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I can dress myself and make my own cereal. :P
I don't eat breakfast
right, I'm out of here now
@Mosho Too busy riding I'm sure :P
hi guys has anyone ever had an issue with .append erroring with rendered html sent back form an ajax request?
@Jhawins you missed a huge clusterfuck in here. It was like everyone went back 10 years and had to learn everything there is to learn about javascript.
@NickDugger huh? lol
@user3545438 I'll assume you're using jQuery
Actually it was pretty much an average day
Nick likes jQuery :)
hope he does cos i dont
@Jhawins first someone needed help understanding JSON, then someone didn't know how to comment code, then @Dave went on about his love affair with jQuery
ha ha, touche :)
@user3545438 I'm known for hating jQuery, but I still know how to use it
@user3545438 can you post some code?
and it was me about json too! The rules were broken, I'm creativing havoc while I can
Also, what's your error?
Sounds like a successful day to me! These people are learning
This is completely orthogonal to the question being asked. Moreover there are promise libraries (for example Bluebird) which are considerably faster than native promises. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 5 secs ago
Too rude?
@BenjaminGruenbaum too orthogonal
brb googling orthogonal.
@Jhawins perpendicular?
@BenjaminGruenbaum depends. Someone will most likely be offended. People are too sensitive, etc. would I personally be offended? No.
How would you phrase it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Just an interesting way to use that word
Would a "I'm sorry if it sounds rude" help?
Nah it's not rude tho
nah, its fine.
"You're wrong, go die, use bluebird, you prude"
While you're there - critique my answer :P
Q: Bootstrap validator throwing 'BootstrapValidator's JavaScript requires jQuery '

GregoryHouseMDI am building a simple web forms web application and I want to use the bootstrap validator plugin for validation. I am not a big jQuery fan so I use the data annotations. I included the needed CSS file in the bundle.config <include path="~/Content/bootstrapValidator.min.css" /> I registered ...

@NickDugger does it sound like that :/ that's exactly what I'd like to avoid.
@GregoryHouseMD Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Beware of unfamiliar USB drives
@BenjaminGruenbaum nah, I think it's fine
Heya guys, I was hoping you might help me :)
@NickDugger thanks, though you called @AwalGarg AnalGarg for a while and on the other hand I've neer heard @mikedidthis say anything rude to anyone ever so I'm wondering what he thinks too :P
Actually, it was Anal Greg
Sys.ArgumentException: Value must be null for Components that are not Controls or Behaviors.
Parameter name: element
thats the error i get (sorry for the delay dudes)
@NickDugger oh, sorry for the factual incorrectness then :P
i think its cos the webcontrol contains ajaxtoolkit controls?
or am i clutching at straws here
!!welcome GregoryHouseMD
@GregoryHouseMD Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thanks :)
@m59 I didn't accept anyone's answer as right one. Not because either of you were wrong, but because I moved on from that question and then forgot about it until you reminded me again.
@user3545438 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum more than fine :D
posted on October 06, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Hey Bay Area geeks! There are lots of ways to see me and Kelly comin

^ hahahahaha
I've done this before, I now can't. I am looping over 100 records, but need only every 5. I can't do for i = 0; i< count; i+=5 because of many reasons. I used to use modulo for this, but I can't get the syntax right.... I'm trying

if (interval / total Rows) % interval != 0) {
//never executes
Now I feel bad:
SO has become such a cold hard place these days... — anddoutoi 2 mins ago
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){
    if(i%5 === 0){
         // code that executes every 5th time
    // rest of code
@Dave -- if (i % 5 === 0)
Also, you just failed fizzbuzz. Shame on you :P
damn you
@Dave I'm sure you have your reasons, but I'm sure they are all bad ones.
@Dave Try:
if ((interval / total Rows) % interval != 0) {
// logic
// will execute (if the above condition ever fails)
:) Actually, it's because I'm looping every 5 rows, but I may need to also include record number 22
@Dave google fizzbuzz
What about record number 23?
Well, record 23 may be important
So why not make two separate loops?
it is the ned of the day for me @BenjaminGruenbaum, you really have made SO a cold hard place
One in which you loop 5 at a time, and another where you loop all of them?
because I'm reading MB's of data into memory already (hitting up to 200MB and the browser is struggling)
@Dave I love how I solved your problem but suddenly you having it was my fault :D
@Dave Ah, there's the bad reason. :D
Also, not sure how a champagne style drink is going to help @BenjaminGruenbaum
Yes @Neil, it's the job of software which has to be done in the browser! ANd I mean must...
You did mean bucksfizz yes??
I've heard of FizzBuzz too, it's a fairly well-known problem exercise in basic programming ability
CodeCademy taught me fizzbuzz. It was one of the first things I learned.
work have blocked it too!!!!
Your workplace must suck
CodeCademy is amazing. I recommend it to all newbies who stumble into this room
!!stat dave
@BenjaminGruenbaum Dave (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1221410/dave) has 3212 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 165 questions, gave 143 answers, for a q:a ratio of 15:13.
avg. rep/post: 10.42. Badges: 0g 13s 44b
You really want to stump a new programmer, ask them to write a function that returns true if given an array a, there exists 3 elements at indices i < j < k such that a[i] < a[j] < a[k], false otherwise
You have 143 answers and you can't fizbuzz?
Do you even fizzbuzz?
I got buzzed off of some fizz
It is hard to fizzbuzz if you never heard of it.
fizzbuzz is just a fancy way of saying, do you know what a modulo is? do you know how to use it?
I've used it many times, I was just being lazy if I'm honest . It's just I know you guys respond well to lazyness, non-researched questions, demands for instant responses and mostly when it's all bout lovely, wonderful, jquery :)
i'd always thought fizzbuzz was a generic term for the sorts of short programming challenges that you sometimes get asked to do during job interviews
@Dave no, it's really not. Honest, sorry.
FizzBuzz is an example for something everyone who has ever done any form of programming ever should get right in under 5 minutes.
I only had one coding question/challenge for my current job. They gave me a url to their api, and made me create a search page using api routes/calls. Super simple.
@NickDugger sounds like a pretty good interview, checks you can practically do your job, but also some of the basic stuff implicitly like async in JS, etc.
@BenjaminGruenbaum they hired me same day as the interview. It was pretty cool
You'd be surprised how many people come interview and can't do that.
I only had like 2 months of JS experience (by experience, I mean CodeCademy) before getting that interview. I'm shocked to see that people interview and can't accomplish that
Welcome to programming, where the pay is made up and the skill don't matter.
The difference between a 40K programmer and a 120K programmer is simply the ability to negotiate.
lol, I did no negotiating, have 0 (real) experience, and they gave me 65k. I just rocked the interview
got full benefits as well, which is amazing
@NickDugger hah nice
@BenjaminGruenbaum What a little bitch. Your comment wasn't harsh in the slightest
thats not a bad salary for a jr dev
@NickDugger great :)
65K is actually pretty decent for 2 months of CodeAcademy :)
has codecademy gotten any better? last time i used it was over a year ago and i ran into many instances where it would not accept correct answers, threw errors, etc. finally gave up trying to use it
They also offered to pay up to 2.5k in relocation, but I only used up about 500
I started at 62k after the air force and that was with 4 years of professional experience
I'd be pretty interested in how a job interview at the place where Benji works is
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you doing the interviews at your company?
morning @SterlingArcher
62k what? Dollars?
@Dave yea
How's it going?
@GNi33 well we interviewed @Mosho but that wasn't really an interview, it was basically a coding assignment from our first interview, and then just talking to him. I already knew him so I just told our CTO "Yeah, I don't need to see his stuff I trust he is good enough" and my word was good enough.
62k bananas
wow as in bad or good?
65k used socks
@copy I never lacked in potassium
cool, cool. What are you guys looking for in interviews?
sometimes my eye twitches because I don't eat enough potassium
@GNi33 I'm doing the technical part when we interview web developers, and I help with the questions for other roles. I don't like interviewing people very much but I love being on the other side.
both I guess... You know, air force, fighting to save country etc, means you kinda feel a little extra as a thank you for everytyhong you've done would be nice, but, at the same time, first job in this field also is high I think
Let's say, if you'd hire a Frontend dev
@Dave it wasn't my first job in the field, just my first after the military :P
@mikedidthis works for me
I've been programming since I was 8 or so, also it required a top secret clearance so that bumped the pay a tad
@BenjaminGruenbaum can you touch base on what the best Resume looks like? Is it black/white? Single paged?
or do you even see the resumes?
@GNi33 we'd have three interview rounds, first you'd get a home assignment that'd likely be consuming a REST API and building a UI around that (display recent ratings of experts on a particular stocks, maybe with search) - we'd throw something hard in every time, maybe the API doesn't do CORS and JSONP, maybe something else break.
oh, that makes more sense :) Oh not another one who could program when they're 8 :)
@rlemon hhm seems it is back up.
I just learned how to tie knots
On the second round, you'd have harder JS questions. Last time it was implementing an event emitter, and an Angular like router with HTML5 push state.
but I just used it as an example to say @NickDugger salary is awesome for a jr dev
@BenjaminGruenbaum hiring? :P
We discuss design choices, coding is done in front of a computer, with the internet.
@Dave hahah more like writing line 20 goto line 10 :P
Third round is where we talk to you and get to know you, we don't want assholes :P
I just started when I was around 8 haha never said I was good
@Loktar I'd be more happy with my salary if houses were as cheap here as they are where you live :/
@NickDugger I do. Single page, black and white, for sure.
hah yea my salary now is very nice especially for the area
Ah, sounds more like pascal?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I got the single page part right, but I had some colour on there... Things to know for the future.
@Dave Basic on the commodore 64
my salary is nice. I make > median salary now
color isn't too bad.
but yea. I'm with ya, rocking the qbasic when I was 8
@BenjaminGruenbaum sounds pretty nice.
learned over 20 years what a lot of people learn over 6
I make less than a new hire at the GM plant
That's an interview I could probably get through :D my weak-point are algorithms
@Jhawins thats sad, the GM workers get paid too much though IMO
lots and lots of practice, especially in Frontend-Dev and API-Design, when it comes to algorithms I'm lost
@Loktar but I just realized I'm making good money when I went to the accountant to setup my 'plan' for buying a house next year -- let me say, not looking forward to taxes next year.
@loktar no $14/hr is fine how can you even survive on less
@Loktar, I learned about the commodore in history classes (ha ha, I'm such a git!!)
My commute kind of reduces my paycheck by a good chunk, but with benefits included, for a junior position I'm paid rather well for DC standards
good morning
Howdy brah
@Jhawins not my problem on how they survive on less
pushing a button all day doesn't mean you should make more money than a fast food worker.
Brah what's good brah
@rlemon don't you mean your taxes next decade? :3
@Jhawins also man.. their raises are pretty friggin decent
along with vacation and retirement
@SterlingArcher lol
@Shmiddty not much man, just got to work, boss has a staph infection, so I'm in germophobe mode
@loktar wait that's what you think? They push buttons?
@Jhawins minimum wage here is $11/hr
@Jhawins dude I come from a family of GM workers
and still have family that work at the plants
Jesus, minimum wage when I was 16 was $5.15
/me is from Detroit originally
sure I'm simplifying what they do to an extent
@loktar dude my dad has worked there since 17. Started when they owned Allison Air.
@Loktar does that make you a Lions fan?
but its not all very taxing work.
@SterlingArcher Came to work with a staph infection?
You merely adopted GM. I was born in it, molded by it.
@SterlingArcher LOL when I was a kid
There are dozens of departments bro
Don't discredit. It's their life
yeah I'm well aware
@Loktar Toyota line workers start at like 75K a year to inspect parts or just move them to another assembly.
I still think they get paid way too much
no education required
I know content developers who make less.
and content development is fucking hard
> Staph infections can be contagious, but not in the kind of way that you are thinking of. Staph is a type of bacteria that lives in many different places including our own skin. When we get a cut or some break in our skin, staph is often the bacteria that causes an infection to that area of skin.
I know lots of people who get paid less than factory workers its crazy.
How do you think the box ends up mated to a cab? A machine just automatically lowers a 400lb box onto the frame and bolts it up? A worker does that (albeit with a big hydrolic lift now hahaha) but still
It's not easy to get on at GM
Factory work is necessary. Gotta pay them fair. McDonalds, on the other hand, can go away and nobody would die. Maybe.
I've worked at an electroplating plant. that was stupid easy / tedious work. but the chems and the environment you have to work in is dangerous / carcinogenic
so yea. I made decent cash there. and expected too
@Jhawins its not easy to get on because everyone wants to work there due to the awesome pay and benefits
And if you work at McDonald's well.. Your job is pretty much obsolete. You are making fast food worse by not being a metal, sanitary machine and touching my food
@NickDugger I feel like there are people who probably survive on eating solely fast food
@Shmiddty but should they?
Maybe GM doesn't pay too much everyone else pays too little ;)
avg is $22.84/hr
I would be one of those people :/
thats insane man
@NickDugger That's for them to decide, right?
its because of the stupid unions.
Tbh my dad brings home about $110K/year from GM.
glad unions are a dying breed.
@Jhawins I'm sure hes climbed up though
my dad brings home a new woman every night
just kidding
RIght, i'm off. Joking aside, thank you every one for chatting to me and helping. Bye
it seems like thats built into the job, job progression I mean
> JavaScript - OnlySeriousPoliticalDiscussions
@Shmiddty my dad brings home a new mommy every night (source)
my dad said he was just going out for a pack of smokes.. he didn't bring home anything, including himself. :(
But yeah he has now worked in every single department. Now he's in no-start where they get basically unlimited OT, oh and Sundays are double time.
hey y'all. You know how stackoverflow has a preview view for questions while they're being written? Is there an easy way to implement that, or a library which already does it?
Thats how my Father in Law is
heh they may know eachother @Jhawins
So in fantasy football, I won the game I thought I was going to lose and lost the game I thought I was going to win.
is $(document.createElement("article")) a weird combination?
he is management now I guess, so not in the union anymore
@NickDugger micro optimization
brings home great pay
@rlemon any optimization is tops.
he works primarily in MI though lansing and detroit I'm pretty sure. His commute is pretty insane like 4 hour round trip
due to all the closer factories closing
Not if it hurts readability
I think it reads fine
I feel like it's more readable than $('<article>')
@Loktar Dad works in Roanoke tho :P
when you think readability, think your average dev. not what you think is readable only.
because your average dev will have to look at that twice and will probably think it is stupid
document.createElement("article") is very clear.
@rlemon Supposedly your average dev can't code fizzbuzz and makes 4* my pay so
It's going to create an element
$(document.getEelementById('foo')) is also faster
the co-frontend developer that I work with barely knows any native DOM. without jQuery, he'd probably be out of a job.
If I was a shit fake dev maybe I would make more moneys
@Jhawins you're getting screwed due to location :(
i always think "what would i need, if i was hungover, and didn't remember anything i'd done on this project" and use that as my readability check
the problem is that jQuery tries to be a swiss army knife
@Loktar I know... It's seeming impossible to get out too..
@rlemon using DOM methods wrapped in a jQuery method call is faster than a CSS selector?
yea, because jQuery sees an element and stops there
otherwise it sees a string then tries to determine if you are creating or selecting and proceeds from there
the speed difference is moot. non issue. so just use the selectors / strings imo
but don't make blocks of code from strings ofc.
$('<div>') vs $(document.createElement('div')) I will always prefer to see the former. (if you insist on using jQuery)
@ThiefMaster can you remove a message which is months old ?
what if I'm not the one insisting? lol

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