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...sigh I hate js just keeps getting longer and longer
@jAndy ...sigh I hate dick just keeps getting longer and longer (source)
hmm now with @jAndy version it broke the entire page :\
with v2 it didn't work but the rest of my page still worked
/nick DestroyerOfWorlds
actually hard to imagine that this code will break anything
besides some losing punkheads mind
Google Map API is what I'm working on and when I use yours the maps no longer show up
when I used querySelector it all showed up but button didn't do anything yet. When I did inline the button was working to change the map
Browsers read from top to bottom
Where are your <script> tags?
^ this happens with too much time in your hands
right now the entire script is in the top before the </head>
alright. Do you know what querySelector does?
I put the getElementById bit after the Map stuff
nope! not a clue. Need to read, a lot
Short version: It gets the first element in the DOM that matches the CSS query you pass to it
so the one in the above example gets the first (and only - it's an id) element with the id myButton
Remember, browsers read from top to bottom.
I find the current room title offensive. Where can I flag it?
So when that querySelector is run (right before </head>), that element does not exist
Instead, place your script tags right before </body>, so your JS can find all the regular elements.
@KendallFrey meta
@SomeKittens ah thanks
room topic changed to JavaScript: Read this: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | SheepHerdingJS is on topic here. stop asking. Reg room here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/59354 [ecmascript] [javascript]
@Ryan No problem
there are other ways around it, but that's the simplest.
well still trying to get it working but its showing up now.
Has anyone used Bootstrap-Sortable for sorting tables? github.com/drvic10k/bootstrap-sortable
@punkrocker27ka Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can anyone help me with this angular ui-router question stackoverflow.com/questions/26268239/…
Got those as a birthday present :D
@monners wth is that?
cuff links
I see it now, I thought earings for a sec
@rlemon ohai
what's the easiest way to get the x & y coords of a canvas element that's centered on the page?
@rlemon at 60% so far for today
light use on the watch
pretty happy with the battery life
heh I think my watch face helps as well since its so dark
mine was 8% at 830-9
Has anyone in here used angular in codepen?
@SecondRikudo for what?
ah and good morning ppl
2 hours later…
ok so I signed up on github... any suggestions what to add?
(this is why I wasn't going there, I knew I don't have much to contribute)
I need help graphing stuff on my webpage...
@SethTaddiken Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SethTaddiken what have you tried?
i need to set the location of that point
i have installed npm in my ubuntu machine, and in a directory in ran npm install angular . the terminal shows pastie.org/private/wqhe39thnubxmjdasoibtg . i am guessing there are no errors. now how do i start things,.
and create an origin class that contains the bottom left position of the container to be the 0,0 (origin) on the graph
I want to make my own ^^
Your own data viz library?
@SethTaddiken line 22 and line 23 won't do what you want.
How can I make them do what I want?
abra ca dabra
You need to tell me what you want them to do.
I want them to set the location of the div of class point
set the position to what?
x, y
whatever i want
relative to the origin of the container i made
oh like drag and drop
That function returns values. You cannot explicitly set them using that function. It's a getter.
lol ya i tried setbounding client but no difference
but a step in the right direction?
@SethTaddiken This might be helpful. github.com/schmi85/setBoundingClientRect
you set that via element.style.left and element.style.bottom
and set the position to absolute
the parameters for the function are arbitrary right now
dude, css no understand 100, it understands only "100px"
ah woops
that's not 100px top and bottom though...
it is
oh wait nvm
ok now you have to pay me $1000
so why is it going from the bottom left not the top left?
@SethTaddiken because bottom means distance from bottom
the distance from what part of the element?
i thought bottom meant distance from top of page to bottom of ele
from the parent container which is set to relative
@SethTaddiken haha nope
u didnot set container to relative, so it seems like from the bottom of the page.
because the code is different
i didnt catch it
function addPoint(x, y) {
var newEle = document.createElement('div');
var eleClass = 'point';

newEle.className = eleClass;


newEle.style.left = "100px";
newEle.style.top = "100px";
now you pay me $5000!!!
div.container {
border: 0.1rem solid black;
height: 20rem;
width: 20rem;
needs to be position: relative;
don't believe me, try 10px 10px its out of the box
is the point above container?
use a library
instead of using relative positioning should i say + coordinate of container origin?
> For absolutely positioned elements (those with position: absolute or position: fixed), it (CSS left property) specifies the distance between the left margin edge of the element and the left edge of its containing block.
!!afk I have nothing to contribute on github ;(
So the containing element being relative makes the elements inside of it relative to it?
i thought that an element's position type effected the element, not it's children
Errr, no
is the child absolute and inheriting the relative?
and if the children doesnot find its immediate parent with a relative position it perhaps moves up the chain, until it reaches the body maybe
It's exactly what it sounds like. A relative element is relative to its immediately relative parent
err... no
Errr, yes
I think elements are statically positioned by default.
a relative element is positioned relatively to where it would have been in the flow
@JanDvorak We're talking about elements that have a position declaration
and its original position still takes up space in the flow
I don't think they position: inherit from parent container.
i agree, rlative to the flow.. relative to normally where it should have been
@JanDvorak Not if it's positioned absolutely
@monners I'm talking about position: relative. What are you talking about?
I'm talking relative positioning (not necessarily just position: relative). But you're right, that is how an element with position: relative will behave.
Sorry, I may have misinterpreted what was being discussed
my room is position: messed
not sure what you mean by relative positioning, then
The position of an element is NOT inherited from it's parent.
As in what is relative to what when positioning is applied
why is it that I have to define the container's positioning or else it doesn't work?
what this error mean ?
@samitha are u using a linux system?
my os is ubuntu
u use npm to run angilar js? if yes, help me
@argentum47 ?
@argentum47 english, please
No i'm working online @argentum47
@SethTaddiken because that's how absolute positioning works (and why I was referring to relative positioning not position: relative)
@JanDvorak do you have a clue about that error ?
@samitha No
position: absolute positions relatively to the closest positioned parent
i installed angular js in a directory dev/angular/$ npm install angular . now if a write a simple html that takes a name input and outputs it, using angualr js, how do i run it?
right. Ugh, we're both saying the same thing.
I think it's pretty safe to say we both know how positioning works
It's like CSS 101
whom are we trying to explain it to, then?
Heehee I'm graphing parabolas
@JanDvorak --> SethTaddiken
@argentum47 just include angular on the page
@samitha I think you'll find it's not.
@samitha raw[dot]github
Thanks guys
Error: ENOENT, open '/home/kreetiuser/dev/angularjs/package.json'
on npm start
that is why this error occurred
@samitha You miss at least a character when posting links.
how ever . is missed here
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://rawgithub.com/gsklee/ngStorage/master/ngStorage.js"></script>
now corrected
It's not rawgithub.com. It's raw.github.com.
now fine
ok, my mistake, i went into noe_modules/angular and there is a package.json there, but npm start doesnot show anything
It should be in node_modules/angular
@samitha Do not serve directly from raw.github.com.
good morning all :)
yes, node_modules typing mistake
kreetiuser@kreetiuser-desktop:~/dev/angularjs/node_modules/angular$ npm start
@samitha Use the first link if you're just playing around with it and the second if you are releasing your app.
hi everyone
@erikroyall tx
@argentum47 Try running cd ~/dev/angularjs/ && npm start
there is no packag.json in there, it gives the previous error, pastie.org/private/rfawqzy8qhnmrqbrudeda this is the log
@argentum47 Upgrade your npm. Clear the cache. Ping me if it still fails.
y = -1 * Math.sqrt(1 - (x * x));
shouldn't that work for giving me a semi-circle?
in javascript?
@SethTaddiken nope
Is the javascript wrong or the math?
@SethTaddiken math
Q: Function in Y semi-circle

AymanThis is NOT a homework, I am over homework stage ages ago :-) What function draws semicircle? $$y=f(x) = \text{something}$$ and I end up with a unit circle.

@towc how come?
looks right to me
except for precision issues near the ends
@JanDvorak his x comes up to 280
sqrt(negative number) should give an error
1-x*x, if x is bigger than one should throw an error
yep, returns NaN
well, need to go to school
lol this is what I learned in school a few weeks ago
well... reviewed
@SethTaddiken How old are you?
Ain't she a beauty?
What? Is 15 that bad?
On my semicircle javascript graphs some of it then just throws the NaN's in the corner lol
What's your date of birth?
Why the age questions?
You're younger than me.
How old are you?
I was born on Jan 2, '99
oh so we're only a couple months apart
But why is my age relevant?
It isn't. Just asking.
Then why did you say "wow"?
Android 4.4 is a kitkat treat !
@SethTaddiken I seldom meet coders my age.
@darkyen00 Girl, you're beautiful.
@erikroyall nice to meet you
@erikroyall oh you
ffs input:focus { outline: none; } AND add your own styling.
Ah so that's how you do it
can someone help me with this angular ui-router question stackoverflow.com/questions/26268239/…
@erikroyall i want to do this from start. i uninstalled the nodejs using the package manager, installed it again .. now what do i do? create a directory and install angualar js with npm?
in PHP, 9 hours ago, by Leigh
Pen test company raises a concern, our db connection password is stored in plain text in a file on disk, recommends we store it in the database, salted, and using a "secure hash like SHA256"
o.O the company needs a sudo apt-get upgrade
I have a angular problem
$routeProvider.when('/config', {
    templateUrl: 'views/config.html',
    controller: 'configController'

$routeProvider.when('/exam', {
    templateUrl: 'views/exam.html',
    controller: 'examController'
I'm setting up a $scope.a = true; in the configController
when exam route matched
console.log($scope.a) // getting undefined ?
i can't understand why ?
are your sure you defined var a property in configController ??
why should it be anything but undefined?
An undefined variable in the source code of a computer program is a variable that is accessed in the code but has not been previously declared by that code. In some programming languages an implicit declaration is provided the first time such a variable is encountered at compile time. In other languages such a usage is considered to be sufficiently serious that a diagnostic being issued and the compilation fails. Some language definitions initially used the implicit declaration behavior and as they matured provided an option to disable it (e.g. Perl's "use warnings" or Visual Basic's "Option Explicit...
it's a
<select ng-model="getModuleId" ng-options='s.id for s in moduleIds'></select>{{getModuleId.id}}
in config.html
and when i select it
{{getModuleId.id}} shows the result
and when exam route match it getting undefined
newEle.createAttribute(title); should this work in adding a title attribute?
Why android 4.4.4 is better then android L (the second update) => its friken stable
@Tirth any idea?
and for some intresting reason my battery is lasting longer on 4.4.4 then L
newEle.createAttribute('title', 'test');
That code is making my elements not render
what is wrong with it?
@SethTaddiken el.setAttribute
hell dude
ANybody with android try snowball app and tell me if you can reply ? to messages
but it doesn't have the attribute, so i need to create it @erikroyall
@samitha your id property not defined means you have to extends it scope for routing
@darkyen00 i'm from iOS background so better to no comments on Droid :P
@SethTaddiken So, I've been doing this wrong all my life? github.com/erikroyall/hilo/blob/master/src/dom.js#L998-L1008
Your code works @erikroyall, ty!
in MVC you need to lot of understanding in variable scope @samitha
@SethTaddiken *your
@Tirth *understanding of
variable scopes
affter you createAttribute u have to setAttributeNode i guess
no you just set it
and it works @argentum47
Not sure it works for non-existing attributes.
It did form me O.o
@FlorianMargaine For example?
like "foo"
let's see
it works
don't see what createAttribute is for then
Tested, and it works.
2 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
it works
@FlorianMargaine for obtaining detached attribute nodes? Not sure what they're for, though.
would it work in a case like i have a createNode and i havent attached it to any element and i want to setAttribute ? i'll test it
> createAttribute creates a new attribute node, and returns it
p = document.createElement("p");
newContent = document.createTextNode("Hi there and greetings!");
@Loktar Could you link me to your friend's Play Store apps again? (The kids apps with the ads)
> I think jQuery can be used for this. So I simply select which element will be shown.
please help with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/26268239/…
This just doesnt fels right, does it ?
Oct 15 '10 at 19:29, by Alex Sexton
That's what we're saying. jQuery practically has become javascript at this point. so why not add it to the browser
good morning
or whatever it is where you are living :)
Oct 15 '10 at 19:45, by Alex Sexton
/me was trolling ftr
Oct 15 '10 at 19:45, by Alex Sexton
i <3 javascript
!!> var sth = NaN;
@erikroyall "undefined"
!!> sth === sth;
@erikroyall "ReferenceError: sth is not defined"
@darkyen00 crap
Q: ui-router Abstract state is resolving after the child state is called

Ankit LadhaniaI am making a normal authentication login-signup system using JWT. Here what i'm doing: I am saving the JWT token in localStorage. app has a abstract state called site which is child of root state where i'm resolving whether a user is logged in or not. like this userToken: ['Au...

@darkyen00 Use a font other than Segoe-wtvr.
hmm, so I added "use strict" to all my js, nothing seems to be changed other than file size :/
@AwalGarg that's a good sign
@JanDvorak but it increased file size
wait, a good sign to what?
it helps debugging
@darkyen00: Too much round corners
also, it helps performance
Q: multiple controllers with routing in angular

samithaThis is how i defined controller files <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/services/route.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/controllers/mainController.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/controllers/configController.js"></script> <script typ...

how does it help in debugging?
> but it increased file size
@AwalGarg it forbids accidental globals, for one
Man, a few bytes.
!!google use strict uses
@erikroyall a few bytes could evict some other content from the first IP packet
any answer for my question ?
@erikroyall a few bytes are enough to effect gigs of bandwidth
@samitha wait, you wanted answers? I thought you wanted us to close it.
i need an answer
@JanDvorak please help me bro
why me?
you are an expert
@AwalGarg Yes, if there are hundreds of millions of users.
* simultaneously accessing your page
@JanDvorak c'mon he is so kind...
but... I've already downvoted...
@samitha that question has 2 answers
@AwalGarg: those 2 answers are barely a minute old
doesn matter
I am still looking for what to do on github
Branch'n merge, boy. Branch'n merge!
As in, what code to upload there?

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