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in the end the problem is just this:
@rlemon currently mozilla
@towc yeap
@ObadiahWilliams Hit F12 to open the console.
@rlemon what is the difference between the 2
we only need to calculate the green area, but we need to calculate the yellow one first
console.log is just better :P
and how to do that without access to trigonometry or costants?
you'll understand in no time
posted on November 27, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Happy Thanksgiving, geeks!

after we finish this one I have another one to bore all of you with XD
this morning I've participated at an international maths competitions for students in the second and first year of highschool
I'm thinking now that there may be a way to find the size of a pentagon that circumscribes or is circumscribed by the circle
there were 16 problems to solve in 2hrs, with more than 50k participants
the pentagon was one of the problems, one of the only 2 I couldn't solve
@rlemon cool!
yea you can do so much more
like actually inspect objects and not just primatives
@KendallFrey using constants I know about a way of doing that too, but not sure without constants
or maybe I was supposed to use a constant
@ObadiahWilliams for what it is worth, Chrome has better dev tools than FireFox
(yea, I said it!)
@rlemon chrome is better altogether in my opinion i was watching some tv shows this morning and mozilla has some nice ad blockers
@ObadiahWilliams because that's what defines a browser XD
ad blockers
quoted from rlemon (or someone else in this room, can't remember):
> I want the people who make free content for me to be paid for their work without me spending anything but a few seconds
probably me
or @Loktar
he and I are the only two who seem to be on the same page here
I kinda think about it the same way, except at this age time is worth a lot, I think
@BenjaminGruenbaum you've got mail \o/
@PeeHaa BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: Amsterdam (I'm not even implying)
@copy @BadgerGirl you people already in teh greatest country of them all?
@towc example: say you really enjoy watching a specific youtube personality. They get paid for the ads on their videos (which is why most of them do it, views === income for them) so if everyone blocked ads they wouldn't get value from making the videos, eventually they go get a real job and stop making videos. so you didn't have to watch 4 seconds of ad, you now lose out on content you really enjoy
now if it is educational content, you just wasted your own time because you now have to go source a new free resource for the same information
BUT WAIT! everyone is blocking ads so revenue is now only made by pay services.
shit, no more free content.
@rlemon Most people are not blocking because they forgot to install abp on their mobile / have an apple phone :)
I don't block ads on principal.
@PeeHaa ADB?
the only advertising I wish I could block are TV ads. I pay for TV, don't rape me for more money and put ads on there
Sometimes if I find a helpful resource online while I'm programming, I'll click on the ads on that site as a way (cheap) to help them out
@rlemon that sounds like an actual AD from the financial system :P
@RoelvanUden Sorry adblockplus
@Neil don't
@PeeHaa yeah
why couldn't people create free content without getting paid on all costs
click on ads for sites you hate
@PeeHaa I didn't know you could have them on your mobile :P
@PeeHaa And tomorrow we will leave said country to go to the Netherlands
@Neil nvm I got that backwards
@BadgerGirl lulz
> if they only cared about the money it means they didn't care about society progress and the enhancement of the human well being, they quit because they were selfish
can't say that who says that is too wrong
Click ads for companies you dislike, they have to pay the website hosting them more money
@PeeHaa Right, didn't know that. Thanks :-)
agreed @towc
@BadgerGirl When are we going to meet drink? :)
@rlemon reverse psychology.. I gotcha *wink wink*
here is some free content and good for your health too :P
@towc Is it really selfish to not do something that's costing you money and possibly your living?
@towc no...not what defines a web browser...but i enjoy watching tv shows without ads
I prefer to help the site hosting the ads than not help the those proposing their ads to put on that site
Ads are a necessary evil afterall
@towc whos having someone do work for them
GoodGuy jAndy doesn't put ads on his youtube channel. +1 :P
@Neil yea, so say you're on XYZ.com and you see an ad for walmart. clicking the ad pays XYZ more and costs walmart money
so always click the walmart ads
why would I.. you can't make any real money out of it unless you got a shitload of viewers
People who care only about earning money do help society in a way.. though they don't mean to, in order to make money, you have to make/do something people want
@KendallFrey not really...
@jAndy I just find most people don't understand you need 10 million views per video to make money
@jAndy where's the meat
so they all put ads. I'm cool with the ads, just a thing I've noticed
@BartekBanachewicz gone
@jAndy where's the protein?
The main reason I don't use ads is I'm too lazy to set up AdSense
@towc watch the clip and you know :P
It would take up a few minutes, and I'd get pennies at best
well its not THAT hard
AdSense doesn't PayPal :(
but as we already realized, it only makes sense if you got something like 10k+ subs and something like 1k+ views on videos
then.. mayyybe you can make some money out of it
@jAndy cranberry hemp?
What sort of trickery is this?
@jAndy I feel like you'd get more views if your titles were in english
@towc don't forget about pea
and posted to /r/fitness
@rlemon I still can't decide wether to do one language 100% or not, .. and I'm probably making 1 vid in 8 weeks or so
they told me protein was only producted by animals >:(
why not do all videos in both?
@towc are you kidding :P ?
@rlemon time is finite
@jAndy yeah, my science teachers have all been crazy
@towc do plants have cells?
aren't veggys against milk?
do cells contain a nucleus?
does a nucleus contain proteins?
@rlemon I guess I have to dive into that reddit thing eventually ? :p
@rlemon not any nucleus?
all cells contain proteins
@towc depends what you mean by "veggy"
@KendallFrey people who eat nothing which involved the suffering of animals and came from animals themselves?
now I'm not saying it is a appreciable amount of protein, but it exists there.
No food comes from animals suffering
@rlemon my science teacher will have class on monday, I'll kill her for you
I guess the means the difference between vegetarians and vegans
it comes from the animals themselves
@KendallFrey but what if I use tears for sustenance?
tears aren't suffering
@rlemon beans and lens contain more protein on 100g than any meat, #justsayin
@jAndy aren't they the same????
@towc you can kill an animal without it suffering (devils advocate)
@jAndy meat is tasty (to me) #justsayin
@towc Well, ok, what involves suffering? I can say that milking a cow does not cause suffering. NOT milking a cow causes suffering.
@rlemon prove it to me (devil's devil's advocate)
@PeeHaa No idea, ask Benjamin
@towc No, vegans refuse any animal product
@rlemon I didn't want to start an argument about veganism, #justsayinjustsayin#
@KendallFrey milking them too often does tho
@BadgerGirl I will give hime a call
@KendallFrey oh
@KendallFrey not milking the cow causes suffering, but that they will rob their babies immediately after birth and most likely kill it.. thats the pervert part
A shotgun to the face. Not much suffering involved there.
@jAndy I wasn't starting an argument. Just pointing out I eat meat because I like it, not because I feel like it's my main source of protein. in fact I get most of my protein from nuts and whey
a cow has to be pregnant in order to give milk right ?
so they got raped to give milk 365 / year
@rlemon prove to me that they don't suffer even more after they're dead?
so come again with with pain in diary
@towc no because that is a silly argument
@rlemon no, you're silly :P
> prove to me they don't suffer after they are dead.
umm.. yea, what?!
Prove that they do
@rlemon I asked first XD
They show no signs of suffering after death, even if they show signs of suffering before
the burden of proof is on you
and I'm ignoring you now :P
the main thing I hate about vegans is that they don't eat cheese
Uh oh, I just realized I'm developing an Indian mentality
@towc That's one of the things I love. They leave more for me
@KendallFrey good point. But I care more about the concept of cheese than cheese itself
ignorance rate over 9000 :P
go vegans, cheaper cheese for the rest of us
@towc That's deep
> Dear Vegetarians,
> My food shits on your food
@Neil cake?
@KendallFrey cake?
Does the 'repro' term only apply to events which can be reproed with proper steps, everytime, without any failure?
what are actually the new factors on being a room owner ?
Fuck me deep, oops, Jesus Christ
@jAndy The prime factors are 42 and 2.9
laughing .. not
Of course there are the other factors like -6 and 0.25i
That's numberwang!
seriously, what the hell is with 2.9?
@KendallFrey you probably meant 29, 7, 3, 2, 1/2, 1/5
!!> 2.9 <3
@KendallFrey true
I have seen that like 4-5 times here
why not 2.9?
Why not 0?
!!> 0 <3
@AwalGarg true
@AwalGarg Because, 2.9
!!> NaN <3
@CSᵠ false
!!> NaN === NaN
@AwalGarg false
nothing is == NaN
NaN === NaN => false, that's true
!!> "would you like some cheese " + (0/0) + "?"
@Neil "would you like some cheese NaN?"
!!> (NaN === NaN) === false
@towc true
there :P
@CapricaSix Yes, I would
I should rename myself NaN
426 results of pages 0.o
Working on an American team is working so well today
challenge: create NaN using only numbers and + - * (no /)
!!> 1e300 * 1e300 - 1e300 * 1e300
@copy "NaN"
wait, Infinity - Infinity is NaN?
is that also a maths thing or is it just JS being JS?
I thought it returned Infinity
It's IEEE standard
JS has no say in how its numbers work
!!> Array(9).join(1e420*0).replace(/(.)\1/g, ' $1').replace(/.$/, " I can't hear you!")
!!> console.log(0/0); console.log(0/0===NaN);
@AwalGarg "undefined" Logged: "NaN",false
@CSᵠ "Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na I can't hear you!"
!!> 1e309 - 1e309
@towc "NaN"
Math !== FPops
I think that's the shortest way
!!> NaN, +'a'
@towc *0
@CSᵠ ?
!!> 1e987 * 0
@CSᵠ "NaN"
!!> 1e309 * 0
@towc "NaN"
also, WTH JS?
!!> Math.pow(0, 0)
@towc That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@towc 1
it returns one
this is an example of gaussian undecidability if I remember correctly
should have returned NaN
@CSᵠ "NaN"
@CSᵠ must only use numbers :P
@CSᵠ 8
and since Math.pow fits in the * category (for numbers greater or equal to 0)...
@towc what is wrong with that?
var isOdd = function(i){
  return !!(i % 2);
  // or..
  return (bool) i % 2;
or something else?
(bool) is nice
Yeah sorry is that PHP
@towc Su, Francis E., et al. "Zero to the Zero Power." Math Fun Facts. <http://www.math.hmc.edu/funfacts>. //the last point is what I had always known and thought to be correct...
would boolean(i % 2); work?
@AwalGarg it's allll an illusion!
JSHint says using !! is 'confusing'
@Billy JSHint is confusing!
no, you're confusing!
@towc What he said about complex numbers is also valid though. You confused me!!!!
Hi brothers and sisters -- I can't believe i spent money playing WARTUNE :-x
@Billy return (i % 2) === 1
@darkyen00 hi mom
these MMOs :-(
Hi 00 dark yens.
@Billy Capitalize the b, and luck shall fall on your feet!
@AwalGarg lel
maybe I should follow the PHP tag
you know, for the lulz
@BartekBanachewicz I thought of sending something along the lines of:
class HelloWorld {
    public $message = "";
    function __construct ($message = "Hello World") {
        $this->message = $message;
    public function print_message () {
        echo $this->message;
$hello_world = new HelloWorld();
but controlled myself :p
it's missing some HelloWorldFactoryBuilderAdapterFactoryFactory
@FlorianMargaine also missing more $ and _
I don't see many underscores in php, I'm afraid
okay I shouldn't laugh at that, Lua uses __index and __newindex too
and python uses __init__
but those goddamn dollar signs are just terrible
After I write some JavaScript, it is difficult to write PHP because of all the $...
@AwalGarg s/JavaScript/Any reasonable language/
the only languages that use those are PHP, Perl, and shells
@BartekBanachewicz I don't write as many languages as you guys... these two are my primary ones :p
Also, I like JavaScript's scope more than that in PHP. Not sure which one is actually better, but I like JS' one.
@AwalGarg Javascript's scope is one of the things I dislike the most about the language. I don't remember what PHP has there, but if it's worse, I prolly don't want to.
@BartekBanachewicz What do you dislike about JS' scope?
@AwalGarg it's counterintuitive and makes me make a lot of mistakes.
This is a very subjective opinion, mind it.
@AwalGarg C++ makes it easy - once it goes out of scope, it's no more, unless specified otherwise. Haskell has lexical scope, but in haskell there are no variables so it's very hard to create bugs with it
the most common bug I make in haskell is
myFun = do
    val <- get
    val' = modifyValSomehow val
    put val
anyway, if you were to scope it...
$a = "in global scope";
function myFunc () {
    // $a is not accessible here :( I have to use the global keyword :/
myFun = do
    val <- get
    val' = modifyValSomehow
    put val
       modifyValSomehow = val + 1
@AwalGarg meh
global constants should be accessible
global variables shouldn't be used
simple as that :P
Yeah, global constants are accessible.
But that inaccessibility problem holds in closures as well, which is what I dislike.
function a () { $a; function b() { //$a no more accessible :( pass it as a param to the function :/ } }
And I seriously dislike this thing with methods in classes.
@AwalGarg toot toot, so it isn't that bad
@AwalGarg that holds in C++ too, except in C++ you have:
    int a;
    auto f = [] { /* no access to a; */ };
    auto f2 = [&] { /* access to a by reference */ };
    auto f3 = [=] { /* access to a by copy */ };
    auto f4 = [&a] { /* you can qualify explicitely */ };
    auto f5 = [this] { /* and that's how you bind "this" */ };
@AwalGarg this ^ is p okay if you have variables
AFAIK, there is some similar syntax in PHP as well, haven't used it in a while so I can't remember.
scope is very dangerous when you have a) variables b) no static typechecking
PHP 5 comes with type hinting
(not for ints and strings, I should mention)
$a; function () use ($a) { /* $a is accessible */ };
the "similar syntax"
aah yeah

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