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@copy "Much less reasonable" is a trademark of mine, plz kindly stop using it kthxbai.
So are "Yes" and "No"
@NickDugger didn't you say you got a G3? Does yours restart on it's own and try to install the software update a dozen times a day? I just went a broke it intentionally so it can't finish
So don't answer.
You should contact them back and say you are a representative of Adobe and they are violating the trademark on "PDF".
@twiz Right lol
> You may not incorporate or include, in whole or in part, any Adobe trademark or product name in your own
company name, product names, service names, trademarks, logos or Internet domain names.
@twiz tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/… turns out it's not even Adobes
Wait maybe that's a chemical..
It says the session expired...
because oh no, it would be awful if people shared searches...
lol that site is fuckin terrible
> !End of Line~ -- Invalid After Operator
Always broken
@SomeKittens dude found a great use case for runnable
for us to use where I work. Interview questions.
/me is happy he found something to incorporate runnable into at work
@BenjaminGruenbaum so we have an interview for someone experienced with php + wordpress
also we want them to have some knowledge on the frontend
@Loktar then I don't get it :P
we have a few basic fiddles
I only know Runnable from Java
I mean something similiar to that
so we can setup just a generic php question and say "improve this"
Good luck with the interview
thanks, hoping it goes well
that's all I have to say about wordpress...
You should be picturing me shaking my head.
@twiz lol
we have a few multimillion dollar sites using it
however its more important they just know the WP platform and how to manage it basically
hey everyone, so where are we heading with the code challenge ? what people would be experimenting this month and make a bang entry in new year
@igaurav Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
how about desktop notification from website ?is there a js library for that
13 messages moved to Trash
please find a room for your religion-based discussions
@FlorianMargaine there was a message in there that wasn't trash... please correct it
@NickDugger ah yeah, my bad. Can't fix it though.
@someDoge Mine does restart itsself occasionally, but I don't get issues with installing updates.
@FlorianMargaine that's alright, copy/paste fixes things
sorry about that.
I hurried to prevent the next 2-hours off-topic discussion about religion.
It's appreciated, don't worry
@FlorianMargaine demo not working on latest chrome :(
@Zirak especially, LOOK AT THE AWESOME VIDEO
@AwalGarg ping @rlemon
it works rlemon.github.io/Notifier.js here though
(defun run-named-command (name browser)
  (let ((command (command-p name)))
    (when command
      (with-slots (implementation) command
        (funcall implementation browser)))))
@FlorianMargaine oh god why
Do you enjoy lisp, or are you just masochistic?
the former
Imma fork that notification project and add sound fx :p
or rewrite it entirely, even more fun
owwait, no time :(
@NickDugger I don't want the update lol
an OS update? I haven't gotten one...
Hey, LISP is awesome. Maybe not practical, but awesome.
@Retsam I'll argue it's practical.
@FlorianMargaine That was confusing lol
I was like how can his message be in both places O.o
V8 TurboFan to use asm.js
are you a feed reader?
maybe ....
Well, I've never found a practical use for it, personally, but maybe I'm just in the wrong job.
oh, at work?
I don't use it simply because I'd be the only one to know the language.
for personal projects? all the way baby
What do you guys think about Dartlang? for poeple who didnt answer that yesterday
@Apoph1s Similar things to when you asked the exact same question yesterday, I suspect?
I want to get different opinions about it
@FlorianMargaine Hmm, maybe I'll have to dust my LISP off; I haven't used it much since college.
if you want a web project example, head over to github.com/Ralt/spa
Neat; I'll have to take a look.
I love those "The experts voice" books, always easy to follow.
Have you messed with Scheme at all, or do you just use Common LISP?
only common lisp
and you don't uppercase lisp
you can capitalize, as in Common Lisp
@Apoph1s Awkward, in my opinion, and pointless. Just like the other n-flavors of compile-to-js languages.
but LISP is often a reference to old lisps
@RoelvanUden chrome has a dart VM
Ah; oops.
hey @FlorianMargaine got any PHP reading material that makes sense and doesn't just reiterate over the basics over and over?
for internals?
@FlorianMargaine So? :-P
or for php itself?
@RoelvanUden not a compile-to-js language :P
Something that gets more into design patterns and such
@someDoge I got the perfect thing
Well, only on chrome. Others have to compile down to JS :P
anyone on hacksummit now?
Ah, that book addresses the Common Lisp vs. Scheme thing.
> If you studied Lisp in college and came away with the impression that it was only an academic language with no real-world application, chances are you learned Scheme.
Idk I find when reading about programming it often isn't so much the specified language that it helps me learn but that language becomes a conduit for learning better practices and new patterns for general programming
@someDoge read provided link
so, I just came back from a conference about GMOs, attended by a university professor of my middle school science teacher
Now, if you want an academic language with no real-world application, I've also studied a bit of Prolog...
@someDoge it doesn't have as many pages as I'd hope yet, but @Patrick (from the php room) is working on it.
wait... that may not be the english name
Genetically Modified Organisms?
@towc we refer to them as "food" and "delicious" in english.
I don't think there's any specific term.
@Retsam hey now! People use prolog!...
Usually just GMO though
... sorry.
the professor has shown us the last technologies concerning modifiying DNA
Q: How can one manage thousands of IF...THEN...ELSE rules?

DavidI am considering building an application, which, at its core, would consist of thousands of if...then...else statements. The purpose of the application is to be able to predict how cows move around in any landscape. They are affected by things like the sun, wind, food source, sudden events etc. ...

Does chrome use Crankshaft or just V8
apparently we've already manage to break the triplet rule, getting quatruples and pentuples
we can have more than 4 proteins in it
and in fact, we can tecnically have how many we can fisically fit in there
I'm glad one person on the internet has found a use for prolog. Maybe my couple week crash course in the language didn't do it justice, but I remember hating my life trying to figure that language out.
we can theorically make triplets in hundreds and such.....
so I thought: don't we have almost the same rules as the Turing Machine?
we have cards (the DNA) getting called (mDNA) and changing a structure, which we don't care if it has 1, 2, or 3 dimensions
@Retsam probably only one person on the internet found a use for it though.
the cards can modify themselves and the carret can jump from point to point of the structure
lisp, on the other hand, actually got a lot of new things, especially since quicklisp.org
(npm equivalent for lisp packages.)
isn't this a computer on it's own? If programmed the right way, could DNA with a proper display (dead cells? different types of cells getting thrown into a microscope lens?) be faster than a modern OS with a modern display (laptop?)
I have no knowledge of how fast rDNA travels, extracts and injects stuff
Anyone familiar with pdf.js
@jackie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is there a branch on StackExchange in which I could ask this?
Computational biology involves the development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques to the study of biological, behavioral, and social systems. The field is broadly defined and includes foundations in computer science, applied mathematics, animation, statistics, biochemistry, chemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, genetics, genomics, ecology, evolution, anatomy, neuroscience, and visualization. Computational biology is different from biological computation, which is a subfield of computer science and computer...
Wait, I don't think that means what I thought it meant.

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