@Esailija noConflict is not about conflicts. Its about grabbing the global identifier and then removing it cleanly. It's about wrapping Backbone into an AMD module, it's about a user telling the library "I have you. Please remove yourself from global scope"
Sure I could delete window.Backbone but maybe I need to do more? Just let the library do it
lol @Raynos the point is that soon you have noConflict for anything, Backbone needs noConflict just as Batman needs noConflict.I will never have anything in the variable Backbone (not even Backbone cos it sucks), it doesn't do a clean removal anyway :P
RT @stoyanstefanov: Performance calendar day #22: @tobie on Lazy JavaScript Evaluation of CommonJS modules: http://calendar.perfplanet.com/2011/lazy-evaluation-of-commonjs-modules/
ggaahh, why is writing good code so hard? I could've just said "so yeah, this isn't very scalable, it'll be remodeled every time I need to change something, but who gives a shit". But noooo. Now I've gotta do it the good way. With MVC and crap.
besides do you even understand why globals are evil in the first place? It's because when you have global state, which can be achieved even without using globals, see singletons and god objects
@jAndy Your message is the living embodiment of how christmas turned from an event of religious importance (January 1st) to yet another demonstration of peer pressure and derailing of morals (Jesus wasn't born in the 25th, it's the date of a pagan holiday) to mass culture, commercialism, capitalism and even more derailing of morals (Santa? the fuck? Presents? Yeah, very Christian. celebrate throwing away materialistic things.) Merry fucking christmas.
@Zirak: what are you talking about man :p I'm just not online the next days so I wanted to wish any regular in here a merry xmas (whether he likes it or not is on his own :p=
@Esailija do you understand that its impossible to draw a cross module dependency graph if every bloody module can access every other bloody module through globals?
man seriously, css transition animations should go into the DOM, not CSS layers @gsnedders do something.. go aboard the rage train and push the people at opera :p
its such a mess to deal with it crossbrowser.. you can't really intercept or stop a running transition..
well you can.. but only hack'ish on overwritting the transition property with 0seconds and current computed styles
It can't be that hard. You just override index.php like a bitch, route everything to a controller, the view class just friggin require a file, model class just does database queries.
Controller will be all like "hurr durr, model gimme data, view here's data"
and setting up over the top abstractions is also a waste... it starts, spits out a string, and exits.. why waste the time setting up anything unnecessary
// so that your code is not
$tables = mysql_query("select * from " + $_POST["lulz"]);
echo "<table>"
for ($row in $tables) {
echo "<tr> " . $row->lulz . " </tr>"
@Esailija ORM isn't bad if used correctly ORM is bad, DM isn't bad
...grooveshark doesn't register "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" as a Pink Floyd album, and doesn't have the real "See Emily Play".......... forever boycotts grooveshark
Pink Floyd won against EMI, preventing the band's long-time record label from selling individual songs online,[40][41] which prompted the band's removal from Grooveshark.
anyway grooveshark is just obvious warez site how is that even legal lol
sure you can have free music but 99.99% stuff there is copyrighted
or do they have deals with record companies like spotify
...that's a bit stupid. Don't get me wrong, I bought a Pink Floyd boxset and have all their albums (legally.) But they're in no-harms-way (along with some vinyl records...it really sounds different. Shine On played analog and Shine On played digital are just...different), so grooveshark and stuff like that is just convenient.
You don't want to encrypt with JavaScript, especially on the client-side where it is open to tampering, and has no cryptographically secure random number generator.
I've tried implementing one but I had some encoding issues.
You tried to write your own encryption algo? You've gone against e...
@Raynos They all lurk hackernews. They all think computer science is the bee's knees. Know algos and data structures. Also know some buzz words, also sound like you're a sage that don't like hipster stuff but have a solid understand of it and can produce meaningful code quickly with it (make that clear)
@Amaan It's a game. People say incrementing numbers (starting with 1). If the number is a multiple of 5, you say Fizz instead of your number. If it's a multiple of 7, you say Bubz instead of your number. If it's both, you say FizzBuzb.
@Incognito just wondering what's wrong with implementing something like blowfish for example yourself? There is direct C code in Schneiers book and there is no random
@Raynos I'm also bitter as hell from that one interview I had where the guy asked me compsci questions to implement their CMS based on socket.io. I was like, wtf? Why don't you find out if I can work on that code.
It's a sucky language. But I'll have to admit...it's got good ideas. if statements as operators is bitchin, and I always dreamed of omitting parentheses around if statements and the like
"Fast install, easy as hell to start, just this 10k line program as your homepage, this 14mb config folder where you tweak everything. but other than that, so fast!"
Then apt on ubuntu is a sink as far as I'm concerned with ruby. You think it'd just be the latest version? no. you have to get ruby1.9.1, then rubygems1.9.1, and re-map all your /usr/bin to have gem and ruby map back to those commands because nothing works without those bindings.
@Pjotr eloquentjavascript.net is a nice online book. JavaScript: The Good Parts is staple, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide is neat, and Code Complete is a must
You're making the assumption that there's such a thing as "best". See the 3 js books I mentioned above, and the last if you want to be a better programmer overall
@Incognito it isnt bad to ask a comp sci question. However i dont consider "Meh I know how to use google, and I understand the high level picture of the technique, just not the details" A bad or wrong answer
@Zirak Tell me a few? I can't think of one where it'd be easier than just using an array. But that's probably because I haven't seen real-world applications of anything yet.
@Raynos They considered it to be, they want to see your problem solving ability. My issue is they don't need that set of skills they're so deeply concerned with.
@Amaan Easier isn't the problem. Besides, what kind of array are we talking about? Dynamic, fixed-length, typed? Linked lists are basically unordered, untyped and n-lengthed arrays. Without the array access. And the sugar of treating each item as its own entity
@Amaan Arrays, LinkedList, Stacks, HashMaps, Sets so on have different usage which perform differently on particular tasks. Arrays are very quick if you are only reading from it or inserting at the end. However if you need to insert an element at the front you need to shift every element 1 index, that is not nice.
@Amaan The example I like to give is of a pearl necklace: Each pearl is attached to another pearl. You can easily split it, attach more to it, change its length, everything while not actually affecting each individual pearl, just the one you want to affect.
@Amaan The beauty of linked lists is that "middle" is virtually non-existent. If you're using one, you give up on caring what's where, and just care about the data represented in each one
@Amaan You still only have one (or two reference if double-linkedlist) to the front (and back) so you still need to loop through until you find a particular element then you can just reasign the pointers....however if you need to delete the first element a linked list does it without having to shift all elements one "down" since you just reasign the "front" pointer
Well, I like to think of the head as the first thing you see in the list.
So when you add something, you could either attach it at the very beginning, or attach it at the very end. To do the latter, you have to traverse the entire list
> By all accounts I want to try and avoid any features that would cause cross-browser weirdness to spring up. As a result we'll be making extensive use of libraries (for drawing to a canvas or manipulating the DOM) and using only JavaScript language features that work consistently in the browsers that we end up supporting.
I can't wait for historians one million years in the future who have no perception of the changes out society made in 5000 years to come look at some UML and equate it with cave drawings, "The hunt went well. The sun gods were appeased. Johnson is fired."
@Zirak I want to create an absurd amount of fake evidence that there was some entirely absurd civilization just to confuse the hell out of future historians, or aliens.
shoes on head, children run the government, everyone is afraid to be seen not eating. etc.
Sounds like a plan! Catboobsians. They were the ones who made the sphinx. They perfected star travel and made the face on the moon and the butt on mars.
what is the best way to change(without jquery) these html/javascript to work with ie9,
<div id="xmls">
<xml id="myXml">
<book category="COOKING">