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Hnnnngggg so much Steam sale, so little money
ohhh mahhh gahhhd those look good
Exactly how much of your genes are Native American?
Shouldn't dropbox not watch the files
dads full native, moms mom is full, moms dad is over half.
its not syncing ?
so I'm pretty native.
// if so should i file this as a bug ?
@rlemon Oh, I thought it was just one of your grandparents or something
purdy cool
I don't really 'live' any of it. I honestly didn't even know how native I was until I did a school report on my people in the 3rd grade and my mom was like "ohh yea, sweetie, that is our heritage"
I really should have caught on. we had native stuff. I just thought my parents were very Canadian and that my grandmother loved native crap
she lived in BC, and there is a lot of natives out there
Nostalgia is frickin powerful. I now own Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 & 2
        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
how do i debug that ?
With a debugger
abhishek@txt:~/Dropbox/hipster-delorean$ gulp browserify
[21:22:50] Using gulpfile ~/Dropbox/hipster-delorean/gulpfile.js
[21:22:50] Starting 'browserify'...

        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
@KendallFrey which debugger can i use in this case ?
Chrome, Firefox, Opera, heck, probably even IE
wont work.
I am trying to compile a module, this error
comes in the build step
abhishek@txt:~/Dropbox/hipster-delorean/dist$ gulp browserify
[21:37:24] Working directory changed to ~/Dropbox/hipster-delorean
[21:37:26] Using gulpfile ~/Dropbox/hipster-delorean/gulpfile.js
[21:37:26] Starting 'browserify'...
[21:37:26] Bundling main.js...
[21:37:38] Bundled main.js in 12 s
[21:37:38] Finished 'browserify' after 12 s

abhishek@txt:~/Dropbox/hipster-delorean/dist$ ls -l main.js
-rw-rw-r-- 1 abhishek abhishek 5787572 Nov 27 21:37 main.js
see the size ?
the file it compiled is just
hello world in react + jade
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Got a kudos badge from my manager today! Yayyy!!
morning guys, and gals
@RahulDesai kudos?
@towc some sort of appreciation token
a thing with virtual value, but zero real value :)
used instead of money or a real gift
!!weather turin
@towc Turin: 7C (280.15K), light rain, mist
Thats true.
But I believe it counts during promotions and stuff.
Q: How to show the image loader until the respose from AJAX request comes in following scenario?

PHPNutFollowing is the jQuery-AJAX code that I've written : $('#request_form').submit(function(e) { var form = $(this); var formdata = false; if(window.FormData) { formdata = new FormData(form[0]); } var formAction = form.attr('action'); $.ajax({ url : 'xyz.php', typ...

Hi. Anyone know any good slides which demonstrate all the JavaScript Arrary functions...preferably with examples...
@deostroll ^
Wish I had some powerpoint slides w/ examples tho...work would be half done... :(
the world is not fair, you know
1 hour later…
..so I was looking at the wordpress source code. pos.
oh hey @AwalGarg I need some help with DNS
you're the only one here :P
@SomeKittens, @Loktar, @rlemon, Chivalry: Medival Warfare is on sale. We must get it and decapitate one another.
@Zirak this is a great game FTR. Spent hours with it.
I can.. try. Not sure if I am the best person to help here though :p
I wanna see how you can help without knowing about the topic (serious, it can be done, not sure you know how)
Florian Margain: the last person alive who knows about DNS. All others are idiots.
@AwalGarg I have set CNAME hop to GitHub from my subdomain. I've set up User Pages, and they work directly. I've added uppercased CNAME file with my subdomain to my repo, on master branch. My repo is named <username>.github.io. When accessing the page from my subdomain I get Github's 404.
Github displays "your site is published on <my subdomain>"
no idea
@BartekBanachewicz gh-pages branch
only the repo named username.github.com can have the CNAME on the master branch
I have to do the same thing next month... wud experiment then.
@FlorianMargaine wasn't it supposed to be username.github.io?
must be the same
and didn't see that
my bad, it should work
back when I did it, it was .com
oh lol shit
it worked
thanks @Florian :D
(I renamed the repo)
by using .com?
well it might be that it just updated something else
I didn't refresh before I made the change
anyway, it works, now I have a place to put my haskell ramblings
I have an idea for an article
I have to clean up my pages finally :S
so it wasn't a dns problem?
@AwalGarg nah
ok cool
it reached GH so no
@BartekBanachewicz ^ see?
anyone from uk here
@CustomizedName yes
@DrogoNevets virgin or talktalk ?>
as BT is too expensive :(
BT is £5 at the moment with £16.99 line rental
but don't go with BT, they are shit.
If you can afford it and its supported, go for Virgin Cable
only sensible deal they have at the moment is 33.50 for 100mb
If not, talk talk is probably the cheapest.
cheapest for 12 months and then 31 for 6 months for 38 mb,

i believe bb price will go down after 12 months though
more than likely.
@CustomizedName for what?!
i am more tempted to signup with virgin media for 34
give us some context
i just need broadband
well i plan on going with zen
based on the reviews, I figured out, Talktalk and VM are worth it, but which ones are you guys using
Sadly BT / Sky. I was with BE who were awesome, but they sold out to BT. When I move it will be fibre from Plusnet. 14.99 / 24.99 for upto 80mb and unlimited downloads is a bargain.
hmmm let me think :)
regex101.com/r/hW3uQ6/1 I don't want the string to be matched :(
@argentum47 Why?
umm, just like that.
What about this string is invalid? (note that the ^ in the beginning means "beginning of string"; not-a-digit is \D)
string is invalid ?
Why shouldn't the string match? What are you trying to express?
@CustomizedName TalkTalk has the shittiest customer service.
I am trying a write the regex such that if there is even atleast one character it shouldn't match
You have $ to mean "end of string"
So if you want to ensure the entire string is matched by some regexp, place a ^ (beginning of string) on the one side, $ (end of string) on the other
is there any way to select disabled fields with specific class in jquery?
@MohammadFaisal Do you know how to select everything of a certain class?
Do you know how to select every disabled field?
that was cool .. I didn't know the actual utility of $ , I just knew they meant end of string
so it would be like $('.class-name:disabled')
but never though that
@Zirak thanks!
la lala la la
Your mustache isn't growing :(
Because your brain keeps shrinking
@mintsauce thats what i heard too
One day I wouldn't have a head at all
I may end up getting virgin media 100mb
I become phantomjs , headless
@argentum47 That's impressive covert time-lapse photography.
plus plus is shit too
they are expensive
Plus fiber optic lol
@CustomizedName I conclude that all /(.+)\1/ companies are crap.
@mintsauce I agree, charging too much just for broadband
I think I misread, but yeah.
hows weather up there, oh forgot we all live in UK LOL
sunny here
granted, I don't live in UK.
take me out of here
You won't leave tho. Wanting to leave is what makes us British.
is there a way to select empty input fields
You just won a thousand Internet points.
could there be reverse of it...? non empty input fields
@MohammadFaisal really, is that what you want :|
function D(a, b, c, d) {
this.a = a || false;
this.b = b || 0;

if(typeof c !== "undefined" && typeof d !== "undefined") {
this.c = c;
this.d = d;

Is there anything wrong in this approach, i feel like code-smell in checking typeof of arguments in constructor function
@CustomizedName asking if it could be possible
or any solution for such...
basically on my page some input fields have value on load and I want to add class to them using js
@Srle People still use constructor functions?
@Srle That's reasonable for optional arguments. Just make a JSDoc clause for the parameter types for clarity and add a remark about c and d being optional, together. IMHO of course.
But consider setting c and d regardless to have the same v8 hidden class if you are all about performance.
@RoelvanUden V8 hidden class?
Is there a cleaner way to write this code (i.e. apply a function on all elements of a class) :
$(".myclass").each(function() { myfunction(this); });
Any idea @rlemon ? ;)
@Basj $(".class").each(function() {myfunction.call(this)});
thin this in myFunction will be the element
@DrogoNevets why is it better?
though you could probably try $(".class").each(myfunction.bind(this));
it depends what it is you are trying to do, youve actually given no context, and I have just guessed
@Basj Since you're using jquery and already doomed to suffering: $('p').each(Function.call.bind(yourFunction))
If jquery was a decent library and passed the element as the first argument, you could've done $('whatever').each(yourFunction)
@Zirak my function.call.bind ?
But alas
@Basj No, Function.call.bind. Though you can substitute Function for any function and it'll still work.
I was looking for something like :
apply($(".class"), myfunction)
that would do myfunction(this) on each element of my class
See "if jquery was a decent library"
you could just do
No you can't
What I posted would work. But your first take with an inline function is more obvious, arguably cleaner, and much simpler.
Solution: Don't use jquery.
@Zirak why not?
function myFunc() {

that gives me the expected outcome, this is the element
You may have a point
@Zirak ;) i have that in writing now :P
You don't get it as an argument, but propagate the this stupidity
Unfortunately , this doesn't work :
Q: How to prevent show loder image and prevent bootstrap modal dialog box from closing while AJAX response is coming from PHP file?

PHPNutI'm using Bootstrap v 3.0.0 I've following HTML code of Bootstrap Modal: <div class="modal fade" id="newModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> ...

@PHPNut Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
function myFunc(a) {

7 mins ago, by Zirak
See "if jquery was a decent library"
@RoelvanUden 'hidden class' seems like an odd name for offset lookup. I'm not sure that's a detail anyone should be worrying about anyway.
@Basj what doesnt work?
@Zirak just read your monthly challenge, you think in that kind of prose?
Can I borrow someone's JS console? I can't access it at school and firebuglite is crap
I need to debug my code
Don't we all
What should I use?
That depends on what you need to do
hey there!
Need urgent help
Drag red to slot one, air to slot 2, earth to slot three and earth to slot four
Why is there no alert?
Apparently everyone needs urgent help when asking for something. :-/
@RoelvanUden Every problem is urgent!
It's usually students who want 'written code' answers for shit cos they leave it till the last minute
Which I never did.
@Sippy or people writing code for money who have a problem and need it fixed asap
@RoelvanUden u can help me i think so :D
Plz halp me
@FlorianMargaine Meh
Some of em, sure.
I think a lot of them are impatient :P
I'm pretty impatient
@king Brotip (Yes, bro, not pro): Read the JS room rules.
> Start by thinking; then google before asking ▲ Don't ask to ask, just ask, and ask once! ▲ If you need help post an example of your issue please.
HTML room has good rules
Thanks for limiting the effort required to click a link and read rules, @Sippy :P
I'm still proud of this:
in Trash, Nov 22 at 19:25, by Deep
One Room to rule them all,
One Room to find them,
One Room to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.
Trash === the darkness
jQueryUI is strange: http://udkk0347a436.deepschool.koding.io/index.html
Try dropping one of the coloured elements in one of the slots. Why is there no alert?
@Deep $ is undefined usually means jQuery isn't working.
@Deep ignore me
Also damn you for overriding F12
@Sippy How do I fix it, and yeah, its really irritating? why block it?
@Deep Cos chrome dev tools is F12 and I don't like change.
Oh yeah, I did that because the dev tools are ""blocked"" in school
@Deep What the ..
Is this project for school?
No, but i'm at school, and I'm bored
@Deep The problem is you're loading game.js before you load jquery.
Load jquery first.
@Deep A proxy/remote always wins. Always. Don't let school limit what you do :P
Yeah, but most proxies here are blocked, and browserstack is ridiculously slow
@Sippy Forgot that. Cheers
@Deep Hotspot Shield portable! :D
Do you guys like the concept? Combining mobloot to become stronger, allowing you to get better mobloot etc?
I have no idea what your game is.
Its still in really early stages
Also your firebug isn't logging to console
Its basically a pokeon style battling game
Dunno why.
I'm going to remove it
If I do :
var frag = document.getElementById('mydiv').cloneNode(true);
it's not added to the DOM yet... how can work with jQuery on frag ? Example :
$('.myclass').css(...)    // but on the frag only .... how to do it ?

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