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Hey guys. I just gave my 2 weeks at work, they want a resignation letter and i think it should be Dr Seuss styled, Anyone want to help me write a rhyming resignation letter for the laughs?
"Red fish, blue fish, go find new fish..." ?
There once was a dev who resigned
He hoped his boss didn't mind
But he found a new job
That just didn't rob
Him of all of his money and time
@Shog9 it isn't working, that's why it is in a constant close/open battle. i am not tearing it down, just trying to offer alternatives. there is a lot of unused real estate on the sites, so i was focusing on that
You been sitting on that one for a while ryan?
meta is a lost cause, no matter if you endorse it
lol, nope
Just made it up
There once was a dev who resigned
He hoped his boss didn't mind
But he found a new job
That just didn't rob
Him of all of his time & money
To leave him blind
The end could use some work
So he put in his last two weeks
And told his superiors to seek
A different sucker
Whose lips would pucker
And kiss all the higher ass cheeks
To make em moan for weeks
Ryan knows how to limerick
1337 l1m3ric|< ski11z
@CarrieKendall meh; open/close doesn't mean it's not working - it just means folks are conflicted as to whether it should be allowed. Removing that decision from their hands doesn't fix the problem, it just sweeps it under the rug.
Can we tell them what to think?
how do you fix the problem? i am i am inclined to agree it isn't a fit for meta, but i would assume you feel similarly but there isn't a better place for it
Question: I have a simple game in JavaScript, but how to prevent people cheating via console?
@Charly Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Charly you don't.
Minifying the code is the best you can do
Oh ok
Maybe put some functionality on the server, but that's not always possible
It was once possible to disable the console... but not effective.
In the end, one can send any POST request they like
@Charly Never, ever trust the client, at all, ever.
Can I maybe change variable names from "health" to "Dlz201vdfaD3qqdQ3ifjga0" so that people get bored typing it all out?
@Charly Tab-complete
This one time, at bandcamp, I trusted a client, and they injected a flute into my DOM. D:
You can make it harder for them to understand your code
Just compare the request to what is allowed on the server side, and if it looks too weird, reject it.
@JanDvorak Which will eventually make it harder for you to understand your code as well, unfortunately...
and now we can even inspect canvas... if your game is in that. Direct canvas hacking \o/
@ssube compilation as a part of the build process
4 mins ago, by copy
Minifying the code is the best you can do
@JanDvorak Ah, thought you meant manually obfuscating
Downloading the code through AJAX and evaling should make it harder to place breakpoints in.
Slightly harder
A small hurdle - four clicks
I don't see the point of making something ultimately, realistically possible to be harder. Why waste time?
@AwalGarg Security by obscurity/annoyance means you only have to deal with dedicated/focused attackers, who would win anyway.
Or accidents, or particularly bored people...
Whow exactly do you mean by "accident"?
like bugs and misconfigurations
@JanDvorak Someone accidentally breaking it.
like a googler hacked into SE, accidentally
Trying to player.color + 1 thinking it changes the style but actually changing team or something
that's not obfuscation, that's dickery
that's stupidification
By forcing them to actually read and think about your code, you protect yourself from everyone who writes PHP, which afaik is all hackers born in the last 18 years :p
that's deliberate effort to make someone break your game accidentally
hmm was messaged this, I don't understand what it means
> Smart growth hacking tools that will revolutionise the way you hack.
surely they mean hack in some hipster way I'm not aware of
The first debugger ever?
@TomášZato What do you believe your issue is?
off-topic and random but has anyone here every swapped out a cpu and motherboard before?
My issue is, that I need to capture all keyboard and get char code and a key code
@Loktar Ahaha
the char code being 0 for keys that don't have any
!!wiki growth hacking
Growth hacking is a marketing technique developed by technology startups which uses creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure. It can be seen as part of the online marketing ecosystem, as in many cases growth hackers are simply good at using techniques such as search engine optimization, website analytics, content marketing and A/B testing which are already mainstream. Growth hackers focus on low-cost and innovative alternatives to traditional marketing, e.g. utilizing social media and viral marketing instead of buying advertising through more traditional...
@AwalGarg ahhh wow. thanks
@TomášZato But you need to use keydown to detect special keys, you cannot use charCode to determine what is special.
what a stupid term..
@someDoge I'll have to go, but I'll read your messages
@Austin We don't know how to hardware here, this is a software-only room. All our machines are completely virtualized, running on virtual hardware, in virtual datacenters.
@TomášZato nice avatar brother.
If only :)
In fact, the code runs on virtual machines on those virtual machines.
just figured I could quick ask! :)
Dat Tychus
@Austin me for one!
everything is awesome!....and virtual
I think everyone knows how to swap a mobo, tho
I even have virtual workforce to do the work I have volunteered to do for free
I growth hacked a virtual workforce
now its a virtual army.
My PCs power button is virtual as well.
@someDoge What was Tomas's problem ? Some codes aren't unique?
how do you turn your computer on/off then?
a virtual army using vdi to log into virtual workstations to push virtual code to the virtual servers that build virtual machines to run on......
I just never have and I dont think I got thermal paste but this reddit dude thinks its "pre-applied"
@InkhSuTesou I was trying to figure out what it was. I think he's just a little confused
my cooler (fan?) has a circle copper coin thing with gray markings on it..is that the paste?
@Austin CPUs generally come with some on them already, but it's always questionable quality and age.
You are all virtuals... I am the only real person here :p
ads in chat. what think ye?
@someDoge seems like he should be using e.which
@InkhSuTesou Exactly.
@someDoge : D
@Austin Did it come with plastic over it, on the bottom/heavy metal sink part of the assembly?
its a nice new one i7 14790k
paragraph tags should only have inline elements for children, correct?
but only on the bottom not the fan top part
@Austin How about you exchange your i7 with my ultra cool super new i5?
Grayish-silver paste, not covering the whole sink?
@Austin if your CPU reaches 4790 kelvin, you've done something wrong
lol kelvin
I have the fan, then on it is a circular copper thing. flast disck, with 3 gray;ish marks over it, it is in plastic cover
@JanDvorak s/done something wrong/gotten halfway to creating a star
@Shmiddty .. if that's what you want to use them for ?
@Austin That's probably the paste. Squish the heatsink onto the chip, then go buy alcohol and arctic silver as soon as you get a chance.
Fans for CPU's are so old school
self contained water cooling is where its at :P
@Loktar self-contained, psh.
Why do I need alcohol and silver?
I just stick this all back into my machine asap
I once ran my PC with the hard-drive in a refrigerator ^_^
@Austin Factory thermal grease is... not great
just want to*
Biological organisms used water cooling from day 0
water cooled cpu's, as if they were nuclear reactors ... pssst :P
why would they put crappy paste on my new cpu?
It'll work for a while, but spending $5 on better grease is worth it
@alexfreiria AMD ones are
@Loktar May as well be.
(hopefully one day I will go water cooler friends! today is not that day though :( )
mine runs at a nice 21 c though (9590)
I've got 3x120mm fans on a 4.0ghz 8150...
i have a fukushima 500 16 cores.
The only thing I use grease for is a good cry, or wrestling. >=(
cooled with sea water
@BenjaminGruenbaum @Shog9 this might be a better argument point than the topic challenge se post that has been referenced. in any case, i flipped my vote, good luck swaying the community in favor of these :)
I cool mine with fresh mint gum.
@ssube haha yeah I had an 8350
that thing would get toasty
@CarrieKendall thanks!
but man.. nothing like my video cards, I have 2 290x's the top one hits 95c and thats the operating temp
@Loktar yeah. With the tiny tiny tiny stock fan, it got pretty hot.
@alexfreiria how much was shipping, did it come from japan?
Anywayssss, that stuff is the paste then? Do I just drop the chip thing into the motherboard slot, then stick my fan on it and let it go? will the paste stuff melt or something?
Buying a full tower and putting in custom loop water was the best choice I made last build.
Well I r poor college kid :(
I'm too lazy to do custom water cooling
@Austin The CPU is keyed and fits in one way, then the fan clips over it.
my dad does though, looks really nice
@Loktar It was surprisingly easy, once I had the parts.
@ssube until the pipes break
Might have pics somewhere...
But I just "stick it together" with the paste thats on the fan and screw it down and its good to go?
@TomášZato I think it's pretty obvious how one uses these events here jsfiddle.net/hqcLnd4w
@Austin yes
there are tons of youtube vids
check one out
If you get it wrong, if your CPU is smart, it will slow down instead of burning up
people have different ways of applying it
@JanDvorak Or just not boot
some do a glob in the center, some spread a thing layer
Okay, I just didn't know it could get pre-applied. Thank you!!
The computer is meant to be a dumb machine
oh really?
@Austin oh yeah, generally on the fan/heatsink
looks like a thin piece of duct tape usually
coffeescript v typescript v vanilla js? show of hands pls ...
@ssube I mean cooling, not forcing it backwards
Oh one last Q, can I stick it all on the motherboard then install it into my machine, or do I have to put the board in the machine, then the chip?
nah do the mobo in the case first
@TomášZato instead of checking for charCode on keydown (it's always 0....) check for it on keypress. Anyway if you want a better solution honestly you need a library. JS is fucked with keyboard events
ughhh okay, its a tight fit.... (no jokes please >.>)
depending on fan size after putting the cpu in you could have issues putting the mounting screws in, so its always better (imo) to put the mobo in first
@rlemon @KendallFrey I broke down. I'm reading the reddit front page.
@SterlingArcher rlemon is afk: gotta get work done
My life is over.
@RyanKinal those are fantastic however i dont have any problems with my current employer so i would have to come up with something nicer. Thank you for giving me a chuckle
inb4 "tight fit" jokes
@SterlingArcher why so depressed?
@Loktar lol what
You assemble the mobo in the tower?
@SterlingArcher :'(
@Loktar ancient potato pictures of the current machine: imgur.com/a/yBEn8
anyone ported/converted a C# .NET application over to NodeJS?
@copy at least I'm an internet man now
I could be on 4chan
@alexfreiria not me
@alexfreiria not me
Well its evening here
@JanDvorak good afternoon
@someDoge yes
then its grounded as well
@InkhSuTesou I'm talking about the HTML specification.
assembling the mobo just includes popping in the cpu and plugging in the ram
@TomášZato tried using e.which ?

function keyDownListener(e){
addEventListener("keydown", keyDownListener, false);
!!tell awalgarg ugt
@Austin Unless you have a specific need to wait (like the fan does cause an issue) there's no need to be doing that inside the case. Set it on your desk, assemble, insert into case. Unless there is a reason you can't do that.
for everything else it pretty much needs to be mounted anyway
@Loktar I undermine you
That's silly man lmfao
@Austin @someDoge just likes to argue
Unless you need to
No.. Why would you be telling someone to mount his CPU with the mobo already in his tower? That's silly.
Is this a bad answer since it's just a link? I haven't read the link but..
Come on be serious
@Shmiddty oh.
@someDoge Its just difficult keeping that brackbehind the fan in place while I seat the board back in
Look at any wiki @someDoge
or any reputable site..
@SterlingArcher Downvoted, it's not very good.
@SterlingArcher link-only = NAA
or youtube videos...
I figured sticking it toget on the desk would be easy, and then i just drop it into the screw slots after that
Thought so, thanks
you put the mobo in first and connect your standoffs
@Loktar Look at all the preassembled mobos
Are we actually talking about the same thing?
@Loktar I always feel like I'll snap something attaching the fan in-case
Something being the main board
You're saying put the mobo in the case, mounted and all, then paste up the CPU slap it on and screw the heatsink on?
@ssube haha I feel the opposite
it has a bit more play in the case
@Apoph1s Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Unless you need to do that you don't need to do that. Lol
@someDoge I do mobo -> case -> cpu on mobo generally
I lay the board out on a nice antistatic thingamajigger, mount the fan, then hold/support that while putting it in the case and screwing down to the standoffs
Oh jesus Amazon! Don't you know people need to wait until the mobo is mounted to assemble that?!
If they ship like that, thats retarded anyway.
@ssube tis my mehtod
Everyone knows you dissamble before shipping
Hello All..
> ASUS A8-6600K Quad-Core 4.3GHz Motherboard/Processor Combo
by Altex Computers & Electronics
I created my first Npm package!
Disagree, if it doesn't survive shipping they'll give me a new one. If it does.. It didn't cause a problem.
^ not sold by amazon btw.
can anyone help me with Ext JS Gantt + Scheduler?
im only 15

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