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@rlemon Why do you need serial, though? (I honestly have no idea what kind of company you work for)
googled everything
@tereško for next time: Might be helpful to link this instead of comment chains.
I have a nagging worry I forgot to pay a bill, but I'm almost positive I paid them all
insurance, cell phone, credit card, rent... and that's about it for the big ones.
I think
Oh shit, gas bill. That's the one
how expensive are beans out there?
@SterlingArcher lol nice
Question deleted by the Javascript squad. Thanks!
oh it isn't due till the 22nd I'm good to go
@rlemon what kind of beans?
@SterlingArcher the ones you use for gas
Green? Black? Brown? Lima? Magic?
Pfft my car runs on fossils baby
@Loktar around?
yeah whats up
you use gulp right?
you, or have?
Psst. Lemon
@Loktar github.com/mllrsohn/node-webkit-builder/tree/master/example so in this example, to deploy it I would npm start ???
Guess what
@SterlingArcher The Game?
A game, but not the game
just run gulp
its his default task, so that task will startup first
@Loktar gulp and that is it?
I've never used it, and I will read the docs in due time
gulp.task('default', ['nw']);
just trying to get this crap at least working so I know it will work
yeah default always runs
and he is just saying run nw as a dependency of the default task
you could also do gulp nw if you wanted, which is just the same thing
damn, I'm confused :?
I'll play around with it and ping you if I have more specific questions.
task runners intimidate me
when you run gulp, it looks for a gulp file and runs the default task automatically
otherwise you can run the tasks in the gulpfile by doing gulp taskname
well I did try node-webkit-builder from the cli
and it looked like it was doing shit, but it didn't generate any files
@SterlingArcher yeah in the QF, I saw a poutine > danish lol
also, watch
@Loktar tl;dr I have a node-webkit application working on linux, and I need to build the windows binaries for it
*from linux
ah lol
yeah have never done that
hope you get it working
last time I used a cross-compiler, I was still in diapers
Anyone else playing Dragonage?
How can I do the index.html?type=value?
I can do it with Node.js, but...
35 secs ago, by Gabriel Tomitsuka
How can I do the index.html?type=value?
I ask you the same question back. Does it make sense? :P
Anyone here knows?
You mean you want to use query strings?
1 min ago, by Jhawins
I ask you the same question back. Does it make sense? :P
@Jhawins Yes
Ok and you said "I can do it with Node.js, but..."
@KendallFrey I knew a poutine post would bring you out of hiding <3
So now I say bananas
Found it.
function getParameterByName(name) {
    name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
    var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
        results = regex.exec(location.search);
    return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
Thanks anyway
        function(req, res)
        var id = req.query.id;
        /*Do whatever you want*/
@GabrielTomitsuka So you should have asked: "Do you know a fugly way to get a query string parameter from client-side JS?"
@RoelvanUden Yes...
@GabrielTomitsuka your messages don't make a lot of sense. You never even specified what language whether it be client or server side you were using. And then you posted random code snippets. I'm not trying to be a dick but I want you to know that no one understands when you don't give any information.
@Jhawins Okay.
in Java, 2 mins ago, by ShaU
He created one bot which which will downvote everything i do.
@Unihedro He's only done 3 things
!!stat 4202350
@Jhawins ShaU (http://stackoverflow.com/users/4202350/shau) has 19 reputation, earned -6 rep today, asked 1 questions, gave 2 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:2.
avg. rep/post: 6.33. Badges: 0g 0s 11b
@Jhawins shrug
Some bot lol
posted on January 06, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

I added html content "<li>abc</li><li>abc</li>" inside div tag using , but it is not being rendered as bullet points. I am seeing it as <li>abc</li><li>abc</li> in browser, how to I fix this ?
Amazon Prime is the best thing ever. I ordered a radiator and the $30 5 day shipping becomes free 2 day shipping.
@Kroods added it how?
@NickDugger from database, I get this "<li>abc</li><li>abc</li>", using angular js I added it
Show some damn code. What are we? mind readers? Good golly, miss molly.
I wrote an answer raising a case for == instead of === and I got 42 upvotes in programmers.se
This is why I don't take programmers.se seriously.
Why even advocate it?
in html the code will be like this

<td>{{ case.sol_high }}</td>

and the json I get is

[{"_id":"54a9d8d3a864f9d815ad604f","timestamp":"2015-01-05T00:20:35.477Z","videoName":"","bannerName":"","thumbName":"","sector":"? string: ?","content":false,"lon":"-0.12775829999998223","lat":"51.5073509","location":"London","globe":true,"name":"Retail experience design","__v":0},{"_id":"54a9de51a864f9d815ad6051","timestamp":"2015-01-05T00:44:01.385Z","videoName":"c4bbf7608e3d5256a64c47afda955eeb.mp4","bannerName":"1c6f065ecd95d74772d749e88972467e.png","thumbName":"33d31f9094f84f5bc7cf38fb96243391.jpg
@Kroods you are making it impossible to help you
@NickDugger, sorry, I will add my code in pastebin
@NickDugger devil's advocate, here:
A: Does using == in JavaScript ever make sense?

Benjamin GruenbaumI'm going to make an argument for == Douglas Crockford which you cited is known for his many and often very useful opinions. While I'm with Crockford in this particular case it's worth mentioning it is not the only opinion. There are others like language creator Brendan Eich who don't see the b...

"the rules are impossible to remember" <== this is the one thing that scares me away from doing anything "meaningful" in Javascript. (and float math that lead to problems in basic calc excercises) — WernerCD 2 hours ago
^ I'm not sure the exact rules of a particular operator, so I don't use the language? Huh?
/me starts build process and walks away
!!xkcd compiling
hey, working with the sketch.js library
@user1877992 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
sounds sketchy
hahah yes
im looking into how u can save sketches
and get them to redraw themselves and be erasable
as in you should be add on to them once theyve been retrieved
:( @Loktar the compile worked for linux, the windows ones still break due to a dependency that is put in the wrong folder
do you know of a way to have more control over that?
no, I've never done what you're doing though
Error: Cannot find module 'c:\Users\rlemon\AppData\Local\Temp\nw2944_22880\node_modules\serialport\build\serialport\v1.4.10\Release\node-webkit-v14-win32-x64\serialport.node'
I've just combined the nw.exe+the zip archive with some dlls
wtf.. it packaged node-webkit-v14-linux-x64 with the windows build
yeah its looking for it outside of the application as well..
it seems like it would be looking for it from a relative path
in my cache I can see it dl the right binaries
unless this is an error while its building it
oh nm you said during compile its messing up duh
@Loktar I am trying again without the other platforms
so it should just compile for win64
@KendallFrey ??
2 messages moved to Trash
Please don't ask to ask @user1877992
@user1877992 don't ping random people
ask the question if anyone is around who can help they will.
it is so strange that it put node-webkit-v14-linux-x64 in \Users\rlemon\AppData\Local\Temp\nw2944_22880\node_modules\serialport\build\seri‌​alport\v1.4.10\Release\ and not the windows one
@user1877992 Just ask
need help with the redraw function for sketch.js
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign , Dec 11 '14 at 15:24, by rlemon
Attention people seeking help: If you have a question and you have code to go along with your question already, post that first. Don't make us ask for it please and thankyou. We are not mind readers and we do not know what you've accomplished so far. Help us help you! Pancakes.
@user1877992 Are you hiring a person to write your code, or do you actually have a question?
I have actual questions
this is ridiculous
var NwBuilder = require('node-webkit-builder');
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');

gulp.task('nw', function () {

    var nw = new NwBuilder({
        version: '0.11.4',
        files: './nwapp/**',
        platforms: ['win64']

    // Log stuff you want
    nw.on('log', function (msg) {
        gutil.log('node-webkit-builder', msg);

    // Build returns a promise, return it so the task isn't called in parallel
    return nw.build().catch(function (err) {
that is my task, and it builds it, but it includes the wrong binaries
3 mins ago, by Gabriel Tomitsuka
@user1877992 Just ask
it always includes my local machines crap
@rlemon builds are fun :D
these pretzels are making me thirsty!
!!afk food
ill get back to you guys after wokring on it a bit myself
where's a bi?
> Government Admits It Was Only Behind Destruction Of North Tower
Question time
Q: Express Routing "/"

Nick DuggerIn express, when defining my index route, I use "/" (which works), however, I'm trying to make the root configurable, so I tried the following: var root = ""; // can be whatever, but is sometimes empty app.get(path.join(root, ""), ...); When I start the server, I get an error; "Cannot GET /", ...

@NickDugger If I understand it, your "/" request is not redirected to ""?
The error says that it's trying to GET /, though. You're saying that it's trying to route to ""?
i don't know, all I know is that "" isn't a valid HTTP path
I never used express
Alright, well I'll keep that in mind
"" will route to "/" always (in the uri)
you can set routes for "" in express i think
because / is the empty route
you can do it in backbone.js for sure
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "home",
"check": "home",

someone answered and said that path.join("", "") === ".", not "/"
bam have an answer updvoted.
@NickDugger yeah I dont understand where he gets . honestly
Is he right?
but the 2nd part of his answer seems sane
.. yeah idk I removed my upvote
the dot makes no sense to me
I'll wait a while and see if someone else can answer it
13 to go
@Loktar where?
Q: Express Routing "/"

Nick DuggerIn express, when defining my index route, I use "/" (which works), however, I'm trying to make the root configurable, so I tried the following: var root = ""; // can be whatever, but is sometimes empty app.get(path.join(root, ""), ...); When I start the server (and navigate to the 'index'), I ...

^ the answer to that @BenjaminGruenbaum
sorry i hadnt read your question entirely i thought you were just asking if "" can we routed or not :/ @NickDugger
@Loktar why the downvote?
I didnt dv
I just removed my upvote
Just wondering, didn't read the whole thing - it's true that path.join("", "") should return .
return "." as in the cwd?
If it doesn't that's a bug.
or is it actually returning a .?
Returns a ., which represents the cwd
ah interesting, seems weird I guess
node-webkit-builder: 14
rlemon: 0
^ my day! \o/
There is an ISO about it, it's what normalize does too and what happens in C IIRC
Oh god, I just opened 113 audacity windows at once by accident ._______.
@SterlingArcher you counted?
well that sucked
no I didn't count, the mp3s are labeled in numeric order lol I tried to "export all to mp3" but accidentally hit "open" instead
@Loktar one more question: my issue is that the node module I'm including is OS specific
can node-webkit-builder handle that?
no idea, I've never used it
I've built mystuff by hand
lovingly placed all the bits yourself.
looks like I'm going to have to figure out the node-pre-gyp issues
like all you normally do is nw.exe+zip archive
yea but there is an error in the application
Anybody know a good free flow chart maker?
when you build node-serialport it creates a platform specific build of it, so building the windows release on linux is including the linux package
I need to make a visual call flow diagram
like graphviz?
ohh.. a sequence diagram?
I'm not sure. Something like 1. Welcome 2. Question 1 -> pressed * -> repear Q1 ->pressed 1-5 -> Next Question
A flow chart
what you typed is almost a valid graphiviz document thta'll render. It may not be the tool you are looking for but it's fantastic
If you like the idea of making your graphs in text and 'rednering' them, then i'd look into it. It'll take some time to learn, though. so it may not be a good choice ot make a graph RIGHT NOW.
Yeah that's no bueno for right now. I just need a good simple service to make it
try gliffy.com
gliffy? ok i'll check that thanks
shit, free. that's not free but might have some limited use free.
@SterlingArcher You might look into XMind; it's more of a brainstorming/mindmapping tool, but it can do flowcharts, too.
@SterlingArcher gojs.net/latest/samples/flowchart.html (@SimonSarris works there iirc)
time for another wonderful day at the office.
5 public diagrams for free...
XMind, in general, is pretty awesome; it basically became my favorite way to take notes and brainstorm for projects.
@Eirinn so much better
@rlemon ohhh I can't find where I can make my own though. Is that just a sample only?
@SterlingArcher yea it aint free
holy balls it defininitely aint free hahaha
but @SimonSarris
@SimonSarris wipped that up in like 3 days iirc
exact quote.
@SomeKittens I'm not dead! Honest!
@rlemon she broke
no, s/ has been disabled for a while
it isn't secure so @Zirak killed it
The flak attak?
!!should I do work today?
@SomeKittens Of course!
@SomeKittens blame @CSᵠ for discovering it
@CapricaSix I hate you.
@SomeKittens Fine! Don't do any work and get fired and lose your house and internet and then I'll never have to see your smug face again! SEE IF I CARE!!! :sobs:
Are the holidays over?
Thanks @SomeKittens. I just let my boss know.
Let me know how that works out for you
He told me to go home. That means he must agree it's still holiday time, right?
@SterlingArcher hey buy GoJS, I like eating
if you're a student you can get an academic license for free
@FlorianMargaine \o/
you always end up pulling some magic rabbit from your arse and help me
@rlemon go
node v0.10.34
node-serialport v1.4.9
node-webkit v0.11.3-win-x64

trying to compile a project which includes node-serialport breaks in node-webkit on windows
the 'workaround' is to rebuild the target with node-pre-gyp but that fails in windows
I got my workaround for linux from this thread
now that I think about it, I don't think you have a windows install do you
Short question: Is there a simple way to reduce a multi-dimensional array to a single dimension? For example, [1, 2].map(x => [x, x]).createOneBigHappyArray(x => x) where the first bit including the map is just there to test something on a multi-dimensional array?
@rlemon :)
@rlemon is node-serialport tested on windows?
it works on windows outside of node-webkit
what's your error?
the root cause is that the naming convention on the folder inside of the node_modules ... /Release is wrong. you use node-pre-gyp to rebuild it with a proper name/target and get this error on windows:
$ node-pre-gyp rebuild
node-pre-gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
node-pre-gyp info using [email protected]
node-pre-gyp info using [email protected] | win32 | x64
[serialport] Removing "h:\Development\dm-printer\node_modules\serialport\build\s
node-pre-gyp ERR! build error
node-pre-gyp ERR! stack Error: Failed to execute 'node-gyp.cmd rebuild --name=se
rialport --configuration=Release --module_name=serialport --version=1.4.10 --maj
or=1 --minor=4 --patch=10 --runtime=node --node_abi=node-v11 --platform=win32 --
(spawn ENOENT) *at the end there
well, it's already weird to have ENOENT on windows...
@RoelvanUden Sounds like a job for Recursion!
@RoelvanUden reduce
@FlorianMargaine for more info: github.com/voodootikigod/node-serialport/issues/… I followed this to get it working on linux
@FlorianMargaine Will that work on multiple nests?
@SomeKittens you can reduce multiple times. But usually, when you want several arrays -> one array, it's a job for reduce
@FlorianMargaine I can only seem to do something on the array, not create one array from multiple smaller ones. How would I go about reducing this?
@rlemon well you're not passing the options he is
@RoelvanUden do you have a sample input/sample output?
@FlorianMargaine someone said something about there being a problem with node-pre-gyp and 64 bit crap? but I can't find anything saying that in node-pre-gyp issues list
and I can't remember who told me that
(I was dealing with this before the holidays)
@rlemon well, you should know on which platform you're compiling this, yes
and it seems you need to pass the --runtime and --target options
yes, I do do that
my example is without to show you those args don't make it break
var n = [{args: ['a'], debug: true}, {args: ['c'], debug: false}];
// => [{arg: 'a', opt: {debug: true}}, {arg: 'c', opt: {debug: true}}]
it breaks on its own
@FlorianMargaine ^
@RoelvanUden you want to unnest arg and nest debug?
@FlorianMargaine Pretty much. In C# I would do n.SelectMany(x => x.args.Select(y => new { arg = y, opts = x })) as reference.
@rlemon did you see this gist? gist.github.com/nullivex/7115612
So I'm basically wondering if there is, at all, a SelectManyequivalent
@FlorianMargaine let me just re-state: everything works UNTIL I try to compile it with node-webkit (which is a separate project with their own version of node built in)
@RoelvanUden reduce/concat
like, I use the serialport package fine when running a server on windows
n.map(x => {args: x.args[0], opt: {debug: x.debug}});
isn't good enough? ^
@rlemon yeah...
@FlorianMargaine Imagine args having more than one item. Sorry about that detail.
@KendallFrey Eh? Show meh. :P
@rlemon try to check out which architecture node-webkit's node was compiled with
@RoelvanUden I don't see how it'd work then
@RoelvanUden hmmm, lemme see
@rlemon if your python was built for 64bits while your node is for 32bits, you got your issue...
I assumed by downloading the 64bit version, I was getting a 64bit node
check your python arch
something like var flatten = a => a.reduce((x, y) => x.concat(y), [])
not tremendously efficient, but fairly simple
@KendallFrey Oh, that's a neat idea! Indeed, performance-wise bad, but short!
it would probably be faster to implement flatten yourself
given that the above works on arrays, not generators
@FlorianMargaine 64 bit python
god that took way too long
kept mis typing architecture
I'm also in here asking: gitter.im/voodootikigod/node-serialport just so you know
"Mithgol" is fucking everywhere man
he's all over pretty much every issue I've been reading on the subject
he needs to be in this chat, I'm positive he knows my issue
ah, it's node-pre-gyp author
Mithgol is jesusScript
we should get paid in JavaScrip
maybe thats what SO points are
can I mine for JavaScrip and market it as comparable to bitcoin, and make millions?
you can make nothing, like in bitcoin
the first rule of making a cryptocurrency is do not let the name rhyme with shitcoin, and they failed
JavaScrip kind of rhymes with JavaShit
Worse thing is, such a simple thing was never in any other SCM before
Hi Team,
Hi Team,
Hi Team,
damn you
You put the oil in the pot, and you let it get hot. You put the popcorn in, and you start to grin. A sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, POP!
you put the lime in the coconut
That Raffi lyric is relevant because sizzle is a js library, btw.
 if (assignSplitType === 'SINGLE') {
        // Instructions
        $('.assign-leads-instructions').text('Select one user to assign these leads to.');
@rlemon sorry about your issue... can't help you it seems :/
Oh wow.. that was bigger than I thought
but yeah... kill me.
@Loktar meh, that's easy enough to refactor
show hide show hide show hide show hide
Which one of you wrote the book "If Hemmingway wrote JavaScript?"
@FlorianMargaine yeah too bad Im only in charge of doing some styling right now lol
@Fuser97381 me
That's how my coworker coded stuff... Drove me nuts, but he left... I was glad, but now I'm responsible for his code, and we still haven't replaced him yet, so I'm the only front end dev.
@FlorianMargaine is it any good? Is there a Raffi section?

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