Okay, so if you do:
var agent = '/Android/i';
Then do, if(window.navigator.userAgent.match(agent)) { return true; } It will fail, be false. But if you manually type match(/Android/i);
@sazzy4o Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AwalGarg yeah, decided to go a few steps back in the simulation: this is a non perfect version of the end result, but reminds me of the good old times when it just started
@argentum47 anyways that room froze (or so I think), so I can't remember what exactly was that about :P and I have been at some academic class banging my head with some drama that they call education.
oh also, @SomeGuy @argentum47 @darkyen00 guys, those absolute idiots... I heard they are blocking all tech sites in India including github? (I seem to have access to github, but not pastebin)... how exactly is the reason ('terrorism promotion on those sites') justified?
@AwalGarg you wud believe that there are guys who study (M.C.A)CS for 5 years and can't tell the difference between Class and Object, maybe some of them put github on the list.