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Boss got me a remote controlled helicopter for hannukah ._.
I think my favorite Shamus Young article is this one: shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=1477
@monners you're smart. sometimes.
wanna help?
@Retsam ahahahaha
@SomeKittens something;s wrong there, too many seconds. is that a complete load?
@CSᵠ This was 2012
and yeah, everything
> Oh sure, Linux users will tell you about “alternatives”. Instead of Internet Explorer they have goofy off-brand programs like Firefox and Chrome.
@AwalGarg yeah... everybody knows IE is the shit
Jonathan Sampson would disagree ^ ;)
> So that’s Linux. Frankly with software this bad I can’t imagine how Linux manages to stay in business.
that article made my day
@SterlingArcher I had one once. Fucked it up within a hour or two
Is this chat allowed to discuss about jquery as well?
Depends, is jQuery javascript?
a javascript library...
What is that?
Nope, only JavaScript and cars
trolling or.. just jerks?
@SterlingArcher It's like javascript only better
jQuery is to JavaScript as apples are to arseholes
@PeeHaa c'mon, nothing could be better than javascript. Duh.
@Frondor Little bit from column A, little bit from column B, ;)
yeah, no doubt.
!!welcome Frondor
@Frondor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yeah, you can ask jQuery questions as well.
Checking markup: this should be a code sample
ok works :D
Alright, thanks:
Take a look to my function:

`function hidemsg() {
i want to be able to write `hidemsg(3000);` and and "modify" that `systemMsg.delay(4000).fadeOut(1000);`line to actually `systemMsg.delay(3000).fadeOut(1000);`
I don't know If I'm clear enough :D
!!tell Frondor format
@Frondor Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
The ticks only work with inline, not multiline code
oh yisus
function hidemsg() {
that is not... formatted. Atleast not indented.
Try parameters
I heard they're good
When are they going to adopt triple ticks for block format?
This is totally standardized markdown
Isn't it?
There's no such thing as "standard" markdown
@Balpha ^^^ please
fair point
What if I say I'm learning, and I don't understand parameters yet? Come on! I believe you aren't retard enough to don't understand what I'm saying
@SomeKittens Actually there kinda is
For me, the default one on stackedit.io is the "standard".
@PeeHaa You can't "Kinda" have a standard
@Frondor I would tell you to read a book on programming
@SomeKittens Well ok :P What I linked is the standard
@KendallFrey can I vamp some regexp from you?
it's simple, I promise
The level of jerking and virginity here is too damn high, you should consider going out and taking a bit of fresh air instead of trolling people with nerdy jokes.
Thanks anyway.
@Frondor Don't get an attitude with us. We will help you, but we're not going to hand you all of the answers. It's important that you actually learn.
I kicked Frondor
@Frondor Wait, really? The best insult you can come up with is "You guys don't have sex?"
"I believe you aren't retard enough to don't understand what I'm saying"
I could come up with ten better insults off of the top off my hat.
@SomeKittens Go!
@SomeKittens You should really clean your hat more often.
@SomeKittens I bet you are not enough smart to not do that good
@copy your mother is a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries
lately, every time I click on the chat tab, I end up facepalming
0) Crockford wrote a book called "JS Room, the good parts". It was a copyright notice and 400 blank pages.
@rlemon Dang
@tereško That means it's your fault, right?
hate iOS, MacOS and other stuff from Apple
@copy Dangggg
@deni cool story?
their programming languages are the worst thing I ever seen
@deni ...ok?
1) When Chrome sees with (jsRoom), it immediately deoptimizes the page as there's no hope for it.
@AwalGarg what article?
@rlemon cool, I'm doing regex atm too
@deni is someone venting?
Here's a picture of a wet badger
@Shmiddty that, or the hats are pulling additional amount of shitheads in the SO chat
even weak JavaScript is miles better than Swift if to compare architecture
(Note: Don't google for "wet weasel". You'll get lots of partially clothed and quite naked wommon)
Drunk badger
@tereško Plausible
Did I just got kicked out of here?
@BadgerGirl It's all over the internet
2) You guys are so fat, you think REPL stands for "Read(menu), Eat, Poop, Loop"
@AwalGarg hint: there's a book
@Zirak I look so fat
@FlorianMargaine likewise
badger badger badger
@Zirak why would that make me want to not google?
@Zirak Is a wet weasel similar to a wet willy? (wet your finger and stick it into someone's ear)
@PeeHaa were you Frondor??
3) You think anonymous functions wear Guy Fawkes masks
@rlemon Nope certainly not, but suddenly I was on the "rooms page" again
4) You guys nest jQuery selectors "Just in case"
@PeeHaa ahh, well I kicked him. someone might have miskicked you trying to kick him?
that is my only guess
Yeah kick the innocent peehaa
5) You think Angular is a math library that helps with geometry.
@rlemon So, split on spaces, and you want to exclude certain words?
@SomeKittens nobody cares
@KendallFrey it is already split. I just only want those three words, digits, : . and sometimes numbers end with W those are good as well
!!s/nobody/The French/
you want to match those or exclude those?
[^\d?W \.\:[Manual|Automatic|Local]
That makes no sense to me
@SomeKittens lol omg
multiple regex?
6) You think $(document).ready means the printer job finished
ok, better. see the sample input I included?
19:11 23.7  13.0  15.6    15W 173  Automatic
19:31 23.7  13.0  15.6    15W 173  Local
19:41 23.7  13.0  15.6    15W 173  Manual
  SP    Out  Rate Dry  Mode
19:51 23.7  13.0  15.6    15W 173  Manual
@BenjaminGruenbaum wait
@rlemon beautiful, but what do you want it to output?
the line with ` SP Out Rate Dry Mode` (it's not always those headers) needs to be stripped.
and the --------------------------------------------- needs to be stripped
(again, no OS war, just a good read)
but they are coming in as a buffer. so I don't see the entire line at a time, just part of it
@rlemon anything else?
I would get "Mode" as a value , or "---" as a value
7) You think "prototyping" an app means attaching all of it's properties to App.prototype
@KendallFrey nope, that should be it
I think
so anything beginning with a digit it good?
8) You don't see the point in naming function args, and just use arguments
@KendallFrey and the words "Automatic" "Local" and "Manual"
9) You tried to forEach on a DOMNodeList
@rlemon yeah
@SomeKittens Are you listing all those things I did 4 months ago?
@rlemon can you wait to process it until you get a linebreak or an EOF?
@SomeKittens you eval your json
@Frondor So next time you try to insult someone on the internet, please do it with a little more class.
@Shmiddty there is no EOF or line breaks. I have to use a timer and watch for the data stream to stop
function safeEval(x) { return eval(x); } //totes safe
@rlemon Is this event-based?
well, /(?=\d)\S+|Automatic|Local|Manual/g should work
@Shmiddty im intercepting the data stream from a serial port going to a dot matrix printer and dumping it to a CSV file
not sure if just Autom is possible?
because that would break it
protip - concat your string together before regexing
@rlemon That sounds pretty interesting, and potentially frustrating
@KendallFrey yea that probably makes more sense
@Shmiddty it is :P
I'm parsing a custom .gitignore style file
designed in about 30 seconds
@rlemon Are there any control characters/bits that indicate an end of stream?
@Shmiddty nope
I wish
how does the printer know when the input has stopped?
the printer and code on the other end are designed to just print whatever is coming in
if the printer sees data, it prints it
so it's kind of like one of those old ticker-tape printers?
exactly that
very interesting
What about that horizontal line?
Mallrats is a fantastic movie :)
would that serve as an adequate eof marker?
@KendallFrey the headers appear every 40 rows, the horizontal lines appear between days
but due to the printing options, I don't print 'a day', I print 'the last X hours' which can include both
@AwalGarg pretty sure that is invalid
you can't have TextNodes directly inside a UL
@rlemon wrapping the label in span? no?
Hey guys
hey bas
I had a question, i want to add an item to an array on a specific index, i can do that with this:
But why cant i method chain it?
@SomeKittens aww I missed us getting called virgins :(
When i log it, i just get empty rows.
@phenomnomnominal How's Brotractor?
Also, my favorite insult didn't get starred. Boo.
@SomeKittens coming along quite nicely! But I'm gonna change the name
@phenomnomnominal awwwww
@phenomnomnominal do you know what "nom" stands for in thai?
@SomeKittens yeah, I'm worried about the gender connotations. Better to be safe than sorry.
The spec advocates not ending the li tags. Why? :(
ugh man
the Steam sales are so teh lame.
@phenomnomnominal did you just google it? XD
@phenomnomnominal eh, can see that. Any idea on a public release/alpha?
JQuery. Bootstrap is just CSS, and rather than using CSS you should use an actual scripting language like JQuery for that. — Austin 8 hours ago
@HatterisMad nope, fluent in thai.
@phenomnomnominal really? how did that come about?
@SomeKittens I should hopefully have an alpha ready before the new year
@HatterisMad I'm really good at lying.
@phenomnomnominal damn i was hoping you weren't
Sweet! We're very interested in making use of it.
@SomeKittens oh awesome! You guys can help test it :P
Anything that makes our e2e tests easier
They haven't been run in a month+
Shit, I am terribly confused after reading that spec page on lists now. Spec experts help please! cc @Zirak
@phenomnomnominal if i ever meet a guy named jim in chat imma make him search his name in thai. even funnier
yeah, the cool thing about it is that because it's an angular app, I can test it using itself to validate it!
@AwalGarg What is the question?
@phenomnomnominal Inception Bwaaaaaaa
@SomeKittens fuck yeah. Do you guys use cucumber?
@PeeHaa The spec doesn't close LI tags :/ And doesn't mention anything about multiline LIs. And doesn't tell if using multiple DD under a single DT is allowed or not.
@phenomnomnominal Nope.
@AwalGarg Define multiline lis?
@AwalGarg html allows you to omit closing tags
Also, html is whitespace insensitive.
@phenomnomnominal what advantage would Cucumber bring?
@Zirak I thought the spec always speaks of what should be done, and not what can also be done? no?
@AwalGarg Not true
@AwalGarg Spec defines the language, language allows you to omit
@PeeHaa As in an li with something like white-space: pre-line, and multiline strings.
@AwalGarg Not a problem
@Zirak ok.
@SomeKittens It's just a nice reusable way of framing your step definitions.
And multiple DDs under a single DT?
We just use Page Objects
Perfectly fine
@AwalGarg check the valid tags that can go inside of a ul
In terms of semantics I am not sure though
@AwalGarg Multiple dd under a dt? As siblings? Sure, use as many as you like. See w3.org/TR/html5/grouping-content.html#the-dl-element
@rlemon Only li
@Zirak awesome!
Thank you very much @Zirak @PeeHaa @rlemon :)
@Zirak i'm on holidays for the next two weeks.
here is caps memory incase she goes down
oke doke, have fun!
ohh i'll be here. I just won't be at the pc she runs on
Am i retarted or i cant find example which show how to shim jquery plugin with browserify, probably retarted
jquery plugin with browserify? waat?
@Srle npm install jquery
how to shim library which is not written in CommonJS style to use with browserify
@Florian Margain, yes i installed jquery via npm, thing is that project is using jquery plugin 'tipTip'
@Srle jquery is written in commonjs style
ah, jquery plugin.
@SomeKittens yeah, so the flow is, create your page object, create your gherkin which describes the scenarios you want to follow through in your app, cucumber uses the gherkin to generate the stubs of the step definitions which you populate using methods from the page objects and create assertions using chai-as-promised. It's just a UI wrapper around that process
i browse through every similar question on SO but can get it work
!!afk on holidays but I have no life, so I'll be back in like 2 hours
@phenomnomnominal Very cool. Looking forward to it
@Srle wich one ?
why would you need to shim ?
b.require(path, { expose : name }) does not work ?
insulting? I though I wasn't insulting, truth never hurts bro...
Anyway, I solved it without your help http://jsfiddle.net/ykzkyo97/ ♥
@copy aren't trolls cute sometimes?
> Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.
We are a flawed community
You'll have to settle for a remote grunt
Those outsourced grunts...
Wired uses WP. What.
@Frondor Why did you create the pelatedeaca function? You are using it only twice, and it is just a single line function :/
That's not a reason not to declare a function
Yeah but wouldn't it make more sense to just call that line directly?
And the argument it accepts is named defaultDelay. what.
@AwalGarg It's more of a personal preference thing
well guys 20 minutes and i am prepping for my move to thailand
That's cool
I often declare functions that are just called only once
@copy I do that as well, but those functions aren't like that. It is just one line, and calling that line directly is more descriptive and readable, imo. no?
@Frondor You are being rude, sir. Please check your attitude at the door.
@Shmiddty did you miss earlier?
How can I simplifu this:
function find(data, cb){
	ajax("http://localhost:8080/mongo/find",data, cb)
function insert(data, cb){
	ajax("http://localhost:8080/mongo/insert",data, cb)
function remove(data, cb){
	ajax("http://localhost:8080/mongo/remove",data, cb)
@SomeKittens I don't believe so. He was rude and @rlemon kicked him. Was there something else?
@Shmiddty nope, just making sure you're aware of his past behavior.
I'm just trying to make sure he's aware of the standards of behavior in this room.
@crl It's already quite simple. Move the common url prefix into a variable maybe, so it'll be easier to change in the future. Other than that, not much.
@crl hint - what's the same about all three? Can you add one more parameter to the function to condense them?
@SomeKittens I wouldn't do that tbh, what'd you call it? action? You don't gain much by doing it
but how could I define a function dynamically? possible?
probably not
@Zirak It's another way to do it. Same result (more maintainable)
uhm, you could since you have the Function constructor, but what do you want to do?
@Zirak is cap's mdn thing fixed now?
I don't really know :)) function [name](data, cb){ ajax("http://localhost:8080/mongo/"+[name],data, cb) }
@AwalGarg No, it can't be fixed unless you find a way to query google
@crl How about putting them inside an object?
@Zirak ah! right
@crl how about modifying the ajax function to accept an additional parameter?
(if that suits your design...)
@Zirak didn't the unicorn.txt file come with a message stating what to update to make it work again?
@FlorianMargaine you weirdo
@AwalGarg meh
@Zirak cool
No, not really. Read it...
@SomeKittens I can encrypt messages from a chrome extension with my local gpg
@Zirak There is nothing to read, it just lists the search engines I made once.
@AwalGarg Then you'll know why it's not cool
lisp in a Chrome extension?
Using nativemessaging
Lisp is for the native app
/me bows to the 1337ness
@SomeKittens You could, there are several compile-to-js lisps
The goal is to have encrypted conversations on miaou
And laterz to be able to use your local gpg to send encrypted emails on gmail's webmail
@Zirak I don't use CSE, just made once a while ago for a friend. What am I missing?
Open with an incognito page
news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8771452 Guys, postgres is just a fad.
what are you doing on HN anyway
@Zirak ahh. crap.
Hi guys, does anybody know why adding a " " blank at the start will result in one extra row? pastebin.com/EEWWt7BW
if i remove the extra blank at the start of the string it will output 1 row less ... o,o
@FlorianMargaine ?
I'm regularly on HN
@Zirak duckduckgo has an api, I think. And it has search bangs as well.
We've been there, wasn't nice
o_O Why?
Just wasn't nice. Results weren't what we really wanted. That's why I scrunged the web for the last remaining google endpoint. And now it's gone. yay.

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