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like I said maybe Kamarov had some other motivation
it seems entirely selfless
@Rigil Fair enough.
From my understanding of your arguments, you believe strict Utilitarianism is impossible. Is this correct?
Cant speak on that, Im unfamiliar with the philosophy
I do wonder, if there was no shortage of resources, if "free energy" existed and there was simply no such thing as lack of resources, how would society behave?
So there are areas you haven't considered yet?
of course
Fusion power could be a potential free energy.
@Rigil Could any of those areas result in you changing your opinion?
@Dave My money's on solar.
@SomeKittens requires rare earth minerals.
I am not at all dogmatic in my views or opinions
it just seems that way I guess
Solar will never power factories or super computers without covering the entire landscape with the panels. maintenance would be over kill
@Dave Not the latest ones
@Rigil Do you think changing how you present your ideas will result in a different response?
Fusion how ever is self powered. it can power itself because it gives off more than you put in.
Absolutely but sugar coating everything is tedious
I felt the last hour was tedious as it took for ever to understand what you were getting at @Rigil
we got there in the end though.
its hard to convey a point that not many people are willing to admit to
@Rigil Is there a third alternative between bluntness and sugar?
@Rigil people will admit to a point if you make a valid argument for it.
@Dave but as history often proves true, the cheaper and easier solution often wins (even if it is inferior, so long as it gets the job done). solar is getting cheaper and easier every day.
@Dave Sadly, that's just not true. Confirmation bias is a thing.
it (hopefully) is the future.
@rlemon 2015 will see solar reach price parity in 50% of the US
oh I wouldnt bet on that dave
depends on the point being made
Try convincing some Fox News viewers that Obama isn't a communist.
politics is the most irrational thing in the world, I stay well away from it
talk about a struggle for power
I don't agree with a lot of it, but it is pointless to be ignorant of it all. it is the world we live in
@rlemon yes but the power output is low compared to fusion. Solar will have its place for cars, homes, phones etc

But an entire state... they don't scale well enough the farm would be just ridiculous in size. Solar panels are more efficient than all types of power sources already. But fusion (if we can get it to work) is limitless power very easily even cheaper than solar once it works properly.
Unless you are going to actively participate then why burden yourself?
What do you gain by understanding just how unjust and corrupt everything is?
@Rigil the ways it needs to be changed. imagine if everyone had that outlook. we would still be in the dark ages.
the system is broken, sure. but ignoring the system will not get it fixed.
You will never fix human greed. It has no limits
@rlemon you cant power say the UK from a power source that far away. Unless we can get super conductive materials at room temperate, the electric flow would be gone by the time it even reached that far. There is a lot of resistance in those cables. And it would not work to build them in the UK sun is too weak and the weather sucks.
unless you fix the problem of resource shortage, that is
@Dave a lot of people are working to that end. I'm not an expert, but there is a lot of evidence to support that is where a lot of our power will come from.
given current research efforts.
If not for self interest, solar and other green tech would have replaced all of our power needs by now
@Rigil How so?
Oil companies and other corporate swines buying up patents or straight up murdering people
there is a point in consumerism (sometimes). If it were not for commodity sales big companies would never be able to develop specialized systems we used in scientific developments. (just tossing this in)
yes i know they are, its a field i follow very closely its directly the result of fusion research that is helping work out super conductivity. If we could get room temp super conductors well..the world would change so quickly it would be ridiculous. But there is a fusion technology race between EU and the USA. USA using the laser route, EU using the tokamak route.
Currently room temp super conductors are possibly related to electron spin. But no one knows quite why.
My predicton of scientific world changing events are: Battery Technology > Fusion > Room Temp S.C > Consumer Quantum computers.
Dont forget nano tech
that's already here.
Battery Technology > Fusion > Room Temp S.C > Consumer Quantum computers > PHP becomes a usable language
genetic research and manipulation would propel society forward but thats taboo as well
Already happening lol. Human genome project. ^
and lol PHP
yes, but there are tons of regulations
Gene therapy i guess is what you mean by manipulation ?
basically editing our genome for super intelligence, no disease etc
Thats a bit science fiction :P
@Dave So's viable VR, but I've got it at home.
depends on your definition of VR
your brain isn't connected like the matrix which would be a true VR
its more a trick at most
VR => Presence, your brain is tricked into thinking what it sees is real.
its not tricked. You know full well you are wearing an oculus rift or w.e device you have
the visual system is tricked to see 3D when its infact 2D for sure
cognitive system is not fooled though
What were your thoughts when you tried it (with what demos)?
I had nausea lol
I tried the rollercoaster demo
Haven't done that one
I've had moments of presence with Elite: Dangerous (cc @Loktar )
Ive had it with normal games too. Like i fall from a height and i feel it in my stomach lol
@SomeKittens are you hoping to use it on Star Citizen ?
I don't own Star Citizen
Well it's not out for a year yet.
@Dave psh maybe 2!
lol true. I've played a lot of it though graphics are redonkulous.
also the coaster is a rough first demo lol
did you try the DK1 @Dave?
When I got my dk1 that was the first demo I did... it was rough lol
No. I don't own a VR :P
2nd time around I got nausia
@Dave I asked if you tried the dk1 :P
I want 4k resolution
the dev kit version 1
the DK2 is a ton better on the motion sickness front
I never get it with the dk2 which is great
also yeah 4k will be amazing for vr
which one is 720p?
Then yeah dk1
The queue was long though
yeah I loved the DK1 as well, but the dk2 is so much better... cant wait for the consumer vs
my one complaint is its a lot of work to put on really, like I played elite dangerous with it exclusively
but after a week or so had to stop, just got too annoying putting everything on
I really wonder how well it will do in the consumer world :/
I think it might end up like 3D glasses
yeah I backed SC, my only concern is like all of his games he is just over promising
Peter molyneux 2.0
lol yea
but if they do everything it will be amazing
So far they have done everything they have promised.. minus keeping to the initial deadlines
And its great that we can go to the studio at random I went to the Manchester one
oh nice, that is cool actually
Q: Why is Laravel number one framework?

Josua Marcel ChrisanoSo i'm asking in the Stackoverflow, according to this picture on SitePoint Website: *I never use Symfony2 or Phalcon Framework. Only Zend from Magento and CodeIgniter So why this framework seems most promising? Is it because the blade?

No man's sky looks interesting too
anyone ever used emberjs?
yeah Im excited for that one as well
will get it on the ps4 on release, and then the PC of course
I love procedural stuff
my secret pleasure of rollercoaster tycoon has made a come back too so im looking forward to that game aswell
haha yeah its a great time for gamers
@Loktar Some gamers. Others need MUCH more free time.
Well they have plenty with all this hacking going on.
you MAKE time for whats important!! :P
Oh, didn't mention before: Was playing Star Conflict with Brother/Brother-in-law with them on the DK2. They loved it.
user image
pokemon has changed since my younger years
@SomeKittens oh nice man didnt even realize that game was rift compatible
@Loktar Yep - and it's not resource intensive either.
2 hours later…
Hi anyone active?
Can you help me out?
Depends on what you need help with
I can't write JS, and I needed someone pro to help me, I just need each image to have an effect when changing. development7.pointandquack.com (main banner image).
So if I'm a pro, that means you'll pay me?
I don't have funds for that I'm sorry.
Was hoping someone could really just add 1 or 2 line's in for a favour.
I think it looks fine as it is
my professional opinion is that image transition effects are tacky.
Really? What about scrolling?
I feel it's too bland, needs some effect.
> Interesting title key point!
Haha, placeholder.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
is it possibele to write one text filed where only two digits are allowed after decimal...any regex or any special funvtion? in javascript
try toFixed(precision)
if you see it .
@argentum47 toFixed(2). like this
no while inserting values oinly it should not alloe
@ShaU english, please
u mean i shld write one function and call it at onkeyup?
oh he's back again
Who me?
@ShaU you've been warned that you have to use correct english. Keep going and you'll be kicked.
yesterday, by Kendall Frey
Are you drunk, or just missing a few fingers?
you'd be my first kick :)
Missing a few fingers.
or both
@argentum47 Is this feasible to use at onkeyup or onclick attribute.
great! welcome to this room :)
@ShaU What is? Why shouldn't it be?
Did you try it?
@JanDvorak I am writing one text field where only two digits are allowed after decimal point. So Mr.Argentum47 has suggested me to use toFixed() . So i told is this possible when giving input .So i will use onclick.
@ShaU Please try before asking
Mr.Argentum !! it is a metal. Silver.
hi @AaditMShah btw
how's life?
<td>Decimal Limit:</td>
<input type="text" id = "jk" onkeypress ="c();c1();" onkeyup = "c2();">
function c2()

document.getElementById('jk').value =document.getElementById('jk').value.replace(/\.+$/,"");

it is working fine i think
i tried this
you could do it on blur, @ShaU , so that you can wait until the user completes the input
r u like desk
Hello everyone...!!!
Warning: by using two computers at the same time, you get the sitting debuff active twice.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 53 secs ago, by Jan Dvorak
SPAM http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/173632/est-consid%c3%a9r%c3%a9-comm‌​e-le-patron-de-la-pandora-bijoux-soldes-magie
@JanDvorak that's an awesome hat
Happy new year, everyone!
In which TZ?
@JanDvorak profile data says: japan
Oh. Then maybe
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 46 secs ago, by Jan Dvorak
SPAM http://askubuntu.com/questions/567323/what-guides-thesis-writing-service-to-be-t‌​he-best-and-good
Guys, I open sourced an ARC assembler, written in NodeJS: github.com/IonicaBizau/arc-assembler
You can play with it here: ionicabizau.github.io/arc-assembler
@IonicăBizău pretty cool
@IonicăBizău what's the instruction set? x86?
user image
How many academics does it take to change a lightbulb ?
A: None. That's what research students are for. '
How many Catholics...
markdown on multiline doesn't work
why not?
because @balpha sucks
Q: How many C++ programmers does it take to change a light bulb?

A: You're still thinking procedurally. A properly designed light bulb object would inherit a change method from a generic light bulb class, so all you'd have to do is send a light-bulb-change message.
a light bulb change message sounds like using a global event emitter though, which is just as bad as having global variables
@FlorianMargaine make a feature request
How they change the light bulbs in the original Star Trek

Scotty will report to Captain Kirk that the light bulb in the Engineering Section is burnt out, to which Kirk will send Bones to pronounce the bulb dead.

Scotty, after checking around, notices that they have no more new light bulbs, and complains that he can't see in the dark to tend to his engines. Kirk must make an emergency stop at the next uncharted planet, Alpha Regula IV, to procure a light bulb from the natives.

Kirk, Spock, Bones, Sulu, and 3 red shirt security officers beam down. The 3 security officers are promptly kille
TNG version: installing the lightbulb uploads a computer virus to the ship that causes it to try and change all its crew
DS9 version: The lightbulb is a Cardassian booby-trap that can't be removed without destroying the ship
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wish
VOY version: Janeway is a tard.
@FlorianMargaine See this documentation: github.com/IonicaBizau/arc-assembler#documentation
@IonicăBizău oh.. a very limited instruction set then
It's the ARC instruction set, extended with some new instructions added by me. :-)
Yeah, it's a school example.
@TomW lol
I'm glad someone appreciated
@FlorianMargaine BTW, this is for x86-64: pasm.pis.to/#test
@IonicăBizău do you know about github.com/copy/v86 ?
No, I will check it out.
@IonicăBizău copy.sh/v86
made by @copy
Nice! I remember I saw it a while ago! Cool.
@copy you should update this, no? github.com/copy/v86#compatibility the times are not accurate anymore it seems
why string variables in javascript are declared inside single quote like this -->user_name = 'Pickho';
i mean when java will declare inside double quote why not javascrip
because java and javascript have nothing in common besides the name
and C-like syntax
Hi @FlorianMargaine.
Does anyone know, how can I count how many objects inside an array have a certain property, how many times. I mean
how do I count how many objects has data as true
@Mike do you know how to loop over an array?
I think so.
have you tried anything?
!!> [{name:'abc',roll:1,date:true},{name:'abcd',roll:2,date:true},{name:'abcdde',rol‌​l:3,date:false},{name:'abcdef',roll:4,date:true}].filter(function(el){ return el.data; })
Should get you started, I assume you know how to count the length of the array
@FlorianMargaine awww, I was trying to make him understand it
you gave him the answer...
You did
I was trying to lead him to the answer...
array.filter(function (a) { return a.name; }).length;
I hate my ISP.
not as much as Americans
they have comcast
Thanks guys, but I think we aren't on same page, length will give the no. of items in array. which is 4, but inside a single object I have a property which is either set to true or false, I need to count the no. of true instances
@Mike can you show me code of how to loop over the array?
@FlorianMargaine: hang on let me put something on jsfiddle
@BenjaminGruenbaum also, using reduce is prettier
i have a div in which i have image now how i load this div into canvas?
@FlorianMargaine not really
Well... kind of
arr.reduce(((i, o) => o.date ? ++i : i), 0);
because html2canvas is not loading images
@MuneemHabib You don't. You load the image.
@FlorianMargaine so ugly
@FlorianMargaine ew
Still ugly :P
@JanDvorak how?
arr.map(x => x.date).map(Number).reduce((x, y) => x + y); // still ugly but better
if only we had symbols in js ._.
var countWhere = compose(length, filter);
@JanDvorak you're making a new array...
@JanDvorak yup, that's what I did
@FlorianMargaine a smart compiler can optimize that away :P
@FlorianMargaine I wish we were in Haskell
maybe ghc... but that's the only one I know who'd do it
countWhere = (length .) . filter
@AaditMShah that won't work, you have to supply the filter function too, and filter takes an array as this
In Haskell.
@AaditMShah that I agree with :P
(length .)?
@FlorianMargaine: Thanks looks like I got it running to a certain extent, but why would last line print NaN
@Mike you're missing a parenthese jsfiddle.net/z3d8q3zL/2
and congratulations :)
Thanks, congrats for?
:) thats a shame, I think I am addicted to javascript chat room
yet you can perfectly do it on your own
whats the deal with the compose, Is that a lodash function?
proposed by @AaditMShah
8 mins ago, by Aadit M Shah
In Haskell.
Is Haskell a web language? Is it worth learning?
Purescript is a web language based on Haskell.
Haskell is definitely worth learning.
TIL (f.).g
A: What does (f .) . g mean in Haskell?

Aadit M ShahThe dot operator (i.e. (.)) is the function composition operator. It is defined as follows: infixr 9 . (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c f . g = \x -> f (g x) As you can see it takes a function of type b -> c and another function of type a -> b and returns a function of type a -> c (i.e. w...

Does anybody else have serious issues with naming variables?
@AaditMShah Not with my IDE's automatic refactoring tools
What troubles are you having?
I have several arrays which I want to loop over at the same time. I call my first two variables length and index. I call my next two variables count and cursor. What should I name the next two?
(f .) . g might also be part of a nicely disguised opinion on the original author's code. — Marton Nov 29 '13 at 10:46
@AaditMShah Any particular reason you're doing it in the same scope?
@AaditMShah _.zip
Q: How to change texture in Gera library?

deniI'm learning Gera WebGL library, and I wonder how can I change the texture of mesh in it? I'm creating the rotating box like that: var cube = new Gera.Cube({ geometry: { alpha: 1, beta: 1, gamma: 1, delta: 1, epsilon: 1, dzeta: 1 }, po...

!!nudge 15m food
Cap's down again?
Nooooez who will remind me to feed myself?!
I tried naming them arguments_length and arguments_index; and chain_length and chain_index, etc. but it just became too long.
@AaditMShah you haven't answered my question.
Angular Question: How to select a dropdown value using Angular? This seems to be a simple task but I am not able to get the solution. :( Do I have to have a controller in my HTML to do this? Sorry. Angular noob!
They need to be in the same scope.
Nor have you looked at @JanDvorak's suggestion.
That's because my ISP keeps dcing me.
Just looked at it now.
@JanDvorak zip won't work because I'm trying to loop over them non-uniformly.
i, j, k...
I'll just write the code with weird names and then show you the code.
Okay, let's back it up
@AaditMShah what are you trying to do?
How large is the loop?
@AaditMShah fiddle pls
What's the purpose of looping several collections simultaneously in your case?
I'll just create a fiddle and show it to you guys.
Please do.
Give me 10 minutes.
Take 20.
can i have a star for nothing ? :P
@AaditMShah the numjs repo moved in case you were still helping with that :)
@EdiG.indaHouse sure, but in the sandbox


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
Go there and have as many stars and hats as you'd like.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I kind of started my own side project. Sorry.
@AaditMShah no need to apologize
You might like it though. Or you might not. Depends.
i was there... and gave 5 people a star... then they go out... :(
@EdiG.indaHouse I gave you a star there
@BenjaminGruenbaum thank very mutch! :)
The winner is always Zirak? =P
Sure, I'll do it.
DBZ version : How many dragon ball z chars need to change the light bulb..
A: Over 9000... 9000 to change it, 1 to find the dragonballs and revive krillin who died in process @SecondRikudo ?
var Context = (function () {
    return defclass({
        constructor: function () {
            this.prototype = function () {};
        define: function (name, lambda) {
            var proto = this.prototype;

            if (proto.hasOwnProperty(name))
                throw new Error("Redefining " + name + ".");

            var chain = lambda.__chain__ || [{
                lambda: lambda,
                length: lambda.length,
                args:   []

            Object.defineProperty(proto, name, {
This is the code.
var Main = new Context;

var count = Main.define("count", function (a) { return a.length; });
var filter = Main.define("filter", function (f, a) { return a.filter(f); });
var countWhere = Main.define("countWhere", count . filter);

countWhere(function (n) { return n % 2 === 1; }, [1,2,3,4,5]);
It can be used as above.
I'll just create a fiddle.
Good Guy Benjamin Close votes his own question ^_^ — darkyen00 11 mins ago
clearly benji is awesome xD
@SecondRikudo @JanDvorak Are you guys still there?
@AaditMShah nope
The problem I am having is with naming variables in the lambda function.
function lambda() {
    var length = arguments.length;
    if (length === 0) return lambda;
    var chain  = lambda.__chain__;
    var count  = chain.length;
    var cursor = 0;
    var index  = 0;
    var ix     = 0;

    while (cursor < count) {
        var partial = chain[cursor++];
        var size    = partial.length;
        var rest    = length + ix - index;
        var curry   = rest < size;
        var len     = curry ? rest : size;
        var args    = new Array(len);

        if (ix === 1) args[0] = result;
What are your thoughts?
Aside from not modifying __proto__.
@darkyen00 Just one, but it'll take 75 episodes, and Krillin would die 3 times.
@SecondRikudo okay you win.
@FlorianMargaine Aha! We have a party here for Sylvester today. There is 30 German and me. I think I will print that and put it somewhere in the apt.
@SecondRikudo In the upcoming dragonballz movie ... Everyone should die and Kurillin should kill Frieza, then and only then there would be something new.
@dievardump Put it on the lightbulb.
there is one in the bathroom that is dead. 2 months.
Hey guys.
I'm looking for some simple jquery help
can anyone help me plz
I'm looking for a count down code of jquery, which will do the new year countdown and store them into a variable
like there will a var out
@iSaumya What have you tried?
which will consist 1hour 10mins 2 sec
well I've read many answers similar in stackoverflow
but none help me out
all are using some clock designs
That's not "tried"
and all
Actually I've no idea where to start and how to go with it
Have you tried writing something?
@iSaumya Well, the first step would be to figure out how to calculate the time from now 'till a date in the future.
no, ok let me write something then willpaste it here
Well, can anyone explain this line to me date_future = new Date(new Date().getFullYear() +1, 0, 1);
what value is getting here: new Date().getFullYear() +1, 0, 1
@SecondRikudo can you help?
thank you for this
hi, I've done this following
but giving wrong output as 5 min left for new year
which is not write
@SecondRikudo check
(function ($){
    var calcNewYear = setInterval(function(){
        date_future = new Date('January 01, 2015');
        date_now = new Date();
        seconds = Math.floor((date_future - (date_now))/1000);
        minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);
        hours = Math.floor(minutes/60);
        days = Math.floor(hours/24);

        hours = hours-(days*24);
        minutes = minutes-(days*24*60)-(hours*60);
        seconds = seconds-(days*24*60*60)-(hours*60*60)-(minutes*60);

        console.log("Days: " + days + " Hours: " + hours + " Minutes: " + minutes + " Seconds: " + seconds);
@iSaumya Press these keys in order: UP -> CTRL+K -> ENTER

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