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no problem and thanks for the feedback
I want to either learn Python or Node.js and I want to develop a photo-sharing site
So, I have an advantage if I learn JavaScript - - I can do both server and client-side scripting
That's fun. One of my co-workers was playing with node.js for a photo sharing site. What languages (if any) do you know now?
Sorry, none. I just finished (X)HTML and CSS, so I am too much a beginner.
Use the one you're more comfortable with...like pretty much any other language vs. language, it doesn't REALLY matter.
I suggest scratching the basics of both, and seeing which one you "get" easier.
be aware that XHTML comes with many caveats
it's inadvisable unless you really know what you're doing
okay, thanks
Yeah I don't know bad learner, I'm pro-javascript, because it's so useful for client-side code as well.
@JamundFerguson so, do you think I can be sure that I'll be fine with Node.js?
I mean, I'll be dumping Python for JS
(on server-side0
@MattMcDonald Any example or article for me to read about that?
I'm heavily biased towards js, because I lurvz it, but Python is a cute language from what I've seen, and some people I respect like it.
If you think you can grok programming at all, check out JavaScript Patterns (amazon.com/JavaScript-Patterns-Stoyan-Stefanov/dp/0596806752) or this free book eloquentjavascript.net for learning javascript. Patterns is a little more advanced.
I'm a huge fan of JavaScript and if you want to build interesting UIs for your website you're going to need to understand it.
Now let me ask you, is your site for fun or for $$$?
And there's nothing stopping you from doing it twice: Once in python, once in js. Photo sharing can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.
okay. Thanks a lot for the input guys. @Zirak and @JamundFerguson Thanks.
I kind of agree. It sounds dumb, but I like building things and just throwing them away and starting over. It's really helpful. If you're doing it for $$$ or on some serious timeline, you may just have to pick the one that's easiest.
But if you don't know how to program, don't charge people for programming :-p
@MattMcDonald Thanks
np, enjoy
What I am going to build is entirely for me
So learner, learn javascript and python. I mean, you can definitely build an awesome site in node.js or python. I don't know anything about python infrastructure, but Google uses it a lot, so it has some serious backing. People do really like it. I love JavaScript though.
is it viable to do calculation heavy stuff in nodejs then? I would assume that JS's not the best tool for precision calculation and a C module has to be written to do that job
Okay, this is it. I am going to try and fiddle with JavaScript for a good while, and try and develop some basic stuff. If I think it's great I'll carryon with the server side as well, if not, I'll go with Python then
python means you need to use CGI
not sure about node
Node.js is weird Ruben and a lot of times doing it in JavaScript is faster, because of the way the bindings work. (supposedly). I've never had to build a C binding for anything I've done.
Yeah, I sure know there are some caveats
node.js means you have to have a dedicated hosting environment.
so node's C modules would not be on the same level as say... cython then?
yes, yes
not sure. PHP is probably the easiest one to learn by the way learner and most common these days, but who knows where it's going.
PHP isn't bad, but there's a hundred metric tonnes of bad info about it on the web
Fyi bad for node.js hosting, i've used no.de and it's free.
there's a big barrier to entry because of it
yeah Matt, PHP is kind of cool, i've used the cakephp framework to build a ton of sites. it worked well.
my beef with PHP is that many servers refuse to upgrade from 5.2 to 5.3 (at least in my country)
pretty much renders most of my favorite frameworks moot
yeah it's true everywhere. it was a big and fancy change.
5.3 was a move in the right direction with namespaces
now that 5.4 is on the horizon, heck, i wonder when our shared servers would start providing that as an option
maybe they'll catch up :-p
good thing webfaction's pretty affordable
yeah, tc and thanks for coming
but i don't know. it's a lot easier to get your own servers these days with linode and backspace, etc.
and yu install node or ruby or php on it
yeah, yeah...I got all that stuff taken care of
or all of the above
btw, any of you guys ever dived into v8?
(sorry... I thought you're leaving)
okay guys, gotta go. Thanks for all the input. @JamundFerguson Thanks for coming
anyway guys, nice chatting. good luck withe everything bad learner!
I do not know how to implement the window change event to be triggered for jqGrid
That is what I was referring to
Because I am using jqGrid for PHP and there is little documentation
@badlearner I'm putting together a small "introduction to js syntax". It's meant to introduce you to the absolute basics of js. It's still in diapers, but maybe you can find it useful: jsfiddle.net/NNksj/2
May I ask a question?
@sebas you just did. :P
never ask to ask :p ask
@jAndy Never say never!
@Zirak: damn you
@Zirak I think www.codecademy.com is doing the same thing?
~_~ cough oh, look...that thingy over there! It's very interesting! Look at it for some time. takes down codecademy while everyone was distracted
RT @technologyspec: Bringing zing to web video http://bit.ly/s6hNSZ #popcorn @HTML5
1+ to codecademy
On the following code i need to express "Validate this for before submitting dinero-form, the selector id="zonaenvio" MUST have a value before submitting" how can i say that?

the code: http://jsfiddle.net/ARG4a/
@RubenTan My attempt is to show programmers javascript, and not teach non-programmers programming (I can't do the latter)
@Zirak You mean like "crash course to JS for Python programmers" kinda thing?
@Zirak I thought he only knew html and CSS..
jsfiddle.net/ARG4a/1 updates for those who want to take a look
Sorta, just replace message.replace( /Python/gi, '' );
@alFReDNSH I know Java too. During the dark ages of course.
I was able to use things like for and something.somethingElse freely because I assumed they have at least a basic knowledge of other languages.
@RubenTan I know, I read enough about you! :P I was talking about badlearner :D
alrighty good night peeps. Long day tomorrow. I mean in a few more hours.
good night...
anyone can help with taht jquery?
Are you referring to mine?
again the mixups!
I"m about to just make another question haha
Aaahhh, remember the days of html 4 doctypes? <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
Makes you really appreciate <!DOCTYPE html>
I still copy+paste the strict doctype
good night guys, gotta go study!
exam in7 hours!
RT @david_glance: Interviewed on Radio 2SER about hyperlinking video with #popcornjs #html5 http://theconversation.edu.au/hyperlinking-video-with-popcorn-improving-the-show-or-creating-noise-4397
RT @kishorelive: Looks like my little post on the upcoming features in ECMAScript 6 seems to have hit Hacker News front page: http://t.c ...
@MattMcDonald , well , the html5 doctype seems to be a bit better
while i avoid html5-specific tags , it lets me write xhtml-like syntax and serve it as text/html
it's certainly a step in the right direction
but I'm not going near it until it gets a solid line of support
RT @stevefaulkner: What's new for assistive technology (AT) developers in Firefox http://asurkov.blogspot.com/2011/11/frefox-merry-go-round.html by @surkovalexander
Got to love the comment on this one: stackoverflow.com/q/8261987/959140
the problem with uints is they have to be whole positive numbers
Hey. Does anyone know what this means?
Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' header is missing
@JoeyMorani Your 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' header is missing.
xD Oh.
Googles it
No but seriously, the server needs to have some specific headers set in the response in order to perform an web socket handshake if I remember correctly.
@RobinAndersson An interesting proposition! You are truly a king amongst men to figure such a thing out.
Ahh ok.
Thanks Robin.
Or, not in the response headers
The initial hanshake needs to send an response with some "header" data
WebSocket is a technology providing for bi-directional, full-duplex communications channels, over a single Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket. It is designed to be implemented in web browsers and web servers, but it can be used by any client or server application. The WebSocket API is being standardized by the W3C, and the WebSocket protocol is being standardized by the IETF. Because ordinary TCP connections to ports other than 80 are frequently blocked by administrators outside of home environments, it can be used as a way to overcome these restrictions and provide similar function...
@JoeyMorani Here is an article that explains the handshake: weevilgenius.net/2010/10/html-5-websocket-chat-demo
Better visualization: jsfiddle.net/QWMe8/2
Does anyone have a link to a bunch of sort algos implemented in c++?

Bubble sort
Selection sort
Shell sort
Comb sort
Merge sort
Counting sort
Bucket sort
Radix sort
Distribution sort
<10kb/s wtf?!?!?!
I feel so 90's
now its 7.4
ughhhh this is going to take hoouurrsss
@rlemon Why's your internet so slow?
it's not. it's their site i think.
I'm downloading it with ftp client @ 800kb/s but the bootloader ftp installer downloads at 9kb /s
is your ISP throttling that "pirate network" ftp?
@rlemon , that looks like freebsd's installation
usually installing from CD is much more reliable
@tereško yea, that sounds about right.
my device has no CD rom
oh ..
well i'm gonna make a img on this pc and try to install from a network drive.
erm, why does C# have Thread.Sleep, a static and global thing, and not thread-specific Sleep?
then , yeah , looks like your ISP is doing interesting things
@tereško lol Same package in FileZilla (800~900 kb/s) still running in the installer at 8.3 kb/s
the installer started at a blazing 200kb/s then dropped off about half way through.
might be some sort of limit set on the external server too .. though i doubt that
filezilla is splitting files in multiple parts
@tereško I just want to get this shit installed. been at it for two days now.
another 45 minutes to battle with it.
cannot you put whole CD1 on a flash ?
tried that. each time - boot error
tried unetbootin and got BTX halted
did you try asking about that on freebsd's IRC channel ?
yup - they suggested a bunch of BIOS changes which did nothing and then chopped it up to hardware incompatibility
however 8.2 doesn't work - 7.4 doesn't work - only thing that is actually booting is <7.0
hmm .. lol
and ftr, my hardware is listed in the supported chipsets.
AMD Geode LX800
sounds a bout out of my depth
@tereško apparently mine as well...


Garbage collection
test in there
RT @paul_irish: Modernizr 2 just won Open Source App of the year at the .net awards. Thanks to all the contributors and the community!!
Anyone object if I derail conversation and talk about multi threading?
What conversation?
So I've got n threads
Each thread manipulates 1 / n % of a data struct
Then waits at a barrier for the other threads
It then manipulates another 1 / n % of a data struct
and this keeps going until a thread is "done"
Once one thread is done the program crashes
because the barrier is no longer invoked.
This is because I have a while loop. while (true) { do my part of data; if (done) break else barrier(); }
you mean there is no $(thread[n]).waitForOtherGuys()
gist: 1392354, 2011-11-24 21:40:39Z
void * thread_start(void *arg) {
    while (1) {
        /* for each column. Only run columns the thread_num
            is assigned to */
        for (column_count = thread_num; column_count < dim - 1; column_count+=threads) {
        /* barrier */
        barrier_result = pthread_barrier_wait(barrier);
        if (not_finished == 0) {
            /* finished */
            /* break while loop, end thread. 
               The barrier is now broken because it is no longer 
               getting called by this thread */
obj.find('*').each(function() {
@rlemon ?
answering a question and reading the jQuery plugin code he is asking about
this is how the guy finds images within a container
obj.find('*').each(function() {
   var element = $(this);
   if(element.is("img")) {
i closed the code but that was basically it
I call trollin
because everyone needs that!
anyways - i've had about enough of shit not working for one day. night all.
RT @paul_irish: Oh! .. and I was fortunate to be awarded Developer of the Year. Woo!! Grateful for all the loves. My advice: publish wha ...
@Raynos, what would you do to iterate over objects? And no ES5 trickery, please :P
@Esailija Object.keys
if (!Object.keys) {
  Object.keys = function (o) {
    var arr = [];
    for (var k in o) {
      o.hasOwnProperty(k) && arr.push(k);
    return arr;
Object.keys is a little more complex then that for browser bugs
@Esailija Objects or just arrays?
So you are first iterating over the object, so you can iterate over the object again?
if ( !Object.hasOwnProperty('each') ) {
    Object.each = function ( obj, fun ) {
        for ( var key in obj ) {
            obj.hasOwnProperty( 'key' ) && fun.call( obj, obj[key], key );
I generally use some variant of this for object iteration
Yes but you are using for..in
Just because you abstract it away, doesn't mean it's not happening
How'd it supposed to happen? Magical unicorns?
hmm let me add some context for you
Q: Can I safely extend javascript builtin classes?

Marc-André LafortuneCan I safely extend Javascript builtin classes, like Array? I.e. on which browsers/environments will the following not work: Array.prototype.double = function() { return this.concat(this); } Array.twice = function(a) { return a.double(); } Array.twice([1, 2, 3]) # => [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

You want to iterate over an object, without iterating over it?
read @raynos comment, he says for..in for objects is wrong?
so I came in here to ask, as to not clutter the comments
@Esailija that was a joke ;)
erm, unfiltered for in are dangerous
((not necessarily wrong, just more volatile))
I meant anyone not using the .hasOwnProperty check on either an Array or an Object get's what's coming to him if the natives are extended
depends on where you run the code
Now sure assuming Object.prototype is not corrupted is kind of a sensible assumption but still
Your code is safe if you use Object.keys
also native Object.keys is fast so it's worth using for speed
You can assume it is not corrupted in certain situations
@Esailija only in controlled situations. But you can also assume Array.prototype is not corrupted in controlled situations
that's what I meant
if you're doing a public library
If you don't include anything and can be 100% sure nothing will be included, yes.
then you need to assume it's corrupted
so you might as well use for ... in on an array
and use the checks
@Esailija the point is, if you tell people off for using for .. in on an array I can tell them off for using it on an object
Using for in on an array should be told off if you just want to iterate over its items.
you don't need for..in for arrays, you can guess the indexes by incrementing a variable
arrays have sequantial indexes if you are using them right, right?
For one things, it's slower than a regular for loop (or a forEach)
otherwise you should be using Object instead of reinventing the php associative array monster
Object.keys is fast because for...in loops are really slow
(since you're using a normal for loop to iterate over them)
I can't depend on native Object.keys in the real world though
the browser I'm using doesn't even support it
What's this real world you speak of? This is the js room! We don't get out of mom's basement!
it's a magical place
So is mom's basement when she makes special brownies.
@Esailija shim it :\
That's not the same thing, I would be using it for the speed
with a shim there is no point, I would either execute a function call on every iteration, or do double loops
assuming native Object.keys + for loop is even faster than just for..in
haven't really tested
it is
I explained why above
for...in loops are significantly slower than normal for loops
you're essentially iterating over an array with Object.keys
good to know when in 5 years every browser will have it
"every" means every single browser ever in that context
it was more of a joke than a technical statement
what I'm waiting for is a very solid support base
ie: when IE 8 becomes IE 5 (in a relative sense)
"ha, you're testing on IE 8? weirdo."
I can only imagine the amount of CSS transitions
splash pages all over again, but with CSS!
It might be a lot sooner though given that IE9 started to care about standards?
IE 9 doesn't support HTML 5 fully
10 is supposed to
True but it has addEventListener
imagine that
you still have to support IE 7 and 8 , if you aim for mainstream market
Not in 2016
as has been repeated ad nauseum, windows XP needs to become window 98 (in a relative sense)
vista becomes ME, 7 becomes XP
then IE8 would become the IE6?
XP ships with IE5?
thought it was IE6
8 is as far as XP goes
which is the big browser hangup
Oh right, IE9 doesn't work in XP?
but does that matter, if someone was aware that they could upgrade their browser, they wouldn't go for IE anyway? :D
vista and up
10 is windows 7 only
hm, looks like IE 6 worked on windows 98 + ME as well
IE 7 was the first to limit to XP and up
Zelda = Epic.
lol, IE 10's user agent string still has "Mozilla" in it
makes them sound more credible
no, it makes them "credible" to ancient UA sniffs
the sniffers use "Gecko" now and have for years to detect Firefox
doesn't everything have mozilla in it
kinda like a reminder of the old times
I see opera doesn't
yep, opera >= 10 identifies as "Opera/9.80"
so it's "just" safari, chrome, IE and firefox
webkit still has "Mozilla"
@MattMcDonald yea but IE is always like 9 years behind everyone else, so by IE16 we should have Gecko
... and still be expected to support IE6 rages
@MattMcDonald IE10 might identify as IE9.5 too ...
wiki says "MSIE 10.0"
it was a workaround because ancient UA sniffers assumed that browsers have a single digit version
opera was first to hit two digit version
yeah , something like that
> Web developers should be less myopic, and build maintainable, forwards-compatible solutions.
doesn't sound like job security to me...
do you really want to revisit pages you wrote .. emm .. lets say , two years ago ?
yeah, it's something I've had to do and it's annoying
I try to build my applications to be as flexible as possible
lol, i was joking.
is the job security thing really true btw
like if you write terrible code then they must keep you
I worked with a guy who I swore that was his philosophy - spaghetti'd up the framework so badly that only he could maintain it, through like 4 versions(2 and a half years) this went on until they finally got a team to develop a new one. He quit like a year later.
but generally if you write bad (consistently) code you get canned.
That's what I thought
stackoverflow.com/questions/8263219/why-is-d-undefined ..the asker had ~800 reputation in javascript :o
RT @rwaldron: Awesome ES.next/6 presentation by @littlecalculist http://www.yuiblog.com/blog/2011/11/21/video-yuiconf2011-dherma/ (Includes sweet Morrissey slide)

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