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@jfishbow What's your question?
how would i display an array? "screenshotUrls":["http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple1/v4/34/b1/00/34b10081-abdd-2478-e215-314f4902a561/screen1136x1136.jpeg", "http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/8d/3c/c7/8d3cc70e-00fe-dbd9-a690-03aa0c2ac242/screen1136x1136.jpeg", "http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/5a/92/41/5a9241e6-0bdc-862b-24f6-f197289c7efe/screen1136x1136.jpeg"],
What do you mean?
It's not clear what you're trying to do
Do you want to append <img> elements in a loop?
sorry new to this, how would i display the images ? just like i did to the first one
, this on is different
different how?
woudl it have to be in a loop? i didnt find anything online that would help
you would have to loop over the array somehow
some people like to use a for loop, some people like a forEach
That's up to you
theres a difference betwwe artworkurl160 and screenshoturls
what are you referring to?
what about it?
well i dont think we getting anywhere here ,sorry for confusion
hey all
any libraries to convert decimals to fractions?
specifically to /8
converting to eighths should be fairly easy
Will your numbers always be exact multiples of 1/8?
0.125 0.150 etc etc
.15 isn't a multiple of 1/8
typo sorry
just multiply by 8, and you'll get 8ths
no need for a library
due to the way floating-point numbers work, you will get exact results
come again...
!!> var x = 0.375; x * 8
@KendallFrey "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable eighths"
@KendallFrey "undefined"
fuck you cap
!!tell rlemon xkcd embedded Java
@rlemon xkcd.com/801
@KendallFrey 3
there, 3 (eighths)
shit your right!
sorry lat enight
1 hour later…
is there a browser API for reading <input type='file'> one line at a time in case it is huge? It looks like the File API reads the file into memory first and then fires a callback with the entire string or blob.
@Paul Yes, kinda
More specifically a slice at a time
Using .slice
Looking for a simple code to remove duplications in a list [1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,-1] -> [1,-1,1,-1]
!!> var a= [1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,-1]; a.reduce(function(v, x){return v[v.length-1]==x?v:v.concat(x)}, [a[0]]) // what I have so far
@crl "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable a"
@crl [1,-1,1,-1]
@crl That's groupBy by value, taking one element from each group
!!mdn groupby
That exists in underscore.js, Python, …
Guten Tag
have a question..
I have been designing something similar to what is being described here as a 'legacy app'
Q: Detecting iframe content changes prior to server response

Chad LevyIs it possible to detect when an iframe's content is about to change, such as when a request begins (the result of a user clicking a link within the iframe) but the server has not yet sent a response? Background: I've got a legacy web app that is consumed within a container that doesn't show lo...

are you familiar with these?
mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut.
Check if they're reerenced in the MDN docs
@SomeKittens lol
I hope your kerbals have gills
None of my ground renders
"No words. My words have failed me."
"Then shut up."
aaaand it killed my PC
Play I wanne be the Boshy instead
It's a very good game
@copy hah. no.
Watched the GDQ of that
Yeah, witwix is awesome
hi guys anyone ever use reddit api, this is my first time
But it's actually a decent platformer
Not full of traps, like the original
i want to know that to subscribe and unsubscribe at reddit you have to use "fullname"
of sub
but i don't understand how to get this fullname
supposedly i'd use something
like t5_slfjslkdjflskdjfalksjd
but i don't know how to generate the latter part
it says base36 of sub name (not 100% sure)
Ok, I give up on my PC
!!>parseInt('wtf', 36)
@Loktar 42531
@Loktar "wtf"
t5_42531 should be /r/wtf I guess idk
/me goes back to doing random stuffs
hmmm i don't know for example according to reddit fullname part i should have gotten something else, this gives 14144
either this doesn't work or api docs is saying something else
@Loktar "aww"
makes sense to me
unless thats just a coincidence
't5_2qh1o' // The "fullname" for the "aww" subreddit.
but im getting 1411...
yeah weird this uses the same method
lol i give up... how can i using api unsub at reddit
I have given width and height for image tag, which is not working in IE9, can any one help me? No option to inspect elements in IE ?
@ASR F12 in IE should bring up the dev console
@Loktar thanks
what do you think about cloud9
1 hour later…
Hi everyone :)
does any one know how to change html lang attribute programmaticlly
in JS if possible
ok apparently it's impossible (maybe for user experience)
has anyone tried l20n?
they say it's possible to change language from JS with it
because I want to have a menu to select the language
on my website
Q: Best practice javascript and multilanguage

marquieswhat is the best practice for multilanguage website using DOM Manipulating with javascript? I build some dynamic parts of the website using javascript. My first thought was using an array with the text strings and the language code as index. Is this a good idea?

@Shmiddty how do you do nested transitions with the <CSSTransitionGroup> ?
1 hour later…
I have lodash installed in node_modules and bower_components
but it's not working
where do I require it without breaking my build?
If I have $('#buttonA').on('click',function(){ /* script */ });, how do I activate the same function, but with a JavaScript statement instead of an click event?
nobody? :(
Do you mean function(){...})()?
no, he means named functions
... func()?
Should I write the function with a name seperately, then bind() it to $('#buttonA')?
Okie lets see...
$('<div aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="">60%</div>', {
						class: "progress-bar",
						role: 'progressbar',
						id: "progress-bar",
						"aria-valuenow": "60",
						scrolling: 'yes',
						style: "width: 60%;"
						class: "progress"
Can I quote aria-valuenow like that?
i have lodash 2.4.1 installed but want to update to lodash 3.2
it's not updating
with npm
any guidance?
@FlorianMargaine what are you doing for today?
@BadgerCat wife's working today and tomorrow...
bringing her flowers at work at noon, and cooking for tonight's dinner
I'll see if tonight dinner turns out well...
cooking nems... we'll see
I wanted to work on some lisp project... but that's for another day
too much to do today
@Zirak did you end up getting it?
also mornin o/
@rashadb dump lodash and use Ramba instead.
@rashadb here, watch youtube.com/watch?v=m3svKOdZijA
@BenjaminGruenbaum what are your plans for today?
@BadgerCat to be fair I have no idea yet - for the first day in like... forever :D
To catch up on papers I have to read probably - probably going to go to a nice stylish cafe. Order a good cup of strong coffee and an Israeli breakfast and read.
_.defer(function() { }
@MarkusPint Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MarkusPint meh :P Defer is broken
_.defer(function() {})

What is the meaning of the underscore and the dot ?
lodash/underscore - it's a library.
_ is just a variable name and . is property access. Like obj.foo()
oh I see, this is in an Angular directive.. so this is a call to another library
nothing to do with angular
Yes, although it's pretty stupid to do it in Angular :D
You'd just use $timeout(function() {}) which does the same thing but actually works since it returns a promise and schedules a digest for the function.
the defer(){} is wrapped around jquery
dom manipulation
why would he wrap the jquery inside this $timeout ?
That's even worse :D
We need more libraries
It is not really neccessary is it?
I wouldn't use jQuery in Angular to begin with :)
@MarkusPint it's possibly he wants to well... defer it to cause the angular digest to happen before the UI changes or vice versa - is there a scope apply there somewhere?
(something like scope.$apply() inside the link or a $scope.$apply() in the controller)
its inside angular.module(module).animation()

I assume that is some form of a custom directive
no apply anywhere
Benjamin, how would you make jquery-like animations in angular without jquery?
I am using this to retrieve width of #content div but it is giving me blank answer
var url = document.getElementById("content").style.width;
@MarkusPint what browsers do you have to support? Modern browsers support animations for a while now.
It is working but giving out null or blank result
@YourFriend make a fiddle. inb4 you're looking for getComputedStyle and not .width .
@YourFriend perhaps it doesn't have a width set?
@YourFriend You mean to use CSS3 animations instead?
dang. wrong person
Yes, I mean that - Angular already supports those.
a general question
will there be any effect on windows server if i copy the file from windows folder and put it to the server folder
a dependency is missing for my dll
on windows server 2008
What does this have to do with JS?
i said general question
It might work if it can find the dll locally, but if you're deploying a .NET app visual studio should do it for you.
will server face any problem if i put the dll inside sys32 folder?
@BenjaminGruenbaum But for some things like scrolling the window there is no CSS solution?
this is what you want me to do ?var url = document.getElementById("content").style.getComputedStyle(width);
@MarkusPint heh, that's a sore spot you got there :) Yeah, you'd have to write it with requestAnimationFrame
@BenjaminGruenbaum or use jQuery ;-)
It's like... 5 lines vs 50 KB and it's the only thing animations don't do :P You can just use a 2kb animation library
OOP JS inside AngularJS code - yes or no?
@Sajeetharan You have a higher chance of getting an answer in the c# room
lol jsfiddle is taking too long to open :(
@YourFriend might be your connection, took ~1s for me
@BasementKeyboardHero Not yet, I will though. Got a couple of games I want to demo beforehand.
@MarkusPint Angular is just a framework...
@Zirak Watch the angry joe review before buying it though
Some spoilers but he's the one that got me sold on it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks for your help
@BasementKeyboardHero heh, m'kay
Tried Lord of the Rings: War in the North last night, was pretty...meh. About to try Risen 3 now.
@AwalGarg lets work today :D
!!> var a = 4; ++a | a * a | a++;
@darkyen00 29
That's some smart marketing
I wonder what will actually happen at the event
hi, I can't find the width of a div using javascript. I am using this jsfiddle.net/d6raLyas
var wt = document.getElementById("content").style.width;
2 hours ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@YourFriend make a fiddle. inb4 you're looking for getComputedStyle and not .width .
getComputedStyle too does not work
It should
maybe you're not waiting for CSS to load?
you mean this var url = document.getElementById("content").style.getComputedStyle(width); ???
@BenjaminGruenbaum still need help?
elephant Io is disabled why ? elephant.io
@underscore It looks like this Pages site has been disabled due to a misconfigured custom domain.
any alternative ?
maybe github ?
still no luck
also, s/style//
can you share the full line so I would just copy and paste ?
I can't get what exactly you are saying to change
!!tell yourfrie mdn getcomputedstyle
@BenjaminGruenbaum nvm, read a few messages more :X
so for every css value I need computedstyle?
but I have seen places where people would directly access it. Like var test=getElementById("div").styleBackground;
Can i use delete for a key in strict Mode ?
try it?
!!tell darkyen mdn delete
@Mosho I am on a phone
so why do you need to know right now :P
@Jan Dvorak when should I use getComputedStyle and when element.style?
!!tell yourfrie mdn style
> When a delete operator occurs within strict mode code, a SyntaxError exception is thrown if its UnaryExpression is a direct reference to a variable, function argument, or function name. In addition, if a delete operator occurs within strict mode code and the property to be deleted has the attribute { [[Configurable]]: false }, a TypeError exception is thrown.
@CapricaSix I have found the solution, but did not find the answer there
@JanDvorak o_O
Hi guys, a general design question i guess.. Say, on same page, I have an edit box for Product Name with a submit button, and down the page, I have two date fields - Product dates with submit button.. Should I have 2 different web api's for those functions? or will 'SaveProduct' suffice?
@DrZeuso Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DrZeuso Why are they two different forms?
why are they forms at all :D
how else could you do it?
jk forms are ok
just for context reasons... you dont want the user updating the product name and having to scroll down the page just to save
SaveProductName, SaveProductDates
or SaveProduct
@FlorianMargaine you there?
What if the user wants to edit several items - does he have to hit several submit buttons?
you dont have product dates until later stages... you only want to capture name for the time being
so everyone here thinks there should only be one save button and one form
cool. ill do that
I don't think anything
does anybody used apache + nodeJs on same server with port 80
Through a Virtual Host
github.com/Flipboard/react-canvas/pull/32/… Don't tell em i wrote this on mobile :3
Pet Rock was a collectible conceived in 1975 by advertising executive Gary Dahl. == Development == In April 1975, Dahl was in a bar (which is now Beauregard Vineyards Tasting room in Bonny Doon) listening to his friends complain about their pets. This gave him the idea for the perfect "pet": a rock. A rock would not need to be fed, walked, bathed, or groomed; and would not die, become sick, or be disobedient. He said they were to be the perfect pets, and joked about it with his friends. Dahl took the idea seriously, and drafted an "instruction manual" for a pet rock. It was full of puns, gags and...
this is the dumbest shit I have ever seen
tl;dr man buys rocks for a penny, calls them pets and sells for $3.95, becomes millionaire
true story
@BenjaminGruenbaum What's your favorite color (in hex)?
"I see a window and I want it painted #000000" -- The Rolling Stones
@darkyen00 What do you mean by "nested"?
@Shmiddty material design style
when a page goes to other 3 elements are transforming, while the page fades
(and so on)
^that looks like a nested sentence to me
<CSSTransitionGroup transitionName="foo">
  {mountPage1 && <Page key="1"/>}
  {mountPage2 && <Page key="2"/>}
  {mountPage3 && <Page key="3"/>}
When a page is unmounted, then becomes mounted, it will get foo-enter, then one tick later foo-enter-active
  transition:left 1s linear;

  left:100%; // enters right to left
you'll also want foo-leave and foo-leave-active transitions defined
If you don't declare the transitions, the CSSTransitionGroup will throw an error
The key property is important as this is how the transition group knows which elements are entering and which are leaving
On my local machine, the url for my website is like http://localhost/website
and on server, the url is http://example.com

On server side thing, it's easy to handle the differences. But in Javascript,I am getting hard time having consistency with the url for stuffs like images etc. How to deal with it?
@ShubhamNishad use relative paths
cannot use because one will be example.com/img/image.jpg and other will be example.com/img/image.jpg
That sentence doesn't make any sense.
cannot use because one will be localhost/website/img/image.jpg and other will be example.com/img/image.jpg
that's not a relative path
@Shmiddty Probably white :P Why?
(That is FFFFF)
I don't think there are any 5-digit hex colors
@darkyen00 pretty sweet you're working on react-canvas, I only played with it a little - what are you making with it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum just playing.
@darkyen00 still nice - writing PRs is hardly just playing :D
anyone know how to use twitter rest api 1.1 ? i mean how to use it with access token ?
@Shmiddty I believe it's an extended-resolution grayscale hex code
@BenjaminGruenbaum can't we show a iframe where src is like localhst:3000 in angular view ?
example this rest api
https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json?screen_name=username < ?? how to get with access token ??
@underscore what's your favorite color/
@underscore I have no idea what you just asked
@Shmiddty green
Are you the same nderscore?
Oh ok.
@BenjaminGruenbaum /view/index.html and it contain <ifram src='localhost:3000'></iframe>
@darkyen00 I'm writing docs PRs :( github.com/ramda/ramda/pull/807
I did get a nice PR for Q yesterday though, and hopefully that thing me and petka have been working on for io lands soon.
Guys small favor, can you summon cap to room 44914
!!summon 44914
@BenjaminGruenbaum but the path doesn't get
@Mosho how is your Angular PR coming along?
Hello everyone.
Hello @NewToJS
Is it a common thing for people to have multiple accounts asking one question, to just the answer to ask another question to eventually have their website created for them?
I should write sentiment analysis to detect what this room thinks of people. Should be easy.
@NewToJS it's definitely not allowed but I've seen it before - if you do see it please report it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum :-x
@SomeGuy M$ have been working on that hologram thing for years now - glad to see it's finally out :D
Would you mind look at this please, if others agree that this person is doing that then i would like to report it. stackoverflow.com/questions/28505492/…
@JanDvorak what's your favorite color?
I am dealing with USSD and IMPS
your pain is null compared to mine xD @BenjaminGruenbaum
@Shmiddty why ask me?
why not?
is there any native javascript emit function for websocket object ?
@NewToJS yes, definitely report it - at the worst case if it's a false positive they'll let you know. @ThiefMaster can you take a look at if if you're around?
@NewToJS his code is painfully horrible too :D
Where/how do i report this? Do i flag the question or take a different approach?
SO here am i using react and javascript
with Java
to cummunicate with device's USSD and SMS -_-
am i an idiot ? (heckyes!)
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks, that's one of my answers LOL
@BenjaminGruenbaum looks like he'll end up questionbanned soon ;)
@ThiefMaster <- I pinged this guy above, he's taking care of it now @NewToJS
Thanks TM
@NewToJS lol, I don't care if that code was written by Brendan Eich, it's bad and it's poorly indented :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum but it works for what he asked? It took enough time to work out what he wanted and had to be edited many times. Facepalms
@NewToJS which is why I avoid answering these questions to begin with. You learn how to spot them eventually. It's not like you did anything wrong - I didn't downvote your answer I just think that answering these sort of questions is counterproductive.
I agree, I didn't notice until I seen the answer being using in a new question. Lesson learned! I will be sure to look out of things like this.
@copy Date date date date date date <3
@BadgerCat oh, you were asking what we were doing because it's Valentines?
We went to a really nice place and we're celebrating later. Valentine's isn't a big deal for us, having been together for so long there are a few holidays we take seriously and a few we don't. Valentine's is too commercial IMO and fake. We do cool stuff all the time - we don't need a special day for that.
We went out to do stuff 6 out of 7 nights last week and the only night we didn't I went out with room regs.
that's sweet
I think so too :P We also don't really exchange gifts on holidays (we still do on birthdays) but I usually just buy my wife stuff when I think of her and see something cool.
It's entirely possible Vanetine's is different in other countries by the way - it's just really fake and cheap in Israel.
@BadgerCat What's your favorite color?!
in hex
@Shmiddty #992299
I was close!
I had #ab24de
@ThiefMaster what's your favorite color?
@darkyen00 same question
don't have one since a long time :p but it used to be #ff0
I think you're the third person to go in the yellow spectrum
#dd6205 make me this
or white shadow, because I'm fast, like a shadow!

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