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@Zirak you finished Steins;Gate?
@SecondRikudo Yeah
So have I :)
I think you'll love Mirai Nikki
You watched it all in a day? o_O
Why can I still programatically submit a form if required inputs aren't filled in?
@Zirak two
Isn't the ending fucked up? It should've really stopped at ep.22
Please, please watch Mirai Nikki before talking about fucked up endings XD
But, yeah you're right
Also, they released as OVA: youtube.com/watch?v=TPNs5_NU94w
And there's a movie. Haven't watched it yet, in serious doubt of whether I should
@Zirak Yeah, I've seen the OVA
I probably wouldn't watch the movie in the near future either.
Not in this world line anyway...
The show was brilliant, wasn't it?
And then ep22 and I was like "FUCK THIS IS GOOD"
And then ep24 and I was like "WTF DID YOU TO THIS SHOW"
I still have a backlog to burn through
@Zirak :)
Have you watched any other anime?
In general? Yeah, we've talked about it IIRC
NGE, Code Geass, Gunbuster, FLCL, Gurren Lagann, No Game No Life, and now finishing Arakawa Under the Bridge and Chrono Crusade. I try and handpick what I watch, seeing how much shit there is.
So yeah, Mirai Nikki should definitely be your next choice.
Especially since you seem to like psychology themed shows
I'm going to regret most of the code I wrote today.
I'm writing really good code today. I'm proud of myself, so far
And I'm using browserify, so It's all neat, and separated, and lovely.
I'm using "Slap it together so it works"
@SomeKittens do you use factories for your models in angular?
@SomeKittens look up "validity API"
A: HTML5 input attributes, access via Javascript?

Florian MargaineAs pointed out by @Zirak, there is the checkValidity method, part of the Constraint Validation API. var s = document.createElement('input'); s.checkValidity(); // true s.required = true; s.checkValidity(); // false However, checkValidity fires an invalid event if it's invalid. (The form will b...

@Zirak You didn't like the Steins;Gate ending?
@rlemon wow.
@rlemon That would be brilliant, if it weren't so factually inaccurate.
It was probably written after a few too many drinks.
sounds like a conversation happening in a bar after some beers
Hmm. Got a LinkedIn request from TJ Holowaychuck
oh god
New ringtone
Aaaaand I got linked to zefrank1
In postgres, how can I select a date that's within 24 hours of today, regardless of year?
or so
DAY isn't a function
But it's not exactly what you want
SELECT count(*)
FROM users
WHERE created_at >= (now() - '1 day'::INTERVAL);
extract(doy from birthday) = extract(doy from CURRENT_DATE)
I feel clever for this player movement system pastie.org/9824852 -- you can press multiple movement keys, but it will only go in the most recent key pressed direction, but will save the keypress so that if you lift up on the most recent one, it will check for other keys that are still down, and use one of those. That way the player can make precise movements.
@NickDugger Nice!
Build that into a GitHub thing
Don't forget that for-in should be avoided
It's a part of my ever-wip game engine, that I'll never finish, but like to think that someday I will... I'm on like the 5th revision, since a year ago, almost exactly.
@copy since when?
Since forever
I've not heard anyone say that. Reasons?
It breaks in combination with putting things on Object.prototype
so, you're saying that for-in breaks when doing a for (var _ in something.prototype)?
or do you mean that it breaks when extending the native Object?
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
    // do stuff
@NickDugger The latter
I feel like I knew about object keys, but forgot about it... lol
@copy well then don't extend the native Object. I feel like that's js 101... I got shunned for doing that earlier lol
Actually, maybe it's okay
But if you make a library, definitely not
alright, good to know
@rlemon any benefits/cons to Object.keys, other than compatability? I made a todo in the code to make the switch
@FlorianMargaine Happy birthday!
Boom, just got rid of bower. Yay
Card Minion is now feature-complete. I'll need volunteers tomorrow to try it out.
@SomeKittens cardminion.com?
Anybody use a PNG encoder that they like? png doesn't build in x64. With pngjs, I can't figure out how to properly save the pack stream. Always just a blank image of the right size. I create the data buffer using an array and then doing new Buffer(array) and array data is in tact in a console.log
Got it (using pngjs), was using 0-1 for the alpha instead of 0-255
@copy yes, but it's off right now
@SomeKittens what is it? have a pr?
It's a side project
Ping me tomorrow
Hi Guys.
Does anybody here know of a good Javascript text-to-speech API that can get me sound kinda close to that of Siri?
Doesnt matter if its a man's voice or women's. I am just concerned about the quality.
Any ideas?
You'll probably have more luck googling it than asking here.
I did, but I didnt find anything promising.
@RahulDesai I know of two decent ones, let me find them... might have lost the links
@NickDugger lemme check responsivevoice.org. I went over meSpeak, I didnt like the sound quality. Also I am not sure how to improve its sound quality to make it more decent.
responsivevoice has way better quality, but I'm not sure how stable it is
@NickDugger Damnit, it doesnt work on Firefox :(
@RahulDesai yeah it does, it just defaults to one voice, instead of the many options that you get on chrome
I played with it very breifly for a game I was making
@NickDugger It isnt defaulting to anything right now. I am checking the demo.
It is using Google Translate internally.
download it and play with it. I know for sure that I got it to work in firefox
Ok. I will
Yeah, in firefox, it defaults to server-side audio, which uses the google translat service; nothing needed on your part. It should just work out of the box. Let me know tomorrow if you can't get it to work and I will try to find my local work that used it and see if I can get it to work
I want to create a bracket tournament like this http://gamebattles.majorleaguegaming.com/ps4/call-of-duty-advanced-warfare/tournament/3v3-1ndone-snd-01-10

I started making one and resorted to tables but is their way better (lots of divs and css position fixing) http://jsfiddle.net/hatterismad/2vxsayrL/
@NickDugger Appreciate that!
How the hell did i forget that that is just a simple tree node list
@SomeGuy @Loktar ^
> Well, we've been doing this a long time :) AFF has been a rich universe of fiction and art since 2005.
^ They have worked for a decade on this, those guys dserve a prize
1 hour later…
@FlorianMargaine Happy birthday! :D
@NickDugger Hi Nick, I was unable to get responsivevoices to work on Safari. It worked in Chrome and Firefox. I created a fiddle out of the demo: http://jsfiddle.net/dr62cpjt/2/

In Safari, I am getting the error: `TypeError: 'undefined' is not a constructor (evaluating 'new Audio(url)')`.
Any idea?
JSLite.io is imitation zepto.
Q: responsivevoice not working in Safari

Rahul DesaiI was checking this Javascript Text-to-Speech conversion API - http://responsivevoice.org/, for one of my projects. I have created a snippet out of the fiddle to demonstrate the problem: <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="h...

If you can help me with this..
sorry guys but I still don't think I get it: polynomial interpolation, the solution with lagrange polynomials, they provide me with this formula, given a dataset of points with apparently no name:
n is the number of training things -1
I presume that x*(sub)i* is the ith x in the training set...
but then what is x without any subscript? The parameter of the function? Isn't the whole point of doing this formula to get a function from which you can substitute a parameter later?
or is actually x the training set?
and they actually mean that I should subtract from the training set x[j] (in the multiplication thing at the bottom)?
hi , i have Q's
@NewStudent Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i want to make page to explorer my file in the way i want ,
and i want to ask if there any idea how to do it ?

how to explorer all files in the path i give ?
most (some?) webservers have that functionality built in
can i do it in js ?
unless you mean the client's file system, in which case why?
files in my computer not server
morning (half-awake half-sleeping)
@JanDvorak Let's be honest here, you don't sleep do you.
@Catgocat How would you know?
@JanDvorak I wouldn't. And by the way is it your birthday?
@Catgocat Nope. Why?
@JanDvorak Ops misread. It's FlorianMargaine's.
You guys are moderators here in this chatroom right?
@JanDvorak I'm facing a situation in my node.js server application. The server constantly outputs information to the console using process.stdout or console.log (which goes into the same thing). Then I have a keylistener which uses process.stdin's ondata event with setRaw=true to detect which keys are pressed. If in the CLI it's pressed CTRL+I, a prompt() method is invocated using readLine built-in module. Would it be safe to temporarily override process.stdout
with an empty function so it doesn't output nothing while the prompt is active? I asked this yesterday but go no answers.
Why ask me?
@JanDvorak Well there are no other options I guess? But really how would I do it? Override or call a child process and do the input there?
Sure there are. Ask the room without targetting anyone
Morning. I have what should be a very simple task. Get a value from an ojbect literal but I can't do it. I've created a very small jsfiddle which shows the fault jsfiddle.net/3yrsLqvk
If any one has any time to check it, I would be really gratful
That's not an object.. that's a string.
To convert to an object you can use JSON's parse JSON.parse or just use the object literal..
@MyDaftQuestions jsfiddle.net/3yrsLqvk/2
@JanDvorak When I override stdout using process.stdout = function(){ return 1; };, when using it I get TypeError: Property 'stdout' of object #<process> is not a function
oh man... it was the "" surrounding the 'object' which meant it is then a string!!
@Catgocat stop pinging me...
Ohh ofcourse stdout is a stream.. the write method should be overriden not the stdout.
Q: Azure Service Bus public endpoints without authorization?

darkyen00Hey I am using Windows Azure Service Bus, but as soon as I try to connect to my end point it says error 401 (which is http unauthorized) and this end point is going to serve a simple web-page on which the rest of application runs. (Basically the endpoint is streaming my screens live video- i did...

should i self answer the question with a stupid link to msdn
or delete the question itself ?
Just a link isn't a valid answer
Q: Cant detect if responsiveVoice isPlaying()

Rahul DesaiThere isnt much information on http://responsivevoice.org about isPlaying(). Here is what I tried which isnt working. I do not get the console.log(). setInterval(function(){ // continuously check if the audio is being played if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ console.log('playing..');...

If anyone has any idea?
@BadgerCat thanks!
@SomeGuy ty
@FlorianMargaine Joyeux anniversaire mon ami
@FlorianMargaine require('happy').birthday()
import {Birthday} from happy; // ES 6 tehe
@darkyen00 What 6to5 or es6 environment do you use for es6 debugging?
@Catgocat Google Chrome & Google traceur
gulp and browserify does the tideous task
@darkyen00 Chrome doesnt support 80%
thanks people :)
@Catgocat google sourcemaps
Traceur generates sourcemaps as well as compiles es6 -> 5
when an error occurs in 5 code
sourcemaps allow it to be mapped to 6
pretty nifty technology
that basically allows google chrome to be able to debug literally anything :P
Does anyone know of a free text-to-speech JS API that I can use for a commercial website?
I guess emscripten with sourcemaps can allow you finding bug in c-code :3
@RahulDesai Google Chrome has one built in
@RahulDesai The native one?
@SecondRikudo o/
It should have cross-browser support.
@darkyen00 Yo
sup ?
Cool, you?
@darkyen00 Interesting
@RahulDesai the one built into Chrome, and wait until Firefox gets it too?
@SecondRikudo native? HTML5?
@RahulDesai there also exists one in OLD IE
i forgot how to invoke the demon
maybe a plugin x_x but used to read with microsoft sam.
Maybe if we're lucky IE1\d will get the speech API linked up with M$ Sam
IE 1\d ?
IE12, IE13, IE14, etc.
@darkyen00 IE 1? something-teen
you don't know regex?
@JanDvorak IE is getting dropped
Microsoft Spartan is rising.
no, it's being renamed
@FlorianMargaine doubtful they will rename it to IE
they renamed it to something else, but it's still IE codebase
the UI is being redone but the core stays the same
Cortana comes in though :D /hopefully
Cortana sounds better then SAM :-) by far
Is it better than Google voice?
@JanDvorak Its extensible
and learns from user.
What do you think about Steve Ballmer ?
You can power cleaveland with that guys energy
@JanDvorak ^ I think shes prettty humorous too
youtube.com/watch?v=4Trq7AvtoEY @JanDvorak heres a face off
Is "document" the same as "dictionary" in JSON? They both look like key-value pairs in curly braces to me.
@monstrocity Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
In what sense does a document look like key-value pairs in braces?
@monstrocity JSON is the exchange format, but yes, an object is just a collection of key-value pairs. That's similar to a Dictionary<K, V> from other languages. A document in the terms of document-databases is indeed just an object (with nested objects, possibly).
@JanDvorak object = dictionary = document
Not the document I know...
go to JSON.org
and you'll be a believer
How about you explain what you are on about, instead?
Most newbie answer I've ever posted stackoverflow.com/a/27886658/1348195
People using jQuery without knowing Functions..
How is that even possible :o
It's pretty simple, they see a tutorial and want to build stuff
Hi guys!
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not sure what the asker wants, actually.
Should I convert image in base64 to blob and send it or send it right to server as base64?
I HATE DESIGN SO MUCH. How can I get good at it?
Practice. The key to becoming good at anything.
@Catgocat Try something. Tweak until it doesn't look aweful.
I am designing a website and it is so boring. I perfer the backend so much.
Then don't spend much time there. Strie for function. Design can wait until you find the minimal one boring or ugly
@JanDvorak The problem is that this will get worse. I find myself in the future having a brilliant idea but having to pay a designer to do all the drawing.
@GabrielTomitsuka Hello
Hi Guys, does anyone here know how to search for users by keywords in Bio?
@JanDvorak Is good to have multi-skills and designing is boring but it's so useful.
@Catgocat Use Bootstrap and do a 5 minute website.
Bootstrap sucks
@Catgocat so pay a designer...
@Catgocat what do you find boring about it?
All the websites look the same.
@Catgocat practice
@Catgocat then add more variation
@Catgocat do a few tweaks like I did: painless.montreus.com/login.html
5-9th grade I would get straight A's in math, science and fisics and F in drawing..
I changed the theme to orange.
Then it's not the same.
HOWEVER, doing tweaks takes time.
Drawing = creativity + knowing how to use the pencil. In web design the latter isn't that hard.
@Catgocat so it's boring because you're not good at it?
Either don't do it, or just practice.
@phenomnomnominal I can't draw a stickyman.
@Catgocat Training.
Neither can a baby, but some of them end up as amazing artists
@phenomnomnominal True I'm a baby.
@Catgocat You're just as old as me.
@Catgocat that's why you have procedurally generated imagery CSS
@JanDvorak Even with CSS.. I just stare at the computer thinking how it would look like.
@Catgocat then try it out
Once the computer entered standby.
@Catgocat I always do a drawing on paper, before starting, on how my websites/apps will look like.
Form follows function.
Pay a designer.
Seriously, not everyone can be a good designer like not everyone can be a good programmer.
Make it work how you want it to work, then let the functionality inform the design of it.
Paying a designer isn't that much money and UX is super important.
There is more to design than a paper prototype
If there's not much function, then it's probably important that it's pretty, so yeah, pay someone.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I believe his budget is limited.
But I agree. If you can't do it, pay someone for doing it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know.. But it bothers me that I'm limited to designing. It's an important skill.
It's an important skill for a designer.
Design requires artistic talent, you can only learn so much of that - like others said practice but don't expect to be great.
Are you good at design? @BenjaminGruenbaum
@FlorianMargaine Nice
@Catgocat I'm mediocre, I did it a lot when I was in my teens but I stick to my strong suits mostly
no, not nice :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum How does it affect your development?
@FlorianMargaine left a comment, I don't think the news are that bad.
@Catgocat I develop just fine I think :)
Maybe you're right
@BenjaminGruenbaum what does Function('return this') do?
@FlorianMargaine creates a new function with the code return this;
Happy birthday by the way :D Have an awesome year
!!> Function('return this')()
@BenjaminGruenbaum TypeError: cyclic object value
^ that's just because of serialization
I want to migrate existing app from JQuery Mobile and wrap it to native app. And trying to understand, where to migrate better. Sencha or AngularJS + PhoneGap?
It escapes strict mode and lets you know what environment you're running in, sort of.
How much pain we can get with Sencha, if we already have design?
@NikolayFominyh Uh. Sencha requires PhoneGap, too. You could even get your jQuery Mobile app in PhoneGap. o_o
got it
I tried to wrap existing app and found that it requires some refactorings any way.

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