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Not much we can do about them anyway
Does anybody here know about a tool to convert Java code to C code?
@RahulDesai forget
@JanDvorak ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I learned to recognize that hash already
@SecondRikudo 112 clicks :D
@RahulDesai also no, there is no automated way to do it - it's rarely needed too.
@RahulDesai So you came into the JavaScript room, and ask about how to convert Java to C?
@RahulDesai reason #1: they don't even target the same platform
Cool story bro
@BenjaminGruenbaum on monday?
Why is b.classType undefined? repl.it/5Tk
@RahulDesai reason #2: C doen't have garbage collection.
@deostroll Because you called the constructor on an Object, you didn't create an object.
I believe off topic questions were allowed in this room. Dont pounce on me please.
@AwalGarg link to the new canonical please.
@deostroll the constructor doesn't set its prototype of its callee. The new operator does.
@SecondRikudo hrm?
@JanDvorak Thanks
@RahulDesai They are, but what are the odds of people here, in the JavaScript room, knowing Java and C and a tool to convert one to the other?
It would be bad if it could
I found this one: code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/j2c but its Java to C++
@RahulDesai close enough
@SecondRikudo I know. I was just taking my chances.
what's left to do is C++ -> C
How about Java to pseudo code to C?
@JanDvorak Right. But then it would involve bug fixes twice (at 2 levels)
@AwalGarg How do we do that?
@SecondRikudo you mean this?
@SecondRikudo so we cannot assign b.constructor manually?
@deostroll Of course you can.
@RahulDesai just bundle a JVM with your Java app ;-)
b.__proto__ = Apple.prototype IIRC
Please correct me if I'm wrong folks
@SecondRikudo EEK
doesn't work in IE, and deprecated everywhere
@JanDvorak So how do you do it? Just set prototype?
@SecondRikudo won't work
@JanDvorak deprecated?
Yeah, I figured
@SecondRikudo just don't change the prototype
nope, embraced
@FlorianMargaine ...?
@JanDvorak no longer deprecated and is specced in ES6 - works in IE11 and all other browsers, still horrible and shouldn't be done usually.
A: Does Ecmascript 6 support a mutable __proto__ property?

benvieCurrently, it is planned for mutable __proto__ to be in the spec (and not just in annex b). The current plan is for it to be a magical data property existing solely on Object.prototype and acting as an accessor (the magical part). This property will be deletable as well, removing the ability to m...

I talked to Eich about this - he said that the committee can't change the facts of life - it's not its place to decide how people write code but instead standardize.
@JanDvorak why not?
maybe I really don't need the older prototype... then?
People used __proto__ in mobile browsers where it worked everywhere. That jQuery like library used it and it had a lot of adoption.
So they did the only reasonable thing and specced it.
Then even after b.constructor = a.constructor, it didn't work?! Why
@AwalGarg it's incredibly confusing - this Dog? Well it's no longer a Dog it is now a Chair.
I can see merit in __proto__ though - there are edge cases where it shines.
For example: var sel = document.querySelectorAll("foo"); sel.__proto__ = [].__proto__ to convert a selection set to an array.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that example is fairly unrealistic. No one redefines the dog prototype to a chair prototype...
@AwalGarg well, obviously it was an overstatement to illustrate a point - but people actually did similar things. They moved proto around - 6 years ago it wasn't even that uncommon.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'd rather just use Array.toArray
Not that I actually redefine prototypes... I usually start with a null prototype based object if I had to.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Array.from and [].slice.call(sel)
@JanDvorak Array.from/Array.of ?
@SecondRikudo both are conceptually less fun :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, like 'fun' like using PHP.
@SecondRikudo well, conceptually you're not creating a new array: you're saying that your outlook on that selection has changed and you now consider it an array.
It is the same data - but you're looking at it differently. It makes sense in theory.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'd rather "create a new array from this selection"
Right, me too, it's easier to reason about - but conceptually it's less "correct".
> Sorry, I missed this in Dmitry's post (skimmed while traveling), but
settable __proto__, apart from the object initialiser use case (i.e.,
on a new object not yet reachable, analogous to ES5's Object.create),
is a terrible idea.
> I write this having designed and implemented settable __proto__ over
12 years ago. At the time, unstratified metaprogramming APIs were
popular; if it was good enough for Python, why not for JS. But the
lack of stratification is a problem (consider JSON data with a key
"__proto__"). And worse, the mutability means implementations must
check for cyclic prototype chains in order to avoid ilooping.
var magic = (new Magic()).doApp.call(everything)
> Mutable __proto__ also makes optimization harder, or simply defeats
optimizations at the price of some complexity in the engine. Finally, mutating __proto__ on an existing object may break non-
generic methods in the new prototype object, which cannot possibly
work on the receiver (direct) object whose __proto__ is being set.
This is simply bad practice, a form of intentional type confusion, in
> If specific cases wouldn't care because prototype-based methods are
generic, setting __proto__ on an already-initialized object still
smells like bad form, although I admit a Self-ish programmer would
want it and probably use it well. But JS is not Self.
@SecondRikudo that didn't work...changing the constructor of b
@deostroll Let's do this the other way.
Why do you need this?
@Mr_Green "Paranoia"
@SecondRikudo I don't think so.. it seems some kind of fear
It was a joke
ohh ok
I wasn't aware of that word. so I missed the joke
o\ o| o/
@Mr_Green Paranoia is the imaginary fear of that people are always out to get you, you're being chased or watched constantly, etc.
NSA shit
ohh ok
@SecondRikudo NO, YOU'RE PARANOID.
he is panaroma
@Loktar : new gif challenge for you - i.imgur.com/ghyqpVm.gif
Do that on canvas at 60fps :D ^
even @rlemon could do it
it's that simple
Yeah I now
But I like it so much
I made a thing that makes code.
I could do it
Good day
It makes stuff like this:
module.exports = function () {
    var AngularHome = function AngularHome() {
        this.nameInput = element(by.model('yourName'));
        this.greeting = element(by.binding('yourName'));
    AngularHome.prototype.get = function () {
        return new Promise(function (resolve) {
            resolve(browser.get('http://www.angularjs.org', null));
    AngularHome.prototype.setName = function (name) {
        return new Promise(function (resolve) {
But I'm still a lazy b.
@phenomnomnominal from what?
Comments ?
Something that looks like this:
Not exactly pretty. But it will be. And then non-coding testers can write my tests for me
@phenomnomnominal For me it takes more time to fill this that to write the 15 lines above.
@dievardump yes, and you know how to write code.
Oh you want to
1 / create a code maker
2 / release the code maker
3 / ???
Eventually release. Use internally first, we have testers who are familiar with RobotFramework, but now will have to test an angular app.
@SecondRikudo hmm how to do what new does without calling new?
@deostroll new assigns the prototype
Is it wise to teach students of Object.__proto__ in classes? I hear its deprecated, and, even the use of its corresponding getter/setter functions is discouraged since its experimental...!
@deostroll No, until it is finalized in ES6, no.
@SecondRikudo So I found this sample which does what new does manually...anyway to rewrite this without using proto...?
hi all
I am trying to explain what new does under the hood...
@deostroll In that case, simulating with code is not the right way
need some help to convert svg to png file... for this, i try to do it with html5 canvas tag, but don't really understand how it works...
Just say that it assigns the object's prototype to the prototype of the constructor
1. Creates a new object
2. Sets prototype of object to prototype of Constructor
3. Sets constructor to Constructor
4. Calls Constructor on the object
My goal is something like: let the students discover prototypical inheritance...
new can be simulated with __proto__
@FlorianMargaine Yes, but I'm not sure it's great to teach that to a class until it's in the specs
good morning
i have some problem in angular.js can any one help me?
Q: How to post data using Angular

Qasim Khokhari am unable to get posted data on sever using php it returns Output : Array() Php Code public function create() { print_r($_POST); } Angular Code angular.module('index',[]) .controller('SignUpController', ['$scope','$http', function($scope,$http) { $scope.signup=...

this is my question
Ok, can someone explain the difference bw these two: ejohn.org/apps/learn/#13 , ejohn.org/apps/learn/#14
The code is different.
why does the named function actually survive in the 2nd case...
@deostroll it survives in samurai
as for calling itself, a function name refers to the function within that function.
@JanDvorak but why in 2nd example, samurai.yell(4) worked? It didn't work the first time...?
@deostroll why shouldn't it work?
It resulted in the type error and was caught in the try block...
@deostroll Because of the recursive call to ninja.yell
It's calling ninja.yell inside itself even though ninja.yell doesn't exist anymore
By giving the function a name and using that, you ensure that as long as the function lives so do the internal references.
I like naming all of my functions for that reason and for debugging purposes
(Error raised in functionName) and not (Error raised in <anonymous function>)
Hi! Is it possible to put some file into a GitHub project directly from the GitHub website itself ? I mean from this view : haacked.com/images/haacked_com/Windows-Live-Writer/…
@Basj Don't think you can. And why would you want to?
@SecondRikudo don't want to install the GUI tool on Windows... My repo will only contain 3 files... so I wanted to do all from the Github website itself...
@Basj Use the CLI tool
With an actual Git repo and all.
It's really not that complex...
@SecondRikudo can you do that in less than 10 CLI lines? : 1) convert the current folder (containing 3 files) into a git "repo" 2) link it to a github online repo ? 3) push everything to the site ? :)
@Basj I can do it in 3.
@SecondRikudo really?? as simple as that?
anyone could show me how I have to do to draw a .svg image in a canvas (on event) and then "save" it as a .png file please? :)
Assuming empty GitHub repo waiting for me online:
isn't there some setup to do ? (the CLI git is already installed on my machine but never used it)
cd /my/project/directory
git init
git origin add git://clone/link/from/github
git push --all
First line is optional if you use "Git bash here"
from the context menu
Is there a way I can get code highlight or some sort of basic highlight in my terminal Mint 17 Matte
@towc Dead. For the past week or so
All you want is to nudge :DD
why would you be viewing code directly in the terminal ?
@SecondRikudo I thought it was 2 days ago
@tereško Some people like to edit in their terminal as well
@SecondRikudo where do you "link" to your account? log in on github website, etc. ?
@SecondRikudo /bin/cat is really bad for writing code
@argentum47 also weather :P
no not directly, I was trying the elasticsearch , and the way they presented the json files My eyes strained
@Basj Do you already have an empty repo on github?
@SecondRikudo yes.
@SecondRikudo notice that he's not talking about code highlighting in vi/vim
@Basj Link?
@Basj That's not empty.
@SecondRikudo there is a single readme.md of two lines that I could remove
@Basj No, empty === no files and no commits
Remove the repo and start a new one (and remove the check from "Add a readme")
why not just click on that + sign ??
@SecondRikudo Will I be able to do a repo with exactly the same name ? (Or they will say : you cannot, because this name is reserved)
@Basj If you remove the old repo first, you can.
@SecondRikudo I never find where to delete a repo...
on the right side
Settings, in the DANGER ZONE
@SecondRikudo Done. Now I go to CLI , "git init" but how will I tell which account to use ?
does my cmd.exe Windows terminal know that it's connected to GitHub ?
Git !== GitHub
Git is a VCS, GitHub is a host.
Do you have Git installed locally?
@SecondRikudo yes
Git Bash?
Go to the project's directory, right click and selector "Git Bash here"
@SecondRikudo I did... How will this "Git bash" know I am who I am ? Do you need to login from this bash tool ?
@Basj Wait for it
Now you're in the project directory in Git Bash, correct?
@SecondRikudo yep
git init
Should say something like "Initiated empty git repository in some/path/.git"
yes exactly!
git commit -am "Initial Commit, Adding all existing files"
can I add all files in the current dir, except the subfolders ?
This adds all the files to the repository, and commits the changes with that message.
But you probably want a .gitignore file
To specify exactly which files you don't want to add
or, as I only have 3 files, I can add each file separately (so that any new subfolder in the future won't be added?)
You could
using git add file
But why don't you want the subdirectories added?
What's in them?
personal notes, old archive of the project, etc.
You should organize those into dedicated subfolders and use a .gitignore to ignore those files
So now it's done with : git add myfile.html etc. What should I do next ? And btw, does the .git folder keep a second copy of all these files ?
But let's save that for later
@Basj .git is where the "repository" is saved.
You can say that .git saved another copy of your file, but it's not 100% accurate, and I don't want to bore you with tech talk at this point.
So let's say that .git folder contains another copy of all the files for now
Now that all the files are added (you can make sure using git status), you need to commit them
Ok let's commit !
Right, so commit with git commit
git commit that's all ?
It will prompt you to type a commit message
Just type "Initial commit, adding all existing files", save and close the editor (not the bash window!)
I'm not sure what editor git bash uses by default though
@Basj If you're having trouble, drop it and use git commit -m "message here"
It tells "Please tell me who you are"
git config --global ...
Okay, that makes sense
Yeah, do those
You need to configure your name and email
Configure those so that they match what you have on Github
Is this for git or for github ?
For git
So far we haven't done anything that even requires a network connection.
@SecondRikudo ok... But still it should match what I will have on github ?
@Basj I think GitHub likes it better when it matches, yes.
@SecondRikudo no
@AwalGarg At least the mail
@SecondRikudo not even that.
Otherwise it displays the committer without linking to his GitHub user
I use a local email address for local git. Works fine with github.
when I do "git commit" now, it starts a vim !! I'm lost in this VIM...
Why a VIM ;) ?
@Basj It's actually pretty simple
@Basj hit ctrl-x (or something). Then git commit -m "MESSAGE GUESS"
i for insert text
Then type
Then ESC to get back to command mode
I think you can set the editor with select editor... not sure.
Then to save and exist type :wq (read "command - write to disk - quit")
@AwalGarg It's a git config as well
But it has some issues with GUI editors
@SecondRikudo ok.
I know VIM is perfect and is heaven for people who like and know it...
o_O There is something which is perfect??
I used VIM once, and I never quit. Mainly because I haven't figured out how to quit it...
ok that select-editor is not for git :(
But there should be.
But auto-starting a VIM on a Windows machine when you simply write "git commit" is like ... using a nuclear weapon when you just want to clean your kitchen... (of course the kitchen will be clean)
Like I said, if you're having trouble, just leave vim and write the commit message inline like commit -m "Message here"
This part is really perfectible... in terms of easiness of use for new users... ;)
@SecondRikudo That's what I finally did :)
Now the commit has been done. Can I push it to github?
You need to link to github first.
Create a new repo on github first.
Without the readme.
Repo should be 100% empty, no readme no license.
(You can use those when you're starting a brand new repo with no existing files)
No air. No light.
Will I be able to change the repo name after this ? Example I hesitate between BigPicture.js and bigpicture.js ;)
@AwalGarg Physics disagrees!
wait wrong context
carry on
@Sippy Physics. Has. No. Power. Here!
@Basj Yes, you can change the repo's name
You will have to update the remotes on all local repos once you do
But it doesn't really matter, it's best to pick one name and stick with it.
@SecondRikudo it matters if you have a gh-pages branch with it which you want to have a pretty url ;)
Do some .js framework have names with capital letters (except "jQuery") ?
@Basj Angular
or are they mostly in small leters?
If you capitalise them they all do
@Sippy sure :)
nodejs.org is more lowercase
@AwalGarg nerd
Nov 28 at 13:22, by rlemon
Awal stop suggesting things, you're bad at it.
even angular is lowercase here : github.com/angular/angular.js
Nov 28 at 13:22, by Awal Garg
Buy a house.
Hello, When it comes to select elements, where the value is saved as a string in database, would you guys prefer to write the value as the option label without spaces and lowercase(like "Javascript Database" as label and "javascript-database' as value) or keep the value same as the option label(like "Javscript Database" as both option label and value)?
@SecondRikudo now it's done, I did git remote add origin https://github.com/username/... and then I pushed... Done!
@SecondRikudo but now I have added a README.md directly from github's website, how can I get it to my local computer ? something with pull?
or "get"?
Yes, git pull origin master
origin is the remote name, master is the branch name.
I'm stuck in between... keeping option value as "javascript-database" seems much cleaner, but requires like extra code to display it. But then I cannot find any good reason to just store "Javascript Database" as the value
@SecondRikudo ok
@FaridNouriNeshat What are you doing with that value?
For this case, it's gonna be the item category, which then later, I can show items by category...
@SecondRikudo ok now it's done :) Thanks for all. Last thing. I closed the git bash. Now to the local repo and github repo are synced. Now let's modify local file... What do I have to do to replicate local changes to github? Do I need : Right click, GIT BASH, and then ?
in SQL world, people usually create another table, but with MongoDB, it doesn't look right :P
@Basj git add changedFile.html
git commit -m "Commit message"
git push origin master
@FaridNouriNeshat Mongo has two main approaches
Either have two collections products and product-categories
And each category is an array of IDs
Or just have one products collection and have category as a field in the product document.
well my problem isn't that :P
since category list is like static, I'm hardcoding it somewhere in the repo
please anyone could tell me why this is not working? I try to get back the base64 data from a canvas containing a .svg image... jsfiddle.net/xfh7nctk/13
My dilemma is how should it be stored, as the category label: "Javascript Database", or as a dashified version of the label: "javascript-database"
@SecondRikudo every time I restart "Git Bash", it asks for github username and password... Will this always be like this ?
@Basj Generate an SSH key, and associate it with your GitHub account
Then you can use the ssh:// version of the remote link
And it won't ask for a password
Does anyone use angular ng-table? I have a couple of questions.
@Julo0sS Can't you just convert svg to base64 directly? google.com.my/…
hey guys, does anyone work with wordpress on a regular basis?
@FaridNouriNeshat well, i finally got the base64 data, but now i need to save it as a file
@SecondRikudo tried again... different email doesn't effect :/
what am i missing?
@SecondRikudo how do you usually do that on windows? And a last thing : is git push -u origin master enough to push the modifications local -> online, or is git commit always needed first ?
@Basj modifications == commits
As for generating an SSH key
I'm not sure how it's done on Windows
I'm sure GitHub has articles about it.
@SecondRikudo ok, so always have to commit (ie 2 steps needed to update the online repo)? pushing is not enough?
i'm trying to use requirejs with wordpress and i'm unsure if my approach is a good idea or a bad idea. i'm not sure if i should stick to the built-in wordpress methods to enqueue scripts, or if the way i've put together my templates makes sense. here's my "base" template: github.com/sholanozie/madeofchalk/blob/master/views/base.twig
the idea is that i can "require" javascript modules on a per-page basis
by wrapping them in the "scripts" block

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