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@darkyen00 Not for the AllTheThings API
every days are awesome
That's some crazy shit
PLZ OPEN FILE "AllTheThings.api"?
@BadgerGirl >_<
@Austin wth, give me your dealer number man, seems to be some good shit.
@dievardump O_o
@dievardump That is valid language syntax when using HAI 1.2
for LOLCode
Yeah but I was not in your conversation, so I can't really understand what you're talking about, Willys.
I doubt he can either.
Anyone know how "secure" NodeJS is for scripting language? It's server-side so I feel like a user cannot SEE your code, but I am not sure if that is true. Debating whether or not private logic can be stored within NodeJS safely or not...
yes it can
It's just as secure as C#, PHP, Ruby, etc.
ah really? Awesome! :D
@rlemon You familiar with Node and Heroku?
depends on the question
For this tutorial on Heroku's site: devcenter.heroku.com/articles/…, I am confused on what they want me to do for the .env file. I just made a moreTime.env and added TIMES=2 to it. But then they say do "heroku config:set TIMES=2". So do I even need to make that .env file, or no?
(still very new to both heroku and node)
And I am still not entirely sure what the Dyno's are, for the TIMES command.
I use the web interface to set up env vars
what actually is that, they mentioned that too at one point
(sorry if that's an dumb Q)
can I stop foreach loop to wait until I call to continue??
can I stop foreach loop to wait until I call to continue??
you can probably add a boolean statement somewhere to check for true/false on each cycle?
@darkyen00 ok thanks, what about github.com/Benvie/continuum
Then update the variable in your complete method?
@Austin I want to stop the foreach to wait
@A_l by forEach, do you mean forEach, for..in, or for..of?
What I am saying is, if you add a bool statement under the foreach, and have it do a if(bool is true) { wait Thread.Sleep(x_seconds) } then check the statement again, and keep doing so until you update the bool to false in your other method
var Arr=[first,sec...];
@Austin make an app, load it into the dashboard, click settings, click 'reveal config vars'
@SuperUberDuper /cc @BenjaminGruenbaum @Esliaja @raynos @FlorianMargaine
@darkyen00 what about it? Benvie gave up on it a while ago iirc
@rlemon Node Q, when you set TIMES=2, why does it only print 2 ascii, when the code used to print 5? (code is "process.env.TIMES || 5"), it says it should only print 2 now, but I am confused as to how TIMES=2 effected this?
Still on this page, which has the little code snippet. devcenter.heroku.com/articles/…
@Austin Please stop spamming your question
@Austin process.env.TIMES || 5 says IF process.env.TIMES IS NOT FALSEY USE IT, OTHERWISE USE '5'
so if the config var was never set it would use 5
@A_l looks like a promise problem.
to stop a foreach loop it would need generators which javascript does not have.
@Ismael It does (soon)
i mean "to stop", does not work that way. it should have a better approach to solve it
i hope it does soon. =D
just use .every
it already does in some engines
"stop and wait"
!!> (function*() { yield 7 })().next()
I think this guy is doing some asynchroneus calls, and wants to wait for that calls to be performed before doing the next.
@rlemon or... you know... for and break
@FlorianMargaine bah, ugly for is ugly
.every is sexy
simulate this with controls variables would be a CPU Clock overkill.
yeah but not using .every return value is ugly...
If you have side-effects, might as well use a normal loop
Especially once we get for-of
@darkyen00 why are you pinging me with that?
@SomeGuy woah, that sounds super silly why would they do that?
Does anyone here already used mootool something more than just hello world? I'm thinking if it worth it or i should keep just doing "OO" in pure javascript.
Can't they drive :D?
@BenjaminGruenbaum on the sea, it's complicated
@BenjaminGruenbaum wth are the controls? I cant even kick someone.
@FlorianMargaine Humans have never been able to cross the seas
That's how America was discovered, by planes
buncha lies. we just waited for shit to get cold and walked over.
whats the best way to get traceur on a mac for webstorm
@copy I'm pretty sure it'd take an hour by boat while it takes 2 minutes by plane. Choice is easy.
Boat is still not a car anyway
I don't think Europe to America is 2 minutes by plane
Ok, I will stop
@rlemon just imagine this with realistic recoil
@FlorianMargaine Boats can go as fast as cars
top land speed record is 407mph
top water speed record is 90mph slower
@rlemon What is this? Looks like dear rising at first
Fastest speed by any human is 24791mph, fuck you both
13 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@KendallFrey can we even call that 'air speed' if there is no air?
There was air
I assumed this was in space
There is air in space
You can breathe fine up there
can someone help me with td cell content editable and on change event listener
@rlemon It was
@KendallFrey and are you being a dork by claiming the gases in space, however sparse, can be considered "air" ?
At the instant that speed was reached, air began slowing down the spacecraft
So you might say it was the border between space and atmosphere
but back to my original question, is there a "vacuum speed" ??
A what?
we have air speed, land speed, and water speed. what about space?
@FlorianMargaine @BenjaminGruenbaum cause i knew the 4 people, who will know something about it in this room are you 4
Depends on the definition of space, but probably the one I mentioned
Unless you count unmanned vehicles, but I assume not
hrm, then I suppose we need to define 'air' vs vacuum of space
high-altitude spy aircraft fly in a near-vacuum, relatively speaking
hoover or dyson?
no one? It was really that bad?
woa, I totally misquoted wikipedia earlier
top land speed record is 763.035mph
@rlemon You could just use the Karman altitude of 100km
that's low though
I can maybe run 5kmh if I tried hard... I'm fat
I don't actually know how long a km is
In other news, my optimization code totally worked
@KendallFrey looks like there is a category for it en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vehicle_speed_records#Spacecraft
three actually
good morning everyone
hi @Shmiddty :D
Hello darling :)
@rlemon isn't that just speed?
woah, okay guess that wasn't the last thing that was said
@rlemon In space we start using light speed
I think that suffices?
@FlorianMargaine hi
Speaking of speed records... The most boring vehicle to hold a speed record goes to the "fastest speed on ice" record holder, the RS6
@ThiefMaster just a ping coz we haven't seen you in a long time :P
@ThiefMaster weren't you the one interested in keybase.io?
i used it for like a few days :p
and yeah i've been on vacation for almost 3 weeks
ah cool :)
@ThiefMaster well you don't need more... people can now find your key and confirm your identity
@ThiefMaster where?
2 days miami, then a two-week cruise to the caribbean, then another day in miami
@ThiefMaster fun
@ThiefMaster wow
hi there ...
@ThiefMaster sounds like a very cool trip :)
i have simple question ... i want to build a new single page application
which MVC framework do you recommend ?
yeah it was quite nice
angular is a great framework ... but version 1.0 is depreacated
right ?
i'm waiting for version 2.0
none.js - if you are learning
angular.js - if you want it for production
react.js + flux - if u wanna feel hip
mercury - if you wanna fuck your mind
knockout / ember - i have tried
@amin no, it's not deprecated
angularjs is out ( waiting for version 2.0)
2.0 won't be out before at least a year
and you won't use it before at least 2 years
hi guys
@FlorianMargaine what about newer libraries (reactjs for example)
I've only read a little about angular 2.0 but it looks like it is trying to move in a direction that says one day it won't be open sourced
wow !
or that google will hostile fork it and have a shitty community version.
Anyone else feel that way as well?
not being open source ? i don't think so
@MikeNolan wut?
your phone date is inaccurate whatsapp error
what to do?
change phone
It's primarily google based, you'll have to write it in a compile to language that is written by google.
@MikeNolan no, the language is ES6
I mean... looking at android, I could see something similar happening to angular
@FlorianMargaine isn't the language AtScript or something?
no, it's EcmaScript 6
@darkyen00 i what this for my personal web log . i already know knockoutjs and a little bit reactjs and angularjs 1.0 .
learn flux
@amin You're the only person to say "web log" in all of 2014.
@MikeNolan thanks
@KendallFrey that was a typo
posted on December 29, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Bonus comic over at THE NIB!

@MikeNolan oh
anyone know a good way to set up scenes in web gl?
@SuperUberDuper i don't know (babylonjs ?!)
@m59 there are infinite meanings of infinity.
@darkyen00 between knockoutjs and reactjs which one do you recommend ?
I love react + flux
I am biased
better guy to ask this would be Benjamin
he is wery vise and has tried almost all frameworks.
@darkyen00 i am a knockoutjs fan ... but it think i will go with reactjs
@darkyen00 too many people love reactjs !
@amin nice, but would prefer to not use a framwork until I need to
if you are choosing a js framework based on popularity..... god have merccy on your soul
@darkyen00 popularity == better community == less headache
@amin => jQuery is best ?
=> php is best ?
@darkyen00 documentation
=> java is best ?
=> random shit?
=> <- this implies
@darkyen00 jquery is not best but it is great . ( personally i hate java )
@amin i just realized
too many people love justin bieber too :o
@darkyen00 you make me laugh :)
@darkyen00 you 'made' me laugh :) ( typo sorry )
!!youtube Mortal Kombat You make me laugh
> Job responsibilities include designing, developing, and maintaining our Laboratory Information
I don't think that sentence makes any sense.
I look for a certain minimum popularity for JS libraries... but if you're talking about stuff like KO/React/etc, those are all well-established enough that I don't think it matters how popular they are.
@someDoge it does for me
@darkyen00 i had doubts for reactjs ... but i am gonna try it ... maybe some day i fall in love with reactjs too !
hmm seems as though I will need a 3d framework for camera movement and stuff
I have had a few nice job ops recently... None of them involve programming :/
Anyone worked with JS in Unity?
That... is an awesome picture.
i think i will go with babylonjs
for my game
Could I ask someone something about an algorithm?
@FlorianMargaine OMFG
Ok, I don't have a Math stackexchange account, so I'll answer here
@Firedrake969 A ok, nice :)
but could you translate that into JS? :P
Or pseudocode
@Firedrake969 It is a pseudocode... Should I clarify something?
The count and parent
@someDoge inorite
!!where are you
@rlemon nice pic of me
@Firedrake969 Each node is a struct with fields: some information for the element, the pointer "parent" to the parent node, and a counter "count", that is used only if the node is the root and contains the number of the nodes at the up-tree.
For example, if we have the following up-tree:
she died, @Zirak was hosting
he probably shut off his pc
@rlemon who won the last day?
@Firedrake969 only B has the counter "count" which is equal to 9 and the pointer parent of a node v shows to the parent of the node v.
@Zirak lies, nobody with Linux ever shuts off their pc
@KendallFrey no, but we suspend them. Energy counts.
he also uses a laptop
@evinda you mean like a union find?
@evinda here, it's even on wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set_data_structure
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, union should be done..
You have an awful lot of Algo 101 questions.
You learn very little by not doing your own homework.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I want to do it by myself, I just wanted to get an idea how we could do this, now that we have a hashtable... Could you give me a hint?
@evinda hint: read the wikipedia page
Aw yeah. Naruto Hat. Believe it. (Thanks, dude who accepted my answer without upvoting)
Someone buy an Arctic from Wicked Lasers and I'll buy it from you at 10% hike Monday :P
Everything is 40% off before they stop shipping to USA
maybe if you fix my car, because it broked... again
If you could drive it to the shop... But then why are you going to the shop anyway
lol, no...
some sort of valve got a big hole in it. They replaced the valve, but the car won't go over 20mph
Is it shaking around everywhere too
I had a misfire yesterday and continued to drive on it, then the hood started pushing out smoke...
It was
Yeah that's what I was going to go at misfires
I know barely anything about cars. I only recently learned about misfires
It would be a long drive at that speed
If for some stupid reason I have to buy a new car, what's the most reliable make?
lol Honda
honda? Really? THere's one like a block away. that would be convenient
Yea little Honda civic or accord's seem to just keep going. They're not cool but they get the job done and keep getting the job done. I won't own a foreign car due to everything drilled into my head my entire life from my UAW family ;P
I've had fords for a long time... they like to fall apart
carcomplaints.com used this? It's a good resource. Don't buy an early Explorer haha
Oh god... I went to ford, and it says that the worst model year is 2002... that's my car...
and the worst model is ford escape... that's also my car
god damn
Oh shit!
Well, 2002 ford escape... that explains a lot
lol it's ok. I have the most troublesome year Ranger ever made too
lol, biggest complaint about it is pcm failure. I've had that issue with it. It was fixed, though
Ford is bad at switching models/years/changing things in general. So whenever there is a generation change they put out a bunch of clusterfucks for a year or so.
@someDoge you'd have thought that it'd be expensive for them to change things for the sake of change
lol yeah sorry man
Well, it at least makes sense now, why I have so many problems with it
@TomW I'm not sure I understand your statement... But I meant they are bad at stocking the right amount of parts and aren't willing to throw all the obsolete stuff away.
@NickDugger it just sucks, it's not just you? That's not very reassuring
Nah, I think it is
@someDoge oh. I think I misunderstood you then. I thought you meant they just mess around with every aspect of a design and make a mess of it
Nah they just are bad at "going hard"
My Dad works for a factor. He says Peugeot are the worst for using whatever they had lying around, and for any Peugeot work, choosing the right part is impossible because there are always at least six different part numbers for any particular part and you have to just guess because they're listed as identical
Ford likes to cut corners, is what it seems like. They're an american company; greedy, irresponsible, and, well, american
I drive a Peugeot.
@TomW Yeah that's how lots of Ford's (trucks at least idk about cars) end up. It's annoying lol
Like I drive a 99, but they changed ujoints in 2000.5. Even though I have my 99 they put the 2000.5+ ujoints and the one piece driveshaft on my truck. So I get home, tear shit apart, go to put the new parts in and realize I have to go back to the store
SEAT also pretty bad for that. Guess what my previous car was?
I never do any work on my own cars. Aside from trying to replace the front headlights which I broke in a prang. Bought some off ebay - didn't fit.
Give up, send to shop.
I just bring part numbers on a sheet to the store now days instead of having them look it up cause it's always wrong haha. My intake gaskets were the wrong ones for my VIN, the little ranger had an engine from <1991 that was discontinued, but Ford had some laying around in a warehouse so they stuck em in the 98s to get rid of them
Well, I'd always go to the old man to get the right thing now
I have a rear axle from an explorer. But I drive a ranger. No one has been able to answer this one for me yet...
And Ford only claims they did that in 2004 on special editions.. But mine isn't. Haha
He can't really explain how it works but their database 'just knows' which is the right one for any given model year
Ohh... "special" editions... lol
It's not a bug, it's a feature
@TomW YEah my Dad says they have started keeping track of what part goes to what specific truck now days at the GM plant
So it's no longer lookup by year and model they look everything up by VIN and have an exact list of every single part that went into that truck
A friend of his visited an old factory during the strike era, a long enough strike that the unpainted bodies had rusted on the assembly line
he said "So I guess you'll have to sandblast all these to get them cleaned up then". Guy from the factory was just like "...no..."
And that is why Britain does not have its own car industry anymore
Oh, that reminds me, because of the smoke and heat, my hood now has some visible damage and some parts got stripped of the top coat... I expect rust within a few months
@TomW No as in they won't use them or no as in who cares?
the latter
I want a job in the auto industry still using technology
GM got some cool R&D projects
I saw an ad for a designer using some CAD program I forget the name of
I suggested it to my colleague who tinkered with that software package in university
Erm, no. Somewhat above his pay grade, because it turned out it was an ad for the lead designer on the McLaren MP12C
Like the HUD with a phosphorous film on the windshield and they shine <400nm lasers at it to make different colors show up crisply, but that's UV so you can't see the lasers with your unaided eye
it's the one all car designers use
lol that'd be a significant job
@NickDugger the most common complaint for my truck is the windshield wipers have a mind of their own haha
youtube.com/watch?v=bVAEGDe55Lw // Makes me cringe // at least I don't drive an S10 youtube.com/watch?v=754_1HNwD_4 hahaha
I did that in my old car and broke a piece out of my ankle joint
Today saw a BMW 5 series (I think) wheelspinning and fishtailing coming out of a forecourt
@TomW forecourt?
Like an awning?
In his defence I think he'd probably missed something bearing down on him at high speed and had to get out of the way
filling station, I think you 'murkans say
Ah gas station
there was smoke
anyone have experience with mongodb? I installed it, but I don't see the client, an exe, or anything.
nevermind, apparently it doesn't come with one
@NickDugger uh, yeah it does
@NickDugger - Uh, mine has /bin/mongo.exe ?
mongo is the database shell
but it doesn't come with a gui? I can't even seem to get a terminal to stay open. I opened mongo.exe and the terminal came up and went away
Perhaps mongo.exe is erroring out because you don't have a db running?

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