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1:00 PM
Can anybody tell what is the use of target in HTML. Because I removed it in my Project but still it is working fine.
in a tags? It defines which tab the link opens in.
@ShaU the target attribute is an artifact of iframe based layouts
you still can use it, but it will only be for some crazy workarounds for IE8
oh , and also it tends to be used for bad ways to open link in a new tab/window
Why's that a bad way?
1:03 PM
In my Project i had something like this. target="_blank" and whenever i try to click the refrence link it should redirect to self page but it was redirecting to some other. So i removed that and tried then it worked. FYI i was working on AJAX
_blank means "open in new window/tab"
Yes. You are Correct
@JanDvorak it sucks from UX point of view: you are performing an operation that is not entirely expected by the user
@tereško That's why there's an icon that you can stick to links that open in a new window by default, isn't it?
modal dialogs are better than popups and clear indication of "link is to an external resource" is better then "open in new tab"
1:05 PM
@ShaU Why Do you Capitalize So Many Words In Each Of Your Sentences And Neglect Commas and Question Marks
if you want to open link in a new tab, it should be the choice of the user
@JanDvorak it might surprise you, but there are still people who do not understand the concept of tabs
@tereško What if accidental navigation has dire consequences (and I don't want to rely on onbeforeunload?
@RoelvanUden I am Sorry. I will not repeat it.
@tereško It really depends. For example here in this chat we expect clicking a link to not replace the chat with external content
It's true that I don't really like multitabbing on mobile, though
1:07 PM
@JanDvorak you will have to actually provide and example
@dystroy I actually have no idea how links in chat work, because I always middle-click them - I already know that I want it to open in a new tab, I don't need to guess
@tereško well, here's a good news : you don't have to
@tereško I have a userscript that runs over the realtime tab here on SE. It uses quite a bit of memory that doesn't fit into localStorage. Reloading the script means some duplicate reports will be fired.
When most links in a page are internal links not leaving the page, because it's a kind of application (for example a chat), you don't expect some links to replace the page. That's a good use case for links to other tabs.
The problem with mid-clicking is - my touch screen doesn't really have a middle mouse button. So I use a CTRL key. But the problem with CTRL-clicking is - my keyboard sucks.
touch controls ARE a different navigation paradigm
"hold" tends to give me an option to open a link in a new tab
1:12 PM
What about old two-button mice or old mouse users used to two-button mice?
@tereško inconvenient, especially if the content tends to scroll away from under your finger.
it would be nice if touch-devices had some "modifier buttons" around the edge
I wouldn't mind that, actually. How would you control those, however?
@tereško No, it would be definetly not nice to elaborate all alternatives ... what about clever and simple UI, which will require just tapping ?
@SergeS have you used touch devices on a bus ?
there is a limit to the precision that you can achieve
inb4 someone mentions styluses
1:16 PM
@tereško Yes I'm using such devices in public transport, and I hate apps where designer tries to fit everyything on one page , so you cannot hit correct button even when sitting on chair at home
Still this is not a problem of missing "Modifier", but wrong design :-)
Opera has a nifty feature where it zooms in when it isn't quite sure where you meant to click.
touch-controls are still kinda new (compared to widespread use of mouse/keyboard controls)
The technology has been available for years
1:18 PM
@JanDvorak Yes , Chrome on my phone does same too , and sometimes even this is not enough :-(
@JanDvorak I think all browsers do that, no ?
@tereško Especially for most UX designers (By looking at how apps are designed)
@dystroy haven't tested Firefox ye
@JanDvorak the difference is years VS decades
It might have been available for decades, actually.
1:19 PM
@JanDvorak Computers (And PCs) are availible for long decades too , but when PC became actually user friendly and availible for masses
available !== affordable
I really don't want touch controls on my phone. Either I have a real keyboard or I want something simple I can use while holding a baby in my arms and walking
I can use a touchscreen phone with one hand...
@SergeS touch-controls are wher mouse/keyboard was with win3.11
(and the baby tries to steal my phone so I have to hold the phone at arm's length)
1:21 PM
@dystroy Voice Control?
@ShaU with a baby in arms ? Try that...
@dystroy Still don't see a problem with touch screen :-)
Also, voice control in a public area? For. Get.
1:21 PM
@dystroy @ Oh. Only if Baby is asleep.
@ShaU sleeping babies don't tend to attempt to steal phones.
@tereško First "touch" UI was in CERN back in sixties (Or something like this) AFAIK - and it was actually putting correct labels uneder Inductive touch detector
actually 70-ies
how do inductive touch screens work? I thought they were resistive...
Inductive and capacitive screens detects magnetism change caused by your body. This is by the way why the work bad with gloves for example
I'm back!
1:25 PM
however, FF keeps crashing
use Chrome
rlemon logs in with Chrome
Who hosts you now?
1:26 PM
so... stable?
What really happens with FF ?
"we're sorry FireFox has crashed"
crash details are just my system specs
FF will fade slowly into oblivion as more and more FF users switch to Chrome and never come back.
Oh, you meant the mode of crashing. NVM.
@JanDvorak I'm not sure, FF seems to be a little more relevant now than in the past recent years
Especially as Google seems to have shifted competencies from V8
1:29 PM
Why Google Chrome Looks Pretty and Runs faster ?
@JanDvorak none. Just gut. V8 seems to be stuck and not really trying to incorporate new things while SM improves and catches with the speed problems.
Firefox still doesn't implement the speech API.
I'm not at the point I'd consider switching to FF but it looks more relevant
I also don't like firefox eating notifications as soon as 3 seconds after showing them. I want to see them until I see them.
1:34 PM
I am using Window.Open Jqury function to open a dialog. I want to make it as a Modal. Is there any option available to make it modal?
@NickDugger There's an article in between the ads ?
@dystroy you don't use adblock?
@Chets It's not a jQuery function o_o Look into jQuery UI for modals.
@Chets window.open is not a jQuery function...
@NickDugger I use it but still some ads are leaking
1:36 PM
@dystroy are you using adblock or adblock plus? They're different
win = window.open(_url); // JavaScript
^ too broad
@dystroy That's your problem... That's the worse one of the two. They let advertisers pay them to have their ads come through. Regular "AdBlock" doesn;t have any of that shit and hides all ads.
@NickDugger do you mean the "don't hide some non-obnoxious ads" option?
else citation needed
1:38 PM
"regular" isn't really the right word. On Chrome the one inheriting from the old AdBlock is ABP. I don't mean I like it but it's the most original one.
It's what I read a good while back. In any case, I've never had ads come through when on AdBlock
same here for ABP
except for very few hiccups on YT
I don't get those hiccups on AdBlock. I'm going to continue to assume that AdBlock > ABP
download link?
I think this is the one getadblock.com
1:41 PM
The "plus" in ABP stands for "plus ads" ;P
@JanDvorak I haven't either with ABP
I've heard other people say they've read about how advertisers pay to unblock ads
by "few" I mean like, two per month of very active usage
@SomeGuy That's their business model
But I've never seen any obtrusive ads
Other try to get in that business...
1:43 PM
@NickDugger I like that
@NickDugger will read, thanks
I don't want to remove all ads everywhere
There's a Anti-Porn Pro ??? Do you stumble on porn sites without wanting to ?
1:43 PM
I do. Ads are aids
Just the ones that are actually annoying
The problems with ABP were "uncovered" in a series of blog posts in 2013: mobilegeeks.de/…
Don't know if they were translated to English
@NickDugger the requirements seem legit
@dystroy "Incoming call from Anna "
@JanDvorak But that's not what I want, I want all ads gone, because I can, and that's exactly what AdBlock does
1:46 PM
@JanDvorak They are BS. The sites that got on the list first are all services run by the same company that publishes ABP
@NickDugger then uncheck that checkbox
@OliverSalzburg citation needed
@JanDvorak I just posted the blog post which explains it in detail
Just switch to AdBlock, because we have better baked goods
As in default filters? I'm happy with those in ABP.
> In 2007, web developer Danny Carlton described the use of adblockers as tantamount to theft
Danny Carlton is a scrub
1:49 PM
ok... AB isn't freeware? Reason enough to stick to ABP.
It is free
what are you on about?
cough @Loktar
@NickDugger FWIW I agree with him
and so does @Loktar
Oh. wait. The free download link is elsewhere than the paid download link. Got kinda confused, sorry.
If everyone used AdBlock, you'd have to pay to use every website ever
@JanDvorak Even if you're not affected by the shady behavior, by using ABP you're indirectly supporting the company by spreading their software around, even though there is really no reason to use it over alternatives which are not affected by said shady behavior
1:50 PM
if you ever rely on ad revenue as a primary source of income you would feel the same.
@KendallFrey exactly
Get a real job
@NickDugger you get a real job, web developers are only script kiddies
start paying for all of your content
@OliverSalzburg I'm not aware of any shady behavior; all I've heard were some unsubstatiated claims from a guy somewhere on the Internet.
It doesn;t matter what I do, I get a real paycheck
1:51 PM
the only 'ads' I bitch about are ads after I've payed (TV commercials)
I could be a stripper, and it's more of a real job than someone who makes a living off of ads
@NickDugger your argument has no sense to it. and you should just stop talking now before you piss off people in the room who make free software and get paid by ads
@NickDugger Wow, really?
I hear Wikipedia continues to display ads after you pay. That's why I didn't pay
I might as well play runescape for a living
1:51 PM
You realize Google makes most of its money off ads?
I despise ads that start playing noises either on their own or when you mouseover.
@Mourdos Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy it's just Nick being a dufus
@NickDugger Have you ever seen youtube.com?
@Mourdos ohh yea, intrusive ads are bad no matter what. but intrusive anything is usually bad
1:52 PM
Just because you make videos and make money from ads does not make it a real job
Define a real job.
so.. hollywood is a ??
hollywood is a conspiracy
1:53 PM
backs away slowly
@NickDugger There are people that make good money from YT
> "hollywood is a conspiracy" #ShitNickDuggerSays
define people
@KendallFrey I don't think you should engage him either
@NickDugger sure does
1:54 PM
@NickDugger Just because you push buttons all day...
I click too
well, I guess that's also a button
back to my real job consisting of mostly copy paste
Moral of the story is that ads are bad, and you should feel bad.
My real job is at the moment, deciding what I want to work on, and what I want to pass onto the contractors.
I've somehow entered management, accidentally.
1:55 PM
ads are the reason there is so much free content on the internet. if you don't think so, I can't help you. "2+2=4" "NO IT DOESNT!"
@Mourdos Just because you tell other people what to do...
Just because ads make things free doesn't mean I have to like them, nor does it mean that using adblock is stealing.
I'm a manager, but I'm the only tech guy. so I manage myself. some days that is the hardest part.
@NickDugger Nobody likes the lesser of two evils
@JanDvorak They will remain unsubstantiated if you keep ignoring them ;)
1:57 PM
@NickDugger How would you like if web master will block you , because he doesn't like you ?
is there a polite way of saying "get your head out of your ass" ??
@OliverSalzburg and even if I don't. Citation needed, still.
I wish I could adblock your face
@rlemon that's about as polite as the situation calls for
@SergeS such as SE's suspension mechanism?
1:58 PM
@JanDvorak eh ?
@rlemon I took this job just over a month ago as the first in house developer for a startup. I actual have no idea how to manage people and I wanted to do solid coding; Instead I'm messing with batches and server management as well as php scripts. Primarily a java guy. Not done any java since I arrived -_-
@JanDvorak The claims are incredibly easy to verify because they are so obvious. You just have to read them first
@OliverSalzburg I haven't found a case that disagrees with the criteria stated
@Mourdos Yes, "startup" atmosphere
@Mourdos yea that is similar to my situation. we are not a 'startup' persay, but a small company void of a real dev for a decade
now i'm doing everything
2:00 PM
Do you also get paid everything ?
... maybe
Oh, now for real discussions, @rlemon I meant to ask you about the beagleboard, or whatever it is. Someone was saying you were having issues with it, would you recommend it?
So that's where all that 12-days money came from...
are you even doing marketing?
My concern with doing everything (software/hardware wise) is not doing things I'm unfamiliar with, since I enjoy learning new languages and systems, but that I always worry that I'm doing them badly.
2:00 PM
@NickDugger the latest revisions are good
I had a early revision with some hardware issues I had to solve
@Mourdos that's a good sign
@rlemon have you seen tessel.io ?
@Mourdos Main problem of doing everything is that you actually have no time and concentration to do it carefully
@JanDvorak a little bit yes and sales
@NickDugger yup
it wasn't out when I started this
Especially when I chat on SO/SE >.>
2:01 PM
Thoughts? Which would you go with, tessel or beagleboard, or raspberrypi?
beagleboard has more horsepower than the rpi and tessel
rpi has its own SE site ;-)
I don't like how the tessel's modules go out of the sides and add a lot to the dimensions overall
but it is a little more costly.
Do you use them for work?
2:03 PM
So you guys probably buy them in bulk?
well no, unfortunately at the time we were buying lots of them supply was low and demand was through the roof
when they came out they were $45 and had double the horsepower of the rpi
Ah, ok. What were you using them for?
running a node 'server', communicating with proprietary hardware and sending it to a webserver
But were they shipping with a product you guys sell, or what was the consumer end like?
2:06 PM
they ship with a product we sell. but for legal reasons we don't "sell" the boards themselves, we sell the software.
Does the software cost as much as the board? lol
holy 20 questions ;) buy a grain dryer and find out :P
I'm allowed to be curious!
it's a very small cost considering the cost of the entire application
can you link to the product on your site? Forgot where you work
2:12 PM
dryermaster.com it goes into the flagship product as an addon
alright, cool
Just in case some of you don't know it, this is a must have : octotree
OK... why isn't the MD link displayed as intended ?
@dystroy No formatting in multiline messages.
2:28 PM
that octotree extension is awesome
I'd rather say the default GitHub GUI is dumb
That's like writing the last commit comments next to file names. When is that useful ? It's just confusing.
So i'm trying to get this usb-serial converter working on Ubuntu 14.04.1 and it's giving me a headache
I can see the device in dmesg and that is about it
[ 2004.624642] usb 3-2: new full-speed USB device number 8 using xhci_hcd
[ 2004.664480] usb 3-2: New USB device found, idVendor=110a, idProduct=1110
[ 2004.664485] usb 3-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
[ 2004.664487] usb 3-2: Product: UPort 1110
[ 2004.664488] usb 3-2: Manufacturer: Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
@rlemon It gives you a headache ? Where do you plug it ?
hurr hurr
2:43 PM
@rlemon AGREED
OOPS CAPS.. But Ill keep it above lol
you always miss the convos
I know :/
Q: Could we please have tag description on hover?

dystroyHaving the tag's description on hover is really useful to check you don't misuse it. Unfortunately, this description isn't displayed on hover when you're editing a question and I don't see any simple way other than editing the tag and recreate it, which isn't convenient. Could we please have th...

probably because Ive lost hours of my life to ads on youtube
so Im permanently behind now
I save so much time for activities since I don't see ads. Think of all the things that I could do but never do
2:47 PM
@SecondRikudo good edit, thanks
> Everybody likes to use marquee
Q: How to make the marquee continous without leaving gaps between

Blaise M.Everybody likes to use marquee maybe for the news headlines or elsewhere. Some use it for images to scroll. But the problem in marquee is that you have to wait until it finish to restart. Is there a way to use for the marquee to be continous without leaving gaps between them? Thanks in advance.

3:09 PM
Hello again...
@rlemon lol the symbal stopping made me laugh
@SterlingArcher rlemon is afk: buying new serial adapter
I already asked in the HTML/CSS room. Would somebody here be able to understand how to fix the SO boxing breaking the layout on Firefox in Miaou ? dystroy.org/miaou/8?Javascript
I am using Window.Open function to open a dialog. I want to make it as a Modal. Is there any option available to make it modal?
use a library, component, or write your own
no built in browser modals though
3:44 PM
@Loktar can you please help me on that
How can I multiply numbers!
@Chets I just did I thought.
Have you googled modals at all?
too broad? The guy needs a tutorial.
Yes tried using window.showModalDialog but it won't work on Firefox, chrome
window.showModalDialog(url, arguments, features);
Answered. Downvoted. Answer gone.
!!mdn showModalDialog
^ its depricated @Chets
they suggest not using it
Yes Its depricated
So tried using window.open
but not found any solution to make it modal
window.open is going to open a new window with a url
You are using jQuery right? (I just have this feeling)
Look up jQuery modal if so.
I want to pass some parameters as well
@JanDvorak you and @tereško are making me happy right now by slamming the help-vamp helpers
3:53 PM
Please join. -3 is more powerful than -2 :-)
also, the answer from that 100k+ guy is actually crap
I get the feeling that he has no clue how event delegation works
not delegating is not a sin.
They're both multiplying strings as well. I don't like that
Err, not both sorry
But one is
autoconversion would handle that.
3:56 PM
@JanDvorak $('input[type="text"]').on('input', function() { ... come again !?!
@tereško find all inputs, and attach the same event handler to all of them.
That's totally allowed and works.
waaaait a minute
input is an input element event?
It takes more time to attach, but less time to dispatch.
@SterlingArcher oninput
3:57 PM
@JanDvorak that syntax is not looping
@SterlingArcher where you been bro?!
I never see you anymore
I miss my Jordan
@tereško it's looping implicitly
@tereško jQuery brah
@JanDvorak emm ... since when there is onInput ?
3:58 PM
@rlemon I didn't have computer access during my holiday lol I also had the flu too, so I couldn't go to work to get it
I missed you too bro nameth
!!mdn oninput
well sheit
@Jhawins I had no idea ._.
!!mdn input event
oh ..
yeah, mine is bad :s
(usb->serial) port works on my laptop now

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