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@KendallFrey dammit
!!s/amm/id /
@KendallFrey @KendallFrey did it (source)
@rlemon Seems pretty similar to logical circuits
it is
The lack of (proven) Turing-completeness is a downside
unimportant question of the day: routes -> /login is pretty standard. but it strikes me that /logout should be on the /users route (/users/logout) because it is an action on an existing user
does that make sense?
posted on February 06, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} BONUS COMIC at The Nib!

@rlemon I'd say if you're going to do that, it should be /users/login
I'm trying to keep routes access specific
/users/* would only be accessible from a logged in user
ah. Makes sense
does it tho?
lemon you are all wrong
i like how you just ignore me lol
ohh and ignore the login fiasco
there is some crap in there I just noticed in the wrong place
@HatterisMad :D
Best comment of the day.
Whoever wrote the rules of this chat is a git.
I just lost the game, but hopefully some of you have lost it as well.
@Squiggle excuse me?
@rlemon you are not excused. You made me lose :(
that is good
means you read the rules :P
[seethes obediently]
!!urban git
@squiggle if you don't like the rules then maybe the first result in the starred messages might be more up your alley?
@crl [Git](http://git.urbanup.com/706283) 1. A completely ignorant, childish person with no manners.
2. A person who feels justified in their callow behaviour.
3. A pubescent kid who thinks it's totally cool to act like a moron on the internet, only because no one can actually reach through the screen and punch their lights out.
@Squiggle Really, if you want to take the name of a version control system in vain, use TFS
@KendallFrey hey now, I don't want to be too insulting
Don't even mention TFS around me. I seriously think it was just laying in wait thinking to itself let me destroy his project with every commit
I get on quite well with TFS, tbh. Works fine for small(ish) teams on 2013.
But no, it isn't Git.
It was. It's lurking. TFS is ready to destroy your commits, lose your history, fail your merging, and mangle your branches.
Long as it stays out of my underwear drawer i suppose
branches? eff that. EVERYTHING IS MASTER!
having used Borland StarTeam and Visual SourceSafe in the past, nothing will ever be as bad in my eyes.
@rlemon No sensible person would try to create a branched workflow in TFS
I used tortoise svn back before vista came out? maybe vista just came out hahaha. That really wasn't all that bad to be honest but doesn't compete with stuff now
What should I have for lunch today?
I kinda feel like soup
@Squiggle You've used SourceSafe? I'm so sorry
protip: Using SourceSafe to version a file-based self-versioning wiki is the path to insanity.
I don't like svn
@rlemon cheese
@Zirak it was better than StarTeam!
svn was handy when i didn't know that there was a better alternative
@Squiggle Never actually heard of it, but just having "Borland" in front of it is enough to send a horrifying chill down all pregnant women in a 10 km radius.
@rlemon svn suuucks
@Squiggle but sourcesafe is worse omg
truth be told. I use jsfiddle save versions as my source control. hasn't failed me yet!
we lost our repo twice last time I used source safe.. (like 2007)
@rlemon lol
jsfiddle is actually badass for that
you see the random question today
> Would you participate in crowd sourcing a version of jsfiddle
it popped up when I was in jsfiddle earlier
was some survey thing, I said yes ofc
@rlemon Shall we take a look at how many times you've said "fuck, browser crashed, lost all my work"?
@Zirak good point, thats why I wish jsfiddle would implement the feature jsbin has
I uhh.. was uhhh.. talking about jsbin
yea. jsbin
jsbin wont die on infinite loops :P
The only way to push through is to take pills that make him forget.
you have to manually override them if you want it to
@Loktar I hate the live aspect of sites like that
yeah same here, jsbin is the only one that gets that part right imo (when it comes to killing your browser for infinite loops_
My first attempt at open source was SourceForge. OH GOD NEVER AGAIN
jsbin doesn't have public profiles page, that's sad
@crl they have some gallery you can submit to iirc
@Loktar when did they implement that?
@rlemon like 2 years ago
because I remember a while ago totally killing myself with a for loop
for( var i = 0; i < 3; ) /* the closing ) is auto inserted */
I remember that exact case killing me. it was a while ago tho
also crash protection
jsbin is actually one of the better demo sites. Too bad its console is horrid and the GUI sucks.
yea I know it does now. I just remember it not doing it a time ago
@Zirak yeah I agree, would love to combine jsfiddles layout with jsbins
There's also anti pregnancy protection jsbin.com/blog/protection
jsfiddle needs to implement a fucking search
omg how that pisses me off
@Loktar Dear lord jsfiddle is even worse
haha I like jsfiddle :P
its my fav. Only thing I wouldnt mind would be letting me turn off/hide sections
Those blocky, obtrusive panes...
@Loktar that would be nice.
at least you can resize them though
but, I can deal with that - I have like 90 pages of fiddles. I need a search
correction. 126 pages
@rlemon yeah definitely. But like I said it looks like they are considering crowdsourcing one
so we will probably see some badass stuff
it would potentially be a codepen killer even :/
if jsfiddle had a gallery it would be pretty crazy
I have a few fiddles, but they all start the same way, so I can't tell the difference in the preview screen
@KendallFrey name them!
@KendallFrey same. most of my canvas stuff is like that
@Loktar how?
under jsfiddle options I believe
yeah fiddle options
name/description, ect. Makes it a lot easier to find fiddless
I should
still needs a search though I agree
Serverless, 8 lines of code, video chat example on @jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/TawnyOwl/j228hopd/ Absolutely epic!
can you call it 8 loc when it has an external include?
ahaha yea
I was responding to a ping, but exactly my point
This laptop was really cool... And now I get to return it
How in the fuck does one magically shit out a $1,300 deposit for wisdom tooth removal... I'm fuckin 20.
It's called insurance *innocent smile*
@Jhawins im getting my wisdom teeth (and 3 others) removed here in two weeks...
@Neil Yea I fucking have insurance. It's a deposit.
@Jhawins fly to Thailand and have it done here for like $200
Ignore the fact that the round trip flight is like $1500
@Jhawins Then you need to get a better plan I think
I will get reimbursed but it's a sick cruel joke that I have to have $1,300 to use my insurance to get my wisdom teeth removed. My face is huge, I am in so much pain. I can't hear right out of my left ear
@Jhawins dude i am nursing teeth right now too. It fucking sucks so much
@Neil it doesn't mater what insurance you have. Even if they cover 100% I still have to pay half down
Then get reimbursed. It's outside of my insurance
'Murica, the land of freedom...
THis is fucked.
I starting to feel I am not developing as a developer. I feel nothing. I can't feel how it felt.
@argentum47 It means you're not being challenged enough
@rlemon yeah i can do it in one line of code
Word Wrap?
possibly. When I first became a rails developer from php, I fantasized that I will like it, one day. Haven't been any good.
@argentum47 Try doing some other language in your free time
It will surprise you the kinds of things that you can do in other languages. Almost all languages offer some aspect you can't get with any other
sigh npm's repository is a mess. I thought the world realised putting everything in a global scope is bad.
Hi ppl
@Zirak do you even global bro?
Is there a way (using ajax) to call a whole php file and load all the content (like if I called the php normally)
I dont want to echo all the f*** lines of my php
@Zirak I like your face
@ShaU Probably because yours is so horrifying by contrast
@Neoares huh?
I want to load a php using ajax
So load it?
!!google jquery get
I mean my php have html code
I wonder why Node is gaining its popularity so quickly.
I dont want to "echo" the html code to print it
@Unihedro Because it's ultra scalable
Why not?
You can't print HTML from PHP unless it's echo'd
@SterlingArcher ok
unless you use include()
Which really just echos another file.
StackOverflow: Write Less, Vamp More
@SterlingArcher Of course you can, just close the php tag
The point of php is being embedded inside html
@Unihedro I like this idea
@Zirak Well that kind of is not from php.
@Neoares It's what many do. Note that however for more maintainable code, simply echo in correct order.
@ShaU No one understands that language. except a few. Provide a english dub.
listen to music...who cares about lyrics
then I would prefer instrumental
@Unihedro I would argue that leads to less maintainable, more obscure and potentially buggy code. You're making html a string which is a 2nd class citizen. You'll have trouble with escaping, with remembering context, with embedding variables, and finding out where a particular output came from.
... Debugger?
@Unihedro I'd rather not debug code
"there is no fm"
the first time I was trolled was by instrumental. (ofcrs I didn't know about Instrumental then). I was waiting for some lyrics for 7 mints and then the song ended . I felt gross
Well, then you have a point. I agree on that.
@BoltClock that's when you panic
@BoltClock Sounds like when I was trying to learn MScript.
That language has even worse documentation than Scala.
@Jhawins redneck reverse
@Unihedro Scala's docs are really pretty.
It's a shame they don't cover the language.
It's also a shame the language has 17 tuple types.
lol :D
@rlemon I'm not terribly familiar with express. Are you swapping routers based on login status?
Please somebody messgae me
keep clam and code something
keep going or die trying
@ShaU you've said nothing that merits a response.
Aside from that last one begging for attention.
@SterlingArcher Yes, it urgently needs a grammar fix, a word is misspelled.
oh dang
that's how its done
youtube suggested videos are good
Anyone know of any SO questions (or answers) mentioning :has(+sibling), :has(>child) etc syntax?
Can't search for it, as usual
Q: Using jQuery, can I target an element to show its child element only when the parent element is being hovered over?

tehmanOk so I'm currently working on a page where ill have two elements, the parent and the child. <div id="parent">Hi <span class="child">Bye</class> </div> What I want is to have the child element displayed when the parent element is hovered over. So I created a function in jQuery that will let...

That's the only result from symbolhound.com. Presumably there are more than that.
Indeed. I bet I've used it in an answer before
I'm wondering if there are any answers that actually describe it in detail
Q: jQuery: subtle difference between .has() and :has()

TomalakWhen used with the child selector >, the two variants of jQuery's "has" behave differently. Take this HTML: <div> <span>Text</span> </div> Now: $("div:has(>span)"); would return it, while: $("div").has(">span"); would not. Is it a bug or a feature? Compare here: http://jsfiddle.net/a...

@BoltClock That's all I've got.
Now that's what I'm talking about
@BoltClock Hi Bolt hoaw are you
I ma fine
@mintsauce Apparently the bug described in that question was fixed somewhere down the line
I like singaproe
It's quite an old question; I didn't check the date.
@ssube Did you check out the new ReSharper (9.1 EAP)? It's massively awesome for TS; it's suggesting so much new improvements for TS1.4 it's beyond just insane; it's incredible!
@BoltClock Youre about me is just superb..Your Talent is unmatchable....You make me proud thanks
Guys, do you think if a remote needs 2 batteries and I have only one charged, that if I put I empty and one full it would work
I guess it depends whether the batteries are connected in parallel or one after another I guess
have you treid
it works but
really hard
I mean
it's really hard until it works properly
I have to focus it really well
You need sleep
@ziGi How hard? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
as hard as chewing butterscotch candy
I like cotton candy
@RoelvanUden no. What's resharper got to do with TS?
I don't use resharper for anything, actually. Played with it once or twice, but never had a use for it.
@ssube Their support for TS inspections/improvements/completions has skyrocketed. It was a bit meh-meh for a while on 1.3, but this new 9.0 and 9.1 releases got it right. It's really, really, really powerful now. It helps make code better and gets your style normalized, too. You might want to check it out :-)
I'm having so much fun with its assisting abilities right now :D
@Shmiddty pretty much yea

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