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There's no comment on line 218 or anywhere near it. There's no line 288 in the source code, there are only 250-or-so lines.
I had given z-index:-1 to the right column div, thats why I could not click over it...
@erikroyall yeah sorry I modified the code in between.... btw can you make this pastebin expire? I'm very ashamed because this is veryyyy dirty code...
@erikroyall what I mean is doing comments like this to easily identify the different parts of the code :
    ###############   SAVE   ##################
pastebin let's me in
I don't see any issue with your comments (althoug it seems some is to just remove code, probably whilst programming)
@Basj It depends, dress it however you like it to be.
@Dave ok thanks
@basj, actually, in this instance, in .NET / Java any way, it would be better to move it another class...
I'd consider the same thing
I know JS doens't have classes, but you can simluate it close enough with a singleton style approach
@Dave to move what in which class ?
and then save it in a new js file to keep the file sizes small and manageable
flat enough ?
@Basj Or use AMD approach
I admit, I try to do this with everything so when I see a function call, I don't just see doThis() I see something.doThis() - it gives me an idea where the code is, and due to what I name "something" it means' it must be about that. EG, I could have crud.Create(), crud.Read(), crud.Update(), crud.Delete()
@erikroyall what is AMD approach ?
Asynchronous Module Definition. Google it.
@erikroyall i did, too complex for me now, this will be later optimization ;)
How can it be asynchronous when JS is single threaded (or is the answer read the page?)
Split your code into functions. And move related functions into a file and so on. Make sure each file is no longer than 200 lines.
... 200 lines is a realistic limit? Oh dear oh dear .....
Time to refactor
No, don't refactor.
Yipee, less work
I should work fr you :)
Any way, don't what?
Some of my files have 1000s of lines of code. And as a result they get lesser CodeClimate grades.
Every time I use jQuery, I always have this in JS console :
L'utilisation de « getPreventDefault() » est obsolète. Utiliser « defaultPrevented » à la place.
Cool. My files are typically about 1 thing only usually, with very little reusable code (if it's reusable, it's in a different file).
good advice though, thanks @erikroyall
After "use strict";, I tend to write "I love <my current crush's name>";
@Basj Try downloading the English version of jquery
@AbhishekHingnikar The color, though.
Do you use this in your code :
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js"></script>
How can I get external web source via jquery?
Or do you use a newer version ?
Depends on what plugins you're using and what browser you're uspporting. Some need an older version
I don't use jQuery. (Am I tHe Only one here?)
For me, my JS app is totally offline and so any third party is copied any way
@erikroyall Absolutely not.
Everyone just stop and take a deep breath. So many poor questions this morning.
I use JQuery for little things like draggable, getting references to controls via the ID etc... Why not?
@NickDugger, you know we could get worse as well :)
Many here avoid jQuery like the plague. I think it can be useful, but I avoid using it if I can help it
How to have an input hidden by default in HTML ?
<input type="text" placeholder="Search" class="form-control" name="srch-term" id="searchbox" style> ?
@NickDugger wisest of words.
@Basj have you googled?
@mikedidthis sure I have found for example <p hidden>This paragraph should be hidden.</p>
Add a hidden attribute.
but I had never seen this before, that's why I wondered if this is the right way to do it...
eh? There' a hidden attribute?
... guys
come on
usually when I google, I tend to put the action and property together.
@Dave Yeah.. you can't see it 'cause it's hidden. *drum wrap*
Hidden input.
Burning cat.
Dead babysitter.
ha ha ha
HTML isn't rocket science. It's like one + potato
hidden attribute isn't supported in IE.
@Nick, do you not like potatoes?
What about two potatoes?
blue potatoes?
If not, did you never have a spud gun? You should!!
This room is ebola today
that's why I asked what's the normal way to hide an input when loading the page ?
I used $('myinput').hide() but then the input is showed for 10 ms before being hidden...
Oh really? 10ms? Did you measure that?
@erikroyall urm, input type="hidden" works fine with IE.
Your IE version?
just hide it via css ?
@mikeddidthis I think they mean davidwalsh.name/html5-hidden
or not?!
@Dave yeah, I had a feeling you meant that. I think Basj failed with the search and got muddled :P
It's not supported in IE 10 and below.
I can't load the rules for this room...
@Basj try caniuse.com to see what is available
@NickDugger I have enough experience with latency when playing MIDI keyboard / synthesizers (I worked on this subject for years, and used to code a 'sampler') , so I know what 10 ms looks like ;)
There are rules for this room?
What does time look like????
How do you see time?
Read this: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | SheepHerdingJS is on topic here. stop asking. Reg room here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/59354
@rlemon seems http://rules.javascriptroom.com/ is down buddy. We have no rules. Fuck.
ha ha ha @CapricaSix
That explains this morning
@Doidel anything goes
So this room's for any sort of JavaScript questions..?
How can I get external web source via jquery?
Oh my god, it keeps getting worse
@MGE sorry, but what does that mean?
@Doidel yeah
I want to get all the web source in a var (as in the webmaster tools inspector, including external iframes and more...) and I think that the way is using Xhr
Great! So hmm, just a little playing around with thoughts but.. if you use a TypedArray and you step through it sequentially, do you have fewer cache misses than with []..?
what could be the solution?
burn it
Good luck in here today guys, seems you will need it.
@erikroyall I thought one of the powers of jquery was 1 query query any browser. EG, something.value vs something.text vs something.html etc etc If you don't use jQuery, are you manually working out which call you can make?
@Dave -- html, text, and value are all different things entirely. jQuery doesn't sort that out for you
Oh, so even though it's using $ (I think typically associated with JQuery), it's actually referencing the hilo library in this case?
Hilo no longer assigns itself to $. I forgot to update the README.
@Nick, sorry, bad example, let me find a real one - label and innerText I think
or outerText and innerText
or not...
forget it :(
@Dave you're missing the point of why jQuery exists. It's meant for easy access to the DOM so that you don't have to do things like, document.getElementById or document.QuerySelectorAll
jQuery is nothing more than a wrapper
I still prefer native DOM to jQuery any day, though
Yes, I know. I've read that in cases, it's slower than writing the JS yourself
what do you think would be the best solution?
@MGE your question is bad, is an X/Y problem, and you've asked it multiple times in here.
And to be honest, when I started, JS was only used to make the project look 'modern' - it had no other purpose. I'm now doing things properly so learning JS and writing it myself, but, $( "#Id ").click vs the traditional approach - one is easier to read and write (after you learn what $ is admittedly) .
:enters: The best reason to use jQuery is for the animations. The animations are great and easy to use. :leaves:
Yes, but someone here answer that the best solution could be Xhr, but I can't with the external files
@RyanKinal, yes, for asthetic stuff it's great but I guess Nick is saying, it does'nt have any real guts compared to what you can do yourself.
Actually dotnetrocks interview people who often say you start with jquery, you get part of the way, and then you learn javascript any way
or, you get to a company who don't use jquery and are then stuck
@RyanKinal There are libraries which are specifically made for animating with JS. And they're faster than jQuery.
emm .. is there a way to display image in website, which user picked in file input without sending it from server ?
Noooo!!! jQuery animations are absolute garbage!! @RyanKinal don't say those things, you'll trip people up that don't know any better!
@tereško Yeah
@NickDugger, can you explain why. I mean, if it works... Or are you talking about how it handles under heavy load
wow there is no graphical tool still for border radius x y
@Dave jQuery animations are slow and have many quirks (like firing over and over again if you activate it many times really fast -- just one example)
How interetsing. Thanks @NickDugger
If you want animations, this is usually more recommended greensock.com/gsap
@Dave for the record, I have to use jQuery at work, but I do escape it (something.get(0)) when it suits the code.
@MGE stop asking your question here.
Link doesn't work for me! :( Is it correct or my work blocking me @NickDugger
If someone knows how to solve this problem, the answer I received is not the correct
@MGE because you don't even understand what you need (X/Y problem), you've already asked it in here multiple times, and you're now pinging random people for help
@MGE Go ask a question on StackOverflow main.
Chat is not the place for your current question.
Q: What is the XY problem?

GnomeWhat is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index

If you are the channel or stackoverflow's owner I will stop, but i don't know why I have to stop
X/Y problem?
@Dave the greensock link is correct. It might load slowly, try it again?
how to read external source?
Hey guys. I'm trying to use websockets to connect to an xmlsocket:// connection, but it appears XMLSocket isn't available in JS. Does anyone know why?
I give up
SSL connection error in FF and Chrome :( I guess it's my work
MGE, you destroyed Nick :(
@MGE last warning. Please don't ask the same question multiple times. If you don't get an answer, try asking on the main site. You have been warned.
1 message moved to Trash
is this North Korea? I can't share pictures
If you want to share pictures make a tumblr or something
@erikroyall, can I ask, has having your own library on github helped with your CV/interviews/job hunting etc ?
I saw pictures here before
Can we move on. Pictures can be added, pictures can be trashed.
but to be fair, yes, this is North Korea
pm:@nick, it isn't....
Some days I wish it was
@Dave I don't know if it helps other 15 year olds. But, it did help me. Now I'm working on Paatrikeya.
he he he he
You wrote a library at 15??? Man I didn't start developing until 20 odd (although, I had found girls he he he he)
I feel so old now :(
I learnt JavaScript when I was 8.
Get out !! :)
when was 8, I doubt javascript was even learnable, lol
ha ha ha
I learned html at 10, though that's like saying I learned how to ride a bike (which took me to the age of 7)
Stop it you guys, you also know how to ride a bike? Next thing you'll be saying you can tie your own shoe laces :( Waaaaaaaaaaa

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