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@crl like when you're on a YouTube playlist and you keep toggling shuffle on/off, until you're happy with the song lineup.
@darkyen00 making a M$APP?
I can't for the life of me figure out why this angular routeparams is not working. Pretty sure I have the URL correct and the routing hooked up correctly. Anyone care to take a look?
URL is http://mysite.com/#/controllerName/1 and I get a 404 when trying to access it.
does it need to be /#/controllerName/paramName/1 ?
Okay, spent a hell lot of time figuring this out. If anyone interested to know how Node.js processes Modules internally, check this answer
Anybody have any idea why Node HTTP requests and DNS resolves might be taking a really long time? Taking 10s to 50s to download a single page.
Try wireshark
is there an average download time HTTP requests floating around anywhere? seems like a lot of requests are taking 1.5s or so, and then suddenly it jumps up to around 40s a few requests later.
code I'm working on makes a ton of requests and DNS resolves, so. wondering if I wrote something in somewhere accidentally that might slow it down
what's weird is that this identical code was working great last week. :|
If you use wireshark, you'll be able to tell if the problem is 1) a delay before the request 2) a slow request 3) a delay on the server 4) a slow response or 5) a delay after the request
/me downloads wireshark
what?? no /me?
@Bergi Do you think that could be moved as a separate question? Because I couldn't find any text in the internet explaining it.
@thefourtheye It might be a good idea - It'll get you additional upvotes on the research effort from me :-)
You might want to shorten it a bit and get right to the compile point though
Q: Why does a module level return statement work in Node.js?

thefourtheyeWhen I was answering another question, I found out that Node.js allows module level return statements. For example, console.log("Trying to reach"); return; console.log("dead code"); will work without any errors and print Trying to reach in the standard output but not dead code. It means tha...

Oh, okay I am working on improving it. I thought it would be better if people understand how Node.js internally works.
Maybe just as a TLDR section in the top :-)
Thanks for the suggestion, I included a TL;DR section now :)
I've shortened the question a bit, hope you like it
(and got your upvotes of course)
Oh thanks for the edit and upvotes :-) I am not a native English speaker, so I was kind of hoping that the community would edit and improve it ;)
Nah, the English was fine (I'm no native speaker either so don't trust my language), but I wanted to make it a bit more question-like; sounding more surprised etc
I like my question and the answer more, after your edits. Thanks :-)
Glad to hear :-) Good night!
@Bergi Good night. Have a peaceful sleep :-)
@pzp1997 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Can I ask to ask?
Pretty meta though
what the wut? If I start my sever on the ip of the computer, why can't I visit it via localhost?
Don't localhost or just refer back to your computer's ip?
You might have a host that overrides it?
ok, noob question
    var _this = this;

        .then(function(res) {_this.completed(res, false, cacheKey)})
I have that. I know I can use arrow functions
but I can't get it working for some reason
I have a var called cacheKey I want to pass in and I thought something like this would work
.then((res, false, cacheKey) => {this.completed}
but no..
I actually get an error when babel
definitely something I'm not understanding I guess... I can see how thats wrong, just can't make it right lol
What error?
one sec
> Assigning to rvalue
ERROR in .
Module build failed: SyntaxError: Assigning to rvalue (48:20)
  46 |         .accept('json')
  47 |         .promise()
> 48 |         .then((res, false, cacheKey) => { this.completed})
thats what the entire error looks like... its a syntax error, happens everytime I add more than 2 vars before the arrow
hmm maybe it just doesn't like the false
wow yeah. That works now
.then((res, false, cacheKey) => {this.completed} <-- I'm getting too old for this fancy stuff
I assigned false to a var outside of it
.then((res, someVar, cacheKey) => {this.completed}
that worked.
@m59 haha yeah I'm starting slowly to get used to it
well to es6 stuff
it really helps that most react repos are using es6
Yeah I just started learning arrow functions yesterday
I can't understand things without talking about them. I've help vamped you guys too much already.
I can't understand without trying it 20 different ways and failing personally :P
I got sick of seeing them everywhere and not understanding them
Es6 works uncompiled in io.js, right?
I need to download that and give it a shot.
I think so. I just use babel loader for everything now
plus, template strings, finally, thank all that is good.
I want to try io.js but I'm kinda scared
I don't like change
io.js is same as Node.js + ES6
Yeah that's what scares me
Idk I can't explain it
bah I lied lol
that didn't work
my data was just cached to a key of undefined lol
meh oh well ill just leave it with th eugly _this for now
this should be the global object right
A: Remove all html attributes with regex (replace)

Mr_GreenYou should not use regex here. var html = '<title>Ololo - text’s life</title><div class="page-wrap"><div class="ng-scope"><div class="modal custom article ng-scope in" id="new-article" aria-hidden="false" style="display: block;"><div class="modal-dialog first-modal-wrapper"><div class="modal-con...

^ I have no idea what people are talking about in the comments
I even read document fragment, but it is going from top of my head
@Shmiddty not specifically an MS App but it does work on windows and runs on azure ...and now I am trying to make my laptop boot
Think of it like an html element that only exists in the dom
but how can I use that in that scenario?
any small example?
var div = document.createDocumentFragment();
div.innerHTML = html;
I think
even I did the same but didn't work.. I will try again now
var div = document.createDocumentFragment().createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = html;
Or that
The first one worked for me, the second didn't
There is no property like `innerHTML` or method like `createElement` for document fragment.. just now checked in chrome console..
Hey guys, for some reason, I am creating a button on a form... and I bind a .click() event with JQuery... but when I click the button it submits my form. Any ideas as to why?
@Dynelight Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Dynelight Because buttons submit forms when you click them. You need to prevent the default event before you override it
@Mr_Green Huh we'll figure this out I promise
@Meredith thanks! I guess that's why Twitter Bootstrap has btn classes for anchors.
Thanks I will also try here
btw is your fiddle up to date
The output still has html in it
hey sorry for interrupting. does anyone know: What is the term referred to as a cross-join that returns all the rows in all the tables listed in the query
@redCodeAlert Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@argentum47 that just means a & or the end of the string. It's so that the pattern will match, since one of those will be true
and more importantly, if it's not either of those things, then the previous stuff needs to capture it for the replacement
One last question: I am coding a dynamic function that adds and deletes rows. When I click on an 'Add' button to add the row, I generate a button to delete the row. Am I supposed to create the click event for that particular row in that instant?
@argentum47 Because a query parameter can only be followed by an & or the end of the string $
@Dynelight Why not?
@m59 If I add an event that applies to all elements on a class... and I add a class later... will that event apply to that element?
I mean, what's the alternative? Create a click event that doesn't delete the row, and then have that click event create another event and fire it when you click the row? lol
@Dynelight sounds like you're using jquery.
I am @m59
I should've specified that.
The way you think about JS gives it away :)
I'll update myself I promise... :)
Look up how to use event listeners without jquery
If you get DOM element references and attach event listeners to them, and then add new dom elements to the DOM, do the new DOM elements have event listeners attached to them?
@m59 I believe the answer is no.
@m59 gotcha. I tested without the $ to match for filter in brands/1/offers?filter=blabla . and it became clear
Correct. Consider what $('.my-elem') is doing
It just grabs all the matches from the DOM
.click(//etc just attaches event listeners to them
by the way
Yeah... that is why when I click on my 'Add button' event, I add the HTML for that row... and I also assign it an ID. And right after that I add the event listener. This is where it's failing though.
[].forEach.call(document.getElementsByClassName('my-class'), function(elem) {
  elem.addEventListener('click', function() {
    // click code
no jQuery needed
Going back though, there is another option, which is event delegation
You attach one event to the document, and then when the document is clicked, you determine if the element clicked is the one you want
basically, this:
mind is blank
you are on fire :P
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
  if (clicked element has whatever class you want) {
    // do stuff
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
  if (~e.target.className.indexOf('foo')) {
    // .foo stuff
I need to learn actual javascript (btw I found my mistake)
Do you get that one? The event is on the document, so add all the elements you want and the code will fire for them. You're just inspecting the element that was clicked to see if it matches what you want.
NEvermind still struggling
Ah interesting
I found the actual problem
The actual problem is using jquery :p
I was binding the event with a global variable.
oh my
so when it changed it didn't trigger properly
are you debugging with alert?
Well you probably know the answer to that.
What do you recommend?
Do you know about the dev tools?
You should also just use classes because those don't need to be unique
Hit f12, use console.log()
"#file-delete-" + current_id will just make things harder for you
hey,i call .value after a call to .reduce in a lodash chain,it throws an error
var res = _(data)
undefined is not a function?
Any guesses why that is?
the reduce works perfectly,then it calls a function in lodash(source minified) and then rejects my promise with undefined is not a function
my source is minified too(working with IIFEs)
Thanks a lot for the insights @Meredith @m59
1. Don't develop with minified dependencies
That's just asking for trouble
2. What does .reduce return?
the $form ofcourse
Try again
!!> [1,2,3].reduce(function(item) { return item; });
We're aware of the docs, lol. I don't know why you linked them
you must specify an initialValue and return a modified version of this value from reduce,in this case you will get 3 as the final value i guess
@vamsiampolu the number is irrelevant (it's 1, see above)
You need to really sit and think about this.
@vamsiampolu "reduce it to a single value"
ah heck, I'm tired. You're trying to do something like 1.value() or 'some string'.value()
yes...i removed the .value and it works
night all
Good Morning
@AaditMShah now i finised reading oyut awnser.
finished* your* answer* ... damn it
^ I am trying to get exact location of x and y of `.content` class element relative to its parent `.wrapper` class.
But the e.pageX and e.pageY are coming relative to the body element, it seems.
availabilities.forEach(availability => newAvailabilities[availability.location_id] = convertToDictAvailabity(availability.inventory));
tgis is so tempting to do
but so much terrible to read :-/
got it e.offsetX and e.offsetY :D
@Mr_Green if my memory serves me right you might want to test that in more than one browser
this is working fine but not in my huge project.
this is really frustrating
Seems Firefox got around to it just recently, and it only took 8 years :) --> bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69787#c47
No wait, that bug was from 2001 so make it 14 years I guess
@darkyen00 did you delete your facebook?
@BadgerCat about 8 months ago.
Why ?
I am not on whatsapp either \o/, nor google+
@BadgerCat what happened ?
How can I talk to you? Skype? Telegram?
telegram works fine but i am in office.
I'll leave a message
/I just realized i can use telegram via chrome :P am there now
// and u got it!
Yeah, I had it
^ please others also check the above question
I have the exact problem in my project now
Essentials to have on windows ?
@Mr_Green Afraid I'm at work atm and don't really have the time to dig deep into this, all I recall from last time I had to do something similar is that what x/y properties are available varied in different browsers. Since you're already using JQuery, see if they have already abstracted the browser-differences away for you
I have so far installed
- Visual Studio Community Edition
- GiT
- ConEmu
- Node.JS
- Azure CLI
- Google Chrome
ok np anyway I solved it
Am i missing something ?
@darkyen00 yes, emacs
Damn it i forgot Sublime Text 3
I WILL USE Visual Studio .. blow good coding practises
you're missing f.lux anyway
@FlorianMargaine justgetflux.com ?
@darkyen00 If you use VS for HTML/JS, ReSharper and Web Essentials help.
@RoelvanUden na uh
I use sublime with a bunch of addons.
The pain now is syncing those addons from my office pc to my home pc
That's it then. For coding sites anyway :-P
@darkyen00 Put it under version-control, either on GitHub or personal Git server
Or BitBucket if you want it to be private
@RoelvanUden I use visual studio only to write native clients... that is NEVER
or ... to write winjs apps (to make it more painful)
Ah.. I use VS daily. Still the best IDE ever :-)
Is there some way I can trigger a "page refresh" (with js) every time an user tries and does edit the page source via browser's developers tools?
yes, but the user can remove the handler that refreshes the page...
so... no, don't try to stop the user from messing with dev tools. It'll happen.
even if it's inside an external file?
if it's executed in my browser, I do whatever I want with it. You won't be able to stop it.
damn!! Why didn't I learn PHP instead :(
Thanks btw
Wh..at? PHP? You.. huh?
oh my
anybody there to help me in angular js please
@abden.nasir Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi i want to submit search form and dispaly results in different page using angular js...
@Frondor why exactly would you want to do that?
can I view files side by side in dev tools?
like in ST
}catch(Exception ex)
Q: Coordinates issue in drawing a rectangle

Mr_GreenI am creating a some kind of drawing tool where user can draw rectangular shapes on an element. To draw rectangular shapes, user should drag and release the cursor. I wrote code which is working fine but breaking when I am trying to draw rectangles on other than first page (.page elements). Fidd...

^ Any help?
What do i search for
if i want to find a way to connect a phone to other phone
via bluetooth or something else ?
@BenFortune Will it work x-platform ?
Apparently not, since Apple are tight-arses
@BenFortune Windows Phone to Android ?
ps this have to work with phonegap
WP to Android shouldn't be a problem. Phonegap has an NFC plugin IIRC
BlackBerry 7
BlackBerry 10
Windows Phone 8
oh beauty --- BB7/10
My app itself won't work on them.. but oohay @BenFortune thank you !
What are you using it for? It doesn't support file transfer yet by the looks of it
@BenFortune A demo of something i built
how to get two phones laid
its very important it works from winphone to android
I want to run some PHP code when I click a link and to not refresh the page, and run a PHP query once I click the link. Is there any way I can do this?
@AshSimpson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AshSimpson AJAX/XHR
Where can I find a good starting point for this?
What is wrong with my code?
<script type="text/javascript">
		function doIt()
  url: "accept_corp.php",
  context: document.body
}).done(function() {
  alert('Script completed');

<a href="#" onClick="doIt()">
first of all, it's not formatted
please edit the message and press ctrl + k
and second, from that snippet I can't really tell what is "wrong"
what does it do? is there an error thrown?
It isn't running the page's php code
It just does nothing
url: "accept_corp.php", all the code on that page is ment to run...
That pages content is : <?php mysql_query("UPDATE test SET count = count + 1");
the ajax-request works?
I don't think so because I don't get an alert saying its completed.
Neither does the php script run
well, that can have multiple reasons
have a look at the dev - tools network tab
^ I am trying to drag a drawn element
It works fine in first page
but not on other pages
if the request gets sent and what the response / response code is
can someone please tell me what could be the problem?
I now get a message saying the script was completed but the page content on the php page is still not being processed.
@Mr_Green you somehow place it on the first page after drag
check your selectors and element references
I can say that is happening because of e.pageX and e.pageY
@AshSimpson could it be a problem with the php - script itself?
which are related to page but not the offset parent element
but when I use e.offsetX and e.offsetY, it is not even working on first page
try some debug prints with a die() command following to see if it returns anything and to determine where it fails
@Mr_Green probably, yeah
those can be cumbersome
@AshSimpson Check your console for errors
I have tried manually running the php page and it works perfectly. And I will now
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < Is the only error i see
that could be to do with the javascript.
@GNi33 As you can see it is working fine on first page, if I use e.pageX and e.pageY
but not on other pages
this seems to be a tricky problem which I am trying to solve from today morning
this ate all my brain
did you try .clientX ?
@Mr_Green Did you change something? Wasn't working for me about half an hour ago, works now on Chrome.

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