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is there any way to automatically scroll a div (assume the div has a overflow: auto property on it) to the last element inside?
div.insertBefore(newelem, div.firstChild);
@TravisJ Seriously?
@mintsauce - was just answering a jquery question. brevity i suppose
div.scrollTop = div.scrollHeight;
How about this: how would I scroll a div (without overflow: auto) to the bottom?
same method?
if it has no overflow:auto then you are scrolling the entire page
You would need to determine how far the window was already scrolled, and what the offset of the scroll needs to be to get to the bottom of the target div
Sorry, I meant "with"
pretty much the same approach
.scrollTop only scrolls half way
you used .scrollTop = .scrollHeight?
might want to use .scrollTop = .clientHeight
Never mind
scrollHeight should always be >= maximum scrollTop
greater than for all practical purposes.
Anybody knows how to enable the option to select multiple times files to uploads ?
I mean I have a files upload controller in my web app(a multiple files upload) but every time I open the file picker(the browse windows) it remove the previous selection of files, how can I change it ?
@Ron Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
<file multiple
That is extremely well googleable
!!google googleable
Morning folks
I have some divs one after the other
I have this toggle but it appends the class to all the divs
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(".item-list").toggleClass( "bounce" );
I want that to be alternate
.item-list is a div with this class
Q: Why I'm not able to access the image taken from phone camera and getting the message "Failed to open selected file" in HTML5?

PHPLoverI'm using HTML5 in my website. I'm using Android smartphone running on Android Jelly Bean v 4.2.2 I'm accessing the phone camera from the Google Chrome browser to take the picture and upload it somewhere. For it I've written following code. You can just copy paste the code into your HTML file a...

is there a built in way to split a float into an array of 2 ints ? Like 12.5 to [12,5]
Achieved the functionality:
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(".item-list:odd").toggleClass( "bounce" );
2 hours later…
Hey guys... I was wondering. Is there any way in javascript to perform reflection on a web service to query its calls and parameters?
I'm trying to create a sort of intelisense for webUI
@udaysagar you are putting spaces in the wrong place
$(document).ready(function () {
would be an inch better\
anyone there?
@JoeSaad no
jquery question
should be an easy one
i have this html: <div><strong>Hello</strong> World</div>
i want to select World only
and discard Hello
tried a couple of selectors and none worked..
here's some of what i have tried: alert($('div').not('strong').text());
didn't work
didn't either
any ideas?
@JoeSaad I think XY problem, and I think you just want to select text nodes, then why not select text nodes only?
@JoeSaad an element that isn't another element? Where did you learn selectors?
strong is a child of div
@AwalGarg he wants to removed only the text nodes inside the strongs
brb, breakfast
@towc he said he wants to select "World" only, which is a direct text node child of div. So just select that text node. No need to fuck with long css selectors.
i want only the word "world", nothing else
i don't get it
if i put $('div').text() , it gets the whole phrase which is what i don't want.. i want only World
@towc no! i don't want whatever in the strongs
@JoeSaad then do $('div').text().match(/world/gi/)
no! this is hardcoded
But you should really just get the textNodes. It would be the most reliable and reusable solution
i don't know what's inside to match..
i just know what not to match.. the strong elements
...you are not reading. I don't care.
instead of writing in CAPS
you can just help me with the syntax, can't you?
fine!!! you don't have to respond.. no one beat you up to respond.. just stay silent rather than yelling
@JoeSaad I was not yelling, I was trying to make you read what I wrote.
[["20.33","25.33"]] i m getting this data in json success function
how can i read this data
first i need to know the length of my array but its returning me 19
why its not returning me array length as 1
so that i can iterate over this array length and can get values from it
array[0][0] array[0][1]
Why did you ping me?
i want to retrieve array length in ajax success function
@ErumHannan not a reason to ping random people
@JanDvorak I am not random... I am a well defined float.
I would like to clear: both
@Neil HII!! my dearest friend! So long... where were you for so many years??!!
@AwalGarg I was here yesterday
@Neil What are you saying?! You haven't been here for atleast 20 years... :(
wait, why is your name not in italics?
Is someone interested in code reviewing?
What! It couldn't have been that time machine I walked in.. it only seemed like a day
@Neil you walked into a time machine without me??!!!
only 75 lines of javascript code..
@AwalGarg You were supposed to be guarding the door
@Neil I was supposed to be guarding you. You have no care for your life :(
@AwalGarg No, you were supposed to be the lookout to make sure no one was coming
I can take care of myself
@Mr_Green if it is not vanilla js, I would be happier if you try not to paste it here directly. Use pastebin etc...
And as the case turned out, there was a bag of potato chips inside! So BONUS!
@Neil No you can't... you are too young.
@AwalGarg it is vanilla js
@Neil Oh I kept it for you...
Looks like you forgot to say thankyou in these 20 years
@AwalGarg Oh now that you're 20 years older, you think you can take care of me? I'm a grownup!! Neener neener!!! :P
@Neil :P Now now, nvm this, show me some pics of your trip.
@AwalGarg I didn't take any.. just a day passed afterall
@Neil ...clever way to skip 20 years of dull internet eh? Welcome to 2014, we have HTTP2 now.
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
551 2 5
so less rep :/
@AwalGarg hold on...
@JanDvorak ...holding on
Its Jon Skeet, he vote himself.. twice
@JanDvorak what should I use instead of document.onxxx1 then?
@Mr_Green addEventListener
ok thanks
don't you have a class or id or selector, Why it always have to be document
yeah that guy closed like bolt but when opening he opened like snail :P
@Mr_Green umm...
@JanDvorak even for element events I should use addEventListener ?
I just used addEventListener and removeEventListener . somehow it broked. debugging now.
I write a regex
It matches  not working in:
This is not working
This is not hfdhf working
But how do I match
This is notworking
This is not-working
it should match these as well
Test here rubular.com
It will also match "my note generator is working finally"
that's bad
@argentum47 I like to write the regex, test data, and substitution on regex101.com and then save it and get the unique link to share it...
For notworking
ok... it won't match notworking. You can change + to * to match notworking
Or even better, that ^
@JanDvorak hell you type too fast
ah that ()
@argentum47: Use Jan's suggestion, not mine
!!>"nothing here is working".match(/not[\s\w-]*working/)
@Cerbrus ["not-working"]
@Cerbrus ["notworking"]
@Cerbrus ["nothing here is working"]
I can do \S instead of \w\-
Oh, wait, a dash is neither a space nor a word character
Yea, that's why I added the dash in the regex
. matches anything except newlines and [\s\S] matches everything
So, /not[\s\w-]*working/
^ That appears to be working
@Cerbrus maybe replace \w- with \S?
still won't match not**working
matches note working
add word boundaries?
Yea, that's because you're matching \w
@AwalGarg I wrote This is notworking and it ate the whole line :D
But if you remove the above line it won't match notworking because \b add the boundary
@JanDvorak I can't find why I shouldn't use document.onxxx. Can you please explain it?
or provide a link..
mdn eventListener
Because then you override any other event handlers attached this way
@Mr_Green 1) Overwrites any listener previously set
'nuff said, actually
2) addEventListener's third argument is cool for event bubbling
never used bubbling
@JanDvorak I have used it once, just once. And I don't completely understand it but it helped me.. so win win
how's that a win/win?
@JanDvorak I didn't have to put time in understanding it completely, and it still helped me and gave me the experience of using it :D
I did \b? but that was error :P
yesterday, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
See you guys in a week. I'll be back when Jhawins is back.
hi there ...
@Apparatus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Please help on this.
Q: Using jquery datatable for the json response

ApparatusThe json output that I have is below [{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2","param3":"value3"},{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2","param3":"value3"}] My ajax request is coded in a function so that it can called based on button click: function callAjaxRequest() { ajaxRequest = $.get('getdata'...

As in, help closing it?
May I know why?
You say it works, so what's the issue? You can't remove network delays, though you can preload sooner and have larger pages if the users notice delays in infinite scrolling
That was what I was able to try, if you know the answer please help me understand the way I can paginate using datatable.
My problem was not network delay
I'm afraid I don't know the question
But you could get my question a negative
A: Find which variable holds a value using Chrome Devtools

CerbrusYou could iterate over all items in the global scope like this: var test = 123, someVar = 812; for(key in window){ if(typeof window[key] === 'number' && window[key] == 123){ console.log(key, window[key]); } } Combine that with some recursion, and you could theoretically it...

I feel kinda dirty
Anyways might be I failed to explain my problem. But I tried my best to frame the question
@JanDvorak excerpt from my question --> Now my problem is I can see lot of delay in the for each loop based on the huge number of records that I get from serverside.
so... is your issue that the server is slow?
@JanDvorak: And that's exactly why I feel kinda dirty xD
I understand that I can't avoid network delays, but at least I can avoid showing only few records out of the records that I got at a time.
@Cerbrus because it essentially doesn't work? :-)
@Apparatus that sounds like paging, possibly with infinite scrolling. Look up a tutorial
Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
That'll be circular references?
not necessarily
most likely, though
one such cycle is window.window === window
or too many recursions
Let's say server takes 5 seconds to give response. But after getting the response the for each loop takes 5 more seconds @JanDvorak
like fib(50000)
or window.parent
document.documentElement.firstChild.parentElement === document.documentElement
I tried to use datatable in jquery as it provides simple solution for pagination
@JanDvorak lol
@JanDvorak what's wrong?
@Cerbrus window is a property in the global scope, pointing to the global scope. Have fun.
Hm, as long as the user avoids using the function on window / document, it should be a bet less troublesome...
@JanDvorak:.... Why o.O
Who thought that'd be an good idea xD
@Cerbrus do you have a better one?
you can avoid that recursion by checking if the key value matches the parent or not... maybe
Hm, in a way, it makes sense
Without a global variable to access the global scope, you wouldn't be able to access it
And where would that global variable be stored? I the global scope...
@AwalGarg window.a={}; a.b={};a.b.c={a:a}
You could store a stack of parent elements or of all previous visited elements, and not recurse unless it's a first visit
still doesn't prevent security exceptions
how does the event parameter get passed to the callback function in ,addEventListener("click", function(event){})
By the browser
@argentum47: How do you mean "How"?
I mean how does that event parameter gets the values it gets, Its not that I assign any value to it. Does it always get passed irrespective of whether or not I mention the parameter?
It gets created by the browser
The browser always passes that variable
Not sure if V8 is so smart that it eliminates code that only initialises arguments that the callee doesn't use
function(event) only tells JS to store the first passed variable in a var named event
browser is your God
so i could catch it with the arguments object even if I didnot have event as parameter
Readability, for one
I'm sure there's some technical reasons, but it's just plain ugly.
Haskell does lazy evaluation automatically: an argument that is only passed to a function that doesn't use it is never actually evaluated. All you have is a thing called thunk that tells the RE how to evaluate the argument before its first use.
That's pretty nice, actually
even [1, something expensive] !! 0 runs blazingly fast.
I have heard about Haskell's lazy evaluation. Its like me.
too much work :D
Is Ian Clark somehow related to the cricket team?
Michael Clark Ian Chappel
I'm not a great fan of the product name. It sounds too much like those suspicious weight loss products such as those that their authors keep pushing to us all over the Internet. — Jan Dvorak 10 secs ago
I appreciate your close vote, but please don't answer as well. It prevents automatic deletion, for one. It also creates a broken window for rep whores. — Jan Dvorak 17 secs ago
@Cerbrus >:-(
Prevents automatic deletion? Didn't know that. Kinda assumed it would be deleted.
I believe the most recent autodeletion rule is: negative score and no answers with positive score
If not, the following applies: negative score, at most one answer, and that answer isn't upvoted or accepted
@JanDvorak oops..
should I revert now? or let it be..
Do rollback
A: Passing value to another prototype function

Cristi PufuYour problem is basically reference vs value Javascript is always pass by value, but when a variable refers to an object (including arrays), the "value" is a reference to the object. Changing the value of a variable never changes the underlying primitive or object, it just points the...

lol, that feed
@JanDvorak the code is working fine
Excuse all but is better that I use Eclipse Kepler or Eclipse Luna for programming Java/Android
!!welcome MirkoCianfarani
@MirkoCianfarani Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
We don't do Android usually
@MirkoCianfarani: This is a JavaScript room. Not many of us have a lot of experience programming in Java, I'd wager.
@MirkoCianfarani Eclipse Luna is later in alphabet, so I guess it's the later version
But I can tell, I don't know the difference between Kepler, Luna, Galelio, Juno.
I know that is javascript room... but I have doubt...
and I am "old" user
old is a big word
@MirkoCianfarani if you were a regular, you'd know that java is taboo in this room.
JanDvorak, sorry, I didn't get you.. why you said the code is not working?
and now I know... because I not always regular...
so you're not very much regular, are you?
You don't even regular? :P
Do you even regular? :PP
Morning guys
Do you have any idea how I can make a combined CSS selector. For example one that finds divs that have a first element having some class and 5ht element having some other class
@ziGi use a comma
@JanDvorak I think you misunderstood
I need to find a div that has 2 components with specific class each of them
@ziGi I'd use filter
not sure if :has works in CSS, but it does in jQuery
ok tell me in jQuery
div.first + div + div + div + div.five { /* do something */ }
$('your-css-selector').filter(function() { return $(this).first().hasClass('x') && $('nth-child(5)', this).hasClass('y'); });
^ In css
or that^^^
let me test it
$('your-css-selector').filter(function() {return this.firstChild.classList.contains("x") && this.elementChildren[4].classList.contains("y")})
!!mdn elementChildren
@JanDvorak s/elementChildren/children/
ok thank you
childNodes for the nodes, children for the elements
That includes text nodes
also, you want firstElementChild
@JanDvorak not children. childNodes does, not children.
oh. Thanks :-/
so you're not very much regular, are you? idem
firebug &&firefox crash excuse
@dystroy ping ping
never mind
I don't rememeber who, but someone here told me I should implement "Charles' recipe" for "Remember me" login ... (fishbowl.pastiche.org/2004/01/19/…) ... Is it still good nowadays?
Hi by the way :)
not sure who told you but the blog seems too old. "2004"
@JanDvorak ahh I get it.. the modified code was not working.. that is true.. :)
please give your solution.. kill the silent treatment
@Mr_Green ok. What would be your advice then to implement "remember me" feature with cookie ?
@Basj sorry I don't know much.. I just commented that the blog seems very old.
@Mr_Green yes, but it seems that this "recipe" is often mentionned
@Cerbrus Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Sippy thanks i'm reading
@AwalGarg Pong
@Sippy I read the post, it shows what is really bad practice, but it doesn't really explain how to do it right?
or if it does, it is included in the "big wall of text" part, and there is no example to understand how good practice works...
@Basj Basically don't store password in cookie.
Use an auth token.
@Sippy so I have to store token on my server with PHP ?
@Sippy would you have a short pattern code ?
A: "Keep Me Logged In" - the best approach

ircmaxellOK, let me put this bluntly: if you're putting user data, or anything derived from user data into a cookie for this purpose, you're doing something wrong. There. I said it. Now we can move on to the actual answer. What's wrong with hashing user data, you ask? Well, it comes down to exposure su...

^ Here addEventListener and removeEventListener are working fine but not when I used in my code
^ check the last two functions
@FlorianMargaine thanks
Guys, in IndexDB, If I do indexedDB.open(dbName, 3); what does 3 mean?
I dont see the doc on MDN for open()
hey guys. How can I count the number of occurrences of a number within a string? (I have looked up stackoverflow and did got some answers, problem is: 1 10 if I look for 1 it'll say it found it twice. If I use 1 (with a space) it'll count correctly, unless string is 10 1 in that case I'm s* out of luck.)
!!> "10 1 1".match(/\b1\b/g).length
@JanDvorak 2
@MoshMage ^
@JanDvorak you da real MVP!
Won't count 1 in 1a, though
oh, yeah, but how do I use a variable in a .match() function ? (no worries with 1a cos I only have numbers in the string)
only numbers in the string? I'd probably just split by space and count
I tried .match('/'+x+'/g') but tells me to frack off and do proper regex
!!tell mosh mdn regexp
use the new RegExp thingie
uuuuuh. Will try. Thanks for them pointers :)
Hi all. Has any one used webworkers? Javascripts variation of threads? If so, does this remove the script timeout error? Or does it not impact them?
actually, str.split(" ").filter((x)=>x==val).length might be faster
!!tell mdn filter
@MoshMage Command filter does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
my bad, @CapricaSix
!!tell mosh help tell
@mosh tell: Redirect command result to user/message. /tell msg_id|usr_name cmdName [cmdArgs]
!!mdn filter
@Dave it can help
hmmm, thanks @JanDvorak
do you have experience with multithreaded programming?
!!> var x=1, c = new RegExp("\b"+x+"\b","g"); "10 1 1".match(c);
@MoshMage null
Try without the semicolon
!!> var x=1; c = new RegExp("\b"+x+"\b","g"); "10 1 1".match(c)
@JanDvorak "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable c"
!!> var x=1, c, c = new RegExp("\b"+x+"\b","g"); "10 1 1".match(c)
@JanDvorak null

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