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hi guys
this is the first time i've heard of fizzbuzz
for (var i=1; i<=100; i++) console.log(((i%3 ? '' : 'Fizz') + (i%5 ? '' : 'Buzz')) || i );
do ppl really mess that up :(
Quite a lot.
good to know
A: Change data before submitting the form

FlaterYou can control what happens before submitting by calling a click event on the submit button: $("#submit_button").click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); alert("Encrypting..."); }); You can also drop the event.preventDefault(); if you want the button to act like it normally wo...

hi every one
hi dr. nick
could you please help me
@vkefallinos yeesh, that's a crappy answer
listen for the "onsubmit" event for the form
loop through form.elements
change the data for each case you want
then call form.submit()
I'm out for the long weekend. :)
thank you very much
i will try it
is this correct?
what type of real world file format doesn't have a known header
@Incognito ?
@Esailija Malicious files, encrypted files, etc.
raw image data
text files :p
@GGG what format? bmp for example has
no format
@GGG Text files especially.
CSV files
yeah but you can dump those as is
what are you up to anyway
Just wondering incognitos answer
cos all image formats I know make a known header
yeah raw ones don't have a format
or a header
how do you know the resolution then
not very common, just used as data files for programs that know that say everything is supposed to be 256x256 px rgba or whatever
but I mean stuff like bmp, gif, png, tiff etc
no that all has headers
excel file s
In computer programming, the term magic number has multiple meanings. It could refer to one or more of the following: * A constant numerical or text value used to identify a file format or protocol; for files, see List of file signatures * Distinctive unique values that are unlikely to be mistaken for other meanings (e.g., Globally Unique Identifiers) * Unique values with unexplained meaning or multiple occurrences which could (preferably) be replaced with named constants Format indicator Magic number origin The format indicator type of magic number was initially found in early Seven...
oh whoops
see list pf file signatures
.xls has at 512 byte offset
Lnk files.
Q: Preview and Text Entry Switcher - Now you can have the preview on top!

George Edison Screenshot / Code Snippet About Ever wanted to see the preview above the text entry box when composing a question or answer? If so, this is the script for you. It's a simple script that does exactly that. That's it. License MIT License Download Get it here: http://files.quickmediaso...

see file(1)
What is up with that whitespace at the top :\
From the h1 element
They have a margin by default
really? ..
noob moment
wow that solved it
I hate CSS
yeah they have huge margins
all headers do
Why does a h1 margin screw with the container though?
I thought margins would be relative to the container :\
try putting a border on the contaner
that'll really blow your mind
(with the margin still on the h1)
Yeah h1 tags are crap.
jan10 I publish a post of mine about alternatives to the web that are in their death-throws, you might enjoy it if you hate styles.
i hate that they do stuff that i can't explain. Like that border thing. I know they happen, but don't know why, and can't really even describe it well.
I want the web to go into the trashcan for a while.
Well, that's extreme. that's not what I want.
yeah, recycling's important
recycling bin :p
Does someone know how to make a good hash from 4 24 bit values ?
Like this but better ? pastebin.com/ULyTwqCG
Someone ping me please
@Zirak ping
Thank you
@copy what do you mean by a good hash
@copy you could use a prng and seed it with the values... i use the 'Alea' function here as a prng - baagoe.com/en/RandomMusings/javascript
@Esailija It should be quick, take less space in memory than a String with 6 chars and unique. Does not need to be a real "hash". Just something I can use as a key for objects.
you could just parseInt( , 36 )
i mean toString(36) lol
Though that will only work for 1 24 bit number :7
@Esailija That takes much more space than the example I posted.
@copy yeah I realized after saying it :P
Q: Lightbox closes on when clicking content

user874185I have a lightbox with jwplayer inside of it and i also have links along with it, problem is that when I click one of the links it closes the light box and never goes to the link, almost as if there is a eventprevent function on the light box when there isnt... Any how this is my code I apprecait...

not sure if that is permitted here but if anyone can help i would greatly appreciate it.
I think, I'm grateful that js newbs aren't like c++ newbs... stackoverflow.com/questions/8375061/…
haha look at this table design
Q: Searching for a number inside a column MySQL

KaremI have a column in table "recipes" called "Products". This is is filled like this: 460,450|50,100|243,500|141,5|457,100|383,211| ProductID,ProductGrams| is the format. Now i would like to search for an product with id 243 in the above example. How can i do this? SELECT * FROM recipes WHERE ...

@GGG Thanks. This might work for me
np :)
@esailija now that's not funny )-:
@adscriven lolol I think he had me at I have a column in table "recipes" called "Products"
I still see shit like that. But ',' and '|' separated is genius.
ok...challenge: find out the content of a message as it's received in the chat.
I tried using mutation events, but they don't show what's changed, and doing something like comparing previous chat.textContent and this one isn't practical in the long run.
huh, one can over-ride $.post....
@Zirak ...what?
What wasn't clear?
what do you wanna do, it doesn't seem any useful at all I mean :P
It's a challenge. When a message is received in chat, find its content
{"r17":{"e":[{"event_type":1,"time_stamp":1324674814,"content":"It&#39;s a challenge. When a message is received in chat, find its content","id":4300944,"user_id":617762,"user_name":"Zirak","room_id":17,"room_na‌​me":"JavaScript","message_id":2190182}],"t":4300944,"d":1}}
you could hook xmlhttprequest.open and keep polling its responsetext property
Great, chrome tools. Do it programatically.
It's easy to find out what function handled the incoming message. We just don't have access to it.
I'll try implementing what I just said and see if it works, sec
I'm a fucking idiot.
what?: D
1 sec
what I have atm is this:
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(){
var old = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;

	return function(){
	return old.apply( this, arguments );

polls would then keep polling the xhr's responsetext property until it is filled and then log the response once it is
Overwriting $.post works.
var old = $.post;

$.post = function()
	var a = arguments;

	a[2] = function(a, b, c) { console.log(a + " " + b + " " + c); };

	old.apply(this, a);
So does this
OK I have it working now
One last test...
Yeah, mine doesn't work yet ~_~
And now?
ok, I'll move this to sandbox
at the moment it just ` console.log( toBePolled[i].responseText );
toBePolled.splice( i--, 1 );`
now I realize I could have just added event listener
so my final answer is
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(){
var old = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;

	return function(){
	this.addEventListener("load", function(){
	console.log( this.responseText );
	}, false );
	return old.apply( this, arguments );

function handle ( e ) {
    var target = e.target;
    if ( target.nodeType === 1 && target.className.indexOf('message') > -1 ) {
        console.log( target.textContent );
document.getElementById( 'chat' ).addEventListener( 'DOMNodeInserted', handle );
For some reason though, it's logged twice >.>
But neat
you could just add parseJson and check if it has message in the load event
I'm thinking of making a small bot as an experiment, and wanted a way for people to communicate.
Someone ping me, please
@Zirak Bloop
±299.98% ... that's precise :-/
how do i add a click function to all the td elements in a table?
with vanilla JS
var table = document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0];
table.addEventListener('click', handleClick);

function handleClick(ev) {
  if (ev.target.tagName === 'td') {
    // logic
can someone ping me I test my script
@Esailija no u
@Esailija Rumpelstiltskin.
@Raynos sup
it's throwing shitload of errors but still worked :P
it takes user_name and sends @user_name sup
heh nice
i just started messing with it, have $('#chat')[0].addEventListener ("DOMNodeInserted", function(e){console.log (this.lastChild)});
erm, just populate the insert field and automagically click the send button
heheh yeah that's probably better than sticking a listener on the node
it's easier to just send the actual ajax request that is made imo :P
yeah it looks like it
document.getElementById( 'input' ).value = msg;
document.getElementById( 'sayit-button' ).click();
lulz that works? It never worked when I tried all kinds of hacks with facebook :P
I sent that message by using that ;)
wonder if it's possible to spam through ajax requests
since if you use button it will say cannot send
when you type messages in quick succession
Server probably takes care of that as well
yeah it does
I got like 6 POST http://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/17/messages/new 409 (Conflict)
@AndyE @Raynos @ircmaxell @Loktar Merry Christmas all!
@MylesGray happy holidays ;)
all alone
hugs pillow
@Esailija yo
@GGG sup
you bastard
let me just refresh
@Zirak y u no friends
@Raynos hows things been?
    // pass element and let model talk to store
    this.mediator.emit('store.todo.finished.toggle', elem);
    // or talk to store and pass model
    this.mediator.emit('store.todo.request', elem, this.toggleFinishedOnModel);
I don't like EDA :\
it gets so messy
its probably because Im trying to emulate MVC
if there was no rep cap
@MylesGray things are ok
i'd have over 2000 reputation by now
i got to 270 rep two days in a row, yesterday and today
33.7k @Raynos jesus! I'm still on like 3.something... need to get back into this
and then i'd lose all my remaining respect for reputation
hi! I read this: erik.eae.net/archives/2005/06/06/22.13.54 Is it relevant or not?
Relevant to what?
yes it's very bad
every item in object.prototype makes every for in loop slower
@Zirak is it true that Object.prototype is forbidden?
Not forbidden, just discouraged.
it's forbidden even with hasownproperty just think of the performance
@Esailija only ES3 fags use for in, ever. All dem ES5 hipsters use object.keys
@Raynos you r troll, object keys shim uses for in loop
@Esailija es3 browsers (IE8) are 100x slower anyway
theres little difference between 100x slower and 120x slower
why polish poop, its still poop
Hear hear
no browser is es5
just try parseInt( "08" )
your mom is es5
does it say in spec that "try to parse octal"
@Esailija ...
what's the absolute most rep you can get in a day?
and why do i remember it was in the 400s?
@Purmou unlimited
200 rep by upvotes. unlimited rep by accepted answers, also unlimited by bounties
gah crap
i maxed out that 200
and i have like 7 upvotes :(
purmou are you proud of your most voted answer
the middle alignment?
that depends on what you mean by "proud" :P
It means do you get depressed that only answers that a braindead monkey can come up with get most upvotes
yes, it is disappointing
Just look at my most votes answer
it's retarded
and 10 upvotes
i think i have some waaaaaaaaay better answers
that deserve way more upvotes IMO
but eh
yes but they all have 0-3 votes
that's how it goes
I'm proud of my most-voted answer. Granted, I stopped answering retarded questions.
sometimes I even got -1 for making a very generic answer instead of direct copypasta
i've posted...upwards of 30 answers in the past two days
people downvote me for dumb reasons sometimes
sometimes it's also valid, cause I post some really dumb shit sometimes xD
Talking of dissapoint
A: How to override Backbone.sync?

RaynosTake a look at this annotated source example where they overwrite Backbone.sync with a localstorage alternative backbone-localStorage Basically Backbone.sync should be a function that takes 4 arguments: Backbone.sync = function(method, model, success, error) { }; You need to fire either succ...

people really tend to upvote more popular users
or higher rep
but i guess it's human nature
cool story raynos
Humans are retarded by nature
i guess you're more likely to enjoy the food of a chef who cooks bad food but has an incredible reputation than that of a culinary master with a poor reputation
That's stupid. Reputation is meaningless without actual results. The fact that I have lots of books doesn't mean I read
The fact that I read suggests that I read. If someone cooks crappy food I won't eat there again. If a hotdog stand makes the best hotdogs I've ever eaten, I'd visit it repeatedly until my stomach turns into one.
And then eat some more for good measure.
Seriously guys how I fix tis code : jsfiddle.net/Raynos/sMdqk/63
The architecture is messed up :\ How do you loosely couple MVC ?
How did society succumb to a meaningless pile of social norms, idioms and niceties? How did peer pressure become more important than personal value and individualism?
@Zirak write a book
title one chapter "Stack Overflow"
I'm too lazy. Plus, it'd be like 70 pages of random swears and mumblings.
@Raynos tbh I can't tell what's going on, those are your libraries?
@Esailija Yeah.
It doesnt make sense unless you understand how nCore works
@Raynos should it be disappearing when you check it?
@Purmou not implemented :D because I cant implement in an elegant loosely coupled manner :\
@Raynos I like the look of it, if that means anything :P
any attempt to implement dissapearance ends up hard coupling controllers and models
Visual design isn't mine.
@Raynos kudos to that guy then, lol
any reason you're attempting to recreate it yourself?
so i got a good glimpse today of the capacity for satire on meta
you know what
they should add the rep you've earned after you've maxed out to the next day's rep
then i can redeem these 110 points! :D
Im recreating it as a 'hello world' app for nCore
what's nCore?
An elderly Chinese sage once told me "if what you made is too complicated for you, it's not done right."
so guys, this would make sense?
Now that I think about it, he wasn't Chinese, he was a carpet. Woah. I talked to a carpet?
wait, before i ask
can i bind onmouseover to a getElementsByTagName call?
get Elements By Tag Name. Now, what do you think?
yes and no, no mostly
okay, so same mechanic as click right?
i bind the mouseover to the parent, and get the target of the hover
if it's the tagname i'm looking for, trigger whatever?
You can do that
yes that sounds like event delegation
but you would check the tag name by .nodeName or .tagName
which is better?
is there a noticeable performance difference?
performance difference between what
var elems = toArray(document.getElementsByTagName('foo'));

function bindEvents(elem) {
  elem.addEventListener('mouseover', handleMouseOver);

function handleMouseOver(ev) {
using nodeName vs. tagName
@Esailija use tagName
no performance difference, there are some quirks in IE5.5 for nodeName
nodeName returns all caps though right?
but it works for all nodes mostly
@Raynos would you recommend this over binding to the document and checking the target's tagname?
Bind to common parent if it makes sense. If they're just assorted elements, then your question is moot (same handler for everything makes 0 sense)
@Purmou delegation vs individual handlers is a difficult topic
there are many advantages / disadvantages and its case dependant
I dont know enough to be honest
delegation takes more processing while multiple handlers take more memory
@Purmou tagName is all caps
if you have some enterprise div nesting then delegation can be noticeably slow
but don't have enterprise div nesting plz
nodeName will return values for other nodes. like '#text' for text nodes where as tagName on a text node returns undefined
@Esailija delegation aint slow, just use the capture phase
@Raynos: thanks, i'll go with delegation for now. i'll explore further into the individual handlers though.
what's enterprise nesting?
document.addEventListener(ev, proxyHandler, true);
@Purmou 30 nested divs
It means you have 30 levels of divs
this guy just wants a mouseover handler for his 4-5 option element sin his select :P
@Raynos capture makes sense if it's closer to top-level
if event delegation is actually this easy with JS, why have I been using jQuery for it? xD
because it isn't really that easy
That's a magnificent question, actually.
@Zirak nah bro, capture and stopPropagation
if simple event delegation
@Purmou IE8 event model
is that easy :P
attachEvent vs addEventListener
jQuery is a really shitty browser abstraction
but it's a battle tested browser normalization library
i mean seriously, the most i use jquery for is my event handlers
and some other things, but i can get used to those
who even cares about IE8 anymore? :P
Element.prototype.on = function (name, selector, cb) {
  this.addEventListener(name, function (ev) {
    if (ev.target.matchesSelector(selector)) cb.call(this, ev);
your boss
That's jQuery's .on implementation
Note browser support on .matchesSelector sucks ass
not even sure whether the spec for matchesSelector is stabilized yet
it's probably shimmed as well

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