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new Native Web Apps Community Group at @w3c http://www.w3.org/community/native-web-apps/
3 hours later…
W3C Mobile Web Applications Interoperability Event 6-7 December http://www.w3.org/2011/10/interop/
2 hours later…
RT @dalmaer: "Because SPDY can multiplex many connections, the browser can now put literally EVERY request on a single connection." http ...
Looks like @aredridel has been doing a lot of work lately on updates to the HTML5 parser for node.js https://github.com/aredridel/html5/commits/
posted on November 21, 2011 by Vasilis

Designing the Well-Tempered Web – Ravelrumba by Rob Flaherty The things we are doing with responsive web design can be compared to what Johann Sebastian Bach did a while ago when he composed music for different keys, something unheard of in his time. I like that analogy, how often is your work compared to that of a true genius? But this article by Rob Flaherty is not just a compliment f

Q: How to create this drop down box

mystycsI am trying to create this dropdown box that slides down and has the bottom image retain as it slides down withc ontent inside it. I have beent rying to find scripts dedicated to this but i cant find any. Maybe someone can give me a headstart or pointer in doing this. Or has a script i can work o...

I have a question here.... please.. anyone?
RT @annevk: Improving the DOM: http://annevankesteren.nl/2011/11/dom-improvements #dom4
first draft of a standalone @webvtt spec http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-texttracks/2011Nov/att-0017/webvtt.html (extracted from the full whatwg HTML spec) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-texttracks/2011Nov/0017.html
2 hours later…
Can anybody tell me how to add Jquery to cloned element ?
1 hour later…
@winona Sup?
help plz
Q: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<YYY> has no method 'xxx'

astrocybernautei get this error Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Interact> has no method 'getData' the problem is that it's true!! 'Interact' has no method 'getData' its 'myhandler' that contains it its not supposed to go look for it in 'Interact' but in 'myhandler' i have no clue why its acting like thi...

2 hours later…
Q: What common programming problems are best solved by using propotypes and closures?

vemvAs much as I understand both concepts, I can't see how can I take advantage of JavaScript's closures and prototypes aside from using them for creating instantiable and/or encapsulated class-like blocks (which seems more of a workaround than an asset to me) Other JS features such as functions-as-...

Q: jQuery multiple events execute same function refactoring

osiI am working a project which uses a function to show a modal dialog. The dialog can be hide by calling the hideModal() function. This fuction is triggered by: Press ESC key Click on the modal background Click on the close button My current code is: $("#modal").click(function() { hideMod...

> There is no job that plugins are the right tool for
@Raynos Call me when they've engineered a good cross browser file uploader that can display a progress bar without using Flash
Is there a way to search for a specific message?
Besides digging through the transcript
aha! Thanks, saw it
@YiJiang depends on your definition of cross browser?
Are we talking cross browser or cross browser & legacy browsers
lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2011OctDec/0189.html - surely not suggesting that terrible decisions made for the DOM can never be reversed?
@AndyE I think it is,
Has anything ever been deprecated from the DOM?
Shall I go make a fuzz?
ill go do that
Why do browser vendors have no balls? Just remove the real problems in the DOM and, if sites break, let them be fixed!
Ive complained at them :)
You may have to paste me a link because I'm not subscribed.
@AndyE y u no subscribe >:(
Seriously, maybe browser vendors could add some sort of feature which collects data on sites using deprecated/non-standard DOM features and warns the site owners when the data will be removed in the future?
I have every mailing list in my mail >_<
I get spam everywhere
@Raynos: I have a hard enough time keeping up with es-discuss.
I need to start using my mail client better
@AndyE I ignore 80% of emails from mailing lists
Like I'm signed upto CSSWG but I dont read any of their mails >_<
Why raynos2? The hell is a raynos?
I got your mail anyway, but it got filtered as spam...
@Raynos For clarification, "deprecated" means "usable, but not advisable" - it basically is a grace period for changing implementations.
@RyanKinal I know. But deprecation implies removement
It implies an intent to remove
I would think it's silly to have something in a permanent state of deprecation
Sure, but it could remain deprecated for months, if not years.
I guess so, should I suggest skipping deprecation? :D
lol, no
Like I said, deprecation is exactly what you're talking about when you say "warn the developers"
Think about it this way: If you tell a developer "We're removing [feature X]", you'll get backlash. They'll say "No, my application will break! I need [feature X]!"
If you tell them "We're deprecating [feature X]", there's going to be significantly less backlash, because deprecation is understood to be a grace period for re-development.
anyone here
I need jquery help !!
@Olli What's the problem?
I´m doing something with load function
and i tried to load
but it show ????????? symbol instad of äö
Change encoding. Google for "html file encoding" or something like that.
Or, similarly, transorm all non-ASCII chars into html entities
What @Zirak said. Unfortunately, I don't know a ton about encoding.
yes but i want to have iso-8859-1
Not UTF-8
Should I set some encoding to page what is ajax loading
I send a mail to www-dom
I feel like I walked into a lions den
thatr iwt would work
@Raynos I came to the chat room you were in. Felt the same way
@Amaan >_>
Am I that much of a menace?
Na, we just like pulling your leg
Wow. Making the very base of a car racing game was easy. jsfiddle.net/4YqbC/1
Hopefully, I did nothing wrong, and I'll pass the JSLint test
My code isn't working I did this and it's no good

what's the issue?
@Amaan I tried it
@Amaan but it doesnt work
@Incognito ...
for me
@Raynos ;).
@Olli Hit the up and left and right keys
@Amaan Up key is the only one working with me.
@Amaan ...
Oops. Stupid radian(0)
@Olli Hit up at the same time as the other keys
@Raynos Wha?
@Amaan "hey this thing was easy, shows broken code"
@Raynos How is it broken?
I assumed your "start of racing game" was cars, with sensible physics and collision detection
@Amaan left & right dont work
Na. Just moving around
@Amaan could you make it work better
That's weird.
Which browser?
@Amaan I tried it and, works when pressing keys simultaneusly
maybe you could make it work when press only L,R,U,or D
@Olli That's the way it's supposed to be
It's like an actual car
It isn't gonna move if you don't hit the gas
lol. ish.
Except it's a black square
Momentum would be the hawtness
@Amaan spacebar = gas ?
up = gas
@Olli Up = gas
@RyanKinal Yeah, probably gonna add that
@Amaan ok. but spacebar would be better gas
@Olli I'm not actually making the game, so it doesn't really matter. (I may make it if I have nothing else to do)
I just thought I'd give it a try since I was playing a similar game
you want a cool canvas car example :P
Oh, Box2D
yeah its pretty neat how they did it
alot of stuff goes into it though.. Im not versed enough in box2d to figure it all out
lots of diff joints/ect.
Yeah, neither am I
lol part of my skyrim addiction fiddle.jshell.net/loktar/VBGgb/5/show/light
was trying to do Alduins wall but need to go home to make a normal map of it
@Loktar Wow
I'm amazed every time you share one of those
Thats the lighting thing last week that @Incognito was helping to decipher
I know
@Incognito thats very similiar to midpoint displacement
thats what I used for my heightmap/terrain generator somethinghitme.com/projects/canvasterrain if you choose plasma under maptype it looks cool
mines not seamless, I should add that at some point
I just got lazy
also up the roughness on that to like 5 and it looks cooler
You could add some cool colour effects
yeah, like animating the colors you mean?
like switching the palette or whatever?
Or just do globs of rgb that move through the map
to change the colours so it's not greyscale
oh yeah change it
go to maptype
the dropdown, theres options in there
change it to plasma, and it looks pretty cool
I like how the JavaScript room sometimes turns into a Graphics room. It amuses me. </ really> </ nosarcasm>
heh, its because that stuff is fuuun!
@rlemon u there?
Argh. Canvas isn't grown up yet. How the hell do I rotate a a rectangle without rotating anything else? (I know I can use multiple canvases, but I need the rectangles actual co-ordinates to detect collisions)
have to translate it
It also makes me smile that the JavaScript room has the ability to turn into a Graphics room.
@Loktar Oh, I know rotate
have to save the context, translate it, draw the object restore the context.
yuck, GUI
Hi guys, I got two lines which their result should be identical. for some reason they are not. (second line works and the first doesnt).

1. $(this).children('div:eq(1)').parent('div:eq(2)').toggleClass('rc-bot-i-arrow');
2. $(this).children('div:eq(2)').removeClass('rc-bot-i-arrow');

any idea why?
@Loktar That'd work?
Both are terrible, and how are they supposed to be equal?
yeah its how I do it for this somethinghitme.com/projects/canvaszom @Amaan
the guys body, and the zombies rotation
Also, "work" and "doesn't work" are very flexible things. Care to specify?
it just does a translate per object, then restores the context when done
Oh. How do you get their co-ordinates, though?
I have them stored
Zirak, line1 > children and then parent (div:eq(2)), line2 > children (div:eq(2)). should be equal, no?
you have to manually keep track of them
I know, I know
you mean for like collision detection or something?
But if you rotate the canvas, won't your co-ordinates be wrong?
@Loktar Yeah
ahh nevermind :| I see the problem
well the coordinates are weird only after you save and before the restore so like
@Neal I am now.. whats up
you translate the whole canvas to their coords so they are in the middle
I mean "toggleClass" and "removeClass" are not the same at all. And the selectors are terrible.
then do the translate, then do the restore and the coords are the same again
@rlemon live doc who event
@Loktar Okay, I'll give it a shot
so like 0,0 becomes canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2 within the ctx.save
then when you restore, its 0,0, again
used .next() and it solved the problem.
thats assuming 0,0 is the x/y of your square but you get the drift
ahh yea I forgot to change the .toggleClass to .removeClass but that wasnt the problem
@Neal Rory looks so different in person.
jsfiddle is going slooow today, seems to be common latley :?
I'll have to watch it later (can't be watching Who at work)
@rlemon ha! he has a beard lol
@Loktar Yeah, happening to me as well
@Neal They never should have gotten rid of the 10th doctor.
@rlemon haha they ddnt, he was done
@Loktar I don't get it. If you're free, could you elaborate?
sure maybe Im just not understanding too
No, I'm sure it's just me not understanding
I've never used translate and rotate before. I've read and I know what they do, but I don't get how I'd use them here
alright I have to go for a min, when I come back Ill make a quick demo of what I mean
Sure. Thanks a lot
Oh. Figured it out.
Thanks, though
Friend of mine just released this cool tool; probably relevant to those doing web dev here: apps.blois.us/rooler
@Phrogz Always wanted something like that
Now, I can think of no place I needed it
But that's pretty cool
My audio card isn't loud enough. The neighbours aren't complaining.
@Phrogz promoter
What does it even do
Oh I see
is that what you meant?
jsfiddle.net/loktar/6QKZH/2 < better explanation of whats going on
As a Chrome plugin its rather nice.
“Around the world, JS geeks love to gather, drink, and occasionally code.” @beerjs http://t.co/1y9vZpMH
beerjs eh? I hate beer
but have been loving the heck out of some mead!
Mead? Really? Not a fan.
I <3 my beer, though :-D
Of course, maybe I've just had bad mead.
Yeah a meadery opened up in my town, its pretty decent, all they have right now is cherry mead, but Ive tried the plume... so good
my wifes a pretty big beer fan, and she doesnt enjoy the mead much either so idk.
Hi: Can any one help me using reCaptcha with JQuery Validity?
My profession has become a soup of vowel endings and buzzwords.
@MerlynMoreno What wasn't clean with whatever guide you're using?
Can I give you the link to my question into StackOverflow?
That'd be a good start
Why would you goto the trouble of putting it in bitly?
@MerlynMoreno for future ref just post the SO link
wonders if there's a browser extension that auto-bit.ly's pasted URLs
itll make it look all pretty in the chat
Q: Use reCaptcha with jQuery.validity

Merlyn MorenoActually I'm validating a form with jQuery.validity, but I would like to add reCaptcha functionality. One thing that you should keep in mind is that I'm not a strong JavaScript coder. As I read in the reCaptcha documentation, this is the code I have to add to my code: <?php require_once('r...

@RyanKinal Just put a + sign on the end for god mode: bitly.com/w3oCZk+
oh wow @Incognito thats awesome
@Loktar OK
@Loktar I didn't know it, but I already know ;-) (I'm new here)
@Loktar Same for goo.gl.
There's no answer for my question "Use reCaptcha with jQuery.validity" yet?
that's a really bad question title
@MerlynMoreno I'm honestly not sure you can use client-side validation with reCaptcha
give me a better idea of what you're trying to do so I can modify the question
posting some PHP code with no mention of PHP anywhere is a bad idea
An good intro to the basics of Web Intents http://t.co/shbm8Zrq
w00t to that
I'm trying to add the reCaptcha functionality to that form but it already has JQuery Validity validation
Im I clear?
so why the PHP code?
And how does recaptcha have anything to do with a jQuery plugin?
it seems to me you want help building and validating a form
Because I have posted all my page that has PHP code, but also the JQuery Validity validation.
if you choose one, you'll get much better feedback
It's already validating but not with the reCaptcha functionality.
validating server-side is pretty straightforward
you can omit that code
ok .. where is my popcorn
So, should I edit it?
@tereško Just need to make sure you're a human so like this on facebook.
@tereško The popcorn is a lie.
U mad?
@MattMcDonald ... but that's the reCaptcha code...
this is like watching a train crash in slow motion
warning: garbage collector cannot nullify circular reference
fun = slowMotionRate * devastation;
@MattMcDonald The reCaptcha documentation is telling me that I must put that code to add the reCaptcha functionality.
and you have, so let's just move on
an HTML page needs a body tag, but I don't need to tell everyone I added it
there's your edit
good luck getting people to dig through a messy php file
What do yo advice to me?
separate your concerns
drop the PHP
post the form
and the JS "validating" it
@MattMcDonald OK
@MattMcDonald I will do it.
you can just view the source code of your page to see the processed HTML
that way, you'll omit any PHP
@Raynos If you want more reason to hate jQuery, look at all the browser sniffing in jQuery JSONP (which is really a plugin and unrelated to the jQuery project, but…)
@gsnedders jQuery is shit, jQuery UI is shit, jQuery mobile is shit, every jQuery plugin is shit
@MattMcDonald I already edited it. is it OK?
@gsnedders for the lulz
@Raynos Hint: that breaks in Opera 11.60
@gsnedders do you really have to fix that in browsers.js :(
@gsnedders can I suggest to the WHATWG that we should start deprecating the shit bits of the DOM and every browser vendor should have a browsers.js file to fix popular websites with broken code
I've noticed Flash crashes Opera win a ton :(
@MattMcDonald flash crashes everything
Q: Implementing reCaptcha with jQuery.validity

Merlyn MorenoI'm validating a form with jQuery.validity, but I would like to add reCaptcha functionality. As I'm using jQuery.validity, I don't know what should I put in "Your code here to handle a successful verification". Here is the information about: jQuery.validity. reCaptcha. My form. http://paste...

@Raynos Other browsers just hack stuff in C++.
the only other time I've ran into crashing like that has been when I had the Flash Player Debugger enabled
@MattMcDonald On Windows?
vista, yes
@MattMcDonald Windows, the one platform where we run plugins in the browser process. :\
it's usually one crash, then flash continues to falter over and over again
@gsnedders heh
runs perfectly fine in Chrome
Mozilla’s Ian Melven @imelven is working on implementing Firefox support for the iframe sandbox attribute http://t.co/8bKSwfwL
Q: php random x digit number

user1022585I need to create a random number with x amount of digits. So lets say x is 5, I need a number to be eg. 35562 If x is 3, then it would throw back something like; 463 Could someone show me how this is done?

I smell exponents!
public function randomNum ( $len ) {
    $ret = '';
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
        $ret .= '4';
    return intval( $ret );
stops searching for questions
	function generateRandomNumber($numDigits)
		$digits = max(0, (int) ($numDigits - 1));
		$min = pow(10, $digits);
		$max = pow(10, $digits + 1) - 1;
		return rand($min, $max);
ffs windows keeps making my three numlock/scrolllock.capslock blink to really get my attention, but now I can't edit something because the KVM thinks I want to swap screens each damn time
Firefox Nightly now has experimental support for HTML parsing in XHR...
Q: Performing simple network call to retreive JSON in Unity?

Bobbake4I have looked at the network documentation for Unity and most examples seem to be related to networking your game for multiplayer. I am just looking to grab a JSON response from an api for dynamically generating a menu. Is there some good examples for doing just simple network calls to get a resp...

@Loktar Yeah. Thanks.
cool np
Visual Studio is such a Microsoft product. It fires a "Import/Export settings wizard". It has steps. ...I just want to override the settings files with another one.
and the startup screen...
that's the new Microsoft trademark
This is just too long a wait to write things.
Yes, Excel. I want to create a spreadsheet. Go figure.
No, I don't want to create a calendar or a to-do list.
And...I can't believe I'm saying this...but Java did something better than C# (constructor overloading)
oh, gave up on MS office long ago. Viewing all files sent to me in google docs :P
reminds me of Microsoft Works way back when
a billion options at the start
holy shit. what they do to C-<Tab>? It's...weird.
Those great blue screens were fun
ah yes the bluescreens, was it edit.com, or edit.exe?
I remember you needed it for qbasic
Is there a "safe" version of /Packer/? (dean.edwards.name/packer) Half the time I try and pack a jquery plugin it breaks
it's called the YUI Compressor
Forgot to try that...larger size but at least it works, thanks
Closure Compiler?
Never used closure compiler actually
lamentation #290457438 of not being able to use server-side code at work: instead of POSTing an object from Flash to a PHP/HTML file, I get to generate a big bitmap of text and use Flash's terrible print API.
Can I have feedback on the non-obvious parts of my pd introduction Improving ES5 OO
Under "coding style choice", you put 'em under Object.prototype, not under Object
oh, nvm...I'm an idiot
Anyway, looks fine.
I'm just wondering whether I'm glossing over "how you do prototypical OO style"
Didn't you blog about it before?
I did.
But I changed the pd api since
and I'm now comparing it to other libraries that do the same thing
Holy. Friggin. Shit. @Raynos, how do you tell VS to never "restyle" code?
Can't find a thing in this beastly array of crap they call settings
@Zirak you uninstall VS and open vim
So close to doing that
I used visual studio once on a computer lab computer
I exclaimed "why the .... is there an RSS feed inside of an IDE?"
C# also starts to annoy me. "Hmm, how do make devs repeat useless things? I know! linkedList.Last.Value instead of linkedList.Last!"
...it's the small things
ffffffuuuu uninstalls VS
@Zirak sublime text 2 o/
or vim
I'm getting used to Emacs now, tbh. Trying to find a syntax highlighting file for C#
-_- c# really wants me to not use the linked lists and just use vectors.
Q: inline PHP stopped working with if function and javascript

TonysI've had a wordrpress site working for about 2 years using a pluggin called Inline PHP. This is a shortened version that used to work: <exec> $levels = array('Level 3','Level 1','Level 2'); if (in_array("Level 3", $levels)) { echo "<script language=javascript>getlevel('http:...

And sublime text is overrated! THERE, I SAID IT!
Can you folks tell me what you think of that edit? I don't agree with it, but apparently 3 other users do: stackoverflow.com/posts/8217419/revisions
@all hello. i have div for showing content. now i want each time i click on a button it should create another div below that div(area to show content same as div above). is it possible
yes its possible.
@Loktar how mate will u suggest me something
Read some documentation. Read some tutorials. Be better at what you're doing.
yah thats wot i was wondering . show me some direction. wot sort of oproach that could be
Use the DOM
@Loktar yah pretty much this is wot i want. thanku. i'll implement this in my way then let you know :-)
cool np.
But...but...that's cheating. You can't just give teh codez
heh I have a meeting in like 30 seconds
wanted to see if I could write something that fast
leaves for meeting
@Loktar is all like "Bam! Codez!" vanishes
dont worry mates . this code is not what i want to do. obviously i want to achieve something else. but yah it gives me some idea
@Xeon06 he's wrong. I rolled it back
/ignore o/
@Raynos I thought so
A: Looping through check-box in JavaScript not working

AndreyUsing jQuery: // gives you array of checked checkboxes var checkedBoxes = jQuery("#orderForm input[checkbox]:checked");


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