"you don't understand my simple question anyways" is not something you should say to someone who is trying to help you.
It's really the word simple I'm taking issue with.
Saying "I don't think you understand what I'm asking" is one thing but implying "look, my question is simple, the problem must be that you are just too dumb to get what I mean" is completely another, and that's what adding the word simple communicates to me.
@StephanMuller that's because I wrote other things before which fullfilled his requirements, then I thought that maybe I actually had the question wrong, so asked if it was the opposite of what I thought
Please note, I just came in here because I got curious about the flagged answer and I'm reading back the convo, I have no bias for or against anyone, I don't know you guys, nor Joe's question hisrory. Still, the question is rather simple, and all answers that have been given are wrong
I was trying to get him to give the parent a class to explain if it should display it's inner strongs using css, and just toggling the class with js, if his only concern was just only printing what's outside of strongs
so I said it was simple for who knows vanilla: document.querySelectorAll('div > *:not(strong)') returns an array of all of the elements fitting the rule, in his case only text nodes, from which you can get the string
the issue isn't really whether jquery is applicable here or not.. many javascripters start this argument of how jquery is good and how dumb people who use it may be.. but this is not the argument here
@JoeSaad another solution is to use div.childNodes, which returns an array of all of it's child, then just iterate over it to check just for what's not a strong and you've simulated the css rule
i can use javascript and have been doing this already but it was still not getting what i want.. then in the end i got this statement "ffs, i'm giving you the answer (which actually didn't work) but shut up"
@JoeSaad I haven't been following this conversation incredibly closely to say, but again, I specifically remember past incidents of rudeness from you towards people trying to help you in the past.
@StephanMuller i tried using this solution and someone have mentioned it before.. it works but it didn't work when trying to pass arguments to that function..
@sterling Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@poke Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@poke yeah, that sounds good.. it's like a one time job thing i wanna do.. so i'm exploring if nodejs can actually take the json object from my frontend js and write it into a physical local file
@copy yes, so is there a way to even have that file downloaded without sending it into the server.. all client, a json file created clientside and downloaded then
@copy it is a onetime task i want to do, just create a json for a lots of data that was present and in this case both would work.. i don't mind client or server, which ever is easier and quicker since they both are in my same machine now