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Q: Fast noise generation

Xeon06I'm looking to generate noise that looks like this: I'm basically looking for noise with lots of small "ripples". The following is undesirable: Are there any simple ways to do this? I've been looking at perlin and simplex for a week now and I can't seem to ever get it to work in JavaScript,...

RT @rwaldron: Popcorn.js: Top Web Dev Tools of 2011 on ReadWriteWeb http://m.readwriteweb.com/archives/top_web_developer_tools_of_2011p2.php
RT @stevefaulkner: IE blog - Media Capture API: Helping Web developers directly import image, video, and sound data into Web apps http:/ ...
3 hours later…
how do u call a method in the code behind using jquery .get method ?
You dont.
You make a http request
and you handle the http request
hi, everyone
any good tips on mirroring websites?
RT @ariyahidayat: Mugeda http://mugeda.com is a new #HTML5 #Canvas animation authoring tool and showcase gallery #in
Q: Canvas Rotation collision detection on a sprite

projectskillzI am using this code to detect collisions between two rectangular sprites. intersect: function(other) { return this.x < other.x + other.width && other.x < this.x + this.width && this.y < other.y + other.height && other.y < this.y + this.height; }, ...

1 hour later…
First time on chat. What are the feeds mixed in? Where are those coming from?
Oh, I see. No one is here.
3 hours later…
Here's a list of feeds that are mixed in here automatically
We welcome suggestions, of course
RT @hsivonen: Spec-compliant "json" responseType for XMLHttpRequest is now available on the Firefox Nightly channel. #livingXHR
Does any one knows how to remove round edges which are in jquery mobile here is an example image..!! http://i.imgur.com/oS63v.jpg
@YiJiang BadassJS?
Good idea
Yi Jiang has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Incoming feedspam ahoy
Is there a recommended way to check if a document tree has changed? Saving a hash of the tree for future comparison maybe? If yes, can jQuery do that?
hello can I ask something out of topic?
posted on November 16, 2011

ThreeNodes.js is a visual dataflow based WebGL editor that uses drag and drop to create a scene.  It is similar to vvvv, which is described as “a graphical programming environment for easy prototyping and development.”  It allows the user to drag and drop units known as “patches” onto a working area and connect them together to form an output scene which is rendered in real time using WebGL.

posted on November 28, 2011

Welcome back to the weekly Badass JS roundup!  Here is my link dump for this week. Shapesmith looks like an interesting 3D modeling tool in the browser built with WebGL. Check out this canvas blood simulation.  Pretty realistic. Deadbolt looks like a nice way to create autoreleasing locks in the async world of Node.js. The Instagram unshredder challenge has been solved (twice) in JS using the

posted on November 30, 2011

The codecs keep being implemented in JS.  We saw Broadway.js implement the H.264 codec in JS recently, and now we have a WebM decoder as well.  Ben Schwartz was inspired by Broadway and wanted to learn more about the WebM format so he decided to modify Broadway to support VP8 as well.  The result is Route9.js. Like Broadway.js, Route9.js was compiled with Emscripten the LLVM to JS compiler.

posted on December 05, 2011

Evan Wallace, the same guy who brought us that amazing WebGL water simulation is back at it again, this time with a library called csg.js for doing Constructive Solid Geometry modeling in JavaScript. Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) is a modeling technique that uses Boolean operations like union and intersection to combine 3D solids. This library implements CSG operations on meshes elegantly

posted on December 08, 2011

Welcome back to the weekly Badass JS roundup!  Here is my link dump for this week. SproutCore 2.0 has been renamed to Amber.js to avoid confusion since the project has significantly diverged from the goals of the original SproutCore project.  SproutCore 1.x will continue to be developed as a native-style application framework along side Amber.js’s more lightweight approach. The “Move the Web F

gods below .. the spam , the floods of spam
Anyone in a good mood to help me with submitting my form results into database and show on a results page?
I got response from my ajax update like this --> {'body': 'hello world', 'html': '\n<div class="message" id="md1f1cdab-3c3a-4dfe-b268-834aa9981dec"><b>burakdede: </b>hello world</div>\n', 'from': 'burakdede', 'id': 'd1f1cdab-3c3a-4dfe-b268-834aa9981dec'}
which is not valid json
how to handle this
It's not valid JSON. Keys and strings should be in double quotes, for instance
yeah is there a way to replace them easily
Using your console, do var = {...}, then use JSON.stringify
Unrelated, but is there documentation like MDN's for C?
@YiJiang I am looking into it thanks
by the way is JSON.stringfy included with jquery 1.6 ??
JSON.stringify is a native function
@BurakDede , wouldnt it be easier to fix the serverside code ?
But no, jQuery doesn't have an abstraction for that
yeah my first choice try to fix the json generating code. I am looking into that if not succesfull will use JSON.stringify
solved by changing the serverside code thanks for suggestions @tereško @YiJang
1 hour later…
Hi guys, I'm building a web application backed by NodeJS for my own use, which only Firefox and Chrome latest version needs to be supported. I haven't decided to choose which framework(s) to use for the client since I haven't had much experience in client side. I need something fast, light-weight and easy to use. I'm thinking about prototype, or if want to get more crazy use backbone. Any suggestions?
and you need a JS framework in the frontend because ... ?
lazyness :P
@alFReDNSH Hey, I want to screw something to the wall. Should I use a Philip or Flathead screwdriver? Oh, you don't know what kind of screws I have, and can't answer that until I do, nor do you know any specification about my task what so ever?
nice way of criticizing :D
Thank you, I try.
it would be mostly kinda like pushing my newsfeed to my web app
but with some extra sugar
So it's ajax -> parse response -> stick on the DOM thing?
not exactly
kinda similar
using socket.io
I just need something to help me with the DOM
Request -> parse response -> stick on DOM, then :P
@Zirak regarding your object.create comment.. I didn't think it was new vs object create at all.. I meant that since there was no OOP in the OriginalPost that object.create wouldn't make it so even if you can use it on functions or objects. Sure you could object.create from foo as prototype but that doesn't make any sense as all the objects would refer to the same enclosed bar, so no data encapsulation
One sec, lemme look at question and answers again...
@alFReDNSH Why do you need help with the DOM? Doing something so complex?
not too much of complex
maybe just editing CSS
Then you don't need help with the DOM, you only need to be wrong several times.
a bit of DOM replication
not at all
CSS editing, like changing something's color, not really heavy
Then I don't get it. And why are you directly manipulating the css and not tinkering with classes/ids?
@Esailija I see what I did there. The answerer said "The second approach allows for real OO programming with prototype chains, while the first does not.", I did not agree.
Well what I'm saying is done with classes
@Zirak, I don't agree with it either, none of them are OOP at all =)
the second form doesn't have inheritance and cannot be extended
you are just creating shareable functions all over again each instantiation
in the second form
instead of making a common prototype and inheriting that
so you suggesting to use pure JS and DOM?
And both the latest FF and chrome have classList. Problem solved.
@Esailija And you can abuse both with Object.create ;)
I gotta go, thanks for your time :D @Zirak
@alFReDNSH I'm always suggesting that. And no problem at all.
I'm a bit clumsy at the client-side, since I'm always working on NodeJS server-side... that's kinda why I'm asking questions like this :D
@Zirak, what prototype would you pass to Object.create you certainly can't pass foo or foo2 there, well you could but it doesn't make sense
@alFReDNSH The solution to "I don't know how to do this" isn't "use a framework".
@Esailija You can pass both! It'll make no sense at all, but weirder things have been done. (See: Dart)
sure but I don't see how it makes it OOP.. if you Object.create 2 objects from foo, both objects operate on same data so no data encapsulation.. if you Object.create from foo2, that's just a function with nothing to inherit
what you want is that when you create 2 objects is that they both have their own data independent from one another.. so if one object modifies their data it doesn't have any effect on the data of the other instance
Object.create(function(){}).apply See? Stuff is inherited. In Neal's examples, none is really OOP, I agree.
I don't see a purpose in that since the object created isn't callable, what could it possibly benefit from having Function prototype :D
created instanceof Function?
new function(){this.__proto__ = Function.prototype;} :D
will never get the point of new function(){}
yes there was no point, just seems it's the same result
Anyway, this game is good. Play it.
Well, yes, Object.create is the standard version of meep.__proto__ = moop
how do I shoot
aahh, you know the internet lurvz you when your torrents download at 300 kb/s, and you love it back by uploading at 50 kb/s <3
With your mouse?
it said ctrl or f but mouse worked :D
Ctrl/F are for special abilities
oh, and a small piece of advise: The default shotgun is the best evar.
yea seems that rpg and sniper rifle both need 2 shots anyway to kill these tutorial aliens
rpg is a slaughter machine. I use it mostly in Capture the Flag matches, where I just storm, kill everyone, get flag, and run like hell
Q: JavaScript Cookies check/set/delete

ShepherdARRRRRR !! I just wanna check if a cookie exists, set/reset the cookie for 1 day, and delete the cookie when the window/tab is closed I'm trying to do this in JavaScript, but hell JS is one dumbass language(I swear), add to that I'm stupid. Anyways here's what i'm doing: function checkcookie(...

Is Phonegap only an API for using native features on the phone? It is not a UI framework as well?
9.4 megabytes
Where can I ask my newbie C questions?
@Amaan Ask
@Hyperion, why don't you look at the phonegap website or the source code :P
IRC, Freenode #c channel? C chat room? Here? Pigfarts?
Okay. Do arrays in C have something like indexOf? Or will I have to loop through them all and check for myself?
Oh, right. IRC
I think you will have to loop
And for numbers that go up to say, a 100 digits, BigInt libraries or is there some type that can handle that?
What kind of a retarded captcha is that?!
Ooh. I got in by typing ryonde pending
> [19:52] == #c Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited
For first one, nope. Second, google.
Then ##c or something like that
> ##c Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
Weird...Try ##C (capital C)
Why this simple program not running pastebin.com/J6tZS9Xy
> ##C Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
@FailedNoob, are you trying to make c++ run as js? new num[6] doesn't make any sense
@Esailija i completely forgot i have to use Array(6);
Arrays aren't limited by size.
Just use var arr = [];, much more awesome
@Amaan Weird.
okay, Thank You ^_^
Also, you didn't declare the i variable in the loop, so it's global
for (var i...)
yes but that code uses document.write =D
@Zirak I know. I can join the #javascript room just fine
@Esailija One step at the time
@Amaan You need to be identified. /msg NickServ help
@Zirak Well, not quite. __proto__ allows mutable prototype chains (EVIL), whereas Object.create only allows immutable prototype chains.
@gsnedders Oh. Thanks
Also, #javascript? I should lurk there.
I like this room better
.__proto__ is non standard and deprecated anyway ?
@Esailija It is indeed.
@gsnedders mutable prototype chains are the best \o/
var o= { ... }
o.__proto__ = Array.prototype; // i herd u liek being array
I think the __'s there somehow hint to you that this is awkward to write and you shouldn't rely on it :D
@gsnedders Since you've been using IRC for some time now; what IRC network should I select?
@Raynos Object.create(Array.prototype, {}), ffs!
@Esailija To be fair, it's less evil than __scope__ (now dead, RIP)
@gsnedders I was trollin.
are there implementations that provide .__scope__? :O
@Raynos I'll trollolol you.
Seriously though var o = function () { ... }; o.__proto__ = { ... }
@Esailija Old SpiderMonkey.
Pre Fx4, IIRC.
@Raynos You can in Harmony.
I know <3 <|
would love to be able to do scope[variableName]
`var o = new (function f(){}, f.prototype = Array.prototype, f );`
`o[4] = 4`
`[undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 4]` :o
it has become magical
press C-k
to code-print
several lines
of code
thanks, I always relied on the fixed font button before :P
Why This program (pastebin.com/ZyyBW4Nd) is only able to sort when there is a single digit number ? Output (i.imgur.com/wYWFY.png)
the string "12" comes after "1", seems sorted to me
Q: Array.sort() doesn't sort numbers correctly

AmaanIn Chrome 14, and Firefox 5 (haven't tested other browsers), the following code doesn't sort the numbers correctly: <script> a = new Array(); a.push(10); a.push(60); a.push(20); a.push(30); a.push(100); document.write(a.sort()) </script> It returns 10,100,20,30,60 I've tried dif...

so they are considered strings ?
of course
It converts it to a string
Unless you pass a function which prevents it from doing that
the return value of prompt is a string
function sortNumber(a,b)
return a-b;
got it thanks
why don't you just convert them earlier, that way the sort won't have to do it :P
as in num[i] = +prompt( "Enter a number");
@Failed_Noob Your problem isn't defined correctly. It's not that it can't sort - that implies that it tries and fails to do it. Also, you're doing the same error(s) again.
@Esailija why is the + sign before prompt method for ?
+"12" === 12
"12" !== 12
+ is a shortcut to parseFloat or Number
yes it's same as doing Number("12")
thats something new for me
thank you
but it's more strict than parseFloat, it will NaN anything that's not strictly a numeric string
@Raynos The w3fools page responds to konami code :D
parseFloat("32.2asd") = 32.2
Number( "32.2asd") = NaN
Number( "32.2") = 32.2
Response to the Konami Code
HTML Certificate

The HTML Developer Certificate proves fundamental knowledge of web development using HTML.

Read more about the HTML Certificate...

Price: $95.00
It even says stuff <3
"jQuery Certificate" o' dear lord
@Zirak Oh, yeah!
if I use a + sign, do I still need to use a function ?
+"12" === Number("12") so no
pastebin.com/yp0QxpgZ this still dosnt sort the numbers correctly
you need to use the sortNumber callback ...
the point of +"12" number is to save converting in each callback with -
@Failed_Noob Why would it?
and it clarifies that you are storing numbers only in the array
> NOTE: There is NO Boolean type in C -- you should use char, int or (better) unsigned char.
instead of the callback doing "12" - "6" every time which needs conversion, it does 12 - 6
using JS in a onsubmit in a form like this: onsubmit="function1; function2", returning false from function1 will block function2 execution?
@Amaan why the hell would you need a boolean?
okay , i understand
or will be launched anyway?
@Raynos For say a function that tells you if a number is prime or not. It's more readable than returning integers
Just return 0 or 1
Is there any difference between coding JavaScript in the head and body part of the HTML ?
I mean if you really want to hurr durr
typedef int boolean;
So what's the common usage. 0 is false, right?
@FailedNoob yes, the head runs first then the body
@Amaan ¬_¬ "is 0 false"
Not trolling. Swear
@Raynos okay
@Amaan yes 0 is false
0 == false
I just guessed because 0 is falsey
#define false 0
#define true 1

wouldn't that work ? :P
@Esailija yes it would
@Amaan hi, about the problem we talked some days ago (importing script into textarea), finally I did it! :D
Yeah? Nice
then you can just write true and false everywhere and they get converted to 0's and 1's in compilation
hello :)
@Esailija Yeah. I think I'm gonna see if I can manage without that
If I don't, well, I'll just define
@Abhishek Hey
brb dinner
@amaan .. how has you been
Q: AIR: HTML5 & JS vs. ActionScript & Flash

Super UsWe have a really important Coding-Languague Decision to make. It's about whether to hire an "ActionScript & Flash" Coder or an "HTML5 & JS" Coder. That's why we would like to get some feedback from experienced people on the matter to help us. Object: We want to create a Social Networking...

@Feeds facepalm
Q: Redefine constants in PHP

abudubaHow to redefine constant in php which was defined by define function? Class which I used simplifies using Api a application and this class needs a several constants that contains the user data. I'm trying to use that class for more than one user. the best is not a static class... I'm so confus...

@Amaan NICE :D
i am making 2 things wanna see ?
my concept for wiki zero :)
[ its touch optimized not mouse ]
Looks like it
Just the design, right?
and the content loader
Your link for Reliance is broken
[loads page in paragraphs as u scroll]
@Amaan its just a mockup lol
The loading doesn't work.
its working for me :S
Typed Google and hit enter
browser ?
neh.. not search
require wiki labs account for that
scroll down in the article
minmal ajax :)
:( i still confuse you with my low level english (sad)
ah well, gonna play some Unreal Tournament. Have fun kids, don't forget to brush your teeth or goblins will eat your mother.
No, no.I just don't know what article you're talking about
the sachin tendulkar article
that should load automatically
I just see the top and bottom bars. There's nothing else
Ooh. Just reloaded it
Made the scroller yourself?
and the second one
had to edit iscroll
to support my ajax call
Pretty cool
How do you do the loading para by para?
squeze ur browser window
on the second link ;)
1 min ago, by Amaan
How do you do the loading para by para?
and well loading para by para is done via PHP calling . what i do is watch for where is the reader in the article , when he goes more then 80% it fires an ajax call to the php which loads the article [from memcache if possible
] then trims the section thats needed via searching for it in HTML
You're doing this for the Wikimedia Hackathon?
after wikipedia hackathon**
Yeah, but that's what inspired you, right?
they are working on a zero website
[like facebook zero]
i am coding parts of it with them
nyways i gotta go
have to code tapeer mobile tonight for cash :( , got kickd outa house
What? Why?
some family issue
So where are you living?
friends place
till i get my own
Best of luck
@Abhishek What's tapeer mobile?
tapeer is my chatsite :P
the one which should work same with avatars etc
nope. nt yet
Also: You're being paid to make your own website?
Who's paying you?
i am doing it with a web radio station
What are they called?

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