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that's pretty sick
the reps may be controversial but people should consider that just holding that weight in her hands is amazing
@darkyen00 yes, it should work just fine - that's why it's called an emulator
@BenjaminGruenbaum it pops up the "connect" a windows phone thing :-/
pick the right target
maybe casue i don't have a windows phone its not registering me for dev account hmm ?
Target is emulator. [cordova cli no chance of error.]
@Mosho true. but it's actually pretty troublesome for the spine. That powerlifting technique she excessively is using puts all the weight on her spine, shoulder blades and elbows. Can end up very easily in a disaster
@jAndy That's a good way to ruin your back/other things lol
Is that considered a "proper" technique?? I've been seeing a lot of girls doing that in "fail videos"
@jAndy lul
> She is going to be a pretty scary girl later in life. She will have many girlfriends though.
I do it like that as well
that's how powerlifters do it, though none I know of are flexible enough to do it like that :P
I laugh about where the other end of the weight goes... Without being too crude... Her ass isn't planted on the bench (it can't be with that arch) and I am picturing strange stress into the crotch area
it puts no more stress on the spine than squats or deadlifts
@Jhawins its a powerlifting technique. You can bench a lot more weight putting the weight on your spine and back etc. but its way more dangerous and will do your body no good performed for a long time
@Mosho The stresses aren't equal, so are you saying it puts less stress than squats or deadlifts?
having a slight hollow back while benching is good and right.. but this.. bending your body like powerlifters do.. will fuck your body very quickly
Just looking at it is painful for me 5 years from now
yeah, for her it's pretty extreme
I couldn't do that even if I wanted to
Let me install a bowling ball in the back of my desk chair while I'm at it
but planting your feet behind your knees and arching your back, pushing your shoulders down (toward your legs) is proper technique
a lot of chest power goes away through your back and legs not being tight
I wouldn't call hers tight in the right way..
That is definitely a peculiar way to bench
@darkyen00 You're coming to India?
How do we call a function that multiplies n * n in english? was there are specific word or?
@AaditMShah I have been here for a long while sigh
@BenjaminGruenbaum I finally wrote that answer that you wanted me too. I took me really long.
You're already in India? Since when?
@AaditMShah Thanks, I knew you were the right guy for the job :) Link?
A: Would there be any benefit to writing synchronous code using the syntax of promises

Aadit M Shah Is there such a concept as a synchronous promise? Benjamin is absolutely right. Promises are a type of monad. However, they are not the only type. If you're not already aware of it then you're probably wondering what a monad is. There are lots of explanations of monads available online. How...

@darkyen00 Okay, wait. I had you confused with someone else.
Holy shit, the answer length.
Somebody in this chat room lives in Nebraska right?
@AaditMShah Loktar
@Loktar. I confused you with him.
Yes, now I remember.
@darkyen00 Yes, it took me a good three hours to write that. =)
@AaditMShah don't confuse me and @Loktar just cause we both are bald =c
I wouldn't be able to. You have hair in your picture.
rip my puny attempt to crack a lame joke :-(
3 hours ago, by darkyen00
and i will landing in Mumbai at around 10am then i will be sitting ducks till 4pm
this is loktar
loktar reporting
^ That's the reason I got confused.
so dudes
Reactweek is badass, and its only like 2 hours in
Hello @Loktar.
@Loktar can u report me on email ? need an itsy bitsy favor i have been seeking you since a while.
@Vlad that's usually called "squared" (the specific name for "to the second power" or Math.pow(n, 2))
I'm super busy lately :/
its just a 5 minute thing if u can do.
doing this training plus finishing this app that needs to be done by the beginning of April
Abhishek Hingnikar. Now, I remember you! =D
yeah sure just shoot me an email
Did I get your last name correct?
as long as its not illegal! :P
Hey @darkyen00 what's this about?
3 hours ago, by darkyen00
I'd like an autograph :3 /cc @AaditMShah
@AaditMShah he wants to meet you.
i just got judged so hard
@SterlingArcher did you, hot shot?
@FlorianMargaine Why would he want to do that to me?
once for eating gogurt. and again for using my big pocket knife to open the gogurt lol
@AaditMShah meet you? to hang out I guess
i couldn't rip it D:
@Loktar dropped.
ok cool checking now
@AaditMShah and to learn a lot :P
don't worry i wont stalk you,... i just will be rotting bored on the airport if my laptop runs out of battery.
@Loktar deets?
its like $600 for the online, my job paid for it
@SterlingArcher I'm judging you
There are lots of people smarter than me on this chat room. @BenjaminGruenbaum @BartekBanachewicz @FlorianMargaine @CapricaSix @Zirak
@darkyen00 can't you just make a fake account?
@darkyen00 You should learn from them.
I don't think I'm smarter than you, in fact I don't really think I'm smarter than people.. we're different
@Loktar you think i didn't tried ?
yes power of two, power of three
@darkyen00 Where did you go to?
@darkyen00 I would love to help but not comfortable sharing something with my social :/
@AaditMShah i work in bangalore.
not that I don't trust you
@Loktar i don't need it.... i just need the keys.
but what if someone else gets it
@AaditMShah Last time you explained advanced type system extensions to me, not the other way around :P
the accessKeys.
looks like to set it up I need to set an EIN or social
yeah thats where i stuck :-/
and bank details
There is a lot of brain power that congregates in this room
@darkyen00 no one is gonna do that for you that doesn't know you well IRL... That's how those work. You don't understand the severity of that information obviously or you wouldn't be asking :P
damn dude sorry I'd love to help but yeah man thats like really personal stuff lol
@BartekBanachewicz Like Benjamin said. We're different. You helped me out as well before.
I wouldn't do it for someone locally even..
man, my memory is terrible. I'm getting old.
@Jhawins @Loktar erm ... i didn't knew its that severe.
yeah like @Jhawins that info is a huge deal
Wow, nice answer @AaditMShah , was a good call to ask you to write it :D
the social security number
I mostly annoy people here instead of helping
@Loktar / @Jhawins any work arround ?
someone can steal your identity and take out credit cards in your name for example
What site is this? Why do they need that?
@Jhawins stripe
its a payment site
Yes, with the whole problem with object-oriented method composition.
@Jhawins its a payment processor.
If only they would work in India -_-
@darkyen00 an LLC in the US would work probably
@AaditMShah ah that was nothing, really. You'd figure it out on your own I suppose.
LLC + a us bank account
@Loktar totally out of time. xD
Yeah... lol
I guess, I will have to figure out some other work around :-(
@BartekBanachewicz you might enjoy @AaditMShah's answer if you haven't seen it already
sorry @darkyen00 :(
@Loktar nah its okay :P
I realize i was asking for *toooooooo much
didn't know they need bank accnt.
@Jhawins can u ping me on gmail ?
Mmmm chicken and rissoto
fuck it iunno how to spell it
@BenjaminGruenbaum man. Just skimmed through for now but looks really solid
got my upvote anyway, will read back at home
or prolly about wednesday, because I'm shit busy this week
Yeah I checked too... They want too much sensitive info to activate your account than I think anyone should give if sharing with someone else :/. Sorry bro
ok, have to go back to coding, ping me if anyone is looking for me :)
19:29:59 The error I had was Error: Parse Error
19:29:59 'Error: Parse Error\n    at Socket.socketOnData (http.js:1584:20)\n    at TCP.onread (net.js:525:27)'
Except @darkyen00 you've got to stop pinging me, if you need me and can't google it send me a gtalk :D
WTF is that? (first line after colon is e.message, second line is e.stack)
@BenjaminGruenbaum o_O well when did i ping you ? Oh microsoft :P
BTW the comic on your starboard has wrong attribution
I don't even know what causes it, and it doesn't happen locally
(the cheese and labirynth one)
well you are the only person i know using microsoft stack... you kinda brought it on yourself xD
I love it, and it was made by OGLAF author
@Jhawins you kinda reminded me of someone I know :P got it done.
> Can the talks be done with ES5? There are enough other concepts to learn
one of the comments in react week
@BartekBanachewicz the link says oglaf, it's probably just a mirror/cdn host.
lmao that was too little time for anyone to get it done ;P but cool story
@BenjaminGruenbaum counting on you :P
it's a shame we can't just pin oglaf, but it's super nsfw
typical olaf.
@Shmiddty typical brolaf. (source)
Thanks for letting me answer that question @BenjaminGruenbaum. I think I need to go and sleep for a while now.
Oh my God. It's 11:00 PM here already.
> hey Jordan. can we talk when you are done?
I'm breaking up with you
The most dreaded words at my office >.<
Oh... D:
@SterlingArcher needs 5 points. no more, no less.
It's prolly some stupid "bug" with my IVR project that turns out is a feature she never requested yet somehow magically expected me to guess it
I dunno, when my boss says that, he usually just wants an update
Nothing serious
Hi guys i am using element.classList.remove('myClass') however it isn't supported by all browsers what else can use since element.removeClass('myClass') did not work
What the actual fuck :|
@NickDugger wasn't my boss :(
prepare for sexytime, then
Note to self: never open JoyReactor.com again at work.
@devdar the best is a shim of classList
@FlorianMargaine its not my post but i saw it
@devdar either that or use element.className
imgur is fucking up and the comments out of context are not funny ._.
19:47:15 Unhandled rejection Error: Parse Error
19:47:15     at Socket.socketOnData (http.js:1583:20)
19:47:15     at TCP.onread (net.js:527:27)
19:47:15 From previous event:
19:47:15     at callee$1$0$ (/opt/taboola/CI/scm-scripts/verify_versions/verify-versions.js:84:38)
19:47:15     at tryCatch (/opt/taboola/CI/scm-scripts/verify_versions/node_modules/babel/node_modules/regenerator-babel/runtime.js:53:40)
19:47:15     at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke (/opt/taboola/CI/scm-scripts/verify_versions/node_modules/babel/node_modules/regenerator-babel/runtime.js:209:22)
:/ lots of people don't understand .bind
in the training
like.. they are showing react
but lots of people are asking what bind is
Dude Ryan Florence is fucking awesome
he did the first talk, pretty badass
makes me want to use VIM as well
@Loktar man you're an effin combo breaker
See if they ask what "MDN" means if it gets brought up
@Loktar tell him emacs is better
@FlorianMargaine heathen
!!s/Ryan Florence/love/
@KendallFrey Dude love is fucking awesome (source)
@SterlingArcher @Ke,ndallFrey Dude love is fucking awesome (source) (source)
use commas
Now Cap is talking to both of us
@ssube use, commas (source)
!add ™® and !!11eleven to the end of his sentence
@Jhawins Could not process input. Error: unterminated parenthetical on line 3
@Jhawins escape your parentheses
@darkyen00 Could not process input. Error: unterminated parenthetical on line 3
!!s/e\b/e,/ 21988412
@FlorianMargaine posh I know.
@KendallFrey @KendallFrey Dude, love is fucking awesome (source) (source)
@FlorianMargaine kinda hard... the chat itself messes up
I am an idiot. Had spaces in my webhost
what's \b?
word boundary
word boundary
clever clever
@darkyen00 or beginning
@SecondRikudo there are no spaces on the internet
@FlorianMargaine @KendallFrey yea... after reading florian's answer my mind blinked.
earlier it was { sense: none; } atleast now it works sometimes.
@SterlingArcher BTW, I wrote the code to do that *grins*
@ssube only 00100000
@KendallFrey a well deserved +1
!!s/on the internet/between your legs/
@darkyen00 @SecondRikudo there are no spaces between your legs (source)
ah darn the "s"
uhhhh, ok?
sneezed, nearly threw my hip out
getting old sucks
... says the 14 y.o. boy
only in maturity level! :/
I sneezed so hard over the weekend I hit my head on the wall
@SterlingArcher don't do that.
Wasn't intentional D:
@KendallFrey I got so hard over the weekend I hit my head on the wall (source)
Well that's a new one
those chairs with wheels can be dangerous
How can a shell be run in node.js, and then new commands be fed to it afterwards? For instance, running a test.c shell that gives a >> interface, and then writing to that interface as needed? Sorry for bad grammar.
!!tell helpinghand google node with prompt
@HelpingHand start a new process and use stdin/stdout
What is the most common, 'throw new Error' or 'throw Error'?
throw "Banana"
That's just bad. That's not an error at all, it's a string, is it not?
it's definitely a string.
Very useful for stack traces :-P
throw "POOP" // @RoelvanUden
So apparently KSP will have a button to purchase a 3D-printed model of your ships in-game. Pretty darn epic, that.
that is epic holy hell
but then you won't papercraft it
@RoelvanUden new
@ssube Thankey :-)
@RoelvanUden the most common or the most correct? :-)
@FlorianMargaine i used element.className where className is the className you want to keep, however i do not know the name of the class i want to keep only the one i want to remove
you're allocating a new error. Even if Error acts as a factory function, it's more clear to use new Error
@FlorianMargaine The most correct :-P
Hi all
@RoelvanUden new Error then
@ssube I see, makes sense. Thanks for confirming @ssube and @FlorianMargaine
@Neal Hi cool Neal!
@Shmiddty Shalom
@ssube Yeah, but I don't want to send the commands in the node command prompt... I want to send the commands to a c program that was executed by node. For instance, exec('test.c') is started which internally begins a prompt >> that should be written to by node...
@HelpingHand once you've forked the shell, you have streams for input and output, attached to that shell. You also have node's standard input and output streams.
@HelpingHand exec('test.c') seems very wrong
@ssube Can I get a one liner to stream input... I'd really appreciate it. (BTW exec('test.c') was just to get the point across)
@Jhawins exploding coconuts?
yeah man
seems dangerous
@ssube Is it process.stdin('')?
He seems to be using enough electricity to kill you that way too, so
what's the meter measuring? temperature? pressure?
@HelpingHand not sure what the name or params are, haven't used it in a while
@Shmiddty psi of the boiling coconut juice I think so pressure yea
I wonder what causes the rapid spikes
That guy is fuckin strungout hahaha. I've seen some other videos...
On one of his videos the electric meter in his house starts melting...
@ssube Thanks... I think I've got it from here... If not, I'll be back here asking more questions :)
that's a good deal man
Are you a nuts guy or a butt guy?
@Jhawins dude's insane
I'd burn shit with him
oooh burn
OMFG he got a damn crow bar red hot hahaha
i.imgur.com/QeykbTq.gif // lighting cig off of a forged crow bar
@SterlingArcher HES DEAD
@SterlingArcher ohhhh shit
SONOFABITCH I just coffee'd my keyboard
I'm hungry but I haven't thought of anything worth going to get to eat... Do any of the fast food places have a new "4LB OF MEAT AND CHEESE WITH BACON AND PIECES OF JESUS INSIDE" burger?
@Jhawins That last bit might be a bit tough to come by...
@Jhawins Arbys
@Shmiddty Duuuuuude that triple meat thing in the commercials wasn't real... I checked
You can just get two beef and cheddars and slam them together
and add bacon
Which pissed me off cause it totally didn't seem like a sarcastic commercial to me..
@KendallFrey You know what I mean :P
Why... why juggle bowling balls...
Where's the resident fattie for our room? There should always be that one guy who lives on KFC Double Down's and Baconators. Or is it me
@SterlingArcher because it's hard and impressive. Why was someone letting that child run around like that?
@SterlingArcher because balls
@Shmiddty phrasing
@Shmiddty That child was bowling in it's own lane :/
get your mind out of my pants
@Jhawins I'm fat, but I don't live on fast food
@Shmiddty kids be kids. when I was ~3 years old I ran out behind the batter in a baseball game, caught the backswing to the head.
@Jhawins With no parents to be seen? I mean... have some awareness
@KendallFrey teach me your ways oh fat one
@Shmiddty They are probably sitting on the bench 6 feet back? That's how bowling alleys are usually? Or do parents walk up to the lane while their kid is bowling?
Step 1) Give zero fucks
i... what... LOL xD ^
I'm picturing the family bowling together. Why would a parent walk up to the lane when the kid goes to roll her ball? Unless they saw this jackass juggling bowling balls lol
Dammit Literal Jerry
@Jhawins It's the very next lane... You could probably notice this guy juggling bowling balls from three lanes away. Whoever is responsible for that child wasn't paying attention
@Shmiddty lol turns out the guy juggling is the kids father
The way he just backs away from the kid is absolutely terrifying... He acts as if the kids face is crushed into a wet mess
@Jhawins oy vey
He looks scared to death
I would be too
hey! who wants to give me an opinion on a roles/auth setup?
I have a list of companies. I want to only give users access to certain companies. This is currently handled by a table "Access" that stores Email and Company information (foreign key). The email isn't foreign keyed to anything, because I am handling auth and data in two databases. How would you design this?
@Pheonixblade9 join table
Back to on-topic now
@Shmiddty join table? in the auth db or data db?
data db
I assume you're using oauth?
@Shmiddty nah, this is ASP.NET with OWIN Katana
is it a SQL db?
yep, SQL Server 2014
Well, you won't be able to have a strict foreign key to the user
yeah, I don't want a cross-db foreign key
just trying to think which of the two solutions is more maintainable
I nominate this as the official song of Mondays:
so you've got [User], [Company], and [Access] (should be called [UserCompany] or something more descriptive). [UserCompany] would ideally just have a userid and companyid combined key.
just key it on the user's email (which is also their username) or maintain a Role for each Company in the auth DB to check it
If you don't care about cleaning up after deleted users, I don't see a problem with having it keyed off their email
@KendallFrey video is.... uhh
I guess I'll second that
@Shmiddty which are you recommending?
I'd recommend a different db scheme
with the UserCompany table? Or with the Roles?
@KendallFrey I vote this one:
I'm turned on and I feel guilty

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