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Imhp ML's in general are a pretty bad medium
I like them
@PeeHaa Friday or Saturday
@SomeKittens why did it stop :(
@SomeKittens imgur.com/a/UiGDW
@PeeHaa friday
is anyone here
what's up
github.com/brianpkelley/video-js-4-plugins/tree/master/addThis I'm trying to use this plugin but it doesn't show anything i even tried it locally it only displays the video but nothing else
i just wana confirm if it something im doing wrong or is it the plugin it self
do you have a demo?
i could set it up sure
@rlemon i think there is something wrong with js
there is a tonne of errors in the console
hit F12
so its the plugin it self
4 hours later…
it's still sunday, right?
Depends on where you live
@JanDvorak italy, GMT+1
I think
nvm, it's sunday
Then there will be sunday for quite a while yet
@AwalGarg Go for it, then. :)
@erikroyall Dude that was about a week ago! My mind is now changed ;p
Actually, I just sent them an email, asking about the mentorship that fellows get... and I came to know that in those 2 months since the forms were available, a total of only 994 candidates registered... :/
I thought I could be the 1000th... but meh, kinda lost interest.
I want to get data from following JSON:
var data={"user1": {
    "joined": {
    "user2": {
        "joined": {
with something like this:
var result = data[0];
that is not json
how can I do this?
it is an object, a proper javascript object
@AwalGarg -> yes
@AwalGarg so, how an get data in this way:
var result = data['user1']
for example: data[0];
@AwalGarg so, I can't get data with numerical indexes?
!!> var data={"a": "myDataForA", "b": "foobar"}; console.log(data[Object.keys(data)[0]]);
@AwalGarg "undefined" Logged: "myDataForA"
@MRS1367 no
you can use Object.keys i think
@AwalGarg tnx :)
@AwalGarg "undefined" Logged: "myDataForA"
@MRS1367 ^ but this is not a good thing, imo. Order of data in objects is not reliable.
different browsers can give different results
@AwalGarg That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: afk
I just earned chat privelege .. Woohoo!!
@HarshalCarpenter Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Ahh Alright :) Thank you :)
what is that? the fkey
I need something to do :(
@argentum47 a very weird typo of "fuck"
@towc write my code for me ;p
@CapricaSix yeah I meant afk... you are a dumb bot :P
@AwalGarg when can I start (making you lose your job)? :D
@towc write me a minimal http component for safe session management and cookie management, in php.
Good morning. Can anyone see why this isn't drawing on my canvas? jsfiddle.net/8b5n6tcp/1
	$component = "all awal needs";
	echo $component;
congratulations, you made me lose my job ;p
@tmyie what's the point of restoring?
@AwalGarg glad I could help
@tmyie function calls are not prefixed by the function keyword
Yeah sorry — that wasi t.
Thanks :) Still early here
also: you're calling it using the canvas, not the context
also, hit f12 and see what the console has to say about your code... that will help you.
.save() is nothin
c is canvas, ctx is the context, you're doing draw(c)
Thanks — I generated it from here professorcloud.com/svg-to-canvas
o_O that looks like an interesting tool
@AwalGarg with no fills and text?
Yeah, I'm trying to convert some type face designs from svg to the canvas. Then use paper.js to make it funky
@towc maybe ;p
@tmyie why not just use an image?
you can draw images to canvas
because with paper.js you can edit the bezier curves. it'd be nice if the user can stretch and distort the shape
here's the MDN documentation
thanks towc. just quickly: if I set the CSS width and height to the canvas, it distorts the drawn content.
is there a way to avoid this?
@tmyie don't you have to create beziers using paper.js or that? The tool just returns a standard bezier, not a paperjs one
@tmyie have you tried google?
no idea! just experimenting.
@towc -_-
@tmyie what do you want to do? Change the context's height and width or scale the canvas?
googled. had to use inline width rather than css
@tmyie try scrolling a bit more
any style that can be done inline can be achieved with css
@towc what are your system specs?
sorry, html width rather than inline css. so width=224
@tmyie bad
that's what google delivered ha
when you specify with css the width, the height automatically changes to maintain the proportion, when you specify both they just obey you without maintaining proportions
@tmyie that's context width, which is different than element width
aah okay
ok I got the fkey
the best way to specify context width is in the js, width canvas.width = 224, but remember that every time you change the context width or height, the context resets and your drawings will be lost, so you have to re-establish the ctx after every change and redraw stuff
went to an answer of mine and typed StackExchange.options.user.fkey
just open the console on this page, type fkey() and hit enter...
ah cool
don't tell me you were struggling to get that key for all this time... :/
oh man, that awsome, now I know what the line bot.xhr("POST", "/chats/" + bot.roomId + "/messages/new", "text=" + encodeURIComponent(message) + "&fkey=" + bot.fkey .. points too.
oh I was struggling with the fkey() . google showed me mysql foreign key
fkey	175dd1b9019e804c6abca27d7b05b62c
text	oh man, that awsome, now I know what the line bot.xhr("POST", "/chats/" + bot.roomId + "/messages/new", "text=" + encodeURIComponent(message) + "&fkey=" + bot.fkey .. points too. oh I was struggling with the fkey() . google showed me mysql foreign key
bro, do you even dev tools?
yaaay!! Actually mozilla should throw away its default console. and make firebug the default console
I just installed an new OS. didn't dwld chrome..
What's wrong with the default console of Mozilla?
Like in chrome's console, if there is an object, with lot of properties, then there are dropdowns, the mozillas console also shows an arrow sign, which appears to be a dropdown, but doesn't drop
eh? no
that arrow sign means that the text next to it is the output
and the reverse arrow sign in front of the command you gave it, means that it is the command that you gave it...
if you want to expand that element, you can just click on that element itself, I think
lemme load this page in there
yeah that is it...
let me check
hello, 1,2,3 test
hello 2,3,4 test
wat the heck, this must be something wrong, I don''t even see that post request.
enable logging xhrs...
Everythnig is nabled
I should check the new version 35.
I got the result.
I will check it later
no. learn it now...
this is new mozilla
you would have 5 tabs in the console... net, css, js etc...
enable them accordingly
it works here
I can see the get post request.
Its strange
FF's dev tools are, IMO, better than that of chrome
but for light debugging etc, I just stick to chrome
for stuff like xhrs, prototyping userscripts etc, I prefer FF.
ew. I used firebug, but that was before FF 24 or something. I mean before mozilla used to hang my pc.
I haven't really used firebug... but I have seen its web version embedded in jsfiddle, and I don't like it
jsfiddle has firebug.
well the new console is pretty good.
what is this ws-auth needed for, I sends the fkey and roomId and get {"url":"wss://chat.sockets.stackexchange.com/events/17/7d6c6fa9f1254e1e856fc278c‌​9b51a0b"} in return
it s a websocket connection, a secured one in this case.
I need a canonical reference for JavaScript. I have the ECMAScript reference already and it seems to lack a number of things
@RonaldMunodawafa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Thanks @CapricaSix
!!tell Ronald mdn
!!google dimitry javascript closures
Thanks. I will compare it to the ECMAScript Reference
reading the lexical grammar for javascript would be pretty helpful, imo.
!!mdn javascript lexical grammar
oh that reminds me, i have to learn semicolons.
That said, we need to modernise Firefox quickly
how modern are we talking
Each tab must be a process
so a browser is multi-threaded?
browsers could parallel process, i never knew they could be multi-threaded :(
Chrome multi-threads
hi all !
I was going through Microsoft Research and Development's Singularity OS which has very good concepts some of which have influenced Chromium and ext5 development which improve the reliability of software
By making each tab a process when a web page crashes the whole thing does not crash only that tab is affected
IIRC, that is already corrected in the recent versions of FF...
I know it sounds like it doesn't matter but when you have at least 10 tabs open you want each tab's concerns to be separated from the other's for the security of data and it is just downright annoying having to restart every tab because one tab's JavaScript was bad.
After that a Firefox process manager would be welcome
The problem with one process per tab is that loading stuff in a new window takes much longer
What are the number of instances where you would need a new window vs a new tab
A new window can be taken as an instance of Firefox totally unrelated to the previous window
Brb I need to shower
I mean, loading stuff in a new tab takes much longer
Not in Chrome
It does; compare that to opening stuff in a new iFrame
My Google Chrome does not take time
a gpu accelerated notepad doesn't let you type faster
It loads a new tab faster than FF
It does matter if you want to open several tabs per minute
I have a question, lets say firefox is single threaded, wouldn't that mean, if I am loading 4 tabs a, b, c, d and b has "oh snap" then c and d will also have "oh snap"
@argentum47 If firefox were single threaded (and single process too), then a crash in B would most likely kill the browser entirely.
So a process !== thread ? then I guess what chrome does is have separate sandbox-ed process es , so that one doesn't interfere with another. Maybe, I have no idea on this stuffs.
@argentum47 watch this youtube.com/watch?v=cN_DpYBzKso
I know Rob Pike is introducing Go's essence here but he is also discussing a very important concept
waiting for delta t time, another process receives some ack value, sounds like async i/o. like node
Are you done with the video?
i am at 16.54
Do you find it beneficial so far in any way in terms of your understanding
the comparison between concurrency and parallelism. so I can understand a bit on chroome. waiting and listening to who is ready to communicate. and that parallelism is an outcome of concurrency (when people have multi core processor)
the rendering process es on each tab is concurrent whereas two more tabs are parallel process , maybe
and that osmosis can help learning CS :P
claps... the last 10 minutes was more of cookbook .. solutions to problems
@SomeKittens can you post the gift containing the conclusions from yesterday here?
@SomeKittens I think the fact that we have no visitors from the future is evidence that we don't have a future :P
@AwalGarg And only 5 more years before we can use it normally!
cool , they are bringing saass like things to css.
@SecondRikudo :P
Okay @mikedidthis draw us christmas themed avatars now :? Lol
@SecondRikudo o/
@darkyen00 \o
i realized that android
can have a launcher app written in pure js :3
well I can't make ajax request to irc !! irc is a protocol like http
chromestatus.com didn't knew there was this site... :/
which is awesome.
@argentum47 irc is a protocol. HTTP is another protocol.
@argentum47 mornin!
If you want to access IRC you need an IRC client.
A browser is an HTTP client, not an IRC client.
you can use http as a transport though
@AwalGarg morning.
@SecondRikudo how does CIRC or Chatzilla do it? they are addons for browsers
@argentum47 They use sockets, and are probably not written in JS (although it is possible)
kiwiirc.com -- pure js / they claim
s=d0e74da622ed303ae738373349c358e0&c=PRIVMSG%20%23ruby%20%3Awhat%20is%20the%20s%‌​3Dd0e74da622ed303ae738373349c358e0%20in%20the%20request%20body%20of%20the%20webpa‌​ge%20at%20webchat.freenode.net I have this header
but I wonder what is that s=d0
maybe like a fkey
another awesome node.js app
Session ID, probably.
I wonder if it is ok to post that thing in a public chat...
@AwalGarg It probably isn't, but meh.
Chrome apps have an API to work with sockets
Well then there you have it @argentum47
webchat is just using long polling
@argentum47 you know... we can... steal your session... and fuck with it... and things...
typed arrays eh
@AwalGarg do it -- i challenge u
IRC is not a hard protocol either btw
I am yet to use those
@darkyen00 I reject the challenge ;p
IRC is senseful.
@FlorianMargaine Hard as in difficult?
@SecondRikudo meet Shoutcast (UltraVox) v2 :D hardest i have seen ever
steal my session!! i just gave it
Here is a client connecting to irc and sending a message in a channel (albeit in another language, but you get the idea) github.com/Ralt/ircada/blob/master/src/ircada.adb
opps confused
Yeah, hard as in difficult
hey guys
Ada !
connecting to over 6667
so I am using 3 chrome windows, firefox, and sublime, vlc, youtube etc together for about 2 hours... I am missing the lag from my old pc ;p
Wait it doesn't send a message, just connects to irc. Sending a message is just sending something like SEND #chan :message over the socket
life is so fuckin better!!!
but do we not need in new WebSockets( a ws://)
Socket != WebSockets
Websockets are god gifted, sockets are demons
Q: Differences between TCP sockets and web sockets, one more time

PierrOzTrying to understand as best as I can the differences between TCP socket and websocket, I've already found a lot of useful information within these questions: fundamental difference between websockets and pure TCP How to establish a TCP Socket connection from a web browser (client side)? and ...

ok, I have the request body which is to be sent to webchat
Sockets are demons...?
compared to ws :P
@darkyen00 have you tried cs6 on win8.1?
I have CS : GO
dude, serious
Adobe ?
I stay away from it. So no
thought u use em'...
it feels to me like stabbing myself in the leg
i only use PS to sometime render it to .PNG , when gimp fucks up
Ask the other windows guys.
what on earth is herbert.freenode.net
The server at herbert.freenode.net can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.
looks like it would be just fine... helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/…
@AwalGarg if you have a high dpi screen
you got to change few things in windows compatibility settings
otherwise the software will be scaled up :P
making it look terrible
and blurry
how do I check what is my dpi? 96dpi, is that good?
no does chrome looks blurry to you ?
everything is perfectly fine under ubuntu 14.04
i thought you were running windows
I have to install it... for running cs6
was thinking whether to install 7 or 8.1
It seems I can't connect with webchat, at first , I have to enter the captcha code, and then on hitting the connect, It sends a response body containing the sessionid [true,"065b1980310270c761e1b087e1debcc4"] , this is being used for all the next requst.

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