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@NickDugger lol trading system in canvas
functional is great for algos, terrible for data
@ssube when would I understand when to use it in a project vs not?
Those terms are so fuzzy it's hard to answer... You'll probably use both at the same time.
Weird, but ok
Hello! Anyone know how I can move a CouchDb over to a domain that isn't accessible via the replicator tool?
@NickDugger If you have to do something in a loop, all the time, and want it to be vaguely scalable, make your loop functional (thread-safe, no side-effects, etc).
However, you almost never need your models to be functional. It doesn't make sense there, you're just stuffing design patterns in for the sake of it (like a turducken, but not delicious).
Working with single items (models, storage in many cases): functional doesn't make sense.
Large amounts of data: safe clean loops (functional).
Good day ladies and gents
Good day to you, fine [person of whichever gender you please]
Being politically correct is what it is all about
lemon, you knew one or two really good websites on OO programming in JavaScript, but I can't seem to find them. Do you recollect which they were?
This question goes for all of you, if you know a website which explains OO in JS in a good manner, I'd be more than grateful.
Typescript -_-
no no
I tend to avoid typescript due to it being a MS product...
I don't need Typescript
their examples also show a lot of OO patterns in JS
@NickDugger that's silly
that's a good reason to avoid something. <-sarcasm
Of course it's silly, but I'm entitled to my reasoning, or lack there of
@RyanKinal yes, it was exactly that
@Luggage No, it's silly
I'll stick to my ES6 classes, thanks
Hooray for people still recommending my articles!
@copy Sarcasm
@Luggage Not obvious
@RyanKinal ah, 'twas your's then
Yep :-)
it's a common enough prejudiced hangup that people assume you're serious when you say "but MS..."
Hello! Anyone know how I can move a CouchDb over to a domain that isn't accessible via the replicator tool?
despite their recent stuff being really good, in general
and mostly OSS
I may not have types in ES6, but I get everything else I want...ish... You know, private/public/protected was in the original spec, but nobody agreed on it, so they took them out? Sadness
That's Schrodinger sarcasm right there... it may or may not be sarcasm, depending on how everyone else reacts to it.
Ryan I used it a few months ago, and to be honest, they are well written. I wanted to suggest them to a friend of mine but could not find them
@NickDugger You still have them, it's just more complicated than a single keyword.
Yes, that's true
I was looking forward to them, though
@ziGi I'm not sure I approve of the name "Rynal"
TS is almost entirely sugar, except for the type checker (which is lint).
It sounds dirty
Ohh, it IS dirty.
@RyanKinal wow, sorry, it was an honest mistake
No big deal ;-)
@ssube What's wrong with that?
I just merged your first and last name
Too much sugar. Bad for your teeth.
I noticed :-D
I used to think that types were dumb, and I didn't want them, but now I think javascript could really benefit from having them.
@Luggage Nothing, it's fantastic. The unix way, or as close as you can get. Instead of inventing a whole new thing, they just layered a couple tools on top of an existing ecosystem.
I find types really annoying
@NickDugger can you elaborate why you are not happy with the fact js is not strongly typed?
Having worked with C# and VB... types annoy the crap out of me.
@RyanKinal That holds until you work on a large codebase with multiple other teams, then they'll save your ass.
Every time.
Yeah. I know.
Hello! Anyone know how I can move a CouchDb over to a domain that isn't accessible via the replicator tool?
I think they aren't necessary for JS especially when working with front end
Maybe it's just that .NET takes it to a ridiculous extreme
but that's just my opinion
No one wants to help move a couch.
Docs and communication are great, but they only help people who are paying attention. Somebody will forget, and that's when it helps for the compiler to step in and warn them.
@Phil I know very little about Couch. Sorry.
@ziGi Depends on how you're talking about types. You (almost) never need to know the exact type of something, it's all about contracts(/interfaces), and that's how TS implements it.
A: CouchDB Backups and Cloning the Database

Paul J. DavisAnother thing to be aware of is that you can copy files out from under a live database. Given that you may have a possibly large database, you could just copy it OOB from your test/production machine to another machine. Depending on the write load of the machines it may be advisable to trigger a...

Maybe that?
One of my favorite type systems yet. Rather than saying "nope, X must be an instance of Y", it enforces "sure, X has all the advertised properties of Y, so it may as well be one"
Duck typing
@ssube so are you saying that if the language is strongly typed then less documentation is necessary and less errors will occur, since the programmers would see it during compilation type?
@ziGi If the language is typed, you don't need type annotations in the docs.
I agree that JS without documentation is more irritating in terms of you having to check return types, attribute types etc.
By definition, that's a little bit less docs.
But then you have to write much more code
and typecasting
look at Java for example
java isn't a good example
Errors can still easily occur, but they're more likely to be logic or design problems. The compiler can call out typos earlier in the build, which saves time.
@ziGi Have you written Typescript?
especially in Android programming you have to typcast non-stop especially for interface to components
look at go : the types by themselves don't add a lot of verbosity
@ziGi if you're casting, you're probably doing something wrong
@ssube what?
I think I wouldn't mind types in JS, as long as there were as few built-ins as possible.
@ziGi Java isn't exactly a good language as an example :-)
@RoelvanUden haha I can agree with that
@ziGi casting is a smell, usually leading to lack of abstraction and proper contract/interface design
The big question for types in JS would be : do we refer to a general Object type or do we type all structs with their fields ? Or do we define implicit interfaces ?
Things like Java and .NET go a little overboard on the amount of types that exist.
@dystroy Oh hell, I really hope there's a generic object type
the first example for interfaces shows how it works: typescriptlang.org/Handbook
JS would be hell otherwise
interface LabelledValue {
  label: string;

function printLabel(labelledObj: LabelledValue) {

var myObj = {size: 10, label: "Size 10 Object"};
@Retsam yes I have tried it, I agree that it's much more structured, but if someone tries to work on the real JS which is produced it's a bit messy
totally legal, because myObj has everything a LabelledValue advertises
@ziGi the produced JS isn't code, it's generated artifacts, and you should never touch it
that's like editing a compiled JAR by hand
I know
but I have seen people do it
As with any tool, if you're using it wrong, it's not gonna work right. So don't do that. Then you can figure out which are good or not.
What about writing for Node.js with Typescript?
What about it? certainly valid.
What about it? Node runs JS, TS produces JS and has a flag so import uses CommonJS notation.
I think there are TS definitions for the node apis
Well I know it is valid and it works, but isn't it harder for people who are starting
I've only written node in vanilla JS
so it should be quite pleasant with an editor with autocomplete
@Luggage well it's good that there is but the question is, is there enough documentation and support
even if you hate types for every other reason, the fact they allow accurate autocomplete (and hover docs and the like) is worth it. Instead of that miserable joke of autocomplete IntelliJ has for JS.
Actually I've heard it argue that TS is easier for people starting, as a lot of people come from strongly-typed languages like C# and Java
with JS you should ways know how to do it in 'raw' JS in order to handle problems with your compile-to-js language of choice.
ohhhh, ES6 added ** in place of Math.pow
the things you learn from reading random articles
Type systems have overhead, to be sure, and aren't (always) appropriate for small projects. But it's required inline documentation that must be maintained, which can be incredibly valuable for larger codebases. Same story as spellcheck.
@NickDugger From that site: "arguments will be deprecated eventually". wat?
@NickDugger This page is very bad.
> Again, the problem is the indiscriminate choice of IEEE754 by the language designer or implemento
@Retsam no idea, but you can do (...x) 6to5.org/docs/learn-es6/#default-rest-spread
ok, so using IEEE754 is obviously a wrong choice...
> Arguments is not an Array
who cares... you should not change it so making it an array would only make it worse
Don't get so defensive over an article. lol
We're not "defensive", we're critical. There's a difference.
@NickDugger "defensive" ? what do you mean ? This article is just BS
Simmer down
No one is riled up?
"the choice of using floating point number to represent numbers, and this is a lazy language designer choice"
lol right, that can't possibly have to do with performance, or the fact every chip has a FPU.
ok guys, thank you for the help anyway
I am going back to work
can we use something like this ?
ng-click="closeIt(id=50)"  i want to parse value when ng-click ?
@ssube But also an integer unit, and JavaScript doesn't have those
@copy adding them would've created visible, hardware-bound types, which JS didn't have until typed arrays
I'd be ok if JS just used string, number, object, and array if we're feeling devious.
@ssube See Python
even though array is an object... lol
@copy I try not to, if I can help it. :P
am I missing something or does this answer make no sense at all (considering the question)?
A: Angular.js: How to update data from one HTML to other HTML which uses same controller

Djarno PellemansThis is in node.js but should be easily converted into angular.js, Add in you're index.js var chats = []; and somewhere under that for try/and debugging (obvious ofcourse); var debug = true; io.on("connection", function (socket) { } then fill the method with some stuff, for example io.on("c...

@NickDugger everything is probably an object
@ssube in JS ? No.
@ssube Integers are promoted to floats or BigNums as necessary
@copy JS could've solved that by having a bignum and using it as a third backing store for number.
Most impls use int or float (or double?) and switch sometimes. Should've added bignum to that.
There's no really reasons to have bignums directly in the language. At least not before we have the ability to type the vars and arguments and to use operators on bignums.
@ThiefMaster - not only is it not Angular, it has nothing to do with the question
@ThiefMaster long time no see!
posted on January 26, 2015 by Amaan Cheval

You should read the Wikipedia article here. Who The Sentinelese are an indigenous people of the Andaman Islands, in the Bay of Bengal. They are noted for resisting attempts at contact by outsiders. The Sentinelese maintain an essentially hunter-gatherer society subsisting through hunting, fishing, and collecting wild plants. There is no evidence of either agricultural practices or me

posted on January 26, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} New BAHFest day! Ever wondere about the evolutionary origins of the

Cool, a feed to get ads...
which one?
the smbc one
The RSS for SMBC kicks in before the actual image is uploaded
@SomeGuy yes, that too, let's get rid of it...
Haha, I like SMBC!
I liked it when there was original content. Now it looks like it reposts itself
Somebody put up a poll to get rid of SMBC at one point recently, and it didn't get anywhere (tied)
I wish it would die
A poll to get rid of SMBC?
Like, to remove it from the internet entirely?
Haha, to remove it from our feed here
note that it's not really important : we're still free to not click feed links
Might be a good idea if it's broken
Flagging to close, as this question is blatantly about illegal activity. — Zéychin 54 secs ago
This raises an interesting point : is it against SO's policy to answer when the answer is obviously to be used for something illegal ?
Well, SE is an american company... I think?, which might make it mandatory to regulate such content
@dystroy there've been a bunch of meta threads on that. If it's against someone's TOS, nope, nobody cares/their problem.
If it's actually illegal, maybe? Flag and make it the mods' problem.
In most countries taking ownership of somebody's else account on a social network isn't just about TOS but is illegal
I believe there've been a few cases where it was determined to be illegal in the US
Not sure if those cases are considered precedent for anything, though
Do you want a guide how to kill people as well? — Eugene Sh. 10 mins ago
oh my
@dystroy His Facebook URL is hilarious
> https://www.facebook.com/BOSStheKingofallAttiTuDes
@SterlingArcher And I put the last nail in his coffin.
his profile pic is fantastic. Tons of filters and that hair.
@SecondRikudo good, hacking facebook accounts is for script kiddies and nubs
@SterlingArcher I don't like this comments, it's offensive IMO
"oh my" is not reasonably considered offensive in any culture, don't be silly.
I can see the dark sarcasm and I'm not offended, but it's easily a flaggable comment
@ssube Hahaha
@SomeGuy wait a sec, what does it show as name for you ?
@GNi33 I'm talking about the URL itself. "BOSStheKingofallAttiTuDes"
oh his updates are great
@SomeGuy yeah, pretty "cool" I guess
It's what I hate most about my generation :P
Why the fuck do people type LiKe dIs?!
most don't, it's a very specific demographic of posers
> If u hav cnfidnce nd ur work did nt succeed then dnt get rejected , try again with mre effort ' ur work will be done / if also the work is nt succeding den u shuld ' jump in a well, come infrnt of a running train, eat poisned food and u will gt relief frm all works @@@ Gud Mwrning frnDS grin emoticon
did... did he have a stroke? can someone ask him if he's okay?
@ssube Sadly, it's very common among the people I have to interact with (school / college)
@GNi33 Hahaha
"come infrnt of a running train"
but make sure you don't touch the third rail with your penis, cause that's a bad time
I have no idea what that is about
I may be able to fill in the missing characters, but I'm not able to comprehend what he wants to tell us
what, Boss The King of all Attitudes.... what do you want to tell us? I need to know
> hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
yep, reminded me of that too
Invader Zim is not random at all, that opinion is simply ignorant.
@SterlingArcher @rlemon I found something for you over the weekend
user image
@Jhawins That looks awesome
lol I almost posted it Saturday but figured it was worth waiting for the exposure. This is a masterpiece.
Al-cho riles me up.
@ssube that show is weird
@Jhawins Compared to the rest of Jhonen Vasquez's stuff, it's incredibly vanilla and not unusual in any way. By itself, yeah, it's a pretty harsh critique of modern society, especially fast food and stuff.
which is why it got cancelled :(
kinda hard to sell happy meal figures from a show telling mcdonalds to foad
@ssube Eh. I like to think that animated TV shows aren't always literal
As-in; I'd much rather take the craziness of the show as it's own thing. Not a critique on modern society. That's silly
Advertising causes me, therapy, therapy
@Jhawins For some shows, sure. Invader Zim was a critique, almost all of his stuff has been.
@ssube Let TV shows be TV shows
It's like a book. It's a story. Fuck if it relates to the real world.
Umm, relating to the real world is pretty much what makes stories good.
They're art, they mean whatever the artist wanted. In Zim's case, that was to tell corporate society to go die.
That was the intent the whole time. It wasn't even satire, he was just calling out the problems.
JtHM and I Feel Sick are the same way.
I have this javascript image (var img = new Image;) How do I set img.src = "1px #000 image" (embedded image) without loading an external image?
'1px #000 image' is not an image
i know
that is why i am asking
is there a way?
like that BASE64 thing
I'm not following. What do you want the result to be?
you could create a canvas, draw a 1pixel black rectangle then get the image dataURL
If you just want a black rectangle... style a div?
that too
@NickDugger You could hard-code the dataURL for that, too.
It's gonna be, like, a dozen characters.
Yes you could, but I don't know what it would be
it must be a black 1px image so the 1st image in the canvas is not rendered
@Azevedo What are you doing with it? Blitting onto a canvas?
you can use canvas and base64
ok... the scenario is this: an HTML5 canvas image slider. the engine slide images animating them from side to side. the problem is when the 1st image is slided in the last one in the array is shown sliding off
so i want a black empty image for the 1st slide
and you wanna create it programatically?
You want to clear the canvas somehow, which the clearRect method may do for you.
AngularJS: Why do I get $scope.existingFunction is not a function when trying to call $scope.existingFunction from within the controller where it's declared? I can call the function from the HTML.
make a canvas element with 1*1 dimensions, fill it with black, set the image to the canvas data url
Otherwise, drawing a black (filled) rect should do it.
!!tell Azevedo mdn toDataURL
@rlemon Command todataurl does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
Is there something about functions declared with $scope that makes them not accessable within the controller itself?
@ssube I'm going for lunch, I'll leave this with you jsfiddle.net/mennvdcs if you're going to continue with him
Ok so the solution was to just declare $scope.existingFunction before the function trying to call it...
@simpe lol
I'm loving JavaScript :D
such wow
Are you using JavaScript? Or just Angular? :P
^ angular the black box of magic :/
Well I'm using Angular but the dirty work still I'm writing in JS, since Angular is a JS-framework
I've come to terms with Angular (mostly) but it's the tiny annoying JS errors that's slowing me down, not coming from a JS background they can be rather painful
angular is da boss
Angular is a JS framework, sure, but it's one in which you solve problems "the Angular way" not "the JS way".
@Azevedo data URLs have a prefix/suffix that you'll need. If you know you will always want a 1px by 1px black square, I'd suggest hardcoding the data. It's not very long.
ssube: I think i did it as you said
@Retsam I think you meant the jquery way, lol
@Retsam sure yeah, but not everything can be done "the Angular way", but I agree you should stick to Angular as much as possible
@Wawy Umm, if you're noticing a commonality between my criticism of Angular and the common criticism of jQuery... well that's not an accident.
@Retsam angular is the future ! :D
@simpe See, I'd suggest you might be having problem with "tiny annoying JS errors" because you don't really know JS as well as you know Angular... and for someone trying to code in JS that might be a problem.
@Retsam you need to understand JS pretty well in order to understand how truly angularjs works.
@Retsam Yes I'm fairly new to Angular, never written JS before I started with Angular so you are correct
But I like Angular, it truly feels like the future (as Wawy said) and once you get to know it it's rather simple and fast to use.
@simpe Honestly, I'd recommend doing some vanilla JS without Angular, just as I recommend to people who jump right into jQuery to learn some vanilla JS as well. It'll help you out a lot in the long run.
It's the JS syntax that annoys me :P
@Retsam I'm working on a project so no time to do vanilla JS, I'll learn as I progress :) thanks though
Is it true, that if I don't use var prior to the variable name it automatically gains global scope?
@Azevedo that looks right. Not sure why it's so long, but it should do the trick.
@ssube thanks
@KendallFrey Having hard time understanding the difference between scope and context. Scope is more about functions and visibility, the context is about the parent object. Why do we need both?
@Zirak you were looking for lilstening material
@Jhawins that's amazing dude!
Except I don't have an air hockey table and 1 still means death for the table lol
sup humans
and bots
wassup taco
How's Thailand?
Thailand is getting bad haha

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