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@rlemon Whats the right way to do it?
@BrianS JSON.parse takes a JSON String, JSON.stringify turns an object into a json string.
what you have already is the object, what do you want? the string or the object?
git checkout master
git cherry-pick b4da55
git push
git checkout dev
git merge origin master
git push
@rlemon Object to string
how can one make a comparator between two objects, for an array of objects? I essentially want to declare they're "the same" if their id attribute is the same, when comparing them with equals
you write a function to return a boolean
@corvid .sort takes a comparator.
function thesame(a,b) { return a.id === b.id }
Oh, you want to override ===? You can't do that in JS, you ned to use a function like rlemon said.
@rlemon That solve the error, now how can i make request to google QPX API?
no clue. never used it
that is the bonus question anyways ;)
besides, "I have already signed up for Google API Console and set up the account and API key, but my question is how do I retrieve the results from Google QPX." imo isn't really a valid question
idk. I'm torn. I'm deleting my answer, but I'll be fair, I don't really think your question is a good fit
Yeah cause i solve the error in other method as well, but the QPX its what make it confusing.
@rlemon I will revise the question to better fit
but that isn't really a programming question is it? you're asking someone to tell you how to use a product. Isn't there documentation for it?
Try to make the request, and then show us how you tried to do it
@rlemon Okay, i will get back
oh I just did this long ugly method to compare them. It works but it's just so... ugh.
angular.forEach(data.objects, function(obj, index) {
  if($scope.workflowIds.indexOf(obj.id) != -1) {
    angular.forEach($scope.category.workflows, function(flow) {
      if(flow.id === obj.id) data.objects[index] = flow;
@corvid Have you look into lodash? In lodash that'd be:
_(data.objects) //begin chain
    .filter(function(obj) {
        return _.contains($scope.workflowIds, obj.id);
    .map(function (obj) {
        return _.find($scope.category.workflows, {id: obj.id})
    .value();  //unwrap chain
Hmm, wait, no I guess it's not quite the same because you're leaving all the items in the original array that aren't in the workflow ids in the same place.
You probably should do it as a map on data.objects and not as a forEach inside a forEach in that case.
Why do people not use native methods :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum Browser support, mostly.
"•Stay hydrated by shoveling every third load of snow directly into your mouth" ewww, that will kill you faster than the exertion.....
The more I use angular, the more I think it's unfortunate that controllers are named as such... Angular is really more MVVM than MVC
@Retsam I feel like this is inherently hacky and not addressing the core problem, is the thing
@rlemon it say "The simplest way to try out this API is to send it a POST request with curl." how do i do that with Javascript?
you don't use curl, you use a post request with xhr
or "$.ajax"
If I have an array of html elements and an array of values, and want to affect them, what's the best way?
elements.forEach(function(el, i){
  el.value = values[i]
or there is something else quicker?
@rlemon Yes I'm looking at the document now. Get back to you soon. Thank you
am impressed
@rlemon here is the update statues stackoverflow.com/questions/28311410/…
@rlemon I get 400 Error
no clue, never used Google QPX
but at least your question is now better!
@rlemon Alright man, and thank you for correcting me
the better the question the more likely it is to be answered on main. so there is that. good luck!
Im starting to like Javascript
@SomeGuy do a blog post on this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nudity_in_film
> Even in 18+ films, full frontal nudity with genitals exposed is banned [in India].
I can't say I was shocked, but it was interesting to learn France created modern porn
can i use external file in $.ajax data: 'data/request.json'?
wait... what?
@rlemon Solved. Thanks for your help stackoverflow.com/questions/28311410/…
Uhm, anyone here familiar with Ionic Framework?
@BrianS np. glad the stringify info helped a little at least :P
@corvid huh? looks like a promise
@rlemon :) Now the hard part come, i need that data to be used with d3.js!
Hi everyone - I'm newer to Jquery and Javascript and having trouble figuring out how to write some Jquery to make a form that displays different input fields based on drop down selections that have other dropdowns lower in the form which would also result in different input fields based on the option selected. I have searched for a good resource but coming up empty. Any suggestions?
jQuery != HTML. Just write a form
Perhaps I am going about this wrong. I was hoping to use JQuery to show and hide fields based on the drop down selections. The form itself is HTML
Do you know what the DOM is?
You're going to use jQuery or javascript to manipulate the form via the DOM, Document Object Model. Try reading a book on jQuery.
Q: Dynamically adding HTML form field using jQuery

ilyoSince I cant use div inside forms, I wonder how can I add new field in the middle of the form (and I can't use .append() here) without reloading the page or rewriting the form? (using jQuery) EDIT: this is the HTML: <form id="form-0" name="0"> <b>what is bla?</b><br> <input type="radio" name="a...

I will take a look at the resource you shared, Thank you. I'm still on my journey learning to code. Is there a JQuery book you recommend Taco?
jQuery pocket reference. It's not hard. Learn the DOM first. That shouldn't take too long. Understanding what DOM is and jQuery go hand-in-hand.
@BrianS you can copy/paste data into a .json file for testing. Just make sure it's valid JSON by testing it in jsonlint.com
and I was the one who recommended Postman, btw :)
Sup @KendallFrey
why hello
Protip: If you like to keep lots of tabs open, like me, turn on delay loading of background tabs. Speeds up startup times a lot.
I'm just assuming Chrome supports this
interesting. never heard of that
I'm guessing you use Opera?
probably Firefox, because I know that it supports that (<3 FF)
That's its default behaviour
@taco Yup <3
heh, you happy with the switch to Blink?
Opera is based on Chromium, which is why I guessed it
well, it is now at least
where would I see that option @KendallFrey
@taco opera://flags i think it was
@JohnMcDonald mixed feelings. They dropped a lot of cool features from Opera 12.
aha, so chrome://flags/
thanks @KendallFrey
@mido22 when is Game of Thrones back
@taco tv series: April 12, but I am eagerly awaiting for the book 6.
Folks, I'm making an .ajax() call from jQuery, and it doesn't get routed to the action handler. There is a break point in the action handler, and it doesn't trip.
This get routed:
<a data-ajax="true" href="/Project/Save">okay, let&#39;s try this helper business</a>
But the call from jQuery doesn't get routed
<script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $("button[name='saveProject']").click(function () {
                URL: "/Project/Save",
                type: "GET",
                dataType: "html",
                contentType: "application/html; charset=utf-8",

                timeout: 1000,
                cache: false,

            }).done(function (msg) {
                alert("result: " + msg);
2 hours later…
Hi all :) I am using AJAX for loading in different text-content, and have now provided my sitemap, with all the AJAX links, and am getting into HTML-snapshot and _escaped_fragment_
I am reading on google.developers, and have google'd what my imagination can, and well, how do I get an HTML snapshot, and how do I add this in my javascrpt file?
I use javascript, not jQuery, and the only part that is php, as far as I am concerned, is the file-names. Please help :)
For some reason my NGInx
is forgetting that its supposed to forward the DELETE request
when used as a reverse proxy
morning :)
wnyone needs help? im bored ^^
Can anyone help my point out what to do with my url's? I don't have many html pages, just 5 main pages, with ajax links in them.
I have about 50 ajax links, and know now that I can give these to google crawler.
The way is to use #!, in my url, and html snapshot for giving a static image, to the dynamiclly loaded content. This i understand, but dont know how to do it! I have made my sitemap.xml to contain all these ajax links also, but now i am a little stuck :)
@Kovu I really do need help:)
Sorry, no experience with google, all my projects in 5 years experience are inhouse products ^^
ah ok ;) Good morning btw :) As inhouse says me nothing, I will still ask, if you do know if hashbangs are so out of date, that I should consider other ways to have good urls etc? :)
@sunto Sounds like a simple site structure. If so, don't worry about it. Google can index ajax pages without too much problems nowadays.
inhouse means Tools / Websites which will only be used for employees of a firm
@Kovu aha :)
yes it is simple structure, no hokus pokus:)
I found out this on the google developer page, but am struggling a little bit with html snapshot and _escaped_fragment_, code part.

AND, my URL's need to be navigateble, if I write in an url with say ;
Then I come to the static page, just
@Ian the code is pretty easy... just make a function without parameter, you dont need them here... just acces all 3 values by ID (e.g.: Document.getElementById('select1').value) and add them / make a switch
Well I see the point regarding SEO, and that is what I am considering now in my url's, and my pages.
Is it possible to have SEO friendly pages, and still use ajax? If so, this is done the method that I described earlier, correct?
I don't think you actually read. It states that JS is executed. AKA you don't need SEO hacks.
Aha, yes then I understand. Hehe yes I do read, just confused :)
But again, my pages are not indexed..
Should I rather use document.location.href?
instead of hashbangs :)
as far as I understand, I must allow robots to access my javascript and css, if that is the problem, how would I do this?
Sorry for my lack of knowledge, I am just 8 months into webdeveloping :)
Do you even have a robots.txt?
haha wow :) No
Then that's not your problem.
re: Aurelia - i am sold
I only have this meta tag, hm yes I am starting to see the problem..
meta name="robots" content="index,follow"
thanks for pointing that out! :D
I will read up on that, and make a robots.txt :)
in simplicity, just telling google to allow crawling ajax-pages is what I am missing? :)
Then I have to ask, should I remove my hashbangs from my href's?
@BenjaminGruenbaum interesting, so it saves numbers as rational fractions?
Good morning,
I need some help to regex a string correctly.
ahahah sorry
!!tell Simone format
@Simone Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
ok thanks
function getSongInfo(artist,track)
artist = artist.replace( /[']+/g, "\'");
artist = artist.replace( "/", "-");
track = track.replace( /[']+/g, "\'");
track = track.replace( "/", "-");

if(artist == '' || artist == undefined || artist == 'undefined' || artist == null || track == undefined || track == null)
return false;
$.post(base_url+"music/getSongInfo/", {artist:artist,track:track}, function(data, textStatus) {
var stateObj = { foo: "bar" };
history.pushState(stateObj, "", base_url+"?artist="+encodeURIComponent(artist.replace(/ +/g,"-"))+"&trac
This is my JS function
to retrieve the artist and the track name of a song
how could I exclude double quotes from the replace at the top?
!!tell Simone format
@Simone Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
I did
@Zirak this message is not really helpful
@Simone No you didn't, otherwise it would have looked like
My autocomplete is broken, (I'm calling data.json, to autocomplete jQ UI)

$( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
      	source: function(request, response){
      			url: "js/data.json",
      			type: "POST",
      			dataType: "json",
      			data: { term: request.term },
      			success: function(data){
      				response($.map(data, function(item) {
      					return {
      						label: item.tags

<label for="tags">Tags: </label>
function getSongInfo(artist,track)
	artist = artist.replace( /[']+/g, "\'");
	artist = artist.replace( "/", "-");
	track = track.replace( /[']+/g, "\'");
	track = track.replace( "/", "-");

	if(artist == '' || artist == undefined || artist == 'undefined' || artist == null || track == undefined || track == null)
		return false;
	$.post(base_url+"music/getSongInfo/", {artist:artist,track:track}, function(data, textStatus) {
		var stateObj = { foo: "bar" };
There we go! :)
@Simone Hi, Do u know autocomplete calling json?
Ok sorry for that, it's my first time on chat :)
Sure thing
How does the input look like?
@SecondRikudo I use like this: <a onclick="getSongInfo('<?php echo addslashes($value->artist->label); ?>','<?php echo addslashes($value->title->label); ?>');" href="#">
@Simone That doesn't tell me anything.
How does the input look like?
How do the strings you pass to the function look like?
Someone ever worked with websockets?
@SecondRikudo ok the input is this : $value->title->label = str_ireplace( "- ".$value->artist->label, "",  $value->title->label);
@SecondRikudo the problem is that sometime the "title" has double quotes
Hello All.
@Kovu Yah.
@SecondRikudo for example like this: <a onclick="getsonginfo('ellie="" goulding','love="" me="" like="" you="" do="" (from="" \"fifty="" ');"="" href="#">
What the hell?
That doesn't even look remotely valid.
Roal Nice :) I have a AutoRefresh system in my webapplication which trys every 10 seconds to call 7 ajax querys (with database querys) for new data to refresh... I read about websockets and thought about "okay this system is shit as it is" - do you agree? I mean, with websockets every client will get a message as soon as something changes, right?
Anyknow autocomplate using jQ "but" calling json with ajax?
I have example here, scrollingY
@UlisesContreras Yes.
@SecondRikudo @RoelvanUden but if title hasn't double quotes, it works great, I'm using rss of iTunes to retrieve informations
@Simone iTunes RSS looks like that?
@SecondRikudo what about hangouts?
@Mosho Look there
what am I looking for
@SecondRikudo function getTopSongsItunes()
	$CI 	=& get_instance();
	$url 	= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/rss/topsongs/limit=".intval($CI->config->item("items_search"))."/json";
	$html 	= _curl($url);
	$html 	= str_ireplace("itms:", "", $html);
	$html 	= str_ireplace("im:", "", $html);
    return $html;
@Second I have this:

$( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
      	source: function(request, response){
      			url: "js/data.json",
      			type: "POST",
      			dataType: "json",
      			data: { term: request.term },
      			success: function(data){
      				response($.map(data, function(item) {
      					return {
      						label: item.tags

<label for="tags">Tags: </label>
 <input id="tags">
I need to call json with ajax to use autocomplete with jQ UI.
This is simple "http://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/" but I want from JSON.
@SecondRikudo of course I'm using CodeIgniter
I have a textarea in which a user pastes rows and columns by copying them from a XLSX file.
@Roal Nice :) I have a AutoRefresh system in my webapplication which trys every 10 seconds to call 7 ajax querys (with database querys) for new data to refresh... I read about websockets and thought about "okay this system is shit as it is" - do you agree? I mean, with websockets every client will get a message as soon as something changes, right?
I have to collect each row in a separate array in JS
for which I do


to get each line
@Kovu Yeah, you can have a persistent bi-directional connection. This enables you to push stuff onto the connected client(s) as soon as something changes on the server-side. Of course, you don't need polling then, and you essentially have a nice little system that has virtually no notable delay.
@SecondRikudo from iTunes the string looks like this: <im:name>
I Know You (From The "Fifty Shades of Grey" Soundtrack)
and then split each line by tab

It works fine but I cant understand why it works fine when split by Tab?
XLSX data is also tab separated?
@Simone Yeah, and?
@techie_28 No, it's not. It's a propriety format.
@RoelvanUden Thanks! That sound nice, my main problem is atm that the clients database-system is not that good, so my 7 querys needs around 300ms to execute... and this in test while only 3 clients connected in the autorefresh... in life (same IT envoirment) will be around 30 to 50 connected... so very high traffic
split by tab(\t) separates out the values of each row correctly for me here
so is it safe to do so?
@SecondRikudo I need to exclude the double quotes from that
Any thoughts please @SecondRikudo
Or does it gets treated as Tab Separated when it is pasted in the TextArea?
It says so here that the delimiter is \t
Q: Copy/Paste from Excel to a web page

His dudenessIs there a standard way or library to copy and paste from a spreasheet to a web form? When I select more than one cell from Excel I (obviously) lose the delimiter and all is pasted into one cell of the web form. Does it have to be done in VB? or could the processing be done once the paste action ...

@Simone That itunes string looks nothing like what you're passing to the JavaScript function.
@SecondRikudo it looks like this: 'Love Me Like You Do (From \" fifty="" shades="" of="" grey\")="" ','ellie="" goulding','http:="" a1.mzstatic.com="" us="" r30="" music3="" v4="" c0="" 44="" b9="" c044b975-dbe3-c67f-e145-841a46aed31b="" umg_cvrart_00602547197573_01_rgb72_1500x1500_14umgim62547.200x200-75.jpg'
@Simone Where the hell do all those ="" come from?
@SecondRikudo it's a bug caused by double quotes in the title
@Simone No, it's not. Really.
@SecondRikudo yes, this is how it looks like for another song: 'Thinking Out Loud ','Ed Sheeran','http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Features/v4/6d/1f/e2/6d1fe23d-eab8-8ccb-cbd2-caa567783b19/dj.xllwtvne.200x200-75.jpg'
It's a bug that comes from someone not understanding how XSS works.
@SecondRikudo ahahahah, yes of course
@SecondRikudo so this is not a problem caused by this: $html 	= str_ireplace("im:", "", $html);
@SecondRikudo in this: <im:name>
I Know You (From The "Fifty Shades of Grey" Soundtrack)
@SecondRikudo That's a cool site. Thanks for sharin :P
@SecondRikudo Thanks for the link, I have to study more!
@SecondRikudo yes, but more importantly this is me eating my hat for what Cobol is doing - it actually does store numbers as decimals which I still think is stupid but apparently it's also useful since there are mainframe computers with CPU instructions for it.
!!nudge 20
@SecondRikudo Nudge #1 registered.
I need a small javascript plugin which will help me to write javascript code in MVC structure.. any help?
@Mr_Green Uh. Knockout or Angular come to mind. There are plenty others, tho.
@SecondRikudo nudge
@CapricaSix Thanks darling
@SecondRikudo u know or not jQ, autocomplate + ajax + json? :)
	    type: "POST",
	    url: "js/data.json",
	    dataType: "json",
	    data: "{}",
	    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
	    success: function(data) {
	            source: data
I can send u img capture better
hello everyone
does anyone knows how to get a image from a directory in ajax?, i can get the path from my return data, but then i don´t know how to read the path..
in my code i cant get my path logo/theimagefile.png
but then how can i read this? any suggestions?
Did someone emscripten v8 yet?
@RoelvanUden angularjs is above 100kb.. so not small
I will check knockout.. thanks
I'm looking for a tag/untag jquery library. I found this one (aehlke.github.io/tag-it) but it requires jqueryUI. I rather use ONLY jquery. suggestins?
and also angularjs build is failing (I don't know what that it means though)
so click it
Q: Is there a way to modify a jQuery object itself?

Serge ProfafilecebookWhen using function like .add, .remove, etc. on a jquery object, the jQuery object itself isn't modified, the result get caught by the returned new jQuery object. Is there a way to modify the object itself? I'd need that so I can write a function with a jQuery passed by reference, something lik...

Sometimes I build absurd things to answer XY questions...
Here's a mutable jQuery collection...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Heh, that's a nice one. The trie example has the performance benefit just by going through the characters rather than creating an array first, right?
!!> 2 + 1
@darkyen00 3
I'm not sure my answer can be understood by a novice programmer though...
@dystroy I wouldn't know. I'm not a novice
var counter = 0;

function swap(index1, index2, t_list){
 var c = t_list[index1];
 t_list[index1] = t_list[index2];
 t_list[index2] = c;

function permute(a, i, n){
  if(i == n){
    counter += 1;
    var j = i;
    while( j <= n ){
      swap(i, j, a);
      permute(a, i+1, n);
      swap(i, j, a);


var s = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K'];
start_time = Date.now();
permute(s, 0, s.length - 1);
end_time = Date.now();
console.log('The count ', (end_time - start_time),'-' , counter);
the above code runs in 9000ms in js on average
var s = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
permute(s,0,s.length -1);

s = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K'];
start_time = Date.now();
permute(s, 0, s.length - 1);
end_time = Date.now();
when doing that it goes upto 1600 ms
I am wondering why -_-
node version = v0.10.35
In an ipad I have a mega menu that is supposed to disappear on clicking outside, however it only works in browser
@darkyen00 You mean it goes up to 1600 from 900?
@Neil yes, ugh i didn't spot the 0
while it shouldn't be affected
@darkyen00 Well, you're doing more :P
@Neil I am not
Why wouldn't it go up?
I'm frankly a little surprised that it didn't double
the timer starts after it has finished the first one
var s = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
permute(s,0,s.length -1);

s = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K'];
//  SEE THIS ?
start_time = Date.now();
permute(s, 0, s.length - 1);
end_time = Date.now();
notice the start time ?
anyone knows how to convert a directory path to an url?
!!youtube no one knows
@darkyen00 Now I'm confused..
@Neil so are we
That person makes me very uncomfortable when he looks at me
I thought you were running it twice, once with ABCD, and the other with ABCDEFGHIJK
we originally expected it to be faster, considering the js will optimize
Wondering, @Mosho are you seeing the commit comments I'm leaving?
It seems normal that it would take longer the 2nd time around
@Neil no
we start the timer after it has ran once.
@darkyen00 Then I'm confused.. what did you add that made it jump to 1600 ms?
the pre-run
till ABCD
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do, why?
@darkyen00 Nope, I just tried it
Q: how can I retrieve the first most viewed video of a specific search on youtube?

SimoneI need to retrieve the most viewed video of a specific search on my website, so if one user search for "Rihanna" the function should retrieve the first most viewed video of Rihanna. This is my function helper: function searchYoutube($query) { //$query = urlencode($query); $CI...

The result was about the same for me both times
Maybe you have something else at play?
@Neil node-version ?
@darkyen00 You ran both examples using the same node version I assume
@Neil weird
I ran it in the browser of course
But I don't see why that should matter
please i want to calculate natural image width and height ant set it as attributes in the image element,
but this images add in the run time
Metarains-Mac-mini:Desktop abhishek$ node untitled.js
The count  900 - 39916800
Metarains-Mac-mini:Desktop abhishek$ node untitled.js
The count  1387 - 39916824
Metarains-Mac-mini:Desktop abhishek$ node untitled.js
The count  1378 - 39916824
First case was without the pre-run
@Neil NO it doesn't happen inc hrome its exclusive to node.js
@darkyen00 Ok, then that should tell you that it isn't your code that's the problem
@Neil I know :-/
but why this mess
can any one help me /
No, because you haven't asked a question
i asked above
please i want to calculate natural image width and height ant set it as attributes in the image element,
but this images add in the run time
oh, sorry, I missed it
That's still not a question though
ok, i have images appended to the dom in the runtime, but i want to calculate the width and height of it before it appeded to resize its container according to the image size
Not unreasonable
What's the question?
i want to add onLoad function to the image like this <'img onload='setImageSize();' src='www.site.com/images/img.jpg' / >
but an error occurred 'setImageSize is not defined'
function setImageSize(){
this.setAttribute('actualWidth', this.naturalWidth);
this.setAttribute('actualHeight', this.naturalHeight);
console.log('image loaded{width:'+this.naturalWidth+', height:'+this.naturalHeight+'}');
Its a normal error @MohamedNagy, because the onload try to execute a method whish is not loaded at the moment the HTML is rendered
If u use jquery, try this:
Or maybe try this:
function setImageSize(){
this.setAttribute('actualWidth', this.naturalWidth);
this.setAttribute('actualHeight', this.naturalHeight);
console.log('image loaded{width:'+this.naturalWidth+', height:'+this.naturalHeight+'}');
should both work :)
in both cases, remove the onload from the image tag
ok, the images loaded in the runtime via ajax request
ok... then work with promises of the ajax request
make a promise, so a method call which will execute when the ajax request is finished
@Mosho wanted to know if it worked
@Kovu can i use something like this via native js
Promises not but I think you can add a callback after the request is finished... it's not so complexe like a promise but I think for your use it should be work
post me your ajax reqeust pls
@Mosho why about hangouts :D
Also someone please moderate I'm on mobile
this is what i did
var socialHubb = new hubb({
itemsHandler: function(err,items){
$.each( items, function( index, item ) {

function showItem(){
$('#container').append('<img onload="setImageSize();" src="'+item.path+'" />');

function setImageSize(){
what does this line do?

require(["main"], function() {
@thirdy That's Javascript?
@Unihedro yep
3 messages moved from Java
Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
okay and you cant calculate the height and width right within the showItem because it's not rendered then?
`var socialHubb = new hubb({
	itemsHandler: function(err,items){
		$.each( items, function( index, item ) {

function showItem(){
	$('#container').append('<img onload="setImageSize();" src="'+item.path+'" />');

function setImageSize(){
what does

`require(["main"], function() { });`

@thirdy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Kovu, yes :(
did I format that okay?
Yes, Also it does AMD look into require.js
RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader.
i see..
function showItem(){
var random = 1 //random ID here
$('#container').append('<img id="picture'+random+'" onload="setImageSize();" src="'+item.path+'" />');
setImageSize('picuture' + random);

function setImageSize(id){
var image = document.getElementById(id);
if (image.naturalWeight > 0)
setTimeout(setImageSize(id), 100);
something like that
guys need help.. I am just confused
blindly typed so dont care about typos ^^
I am developing a new project using javascript
so in fact: Give the image a ID, call the method so long until you have valid values, then calculate
I need to keep the code in structure and use some plugins to make the work go fast
any help which plugins should I include to keep the code in structure like MVC format?
Why you need plugins for that? have a structured folder structure in your project and use namespacing in js should help a lot without relying on third party plugins
i see its a good solution although it will causes some extra processing in the client in case of lot of images
True, but i wouldnt know another solution right now...
also it has a few problems... what is if the image cant be found (file corrupt or wrong path), then the value will stay forever 0 and you have an endless loop
so you might atleast have a counter and try max, lets say, 30 times (3 seconds)
the command itself should be very fast, its a simple few-liner without much performance needed
@Kovu How I should keep the folder structure?
Hi, in bootstrap if I have
Div md 4
Div md 4
Div md 4

How can I force div three to go to the left of the page if div 1 has a greater height than div 2?
atm it sits on the right in that case
I kept like

        - plugins
               - jquery
               - mustache.js
        - core
              // my core js files here
        - css
        - images
ok, thanks @Kovu
@Mr_Green yeah, its okay, I think the most importand point is that you think about it and at least try to have good structure... no naming is the worst, at least making thoughts about is should help :)
@SuperUberDuper make a jsfiddle, maybe I can help
@Kovu ok thanks
@BenjaminGruenbaum what about it

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