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Shame on you Steve
he's having a bad day or something, those fake stars are really pissing him off, more than they should
if anyone else is in Seattle, come check out SeattleJS seattlejs.com :D
dat surface tension
hey guys I'm facing a wired issue on firefox with my js file. I've tried several approach as per present in stack overflow but none are working
only in firefox
can someone plz take a look and gv me some hint about what I'm doing wrong
i'm keep getting error
TypeError: $ is not a function

if ($(".element").length > 0){
posted on March 13, 2015 by admin

New comic! Today's News:  If you're still having RSS issues, please use this: http://www.smbc-comics.com/rss.php

while I've mentioned every single function properly and even dreanweaver not showing any error
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 2 hours ago, by rlemon
@iSaumya I've looked through the code. Took me most of last weekend... I am happy and sad to report this (funny how that works out eh? you can be both happy and sad at the same time. You wouldn't think it is possible but here I am! smiling and crying, smiling because I have a solution. but crying because of the pain and suffering involved to get there) anyway, the issues is down around line 472. FantasyException: Lack of Unicorns
dreamweaver is the error
@iSaumya have you imported jQuery?
yah man
also if this is in wordpress jQuery runs in noConflict mode by default
yes this is wordpress
here is the js file
this is sparta!
I've doen a lot of changes in the way I'm calling these functions
but it seems all throwing the same error
are you sure jQuery is defined?
jquery always added by wordpress by default
its under wp-include so it gets included. And I have rechecked many times its included
(function($) {

function init(){
   //other init stuff

function le_type(){
	if ($(".element").length > 0){
Ah, jquery and wordpress. Ignorance is bliss, amirite?
did you think that this would pass $ to all of the functions in init>?
also, why am I only getting this file on FF and not chrome?
I tried this at first
imgur.com/gallery/lYidO how many of these are true?
that is what I'm getting on FF when I visit the page
I like to think Bill Murray did indeed crash a party, drink vodka, wash the dishes and leave
and it throwed me the error that it cant identify the $
so I change it back to
(function($) {
because you are running in no conflict mode and not wrapping it
that doesn't do what you think it does
so what should I do?
$ is not passed to init
plz help
how to pass it?
plz how to jquery plz
how do you pass any variables
also, you can solve this simply by not using the $ alias
@iSaumya You need to go back to the basics.
init ($)
then you have to pass it to every function you have in there
which is more overhead than it is work
$ is a large object
don't use the alias
I keep getting an error on this... {{#if status == 'pending'}}. That is valid, no?
@rlemon then what do you suggest?
inside of init, you can just do var $ = jQuery, or as lemony robert said, don't use the $ alias, but still, you need to go back to the basics.
@iSaumya... not using the alias.
but robert, what's an alias? I just want to use jquery, not alias.js
(function($) {

function init(){
	$ = jQuery;
   //other init stuff
is this ok now?
@NickDugger you have just assumed all of the nut shots @KendallFrey has stacked up
@KendallFrey you are now free.
Is staging environment the stage when the application is put on a test domain (for example www2.stackoverflow.com)
@iSaumya not at all
@rlemon \o/
nut shots? no pls
please go to google and figure out what 'alias' is in regards to jQuery
and also, use the var keyword
or take jQuery out of noConflict mode
or don't use jquery
yea, Zepto is probably good enough
I had a coworker who ranted and raved about zepto
if they were recommending zepto, it was mostly raving
I think now it is fine as per api.jquery.com/jquery.noconflict

(function($) {
	$(function() {

function init(){
   //other init stuff
just... j... ugh
NOW you tell me you want retardedly comprehensive analytics on this app? Now that I'm done?
> Couldn't figure it out
@iSaumya Your init() function should be inside of the self invoking function at the beginning.
@iSaumya no conflict is already enabled..
I expect you to read my mind, mister Hawins.
Hi was wondering if someone could help me with something,

I know I have to use .splice but, ehm.. I dont really know how
var cars = ["2", "3", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "4"];
var rand = cars[Math.floor(Math.random()*cars.length)];

$(".cards img").each(function(index) {
$(this).wrap('<div class="front"></div>')
.parent().wrap('<div class="flipper"></div>')
.parent().wrap('<div class="flip-container"></div>')
.append('<div class="back"><img src="./kaart/'+cars[Math.floor(Math.random()*cars.length)]+'.png"</img> </div>');
@NickDugger everyone else does
@iSaumya ok I'm going to give you a freee one. $ is jQuery how you want to use it.
so just replace all of the $ with jQuery
(function($) {
	$(function() {
then I highly suggest you take a codeacademy course.
@HaltlolXD What do you want to do?
This makes too much sense
@rlemon @KendallFrey imgur.com/gallery/wLRzLF8
Ehm, I want the user to pick 3 random values from the array
@Jhawins The beautiful thing is that you can call jQuery however you want inside of that <3
but it can not take the same vlaue twice,
so I want to remove the value the user puts, so it avoids the user to pick up twice the same
@SecondRikudo Wait wut
@SterlingArcher but.. it isn't even Canada day
not even close
(function(boris) {
such Friday @rlemon
Oh lol. What a massive improvement....
ok trying
@Jhawins Since it's a passed parameter, you can call it however you want inside of the function.
what dingbat unpinned my friday message?
I supsect @SecondRikudo
he doesn't like any jokes he doesn't make
I did
you are not a RO
@SecondRikudo doesn't like anything good
@rlemon I can neither confirm nor deny.
@SecondRikudo has no humor
@NickDugger That's true.
@SterlingArcher That's also true.
@SecondRikudo <3
^ harsh bro
well whoever it was, get a sense of humor
but I still suspect @SecondRikudo
It's one thing to bang his mom, but to give him a </3? That's just rude
@rlemon Let's say it was, hypothetically speaking, me. I'd say "get better jokes".
how about you just don't click the link? and stop being a stick in the mud. stop threatening to kick people if they don't do what you say, and maybe chill out?
Hmm that -1 lol
shit got REEAAL
Yes, that.
so I repinned it
Get bent, bro
now its giving
TypeError: jQuery(...).flexslider is not a function
I used to be a stick in the mud but then I became an arrow that took somebody in the knee.
@NickDugger instructions unclear... can taste my knees.
eh, valiant effort
@rlemon Are we about this again?
it all comes back to being a stick in the mud, so yes.
We each have our approach to dealing with crappy users. You like to kick without warning, I like to warn. Is that really so wrong?
@rlemon Who threatened to kick people..
@SterlingArcher this is why you never print out code
you are not warning, you pin messages saying "BEHAVE OR ILL BAN YOU!!!"
@SterlingArcher obviously fake, there are no female programmers
that is just flexing your muscles.
I don't see where the escalation is coming from other than @rlemon?
@SterlingArcher first run: missing semicolon at line 3
I have a solution; just make me an RO
RO fight
@rlemon First off, I'm fabulous, I can flex my muscles if I want.
@Jhawins no escalation. just letting him know I don't appreciate him removing pins because he doesn't like the song.
and recently him and I discussed a pinning of a threatening message in the html room
my e-penis is bigger than yours anyway...
@KendallFrey BRO fight (source)
Second, like I said back then, it wasn't "flexing muscles" as you defined it, it's a friendly warning. And like I said last time, if it bothered you so much, I'd leave it off, which I did.
@KendallFrey The first programmer was female, Ada Lovelace. One of the best computer scientists was female, Grace Hopper.
As for pinning the song
The way I see it, pins are meant for important stuff.
@AaditMShah I know :P
@AaditMShah that's just propaganda.
Good day gents
Regardless of the fact that I don't find this particular joke funny, I don't think jokes should be pinned. Star it, sure. Don't pin.
and ladies
Everyone knows females don't actually exist, in any species.
how's it going
@NickDugger lol
@SecondRikudo jokes get pinned all the time. they remain for a day or two or until they are no longer relevant.
Can someone pin this message, just to be spiteful?
What are our pinning rules, out of curiosity?
we have none
@ssube We have none.
There shouldn't be any. That would be silly.
well shit
If you think something is cool pin it.
meeting topic?
When it gets old, unpin
I always feel weird updating a library or some code and pinning it
oh, shit, that reminds me
@KendallFrey +1
shockmansion.com/wp-content/myimages/2012/12/… @SterlingArcher this needs to be a wasted gif
@ssube Actually, as it turns out every human being is female when conceived. Later on during development a male's ovaries drop down as testes, the fallopian tubes become vas deferens and the vagina turns inside out as the penis.
@rlemon There's a system for that, it's called the star system.
@AaditMShah nope, females aren't real. Never seen one, therefore they don't exist.
If you made a funny, and people find it as funny as you did, they'll star it.
I find your lack of pins disturbing.
Pinning is for what you want to make sure everyone should see.
@ssube One of my programmer friends is a female: twitter.com/lenadroid
And I don't think Rebecca Black qualifies.
ok I'll keep that in mind, very spitefully, for the next time you wanna share something I don't care about. or you can concede and not remove others pins and we can just drop it.
@AaditMShah programmers don't have friends, only fellow mountain dew drinkers they stop hating to mutter at for a few minutes
hey everyone
Friends are over rated
@rlemon Please do.
@SecondRikudo Every time somebody mentions Rebecca Black I think of Zoe Belkin.
@MincăDanielAndrei Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I just have imaginary people online to talk to
I've always seen it as a grave mark against my nerd-cred that I hate Mtn. Dew.
@Loktar yeah, and they believe I have a wife hahaha
@Retsam I also dislike it
@FlorianMargaine haha
@Retsam I liked it as a kid.
Dr. Pepper, one true soft drink.
hell yes dude!
@rlemon To be perfectly fair, and it might sound a bit childish but you just reminded me, you kinda removed my (serious) pin without speaking to me first as well.
@Retsam I once knew a Real Developer (like, actually a good one, worked for IBM back in the day), and her opinion was that Real Developers drink Coca Cola and leave Mountain Dew to the Java Developers
Dr. Pepper
I don't like Dr. Pepper :(
Ha, that ,009
PHP Developers obviously drink something even worse, like Miller Lite
I love Mocha lattes actually
@SecondRikudo I will always remove threats and insults from the pins. I think that is acceptable and I think every RO should as well. but sure, we can bring that up ( I also remove them from the stars when I see it. )
PHP developers are the designated drivers, but they still crash the car.
American ones ofc, never had a real one as @FlorianMargaine will say
I'm sorry I didn't ping you first.
Hey, does anybody know whether JavaScript is male or female?
@Loktar yeah it's pretty good as a test runner
@FlorianMargaine haha
@FlorianMargaine it's real good, cause it's all cinnamony
@rlemon I don't mind "dropping" it, as you said. But I feel it's a good thing to work out our conflicts and reach a good understanding.
@Jhawins classic lol
@AaditMShah why not neutral
Any food can be made better with cinnamon, garlic, or green chilis.
Rather than having it brought up next time something like this happens.
@ziGi Because binary.
@ssube Sounds like this person has some fucked up priorities
@SecondRikudo sure. we'll bring it up in the next meeting. I'm not angry at you or anything, we just really don't agree here.
@HaltlolXD zug zug
@rlemon Sure thing.
Who's holding the next meeting?
oh god... hes here
> Shit! I was supposed to be debugging Java today but I forgot the Mountain Dew!
@Jhawins nope, she just understood that modern languages make for little bitch developers
if you can't jmp, it ain't worth writin
@KendallFrey is I believe right?
Holding the next meeting
JS is hermaphroditic
@ssube That has nothing to do with the type of soda you drink lol but thank you
:( I'm sad and happy with all of you right now
Some people don't drink sodas
cause too much sugar you know
rlemon meant to say: no one has said "JavaScript"
@Jhawins it does, because mountain dew is for neckbeards, and neckbeards are little bitches, and little bitches write java, and so on
According to the article so is Python.
@ssube This message is excessive.
@Loktar I think so. What do I need to do again?
where as coke can take blood off of chrome, which will be very important once you start writing C
setup a gist
does anyone here knows the .blur.js plugin?
@BenjaminGruenbaum is this true?
because, while writing C, you will get blood everywhere
iºm using it to blur my body
@Loktar mmk ty
that was mine, I based it off of @SecondRikudo s
> neckbeards are little bitches, and little bitches write java
and it blurs my background image expect the buttons
and you set the date/time I believe as well
Come on now lets not be assholes.
@SterlingArcher wow
@rlemon SterlingArcher is afk.
.. where did you afk?
@Japa does that make you look like a sim?
@SterlingArcher I wish
@Jhawins Not all bitches write java, and not all java developers are bitches, but I'm sure some are.
@Loktar a sim?
it's Friday, everything is excessive. Fuck the police. Anarchy in the UK.
I feel like @ssube is about to be suspended :P
did no one see the sarcasm in @ssube's message?
invalidate all the things!
I voted invalid. :shurgs:
@Loktar lololol yes....
@rlemon Same
@Japa I've never used that plugin
@rlemon We all do but two "little bitches" in one message is always going to be too much lol
do you recomend other?
apparently not everyone interprets absolutes as usually sarcastic
Id just use CSS personally
typically people who consider absolutes sometimes valid
I got suspended for saying fuck off. So. I can totally see it haha
it´s a strange beahavior...because inside my body i have everything
Room Meeting: Sat. March 21, 6 PM UTC Does this work for you?
so the buttosn should be blured too
Fuckin Saturdays
works for me 1pm central, 2pm eastern
@KendallFrey what is that in you&me time?
@Jhawins that's not why you got suspended
I don't think that message should be pinned; it offends me
@Loktar i want to blur everything except the login modal
any tutorial you recomend?
@Japa put the login on top, blur the background with an overlay
i´ve searching a lot
@Jhawins is there a better time?
@ssube Kinda is.
@KendallFrey Idk everyone always complains about weekdays so I can see the reasoning but there's way more of us here on weekdays IMO
@Japa No you haven't
Id probably use something like that
#myBlurOverlay  {
    -webkit-filter: blur(20px);
    -moz-filter: blur(20px);
    -o-filter: blur(20px);
    -ms-filter: blur(20px);
    filter: blur(20px);
    opacity: 0.4;
@Jhawins I don't think the language, in and of itself, was what bothered anyone (at least, nobody mentioned it, that I remember).
"javascript blur background"
click on the first link
@NickDugger he is using blurjs currently and having an issue with it
@ssube Why are you explaining it to me. I know it was a joke..
@Loktar he was asking earlier without blurjs
DUR DUR Duuuuuur
I assume this is his newest attempt at it
@Loktar Misping?
oh hah yeah @Jhawins
@NickDugger looks like a shop.
@SterlingArcher WOAH i was almost amused
did.. did we just see a seal fart?
@rlemon ooh I only saw his most recent question
@Japa look at what @rlemon posted its basically that
seal hiccup rather
Seriously guys?
@crl my cats jump like that when they fart
It's the shock of almost giving a fuck.
Like c'mon.
!!afk lunch...
or the shock of not realizing one is about to squeeze out
I remember back in 'nam, when I first saw a seal fart. We damn near burned down the entire jungle after that.
and then it does.
@ssube those were the good ol days
We need a designer to help fix a rendering bug in #Miaou. If you do have an iPad come help at http://dystroy.org/miaou/8 If you don't please RT
lol :D
thanks everyone for helping me
@Loktar right? I had a great time in nam
@SterlingArcher lol wtf
I didnt realize Halo had those kind of bullet physics
@SterlingArcher what do you think?
Do you think it's true?

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