@black-perl SuperTest, probably?
@Duikboot Socket.IO does, Websockets don't
Clear thanks.
Someone a suggestion what might be wrong? Trying to get started with socket.io >> gist.github.com/duikb00t/c2f62d6f0a940924fb9f
But I receive:
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined app.js line 1
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoConnect' of undefined in the socket.io lib
require is not defined makes me think you're trying to run a node file on the frontend
I think you ar eright.
I guess my app.js = my server.js actually
Does it matter where it's located?
@SomeKittens thx I created in my project folder a folder 'server' with app.js in it which is my server. Seems to be all good now.
Yep, glad I could help
I started with node.js on cloud9
Server running at localhost:8877 it says
Room Meeting Topics Leave a comment if you have a topic you wish to discuss.
@ThiefMaster Can you unfreeze the meeting room?
@KendallFrey The checklist was a nice touch.
Hi guys, I need to select an node from the childNodes property. I have the index (say 2) but that index may have a class which means I do not want this node, but the next one on which doesn't have that class. How can I do this? I was wondering if I can temporarily remove all nodes with the specified class to make the selection easier, but I don't know if this is the correct method, or if it's possible.
var myElement = element.childNodes[2];
while (myElement.classList.contains('badclass')) {
    myElement = myElement.nextSibling;
That's not foolproof (because if nextSibling ends up undefined, this will throw an error)
But that's the gist of it, you can build on that from here.
@SecondRikudo that's great, I can definitely work with this code. Thanks a lot.
@KendallFrey Do we have a time and date for it?
@SecondRikudo Very probably next Saturday 18:00 UTC
Kendall Frey has added an event to this room's schedule.
I don't get these rejected edit reasons
how does adding the language type to the codeblock deface the answer?
you got me
neck too long
body too plastic
and eyes too apart
@KendallFrey this the raw footage right ?
the what
the the e=I mean
@CSᵠ I'm afraid I can't let you do that, CSᵠ
Kinda weird question: Is it technically possible for someone to send a request with a url like http://foo.bar/someDir/../../../../goingOutOfRoot/? I think one can but it depends whether the server accepts it as it is or not, and any sane server will not serve the request but I am not sure.
can anyone help me with js issue?
I tried experimenting with it a bit, but nginx just sanitizes the url and never lets it go below the server root. And chrome and FF do that before sending the request, even. Only cUrl allows me to send the request with that url :/
im trying to show/hide div i followed the example here learnfast.ninja/posts/53c4e6e004dc4884098cb647 its working fine but my question is there way to improve the js is the js compitable with mobile browsers
@Steve That post is horrible. Please do not follow it.
yeah that's pretty horrible
comes off as somewhat trolly even
Annette Kellerman; pro swimmer and actress posing in a swim suit that got her arrested for indecency. 1907. http://t.co/5yx93B5YA1
I sho am going to click that
@AwalGarg so what im trying to do is show image when page opens when user clicks on the image then the content will show however except for making changes to js alone i will have multiple divs so in the post it has button with div and div with id number
can't no one look at ma hypothetical question ?:(
so except for adding ids in js i want to be just able to do something like this <input type="button" value="Click me to show or hidden div" onclick="Show_Div(Div_1)" />
<br />
<br />
<div id="Div_1" style="display: none; background-color: #ffffdd; width: 300px;">
I am div but like you guys sad its bad how can it be improved in a good way
Did you look at the fiddle I gave you?
yes i have
but the ids goes injs
glad I could help
Now I want an answer to my question :(
@AwalGarg sorry so what im trying to do is to avoid using id's in javascript since there will be a lot of ids
that i have to deal with mutliple div's
!!tell Steve mdn event delegation
wtf google :/ first result is jquery? :(
hmm, can some room owner pin my question? ^_^
@AwalGarg No, that's not what pins are for.
And servers can't access "out of root" things.
@AwalGarg That's called path traversal
It's an uncommon vulnerability
lemme look that up
More on OWASP
It's more common in application code like readfile($_GET['include'])
Ordered that last week
> Note: In a windows system an attacker can navigate only in a partition that locates web root while in the Linux he can navigate in the whole disk.
@copy ha! I know about that :P I was just talking about servers in general.
@SomeKittens sweet
@AwalGarg lolwut?
Recommended by one of the guys behind matasano.com/#overview
2 mins ago, by Awal Garg
@SecondRikudo Probably because you can't break out of C:
@copy Yeah, I got that. But there's a complete disregard to permissions here..
@SecondRikudo And that absolute file paths will apply to windows as well, duh.
That's just FUD in this case, it has no real basis
I foggot what FUD means again :(
!!urban FUD
@AwalGarg FUD Scottish slang term meaning pussy, vagina, muff, cunt
@SecondRikudo You mean files not being readable by the user of the webserver
@copy Yeah
@AwalGarg Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt
In PHP it's really easy
In node, you just create a user and run it from there...
yeah, just read
@SecondRikudo That's too optimistic
@copy How so? Obviously there should be validation on the application-level. But this is, basically, an IT problem, which has an IT solution.
just let nginx run with the default www-data user.
Because most IT people have no idea about security
Also php ships with cgi.fix_path set to true by default :/
so @copy basically if we do a str.replace(/[\/\.]/g, '') on the input, all is good?
Avoid reading arbitrary files in the first place
Yeah, I am just talking about some hypothetical situation in which it is imperative.
Alternatively use a method that properly checks if a file is below a certain path
ah shit that makes sense
@copy That's a human problem. Not an IT problem.
Also, permissioning is pretty basic in the IT department...
@SecondRikudo Yeah, but it's not FUD
@copy It is FUD to say "Windows is more secure than Linux in this regard", because that's essentially what they're saying and it isn't true.
In Linux you have the safeguard of permissions, you don't have that in Windows.
@SecondRikudo How are they saying that?
Windows has a better permission model than Linux
@copy How?
But yeah, I didn't read that out of the text
@AwalGarg "In Windows, an attacker can only look at this partition, in Linux it can look at the whole disk"
@copy wut?
Anybody familiar with Ionic or at least Angular? :D :D
Ugh, read up on it yourself
More fine-grained, for one
@copy Not gonna bother really, not using Windows servers (or machines, for that matter)
I'm just curious on where that claim comes from that's all.
I remember absolutely 0 permissions on my Windows machine back then, although never managed as Windows server.
@SecondRikudo Technically they are not saying that, but yeah, the sense is deceiving.
> Egotism is selfishness in the guise of cleverness.
@copy I am not sure how that is true, since one can virtually achieve pretty much any level of fine grained permissions for file in Linux?
Also I was wondering why do we need to install some guest editions etc. in virtual box VMs for the seamless experience mode if we can do better with ssh and X11 forwarding :/
You can only set permission for user/group/other
Windows has ACLs
@copy have you done the Crypto Challenges?
I've done plenty of crypto (including challenges) in uni
I'd like to make an answer bot based on imgur's comments API, how could I deal with the 140characters comments? Should I consider the characters? the words? n-grams? word-level n-grams?
@copy Linux has ACLs too, what am I missing? (Are you referring to the fact that most distros don't come with ACLs enabled by default?)
I don't know enough about the topic to have this discussion
iojs users, why is iojs undefined in the iojs command prompt? (winodws 8)
is it in your path?
nm you're saying once you're in iojs already
I can't even figure out what my path is. I can't use things like cd or dir in iojs, but I could in node
@rlemon holy shit man that is cool!
@Loktar inorite
I was trying to use the wrong command prompt...
I want like 20 of them to come together
and then do it all at once
Dammit, I'm dumb.
@rlemon dude I won a drone!
from the react week hackathon
can't wait to get it
what kind
no idea what one it is at all though
but it was either that or an ipad
I had a choice, so I figure its probably decent
@copy me neither :/
hopefully it isn't a parrot ar drone
cya later
they are okay
10min battery life. :/ not a very good range.
ah lame
So, I have a personal issue... don't laugh... I think I like this coworker of mine; we have a lot in common, too... however, she's a whole 10 years older than I... worth pursuing?
Just gonna let this sit here, shamefully?
go for it
10 years is a long time... I think it bothers me, but only in the very long run, if there is one... Maybe I'm just over thinking it
Fuck, I always complicate my life
try to get a fuck first...
like, literally
worst case? you get laid.
can't believe I said "worst" and "get laid" at the same time.
I've been laid before, so It's not like it's a mystery lol
not with a woman with more experience :P
lol, that's very true
whoo, got classes to work in iojs. Are arrow functions ready enough to enable?
I wish es6 modules were ready, too
arrow functions and v8? lol
Explain my ignorance
short answer: no
Does the long answer include, in the near future?
long answer: v8 tried to get them, got them in, they had a huge bug (binding not working), they took them out, and it's still not back in. The situation has lasted for a long time now.
no timeline.
Maybe they should stop sucking
you shouldn't stop please, I like it ;)
In case anyone wanted to know what @FlorianMargaine's back hair looks like:
// nothing to see here, move along
building up my soon-to-come son's room
You look like Phil Fish from behind
:loads gimp:
to be noted: I hadn't taken a shower at this time... so bedhair
@rlemon :D
I loaded gimp, but i can't think of anything to do
I'm that good
I started packing today
that was fun
when are you moving?
not till june
but jackets, books, dvd's, etc.
they can all be boxed now
btw: are you buying the house alone or with your gf?
will she finally move with you? :P
If not, I'll take her
we'll see :P
I'm... I'm lonely...
@NickDugger you don't know what she looks like...
If she's good enough for Rob, she's good enough for me
does that sound creepy? I think that sounds creepy.
For the record, I had a few drinks today
Who's david?
up in the room's tags
@NickDugger she's 10 years older than you
@rlemon That's funny... scroll up a bit
I should, I dunno, get a real life, or something
is it feel sorry for yourself day again already
I don't feel sorry for myself; I just live a very... interesting life.
@NickDugger relax, you've got two more
I don't get it
I'm drinking a bottle of wine to myself, watching storage wars on a Saturday night.
I couldn't be happier :D
I'm playing with es6 and iojs witha bottle of rum
/me is editing a blog post that'll go up later
and drinking Soylent
@SomeKittens since how long?
@NickDugger Yes, but they're gluten-free people.
@FlorianMargaine I've been getting roughly 40% of my calories through Soylent for two weeks
@SomeKittens like, you replaced 40% of your meals with soylent?
Yeah. Though I'll eat a light dinner and also have Soylent, things like that
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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