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@jAndy I'm in a vegan lecture :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Death to all vegans!
Sometimes I'm not sure why I even bother
hey, fun thing
on any github page, the copyright text at the end of the page has a title attribute
@FlorianMargaine cute
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hmm, maybe worth editing the question and answer a little bit to make a canonical?
If you want to make a canonical make it from scratch as Q+A I'd upvote that all the ones I can find are horrible.
wait nvm found it
Q: How to make HTML input tag only accept numerical values?

Chiel92I need to make sure that a certain <input> field only takes numbers as value. The input is not part of a form. Hence it doesn't get submitted, so validating during submission is not an option. I want the user to be unable to type in any characters other than numbers. Is there a neat way to achie...

@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks. Mjolnired.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Although that uses inline events too...
@BenjaminGruenbaum there's also stackoverflow.com/questions/469357/… but it's pretty horrible as well
input events are kind of nice there :P
they have always been nice @BenjaminGruenbaum
you just have to say please
while reading the spec :3 , oh and literally beg the browser to properly support em :D
I should learn F#
I only understand it at a way too basic level.
oh wow
we had a monthly challenge sort right ?
What is javascript version of jQuery's attr?
get/set/has depending on what you actually want
Yep I got it actually :)
@TomášAresakMalčánek usually it's not .getAttribute though.
Usually it's just using el.myAttr, for examples:
this is why we need gifv
Like el.font-family ?
lol thats pretty neat !
$img.attr("src"); // jQuery
img.src; // usually what you'd want with DOM
$div.attr("id"); // jQuery
div.id; // usually what we do with DOM
$div.attr("name"); // jQ
div.name; // DOM
@TomášAresakMalčánek font family is part of the CSS definition, you'd use el.style.fontFamily although rare are the cases non-declarative styling is a good idea.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yoda speak ?
attributes and properties, not the same thing ?
@adeneo yes, but jQuery's .attr is actually .prop sometimes.
@darkyen00 just English thank you very much.
Cool, thanks for the doc benjamin ;)
@BenjaminGruenbaum teach me js master yoda
I am luke sky potter.
@AaditMShah you're doing a lot of Haskell lately I noticed. I've seen you a lot on the tag in the past few months :)
Yes it it (attr that is), there's a table somewhere on what to use where ?
@adeneo usually things work well enough.
@dystroy @FlorianMargaine ^^
France's response to Fox News' "no go zones" in France.
except you wouldn't find anybody in France taking this seriously, while Fox news still has a big audience...
@BenjaminGruenbaum - yeah, attr works pretty much everywhere
@SecondRikudo just jumping in
No Go Zones in India .... um oh wait.
Hey, are there some angular guru's here?
I'm best in the distance of 5kms away from me
I'm probably not the best in the distance of 5m from me.
I'm just generally not very good :D
I live in the village btw
Now that my kid is playing in another room I'm probably the best one in front of my computer
@Duikboot in general, you should just ask questions and not ask about asking them here.
I am looking for a great start to digg into AngularJS. Is a subscription to treehouse worth it for learning? teamtreehouse.com/library/angularjs
@Duikboot the videos on egghead.io are pretty good - start with them but be sure to write code when he does. Don't just watch the videos passively, open up sublime/webstorm and experiment with what he shows.
@Mac users here
is there any way to make finder suck less ?
I'm on a mac right now, I just generally don't use finder.
@BenjaminGruenbaum terminal ?
I am also on mac and I am not using finder that much.
@darkyen00 spotlight and terminal
Mainly spotlight
I'm not on a mac, but I'm not using finder either
I miss windows solely for the good and nice explorer
Egghead.io is a website which is not able to open right here -_-'
but okay will use spotlight and terminal
@TomášAresakMalčánek Mac's folder browser/ nautilus / explorer <something else>
yeap its pretty much so
@Duikboot the official tutorial is fine but it's not the best.
@darkyen00 my dock is also empty, nothing is pinned there
@BenjaminGruenbaum same
Well, trash is, but that's it. Not even finder.
Oh finaly the website is open let's start thx @BenjaminGruenbaum
Hello everyone.
after using mac for a while I am pressing windows + c :/ to copy
and that is beyond terrible
@darkyen00 you can change that to control in macs
@BenjaminGruenbaum Probably gonna do so
Let's start with: AngularJS App From Scratch: Getting Started
Good luck, we're all idiots here but plenty of people here are actually pretty good in Angular so feel free to ask questions.
Speak for yourself, the rest of us are geniuses ..... or wait !
blop blop
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, I have. My final year bachelor's project is to create a supercompiler for a functional language that compiles to JavaScript. Like the MLton supercompiler for Standard ML: mlton.org
Do you use Haskell a lot?
@AaditMShah supercompiler is a funny name :D
@AaditMShah I use it, I wouldn't say a lot - I use it for small PoCs for things it fits in - I'd say I write no more than 200 Haskell LoC a week and I usually don't go in depth (since I mainly use it to save me time rather than consume time).
It is, but is sounds cool. Supercompilation can be described as "aggressive inlining" which is the reason why it's fast.
@AaditMShah Like Purescript
It's possible in functional languages because of referential transparency.
Yeah, it sounds cool :D I just like reading the Haskell tag sometimes since the questions are usually better researched since the entry barrier is much higher
Someone say something interesting, I'm getting bored staring at the computer here.
@copy More like Purescript on LSD.
Q: How can I create an array of sequential values from a value?

AlanIf I have the following: var a = 5; How can I make it so that this is converted into [0,1,2,3,4] I know it's a very simple question but I have never seen it done and cannot think of a simple way of doing it.

@Unihedro go outside and meet new people. Learn a new sport.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ... at 1 am?
@AaditMShah A big project for a bachelor's thesis
@Unihedro go to sleep.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I agree. I like answering Haskell questions too.
@Unihedro Start a new project
@AaditMShah I don't answer Haskell questions since usually the ones I can answer are pretty trivial, it's the same reason I don't answer C#, Python, Java or C++ questions. I usually try to leave the answering to people who have better domain knowledge than me.
Although I'd be wary of the fact compile-to-js functional languages are are a dime a dozen and all suffer from the same problem - being someone's thesis :D
Aha, I know. I'll write unit tests!
Can someone look for a query? I am using javascript (basically in android webview). The thing is, the following statement:
document.body.innerHTML = html;
is giving me this error. INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11
I looked for this error, but can't figure out why this is happening.
This is my html string: http://paste.ofcode.org/DSYgWBwyTpXxwzuKWyL5bi
@copy It's much more interesting than the alternatives (i.e. a project selected by the faculty). Most professors want students to do research in networking, big data, cloud computing, etc. I'm not interested in those fields. I am interested in Category Theory, compiler optimization, etc.
Idris and Fay are the two most famous, PS is also pretty popular.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Indeed, there are lots of compile-to-JavaScript languages but none of them perform the kind of optimizations I want. For example, I want to be able to write map (+1) . filter odd and have the compiler convert it into a single for loop, an optimization known as deforestation (short cut fusion): haskell.org/haskellwiki/Correctness_of_short_cut_fusion
Yeah, I'm well aware of short cut fusion :D I think that it's not why these languages fail though.
Idris is awesome, with dependent typing. However it comes at a cost, undecidability. Supercompilation in SML is only mostly because ML uses the Hindley-Milner type system (which is above everything else, decidable).
> Add a scarf if you want kitty to keep warm
@AaditMShah as a research project it sounds fun, I've actually had to hand-roll code that transforms map/filter/reduce to a for loop before in JS. Was fun.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would love to know why you think these languages fail. I can think of a few reasons myself: not like JavaScript, doesn't integrate well with existing JavaScript libraries, steep learning curve. Anything else?
noone really needs them ?
@AaditMShah no support, no training, no documentation, no incentive to update, no significant gains for most projects.
No traction, no tools (editor integration, etc.), no libraries
No conventions, no marketing efforts, creates fragmantation.
no woman, no cry !
Pain in the ass to debug ?
Also like copy said - no tooling (libraries can be adapted). Tooling is huge.
@darkyen00 that's mostly solve with source maps.
@darkyen00 Source maps help solve the debugging issue.
Last but not least - because functional lazy code is often harder to reason about.
Usually, elegance is not as important as writing "obvious" code.
Yes, there are lots of reasons not to create a new language; and I doubt that my language will gain much popularity either.
Yeah but you're making it as a research project which is cool. You're not aiming for popularity anyway.
Funny that you mention that because I'm writing a paper called "Strictly evaluating lazy programs".
Evaluating them is fine, laziness is an immensely useful tool. It's just harder to reason about compared to the alternative when the performance difference is not worth it.
It's describes my language, and the way I'll be converting lazy functional code into strict JavaScript code.
That's true. Lazy programs are more difficult to analyze.
Also - one of the biggest problems compile-to-js languages have is compilation speed.
I should get a pen and paper and write all this down.
or press ctrl + p ?
Come back any time
Lol, you probably understand the problem domain much better than me. I'm just ranting out of personal experience.
And keep us updated
I'm always interested in hearing about compiler projects :D
Obviously most people here have an interest in JavaScript, alternatives to it and functional programming
I recently attended POPL 2015 (it was held in Mumbai this year, for the first time in 42 years).
I should have brought a pen and paper along with me to the conference.
I think the future of FP in JS is in DSLs.
@AaditMShah is there not a web-cast ?
Things like promises and observables and things like LINQ in JS.
I think we can't avoid a type system for much longer - optional typing and pure functions would be very nice things to be able to do while keeping the alternatives.
@darkyen00 It's an invite-only conference. They don't have web casts. Individual authors can opt to distribute their papers for free.
oh dear
The only reason I got in was because I have a friend who works for DNA India. I got in via Press Pass. =)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have you evaluated TS or Flow?
@copy yes, I've evaluated both - I like flow better ATM but TS is catching up nicely :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I agree. I like libraries like Ramda.js. However, too much abstraction on top of JavaScript makes the code very slow. It's fine for things like promises but not for general purpose FP.
@AaditMShah promises are very fast, they have an almost zero overhead. There is a great quote about it from the other day by Stef Panner.
> If the abstraction is as close to a zero cost abstraction, developers won't be tempted to short-circuit and absorb complexity themselves.
Are you on Twitter? My handle is @zcombinator.
Never heard of Stef Panner before.
hi, im using angularjs+ionic+leaflet.js. i want to show paths, i followed this exactly
but the path is just not showing up. i added the modules in the same order as in the example ...the map centers to the given location and also shows markers if i specify there but the paths dont appear, what am i doing wrong?
@AaditMShah ember promises guy
Here's the context
!!afk going home
Good night. I'll go to sleep too.
@underscore BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: going home
is there any easy method than this guys ?
Is iPhone 6 worth the money ?
I can buy it on EMI of 2k / mo (64 Gig)
but i will be stuck with it for 2 long years.
option ?
No smartphone over $100 is worth the money
@copy it is kinda critical you know
i am using a nokia expressMusic
That's pretty cool
no its not
@darkyen00 Loved my 6 at first, starting to regret it
@Krankzinnig memory ?
Anything higher is an even worse waste of money
Stream everything, its 2015
@Krankzinnig err no
^that was my phone back in senior high school
@Krankzinnig import {SlowInternet} from "India";
Either way, the memory is not what makes the phone a disappointment
I have two of them for my family after switching from the motox
as in RAM
As in the way you referenced memory (HDD)
My boss has a 6+
Quite a few of my buddies have the 6+ and still have issues
he keeps bugging about the RAM not being suficient enough
The motox runs circles around my 6 as far as just feeling "fast"
Hard to compare apples to oranges, but thats my friendly recommendation, there are better phones to invest in
@Krankzinnig so did my Nexus 5 to my friends iPhone 5S
an year later his phone is still champ
my nexus has repaired 2wice and died
Cannot vouch for the nexus, never owned one
I guess i will go with the cheapest smartphone there is
@darkyen00 No phone is "perfect" from my experience, its best to go cheap so your options are available next year
Unless you just don't care like I do and waste money on a hunk of plastic every 6 months :P
tht is a smart advice
There is an option though I can get an ISP tie who allows me to update phones
but again the ISP itself :-/
I am having a hard time wrapping my head around making this sync. pastie.org/9859720
I need to pass the result from the first operation into the second, which loops.
Currently, as one could imagine, the loop finishes before the nested query does
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions on a fast, non-over engineered and still maintained promise library?
Or native
Bluebird +1
Native -1
I'm probably going to be biased here, but Bluebird
I am biased here totally
Maybe it falls under over engineered
Too many optimizations
Yeah, but as a user it does not cost you anything. Bluebird optimises things so you don't have to.
@SomeGuy the-pastry-box-project.net/about you might be interested, lots of stuff there.
Six months ago, the V8 team was telling us that the arrow function was in progress, that's why the lexical this wasn't present. And now... not even news...
@dystroy tweet em ?
@darkyen00 well... you may RT this ^^
Miaou now runs on #iojs instead of #nodejs . But still no arrow function with lexical this. Please, #v8...
@dystroy hows my reply :3 ?
@darkyen00 I don't know... Do you think the V8 team spends more time reading your tweets than reading mine ?
@dystroy nope
they don't read eithers
bu @googlechrome has paid people
to manage that account ;-)
If the whole room would RT that, that would make... about no change I guess...
@dystroy @gsnedders @raynos @esliaja
might make a difference..
They probably have their reasons
Maybe. Optimization problems come to mind. But they don't communicate about it, which make it sound as if all the leaders were simply gone to other projects.
@dystroy i have been wanting fat arrow so badly
that i am intrigued to find alternatives
to run 6to5 straight in my chrome console
.. oh wait
@Zirak oh mighty predator of the 95 year olds, can you add that in jsh atleast ?
@darkyen00 Me too. I don't like sugar too much but here it's fat.
I have migrated completely to use ES6 as much as i can
the transpiler writes better code in ES5 then I would ever do.
!!s/fat arrow/fat bitches/
@adeneo @dystroy i have been wanting fat bitches so badly (source)
@SomeGuy @AwalGarg @AaditMShah Happy Republic day
@darkyen00 who the fuck are you pinging? Some of these people haven't been here in months and even if they were that wouldn't make a difference.
@dystroy they're in progress, it takes time, they have engine changes to do.
@BenjaminGruenbaum True that :-(
They used to be even available but are not any more due to a bug.
a lil though :P
i am just reminding them <if they ever> drop in
@BenjaminGruenbaum generators are available now aren't they ?
Yes, also generators are not broken in v8.
Arrow functions, if they are to have reasonable performance need deeper changes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum How would transpilers adapt to native features ?
currently they just dump 5 code out for 6, I guess soon enough they will merely become shims ?
@darkyen00 that's a very broad question. ES is a moving target - when ES2015 will be out (the more up to date name for ES6) it'll keep evolving to a new standard.
6to5 works today.
Poor 6to5 will now be renamed
2015to5 < yikes !
@Zirak ?
Have a good laugh
Looking for JS samurai who can assault Draw2d Touch
@AvadhBSDwivedi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AvadhBSDwivedi We only live to protect our Lord.
Honestly? Airheaded land owners
@Zirak pufff
@Zirak let me know if you can help, I think you can. just tweet@avadhbsd
and the comments.
@AvadhBSDwivedi I hope you realise that anyone worth their salt would not take that offer seriously.
Calling people a "Samurai" only works on kids who think they're special for being developers.
@BadgerCat meow
9 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
@AvadhBSDwivedi I'm a ninja god, is that enough for you?
Samurai != Ninja pfft.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what if hes a rogue samurai turned into a ninja god ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum That must've burned him gooood
To have an outsider like you trample all over his otaku ego
@Zirak damn right
@BenjaminGruenbaum, @SomeGuy (and others) Gimme interesting programming-esque lectures/podcasts to listen to plz, I'll have tons of idle time to kill this week
@Zirak do the IML course I linked you to - you won't regret it.
(or if you've got, philosophy ones, but not on the heavy size)
@BenjaminGruenbaum For that I need to focus, and that's hard.
What is that? You'd have to actually learn something new rather than listen to people say how awesome their software is?
The Manga Guides (マンガでわかる, Manga de wakaru) is a series of educational Japanese manga books. Each volume explains a particular subject in science or mathematics. The series is published in Japan by Ohmsha and in America by No Starch Press. Different volumes are written by different authors. == Volume list == The series currently consists of 36 volumes in Japan. Ten have been published in English so far, with more planned, including volumes covering regression analysis and physiology. The Manga Guide to Biochemistry The Manga Guide to Calculus The Manga Guide to Databases The Manga Guide t...
Stumbled upon this gem in our Anime & Manga site
@BenjaminGruenbaum Stuff like flipping the bozo bit were nice in theory, lame in practice. But more conceptual talks like Rich Hickey's "Deconstructing the Database" are things I listen to and start digesting over time.
I've got tons of courses I want to listen to, but to them I have to power on my neurons during the listening, and not spread it out
@Zirak that IML course is super practical.
Oh no no, not talking about practicality, you know I love me some pure thought
When I said "lame in practice" I meant "poor execution"
It's pure and practical and it'll show you how math can be useful in practice.
Oh, I think the lectures are very good - although you might have to listen to some of them twice or three times.
Those lectures sound awesome, I'll listen to them, but they require me to both think actively and passively. Things like, say, The How and Why of Fitting Things Together, however, require me to just pay attention, and just think about it over time.
Oh, it sucks that they require you to think :D
Active thought, yes. You know what I want these lectures for. Active thought is bad for that.
I don't think it is, I think it's great for that :) I'll find some lectures that are less intense.
@Zirak watching or reading?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Listening
What about hanselminutes?
Though I'm not sure you'd actually like it :P
It looks...uhm...meh
@Zirak just watch some decent anime and be over with it
3 mins ago, by Zirak
@BenjaminGruenbaum Listening
Also, if you have free time this week, @BenjaminGruenbaum @Mosho meeting this Wednesday or so?
oh, and I find audiobooks unnerving for some reason. Unless they're coupled with some boring activity.
@SecondRikudo That sounds fun, sure. It'll just be the three of us though.
@Zirak Hmm, let's see did you not watch any of the following? Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Death Note, Parasyte, Attack on Titan, Code Geass?
1 min ago, by Zirak
3 mins ago, by Zirak
@BenjaminGruenbaum Listening
Ah, just listening?
(Thought you meant "Listening, bring your suggestions")
@Zirak meow
film anyone?
@SomeKittens Looks legit
Cool story bro.
@Zirak Completely random, but try this: deucescracked.com/videos/…
@SomeKittens I'll be sure to die before you, so as to tip the devil, ensuring that the sulphur mix you'll burn in be extra painful, the despair you'll sink in be all the gnawier, the torment the worse you'll endure.
@towc Grandma's boy
@copy Bartek is in that movie
@copy Neat, but no thanks
I'll check it out
@Zirak wooooorrrth it.
See @BenjaminGruenbaum? You have to do these things with finesse.
@SomeKittens Is finesse when you have a face for an ass?

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