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Saint Peter
is that what you call it?
I was gonna call it Ghostbusters.
when connecting with telnet on some server, I get proper strings back
when connecting using chrome.sockets.tcp, I get an ArrayBuffer of what I know is strings (so Uint16Array view), and I get shit like this
格汥⁰獭㵧ਢ⨪桰摰杢⨪椠⁳⁡楬桧睴楥桧ⱴ瀠睯牥畦湡⁤慥祳琠獵⁥敤畢杧湩⁧汰瑡潦浲映牯倠偈⸵⬴䤊⁴畳灰牯獴琠敨映汯潬楷杮挠浯慭摮㩳ਊ⨪湉潦浲瑡潩⩮ਪ†⨪楬瑳⨪‌​‌​††氠獩⁴䡐⁐潳牵散 ⨠椪普⩯‪††楤灳慬獹椠普牯慭楴湯漠桴⁥敤畢⁧敳獳潩੮†⨪牰湩⩴‪†猠潨⁷灯潣敤ੳ†⨪牦浡⩥‪†猠汥捥⁴⁡瑳捡牦浡⁥湡⁤牰湩⁴⁡瑳捡‌​牦‌​浡⁥畳浭牡੹†⨪慢正⨪††猠潨獷琠敨挠牵敲瑮戠捡瑫慲散 ⨠株汥⩰‪††牰癯摩⁥敨灬漠⁡潴楰੣⨊匪慴瑲湩⁧湡⁤瑓灯楰杮䔠數畣楴湯⨪ ⨠攪數⩣‪††敳⁴硥捥‌​瑵潩潣‌​瑮硥ੴ†⨪畲⩮‪††愠瑴浥瑰攠數畣楴湯 ⨠猪整⩰‪††潣瑮湩敵攠數畣楴湯甠瑮汩漠桴牥氠湩⁥獩爠慥档摥 ⨠挪湯楴畮⩥‪潣瑮湩敵攠數畣楴湯 ⨠甪瑮汩⨪††‌​潣瑮湩敵攠數‌​畣楴湯甠⁰潴琠敨朠癩湥氠捯瑡潩੮†⨪楦
and of course right as pizza arrives internet cuts off -_-
@FlorianMargaine I see Jesus speaks to you via sockets.
!!launch tomorrow or launch day sunday
⩯‪†† wwjd
Last one.
@darkyen00 launch tomorrow
well then fuck jesus
Jesus was chinese?
give me strings, not rubbish
> "Studies show that 1 in 3 birds are metal as fuck"
@Loktar so whats our competition ?
@NickDugger in italian it's "Pietro"
@SterlingArcher studies show that 100% of kendall never get a fuck.
@darkyen00 oh Im just waiting for @rlemon to run his giveaway :P
and I'll donate to that
@darkyen00 I'M TELLING ON U
? telling on me ?
@Loktar I'm going to try to be more organized this year :P
cool looking forward to it
@FlorianMargaine The input is ascii, not utf-16
I think that one turned out better than compos
I tried organization once. I was too unorganized to keep organized for very long
such as the css compo, people have good intentions but get busy
@copy so Uint8Array?
@NickDugger I do "rlemon's 12 days of christmas"
ones where you just put your name in a drawing are much better imo
@FlorianMargaine Yeah
trying that, thanks
On one of those days, do you export a palette of marijuana?
@Loktar well I need to build a better system for submissions
this year I'm going to make people sign up I think. or use openid. not sure
last year I manually was filtering out dupe submissions
@FlorianMargaine fish or chicken
Bros, Assassins Creed is massively on sale on Steam, are there any that aren't worth playing?
@m59 Half of them are the same game
Which are the important ones?
@SomeKittens Cliffs?
mandatory is the opposite of optional, right?
@copy I really suggest reading the whole thing, but it talks about:
A.) "the kool-aid point" where trolls object to people having an audience because "they don't deserve it [because they're women/minority/gay/etc]"
B.) A particular case of this (hers) where it got taken really far
@BadgerGirl chicken. I don't like fish very much, and you can do pretty much any sauce with chicken.
C.) The popular tech press endorsing the guy who threatened harm against any women who speak out in tech.
@copy and yes.
@BadgerGirl or fish if you do it with rice and a cream/lemon sauce
Chicken it is.
which sauce?
@SomeKittens That doesn't sound very mandatory to me
It's already spiced.
wow zmq + socket.io
is way faster then socket.io + redis
Chicken with beef gravy
[or maybe i am doing it wrong]
@NickDugger 'Murica
@SomeKittens Sociopaths for Jesus, unite.
@copy I'm not sure what you mean. It's about a woman's experience just being active in the tech industry. It's something we should all be aware of.
@SomeKittens It's a random story of a single woman
Guys, beware the ellusive canada shirt fail
@rlemon cc
Most blog posts are random stories of a random person
I usually don't read random stories of random persons
I wouldn't say it's 'random'
it is extremely random.
ok, I'm going to take a break for a while
sucks she had a bad experience
@copy It can be interesting
> This month is the 10-year anniversary of my first online threat. I thought it was a one-off, then. Just one angry guy.
man I don't even remember my first online threat
I was probably 13 or so
I definitely didn't put it on the calendar.
I was never threatened. I only got called stupid by a bunch of online people when I was like 10. I took it as a challenge.
@Zirak Totally
@NickDugger oh man.. I've been threatened so many times of rape, or my hosue being burned down
Just saying it doesn't fit in my definition of a mandatory read
its the cross I bear for playing games online.
and interacting with people online in general i suppose :p
I was threatened with a ddos, but they never followed through
@Loktar somebody from an online radio once threatened to shoot me ... that was my first online threat
@darkyen00 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@darkyen00 did you put it on your calendar?
Quick, what's the regex for inserting il into dd?
could celebrate the 10 year anniversary lol
Clever regex
> between the 3 companies we have 205 domains
also I love how in these articles people who disagree with their points are always trolls O.o
@Loktar happened around february
@RyanKinal these 3 companies res-sell domains overpriced
I need a 'live table' -- I have no problem doing the grunt work. but I know there are libraries / frameworks today that might make this easier for me. -- there will be two tables, both you can add and remove rows from. rows represent 'registers' to read from a device. each row will have a couple action buttons (edit the row, delete the row, force update the row)
any advice? need more info? HALP!
@darkyen00 NOPE. These are the three companies that make up my employer -_-
Huh; I was just reading that same "Koolaid point" article.
@RyanKinal your company is in domain blackmarketting... got it!
show this to your boss.
@RyanKinal oi btw do you guys happen to have txt.us or txt.me
Gotta love that racism
> Typically, the hacker trolls are technically-talented, super smart white men. They’re not just hackers.
or something like that
had to throw in dat white.
"technically talented" wtf does that even mean?
@darkyen00 Wrong company... my employer, not my business ;-)
@RyanKinal okay your employer ?
@SterlingArcher Talented with technology.
I really need a domain named with txt
though i can always do txt.goph.me
I seriously doubt my employer has anything related to txt
but that just doesn't sound right :'(
My race and gender is entirely irrelevant, but if you must know, I'm a caucasion-sexual male-man
As opposed to "athletically-talented", not as in "talented, in the technical sense of the word"
!!should I learn a framework for the two way databinding or just use socket.io and jQuery and do it yourself.
@Retsam oh ffs that was so dumb
@rlemon Command a learned
dammit I didn't not think that through
technically != technologically
!!forget a
@rlemon Command a forgotten.
@rlemon just use socket.io and jQuery and do it yourself.
thanks for liking that @Loktar
@rlemon what the heck
> A particularly robust troll-crafted hot button meme today is that some women are out to destroy video games (shoutout to #gamergaters).
LOL oh lord
!!define technically
two way data binding / socket.io ?
wtf ?
jQuery doesn't count as doing it yourself
@Retsam [technically](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=94154) Based on precise facts.
Technically he was Canadian, but everyone assumed he was American.
@darkyen00 view and server objects need to be in sync
these kind of articles make me blood boil
use pouch and couch, fuck everthing else[if you can]
but then I can just walk away from the computer and these trolls have no power over me.
no, i'll do what I said I would do above.
Typically white women in tech you know?
@SterlingArcher Second definition, "Having the skills or talent required for a certain job or profession." I guess I was wrong, the root word isn't "technological", but "technique".
oki ^^ goodluck :D
Who complain about white men in tech ofc.
because you like something doesn't mean it is superior to everything else :P
I don't read articles like that, because they're a waste of brain power.
though react.js might be helpful a LOT
for updating models :-)
I could be out there solving crimes, but nope, gotta read this shit
@Retsam hmm, so is that technically talented a grammar typo or no?
I don't find it superior or anything. I just hate re-inventing the wheel
@NickDugger I just like seeing if there are any new lies/arguments being introduced
> more deserving. “If women/minorities/any oppressed group are given special treatment, that’s not equality,” they argue
that cracks me up there is the #notyourshield tag
@SterlingArcher No; I think it's correct.
where TONS of women and minorities are for gamergate.
Yeah; my pet peeve is that these articles tend to take a serious issue of online harassment, and boil it down to be a sexism, racism issue.
I don't even know what gamergate is, but I don't want to know. Just let me live my life, and I'll let you live yours.
!!should i leave 5 or downgrade to 4 seriously
@darkyen00 You should leave 5
ok last question guis. I need to 'generate' rows on a table from a common template. Should I: strings in HTML (yuck), hidden DOM element that I clone and unhide, or (building it with native DOM methods seems silly because of the amount of elements) ???
@Retsam they are always some big CALL TO ACTION
ugh :-/ both mean the same
!!should keep android L or downgrade to 4.4 kitkat or upgrade to iOS 8
@darkyen00 keep should android L
What ? ^
and lots of people (typically white males ofc) are like
@Loktar Really? Part of the problem for me is I see there is no action. Most of these articles seem to boil down to "terrible people need to stop being terrible people!"
@HostileFork did you say you needed hardware to test stuff?
dat amish beard
@Loktar trilby
"But you should feel bad for having the same gender, skin color, and sexuality as these racist and sexist people!"
@Retsam yeah thats what really irritates me
@Loktar bro, you can't say shit. you watch BBC, clearly you are a horrible person and a pedo. #trolololol
^ shit's older than me
@rlemon you think that is bad, I pay money to the BBC to watch the bloody thing.
[off topic, sorry] Can anyone try editing this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/26263806/…
ahaha someone accused Loke of being a pedo because he enjoys some BBC programming
@rlemon Me? No....though Red did get a cloud OS/X machine donation, which will start running CI builds and also it's hopefully beefy enough to do FreeBSD builds in VirtualBox. Although I am no expert in using VBoxManage to deal with headless virtual machines, but luckily I am not involved in setting it up, so the fact that I don't know anything about that doesn't matter.
well if you don't wanna mess with virtual crap, I will have some embedded itx boards to donate soon
@rlemon yeah I remember :D
onboard ram
I have some psu's as well
Does anyone here think what weev did to seriouspony was actually wrong?
Appreciated, but I wouldn't know what to do with them, myself. I think the best places to donate things are locally where you can be hands-on with seeing the things you donate get used and applied.
@HostileFork well, 'a few' is probably 100+ :P
weev and seriouspony like it up the metaphorical bumbum.
@rlemon re: article above.
so i'm looking for multiple causes
@SomeKittens giving out someones social is stupid I agree
What do i do when my cmd prompt cannot find ipconfig or any win32 sysWOW64 commands ?
@Loktar And lying about the DCMA stuff as well?
but many males have been doxxed/harrased/swatted as well trying to make it a minority/gender war is retarded.
@SomeKittens link? i'm not seeing it
@Loktar I didn't get the 'make it a gender war' bit - where did you see that?
I have an old G4 iMac that works to give away right now... and am not sure where to take it. The screen has some bad vertical scanlines but the WiFi works, browser works okay. But it had a new keyboard so I'm kind of loathe to give that away. It's good to keep a nice corded keyboard or two around for when you're either out of batteries or trying to wrestle with pre-Bluetooth boot phases.
I'm still recovering from sickness, so I may have missed it
she talks about women in tech specifically
the entire article is about women in tech being harrased
and calls out "white males"
I don't see how that's "a gender war"?
saying "all white males are wrong" is, but I didn't read that
Fun fact: unwed sodomy is illegal in alabama
So basically, cheating is illegal in alabama
well done alabama
@rlemon Are they not used for anything?
@SterlingArcher interracial marriage wasn't 100% legal until 2000 in Alabama.
what I read was butt stuff is illegal until you are married
@SomeKittens sigh lol well you can drink her koolaid that's fine but I am not a fan of these feminists
Ins't sodomy in the butt? So only butt cheating is illegal.
@NickDugger includes oral as well
@copy they were. not anymore
Oh, didn't know that
@Loktar and animal stuff
@Loktar I'm still not sure what you think she did wrong.
Should we call out people who post SSNs?
@rlemon Would be nice to have a cool project running on them, but nothing comes to mind
Americans should fix the fact that SSNs (single point of failure, which is already bad in itself) are so easily obtainable
And people who actually try to incite gender war by threatening harm to anyone of a certain gender who speaks out?
@copy Yeah, that too.
Time to start issuing x509 certificates for humans
I mean, those already exist. But like, officially
If a woman said "I'm going to shoot any man who writes about the tech industry", wouldn't that be exactly as much of a problem if the genders were reversed?
@SomeKittens bullshit
@TomW that'd be neat
@Loktar Which part?
nm I read that wrong :P
It would be exactly as much of a problem
@Loktar heh, totally fine - I do it all the time
it would be someone on the internet trolling
@SomeKittens We'd say "that person is crazy, they need help" not "look at all this sexism, up in here"
@Loktar Absolutely! And if they started following up on those threats, that'd be even more of a problem.
oh, we're back to that game review thing again huh
@taco Nothing of the sort
I never know whether to believe you guys because sometimes you are too literal
@taco Something else but also not interesting
@SomeKittens she brings it up
and clearly didnt do her research on that topic.
I'm just not a fan of drama. Too old. I want to hit everybody with my cane.
@taco amen
So I think we can all agree that publishing someone's SSN, death threats, and the like are not ok, regardless of gender?
OTOH, I may just be sadistic and like bludgeoning people
I agree, but attacking gender and race over it is equally bad.
@taco hah
@Loktar Right, picking on someone due to gender is awful and should be verboten
> And the trolls aren’t stupid. The most damaging troll/haters are some of the most powerful people (though they self-describe as outcasts). Typically, the hacker trolls are technically-talented, super smart white men. They’re not just hackers.
Nice backhanded compliment to all white male hackers out there.
@Loktar How so?
typically basketball players who are arrested for drugs are black males
super talented though
see I can logically say that.
but you have no way of knowing the typical hacker/troll on the internet.
Wait, verboten is an English word?
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'status' of undefined or null reference
certificate.php, line 1314 character 21
^My first IE9 bug report. Woo. So. Excited. Looks like my variable is null for some reason, but only in IE
@Loktar But you can know the ones that have outed themselves, or been outed?
why does $location.search().tab return true if there is nothing called that in the url line?
blanket statements are almost always a mistake, especially if you have a very limited pool to sample from. #back-to-node
@SomeKittens sure but is it a gender/race thing?
its a very prominent argument in the feminist world.
@Loktar I'm assuming you mean feminist in the tumblr sense here?
can I derail the conversation a bit.
as opposed to "Person who thinks people should be treated equally"
function addRow(table) {
look at the code I am writing
laugh at me a little
just look at it
I can take it
Mmm, chaining
@SomeKittens I don't mean true feminist, I do mean the twitter/tumblr bunch that have been infiltrating the tech world
@SomeKittens As opposed to the "no true scotsman" approach of defining feminism...
I don't tho. fuck it. get er done and get er shipped.
@FlorianMargaine You're using that too often recently
@copy it's just so appropriate
@Loktar Yeah, those are derailing those of us who just want everyone to enjoy tech.
@rlemon that looks better than all of my code
@SomeKittens stuff like the situation with Anita Richards infuriates me
but to the main point its never good to give someones details out online or make them easily accessible
Old man mentality here: The kids keep coming. The stupidity doesn't stop. Just live your life and ignore the drama.
@Loktar (I'm not familiar with that one)
however I don't believe its a problem exclusive to any gender or race.
@SomeKittens donglegate?!
@Loktar Right!
she got two people fired
that was dumb
I had some guy trolling me on g+ trying to get a d pic
@SomeKittens remembers
@rlemon exactly
and did it ruin your life?
a little..
I can't look my mother in the eye
I mean if he doxxed you that would have sucked
yea, but my info is already public :/
but online harassment is not exclusive to any group.
so i'm not a great example
If you pulled out your pitchforks everytime somebody did some dumb shit online, then you'd never have time to masturbate.
@Loktar Yeah, everyone gets harassed. Some moreso than others though - and we should call out the extremist trolls.
Like you said above, SSN is a line that shouldn't be crossed.
before I move I'm going to have to remind myself to get a registar for all of my domains.
> it's a complex issue but i personally think there is a lot of overreacting by special snowflakes that seem to melt if you don't use their proper pronouns
quote from a friend of mine
how I feel basically
But let's not label calling out trolls as mandatory reads any more
@rlemon Probably smart
wait what do you mena @rlemon?
@Loktar Right, someone making an assumption and then apologizing => not a problem (heck, that just happened)
all of my info is public on my domain registry
I didn't protect it
oh same here
heh but a lot have old addresses
I use fictional addresses
Send me a box of biscuits
the only ones protected are namecheap because it offers it by default
@Loktar also, schler and schlim. problem solved.
also its damn pricey.. for the protection
@Loktar Namecheap is all I use

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