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@Whathaveyoutried Is there any special way to write code like that?
I think your Person object should be a constructor function with getAge, getName and sayHello functions attached to Person function prototype
@srle if you read up ^ in the conversation, we were talking about just that
the answers I got suggest that both ways are acceptable
and come down to preference (if I understood correctly)
I've never seen that, but from testing it doesn't seem the function assigned as the constructor property actually does anything other than give the new object a type name
much cleaner way to do it
so I think it's just a fluke in this case, but others might know more
@Mosho Interesting ..
@Srle and to create children, it would simply be adamChild = new adam('Adam child', 24);

Is that right?
@Srle I prefer the way you created the model fyi, that's how I tend to write my js too
the example i provided was actually from a video
no Person function will return an object (instance of Person) so you cant use 'new'
dolphins man
how do they work
is this not the most badass helmet ever?
It kinda is.
not too expensive too
maybe I'll get it :X
Not that expensive, you say? It's the same price as my mortgage bill. =D
I hate you
not really
but a little bit
hehehe, I know.
$450/month really, when you factor in the materials for the work we did ourselves and p.tax/ins.
paid $500 for the one I left in Canada
speaking of, we just bought a car
What did you get?
Honda Accord
copy cat =D
If I ever make millions and they make a fuel efficient one, I really want a challenger.
Tesla or bust, man
It sucks that they make the cool cars gas guzzlers for no benefit. Sure, it can go fast but the only people that care about that are trying to compensate for their fail lives or breaking the law.
Just done creating an HTML5 music sequencer where users can save projects and create songs. Took me 2 years but still doesnt work for internet explorer 8
lol. Don't do it, man.
xD im obessive compulsive lol
This is the only code you need to make it work: browser-update.org/#install
you are right. To hell with ie8
Another soul saved.
@m59 ah, capitalism
by the way, chrome 37 was supposed to support directwrite. However, I did a comparison with colors. Dark colors work fine but grey colors or lighter colors in general are bolder. This doesnt happen in ie and firefox
although even firefox is weird since a while now since cleartype doesnt seem to work on windows 7 lol
one reason I still use PNGs instead of SVG images. Too many browser inconsistencies
I hate it when Daylight Savings robs me of an hour of sleep
@monners I love it, because it means I get an extra hour of sleep, sucka
1 hour later…
@user254153 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi i want help in my certain stackoverflow question
Q: check and uncheck checkbox according to db value

user254153Hi i am working on check and uncheck the checkbox according to the value from db. One of the field in database is boolean. I want checkbox to be checked if value in db is 1 and unchecked if value in db is 0. My data are fetched from db in json but i am unable to check and uncheck checkbox accordi...

1 hour later…
@monners but it's October
@BenjaminGruenbaum in case I forgot to mention, I missed that appointment on Thursday and will go this morning.
@SomeKittens ...
@monners it works differently here
@Mosho ok.
A phone call or SMS are usually better than a SO chat ping
1 hour later…
good morning everyone
@Shea [Ya
@Shea url]{google.com}
@Shea url](google.com)
I'm gonna make some headphones this week
!!surround sound or naahhh
@Shea surround sound
Guys need some Regex help
/(?:\s*\$\d{2}\.\d{2}\s*)*?(.+?)We only accept PayPal/
The text will sometimes have two prices, and sometimes it won't.
If it has the two prices, I want to capture from there onwards. If it doesn't, I want to capture from the beginning.
The above ignores the two prices regardless of what I do.
@rlemon I have, but I don't have any on there right now
Oh, wait, except "Flip Page" or whatever. That's a userscript on the Chrome Web Store
Capture it all and do another regex to find out if there is one or two prices
@SecondRikudo ^
@FlorianMargaine Hoping to achieve this in the same expression
Pointless and unmaintainable
(I have a helper function that generates a good bunch of stuff for me if I can manage this in one expression)
Also, PayPal sucks
@FlorianMargaine eBay sucks more.
eBay owns PayPal
just sayin
Help please :D
Q: Swift getter code repetition

Benjamin GruenbaumI'm trying to have variables in swift that are critical app-wide user settings so they must be persisted to disk after every change. There is a small amount of these variables and I'm content with the first read happening from disk after the app starts. I have code that looks similar to this: v...

@Shea I know, and they both suck.
@FlorianMargaine Ended up refactoring my helper function to take a function instead of a regex object
var buildItem = function (searchCallback) {
        return function (item) {
            var searchTerms = searchCallback(item['Description']);
            return {
                quantity: item['QuantitySold'],
                originalEbay: {
                    id: item['ItemID'],
                    title: item['Title'],
                    categoryID: item['PrimaryCategoryID'],
                    description: item['Description'],
                    price: item['ConvertedCurrentPrice']['Value'],
@SecondRikudo fair enough
@BenjaminGruenbaum Could still be useful to post on CR
Although I'm not sure how much Swift expertise they have there
@SomeKittens In the sense that Summer is during a different part of the year?
Well feedback/help appreciated
Hello @BenjaminGruenbaum How are you ?
One question. I am using twig templates
Now I am filling in a div with time
@charger73 Pinging random people for help is considered rude. FYI.
@SecondRikudo Sorry. didn't meant to be rude
I just said hello to him. He has helped me a lot in last few weeks.
the question is for everyone
Now back to the question.
I am filling the div with time format "milliseconds since 1970"
I want to converrt all that into the time-ago format
@SecondRikudo Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
@SecondRikudo Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
I'll admit, I don't know Swift. However, it looks like only SomeStorageKey will change between all of your keys. Is there no way to refactor this? i.e. your get could take the key as argument, and so could your set. — Florian Margaine 3 mins ago
ok ... I am have an issue that I am not sure how to approach. I have application with several components. Lets take one of them: "uploader". Obviously it's responsible for various tasks regarding the file upload. But here is the snag: on successful upload sometimes it has to display a popup which is made from the response, that was received.
@FlorianMargaine I'd love to do that - that's how I'd do it in JS - I'd add a key dynamically.
What I am trying to figure out is: how to avoid hardcoding it all to the DOM?
I think there might be a way to do it in swift, but the only way I could think of (Key Value programming - their idea of reflection) will make me lose type safety. In C++ for example I'd use a template or a macro (obviously also in something with macros like LISP
Thanks for trying though, I honestly do apprecaite it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum in lisp, a simple function would suffice
Yeah, also in JavaScript.
In any language that is either dynamic or has macros that the compiler can run after - really.
swift doesn't have a string type? :P
then why can't it accept a string key?
What do you mean?
It needs to add a property to the object
You don't have bracket notation or anything like that.
yeah, I don't know swift, ignore me
I can run a macro or run my swift code through the cpp but I don't want to if I can avoid it.
I just don't understand why you can't do something, in a class, like setProperty(string key) or something, but I don't know swift at all...
so ignore me
@tereško you'll need some kind of abstraction, no matter what you do in an HTML page... I'm not sure I understand your question
@BenjaminGruenbaum it just looks like your code is the code of a single instance, and you can't have a class, which is weird
I am not sure I can actually articulate the problem =/
basically what I have is a callback, which should execute another function in completely unrelated scope
and I cannot figure out of a clean way for communicating that scope
another argument, the callback being the last argument?
sounds like a deaf conversation :D
so, let's say I have: $(document.body).on('change', 'input.conduit', handler); (because I am lazy and jQuery was already added by the frontend "developer)
I cannot really add it here, because at this level of abstraction I have no idea what is actually been done
what can't you add here?
ehh .. nevermind
it looks like I won't be able to explain the problem .. and I cannot show the site because of NDA
@tereško One solution is have the server return the markup for the popup.
Another would be to write a function that generates the DOM tree (yes, hardcoded, sadly), and another to fill it with values.
That at least allows you to cleanly refactor just the DOM markup if you want.
@SecondRikudo it also has to return directions or "what should be executed" for showing the returned HTML fragment
problem is that "what should be executed" would end up called in external scope
@tereško How are you separating modules?
AMD? Revealing Module?
not AMD .. I will take me too long to figure it out just now =/
and I actually gave it serious consideration
@tereško AMD is actually pretty straightforward with require.js
currently my modules look like this:\
It's literally the only library I include in any browser project.
var components = components || {};

(function (globals) {
    // module code goes here
    // assigner to "globals" variable
^ this is what my "module files" contain as basis
You could consider making a module for creating popups and modals
it think I could migrate it to RequireJS, but I just don't have free time / brain power ATM to really understand AMD
I mean, I bet uploading isn't the only thing that needs those
@SecondRikudo already on it
@tereško It's similar to a DiC only async
And the best part is that you don't even have to deal with the async :)
You configure your paths to all libraries/modules once, then you can call a module and ask for an array of dependencies.
problem is that when upload finishes, I also need to get hold of the button which initialized to XHR call
Save the button in a variable somewhere and reference it when you need it
and I need to do in abstracted way, because, as you already suspect, uploading is not the only thing that need to be handled in this style
@tereško $('#button').on('click', function() { biggerScope.buttonThatGeneratesXHR = $(this) }
@SecondRikudo this would cause race condition
(already thought of it)
How so?
Are you changing the button?
there can be multiple upload button (if we are sticking to this particular case) on the page
maybe a whiteboard would be better to explain your problem
@tereško Right, and $(this) will save just the one which got clicked
@tereško there inherently is no clean way.
so, if I am fast at clicking (or connection is shit), I would end up overriding the buttonThatGeneratesXHR
@SecondRikudo that's completely false btw. FTR.
@BenjaminGruenbaum FTR?
oh thank god
for the record
AMD is nothing like DiC
it's just a system that allows you to have a module system in javascript
Yeah, that analogy wasn't the best, I'll admit :P
because the <script>-all-global system is shitty
@tereško closure scope is impossible to debug, I'd suggest against putting things as globals. If you want module management requirejs is indeed very simple - if you want to roll your own have a "DependencyManager" file with a .register handler and have that add to the globals rather than doing that in an IIFE everywhere from globals (that is, expose the .register and not the globals themselves so you know they can't be touched and meddled with easily)
is it time to show off this?
@SecondRikudo it's not about not being the best analogy, the two are orthogonal. A DiC solves the problem of providing parts of your system with specific dependencies - for example a customized logger, or a handle for a DB. You configure it in a central place (or not) and then it distributes dependencies all around - the problem it solves is centralized configuration which would otherwise require writing lots of code for passing things around. It solves the problem of wiring the dependencies around.
@SecondRikudo a module loader solves the problem of loading the code of modules. It just finds the modules and loads them. To illustrate - You'd load the logger module and then use the DiC to create an instance of the type the logger exposes and pass it to whoever requires the dependency.
The two are orthogonal.
@tereško It's important to understand why a clean way does not exist. They have to "guess" where they are unless they have a reference to each other and assuming you don't have a bootstrap phase where different parts of the app learn about eachother that's impossible. The jQuery approach (which is simpler and works for small enough products) is to use the DOM as a global event emitter - you'd emit a special event on document and then intercept it elsewhere.
State has to get from one place to another somehow and unless you're going to invert control and effectively write your own full blown framework - that binding has to happen somewhere. So unless you're going to bind the event handlers in a place that has access to both the action targeted and the DOM element - you'll have to rely on some sort of such implicit state.
Actually emitting an event is probably a great solution
so, I actually should look for some what to configure it
@SecondRikudo can you elaborate ?
/me hasn't done "deep-end javascript" for more then a year now
@tereško You can emit an event to be caught by any other element in the DOM, you can attached whatever you want to it (including objects and functions), and you can decide whether you want someone to listen to that event or not.
hmm ... ok
In the in-place editing plugin I'm writing, when you hit 'save' an event is emitted and allows you to catch it and do anything you want with the saved value
but how to deal with XHR response then ?
can I pass data along with the emmited event ?
It allows you to save fields one by one as they get stored, or do nothing and wait for a SUBMIT button click after all fields are edited.
@tereško Yes.
jQuery, right?
!!tell tereško jquery trigger
@SecondRikudo only lightly: I am thinking of getting rid of it entirely
You can pass a data object which will be passed as the second parameter to the listener function (the first being the Event object)
It's not well documented here, but you can also create namespaced events
any materials for emitting events in native way ?
@tereško don't do that
why not ?
Rolling your own event emitter is 15 LoC, using DOM events is cumbersome, bad and causes issues.
emm .. so you are saying "do not use events" .. ok , but what is your alternative then ?
@tereško No, he's saying "do not use DOM events"
function EventEmitter(obj){
    var handlers = {};
    obj.on = function(name, fn){
         handlers[name] = (handlers[name] || []).concat(fn)
    obj.emit = function(name, args){
         (handlers[name] || []).forEach(function(fn){ fn(args); });
This is an event emitter, minus two missing semicolons and testing it since I just wrote it in chat. Using DOM events will get you trouble in IE and all sorts of stuff you don't expect.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I kinda expected you to do this on the object's prototype
@tereško It also forces you to realize your events are in fact a super global app wide state bus. (or you can scope them to an object and pass it around)
@SecondRikudo I wrote a mixin, in chat, for the client side, for illustrating it was simple, gimme a break :P
I will just slap in on as another "component", just need to think of a less-shitty name
@SecondRikudo eh.
@SecondRikudo you expected him to use an ugly way?
@FlorianMargaine it actually makes sense to put it on the object's prototype and extend it, it was just more work and I wanted my event emitter to be short :P
@FlorianMargaine Might be ugly, but as something that gets augmented onto potentially a bunch of objects, I think prototyping it makes more sense.
I want to be able to use multiple event emitters...
so many stars?!
@FlorianMargaine eh?
@FlorianMargaine yeah, that's actually pretty decent, I told @Raynos I like it and I do - he really made it much better. It's not nearly as good as it claims to be but it's a lot better than I expected.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ignore me, sunday's stupid thoughts
damn .. I really should learn some more javascript =/
@tereško it's fun :D
then again, I already cannot ask a question to our frontend devs without explaining like 4 terms afterwards (on of those terms being "closure" or "scope" usually)
@tereško you're welcome to ask me JS questions here if you're stuck, you've helped me a lot with PHP and architecture questions in the PHP room I owe you that much :P
@Jhawins bluejeans.com/careers - the guys are very friendly, and the work is very challenging.
problem is that most of my question are really had to articulate
they mostly boil down to "I have this NDAed code which looks like shit and/or doesn't work and I don't know what to do about it"
Then ask simpler questions.
also, lol:
I went here after reading the title in the "Network Hot Questions" - I was going to come here and post "Dear God NO!" (exact words) and finding this as the accepted answer was a pleasant surprise. If I can add one thing it's blog.ircmaxell.com/2013/09/beyond-design-patterns.htmlBenjamin Gruenbaum 31 secs ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum heh... already upvoted
most of "developers" do not get it that patterns are just shorthands for describing what you have already made and NOT blueprints for code
or describing what you're going to do
If anything is a blueprint for code it should be automated or moved to the language level as a feature anyway.
@BenjaminGruenbaum btw, about that [].concat() syntax: what are the browser restrictions? Do I need to use prototype if I need only IE10+ support ?
@tereško using .prototype is done for speed, it's much faster and that's meaningful with Node. It's also good practice since it allows generic invocation. For example, you have no way to debug handlers in the emitter above, and it's also harder to test. If it was on the prototype and it accessed this._handlers it would have been faster and easier to debug.
or would that actually be ES.next syntax and I have to use Array.prototype.concat() on all browsers
IE10 is a fully modern and capable JS engine, the DOM is still bad in it but it runs ES5 JS just fine.
@tereško I just used [].concat because I like immutability and swapping out the array is nicer IMO than changing it. It's slower but I think it's cleaner because I'm used to doing that from Haskell, Swift or when working with FB's immutable JS collections.
I just find it easier to reason about, you can .push into it and do it with an if, that's probably even cleaner, I just whipped a small emitter in chat.
/me added also ability to define custom scope for that event-thing
always when I try to write a JS application, I get this "fuck, I am too stupid" feeling
I get that whenever I write code.
it's because you don't write enough of them
More often when I write in a new language, had a whole month of it with Swift this last month.
for some reason that link gave so chat parsererror
wonder why though
you had some zero-width whitespaces between macdo and nald
oh wow :D
that seems interntional
didn't think that was allowed in urls
... and there goes another spammer
a dedicated one, I have to say
@tereško I downvote them, find it most effective.
I do the same, but only if user chat history gives enough of a reason
you could say that history for this one raised some flags , pun intended
does delv include moving it to the right site?
It's a valid q for superuser
@TomW he can re-ask it in superuser if he wants. It's an invalid question for SO.
I thought the usual procedure was to migrate questions
In Three.JS when I add object to scene like scene.add(object) am I able to access it like this? scene.children[2] ?
@TomW the migration happens automatically either within a month or never
SO has policy against migration of questions, that are already generating traffic from google.
@rlemon for the lols go around tapping the Game of Thrones music on people's laptops
> Tap-to-Destroy – This is an option that allows you to record a Tap signature into the Token or Smartphone.
you'll get one sooner or later
!!champagne punch or marsh melon or strawberry and champagne
@rlemon marsh melon
hmmm ... it actually seems to be working out pretty nicely, @BenjaminGruenbaum
I mean the event-driven thing
I ended up in PHP having something like this (it's from Profile view):
public function avatar($response)
    $header = $this->headerFactory->create('Content-Type: application/json');

    $data = [
        'trigger' => 'avatar-uploaded',
        'data' => [
            'html' => 'here be HTML later',

and in JS:
globals.on('readystatechange', request, (function (conduit) {
    return function () {
        var emitter = conduit;
        if (this.readyState === 4) {
            emitter.trigger(this.response.trigger, this.response.data);
I might reuse that
I mean, the idea
not the code directly... of course
for code to be reusable it would require a lot more context, because both PHP and JS are ending upt with custom made micro-framework
the main benefit is that the location where JS even is defined and where it is actually invoked from can be in wildly different places
What's the best practice for modifying prototypes built-in objects such as Array and String? In the book Javascript: The good parts, I am constantly finding things like:

Function.prototype.someMethod = function(){...}; or

String.method('trim', function() { ... });

However, on other sites I'm reading that this shouldn't be done
posted on October 05, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} This is basically what happened.

@tereško are you using IE9+
IE10+ is in the requirements
would any of this not work in IE8 ?
oh ... the onReadStateChange
@tereško no, quite the contrary, you don't need to listen to readyStateChange
Yeah, exactly, you can do onload
hmm .. link ?
Also, I'd totally use promises here.
also, I have had Promises A+ link in "read later" list of more then a year
@tereško you don't need promises A+ or to read a lot about it, it's just a nicer, easier to debug abstraction for one time events that chains.
(If it's not a one time event - then RxJS streams work nicely, but they're harder to grasp since they change the way you code)
Promises make stuff like caching, chaining, aggregating universal. They're like a really good callback convention with nice syntax. + you get to use language features like throwing in async contexts or returning from it.
anyway , I'm getting to hungry .. time to go home
@rlemon hahaha
"Frank, your wife is rotting inside"
@rlemon @Loktar ^
live coding using three.js
with the oculus rift
you could do it
that is cool
that looks so awesome
1 hour later…
hi @cyon
@BadgerGirl hi
@FlorianMargaine Holy shit
the guy is seeing all this from within the oculus rift...
of course it means he needs to touch type
Looks terrible, if you ask me
@copy It's a first step though
SAO is coming soon people.
If you need to test live, you can still put the device on after changing some code
No need to have the editor in a 3d environment
@copy Still pretty cool
And it does save you the trouble of putting it on and off repeatedly.
I'm not sure how useful it is, yeah, but it sure is cool as fuck
Pretty awesome
@copy next up: sending the code directly to your brain where you can easily visualize it without actually seeing it (micro/ultrasounds?) and being able to see the result as shown XD
> Microsoft’s quest for low-end Windows sales begins: $99 tablet, $199 laptop from HP
fedora users: use dnf instead of yum, it's awesome
@rlemon saw that, didn't get it
US Bee
it's a Bee saluting the US flag
how did you not get that? who are you Abhishek?
sorry ._.
@copy @BadgerGirl how was that class together?
The first class will be on Friday.
@rlemon excuse me ?
@BadgerGirl oh.
are you in germany already?
Yeah, living with @copy already. :)
already hating each other?
No, why would we?
because living together is a new experience for the both of you, and it's not the same as being in a remote relationship
Windows push notifications just notified me about something that happened in the whole last week
>_<, all the twitter notifications ... at once !
I just noticed that one of my JS answers is on the hot network questions list. Have I covered all instances, or can I still improve my answer?
stackoverflow.com/questions/26204120/… Suggesting would be appreciated, thanks.
Hi, Can anyone help me, i want youtube video thumbnail with video play button using youtube video ID???? any help :(
@Zeeshan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!tell Zeeshan google Youtube API
@CapricaSix i have searched in google apis but didn't find solution, i want youtube thumbnail with video play button

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