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Over 10000
No, but it's probably very high
I'm just wondering if this works intuitively - ps1 runs of my computer very well, ps2 is a strain, so does that necessarily mean that ps3 will be drastically more taxing, or is there some kind of gain at some point?
PS3 uses an exotic architecture that likely can't be emulated easily
PS4 might even be easier because it's just plain x86
Or better put, does emulation mean that whatever the original system does directly relates to a greater amount of work for the system emulating it?
original system did 1 thing - emulating system did 4 things, kinda deal.
Emulating x86 on x86 is easy
What's ps3? Just something they made up!?
No, just something not so commonly used
@copy emulation, or virtualization?
The latter
heh, I'm aware there's a difference, but don't consumers generally refer to them all as "emulators" ?
This is the best layman's description of the PS3 architecture I've ever read: shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=12573
@m59 I don't know of anyone that calls VMWare an emulator
Actually, I think it's the only layman's terms description of the PS3 architecture I've read...
Referring to ppsspp, pscx2 and such
That sounds like the sound made when opening a can of soda
Anyone know of a good MVVM pattern tutorial that doesn't use ember or knockout?
Why that specific criteria?
I want to learn the concepts at the most basic level and not just learn a framework
If you're looking to learn basic concepts, learn the closure pattern or how JSONP works. They'll be much more useful than MVVM.
I say this because MVVM is kind of a buzzword - there's no standard as to what it means.
so there's no "basic concepts" to be learned there - only opinion.
This script: http://jsfiddle.net/8mzgoqvd/ doesn't work on jQuery 1.10.1, but does work on 1.7.2: http://jsfiddle.net/8mzgoqvd/1/
How can I make the script work for 1.10.1 ?
An API I need to use doesn't allow CORS, how can I make the proper type of request in nodejs? Should I use PHP?
@grasshopper CORS isn't a thing on the backend.
I know, he doesn't have the Accept-Allow-origin header on the API page so I don't know how to access it now.
except for using PHP, which I am not sure how to use with nodejs
here is a link to the apihttps://bitcoinindex.es/api
@grasshopper use the request module
ok so i installed node request
Also I am using angularjs, which already has http.get, which didn't work
wait, what?
are you trying to make this request from the browser or server?
I want to make it from a server since CORS isn't allowed.
@SomeKittens I did some basic research on those two topics you suggested. Not really what I was looking for but thank you very much! Very interesting stuff nonetheless. What I need is a "here's an accepted way of doing this" sort of tutorial on interface backend. I am building a game and it will need a rather in-depth interface. Settings menu to change gameplay and display settings, inventory screen with moveable items, entity health bars, etc.
The truth is it depends
Well of course. I don't imagine there to be an end-all solution or anything. Just want to know some paradigms.
If you're a beginner, it's much more important to get started
Learn debugging, data structures, the protocol you're using
@copy That's what I am looking for help on. Data structures.
MVVM has nothing to do with that (at least not what I meant)
It's not a structure pattern?
I don't know
See this is why I'm looking for tutorials. I don't even know where to start I guess. From what I have studied thus far I know I need to separate presentation, interaction, and simulation, if I want to keep it all maintainable. I thought that MVC, MVVM were common structures to address that.
Start by writing imperative code into a single file
Single out commonly used functionality into functions
Put functions into external files
Once you have 1000 sloc, dump all your code on cr.se
Everyone touts these buzzwords like they are chapters in a personal bible, but when you ask for specifics they're just like "you should just find your own way." No offense. I have gone about building the system by going from bottom to top. I have a simple game simulation running, with no input/output other than the console. Now I want to add a simple view, and then add controls between view and sim. Is that a good plan? Or should I be building things across the whole application in unison
I don't see how you could be unhappy about this
I'm telling you to just code away
You're right. Thanks.
I tend to get caught up pretty bad on "best practices," i suppose.
By the time you've implement a best practice, it will not be the best practice anymore
Hahaha I can definitely see the truth in that. Do lots of programmers just like to pontificate? Whenever I do research I always come across things like MVC, MVVM, and they are talked about like they are the industry standard and that's the way all data will be handled until the end of time. I mean, obviously, I don't believe that. But I don't want to seem like a fool to future coworkers because I don't know the paradigm definitions of terms. Is that something I should worry about?
They are good patterns, and they scale across large teams.
And big projects.
But just let them arise naturally, as they tend to do in my experience
Well I suppose, then, that what I'd really like is to be able to recognize such things as they emerge.
That's a very good goal to have
I might suggest looking at todomvc.com
Thanks! Ill check that out now
These are really helpful to study particularly the vanillaJS one thanks a bunch @phenomnomnominal
You're welcome, go nuts.
@phenomnomnominal What's the weather like over there at the moment?
@Josep poor guy ;D At least the OP did finally concede and accept your answer.
@monners lovely today!
How do i fix this code ?
function ctrl($scope) {
    $scope.time = 1;

    function timeout() {
        setTimeout(function () {

            $scope.time = $scope.time + 1;


        }, 1000);


I want a loop
for(;;); <- there you go
I started developing an angular app for Firefox OS recently. In that, I am using Firefox Building Blocks' drawer UI component. The problem right now is that, when I click on the drawer icon, the drawer doesnt open. This is because the URL that comes up is: file:///D:/projects/svn/trunk/index.html#/drawer If you remove the / before drawer in the URL, it works. Any idea why the URL is coming up that way?
@copy I woke up at 6 for nothing?
Hello All, Can any body tell me what is use of JqLite in Angular Projects?
The same as jquery but less big.
you shouldn't need to use it that much
@phenomnomnominal There's a storm coming in :( Gonna be a fun ride home
sadface brah
hi guys
anyone worked with webrtc here?
check this url , this sample video chat is based on webrtc
@phenomnomnominal Is Jqlite right way to use for DOM manipulation in Angular JS applicaitons?
@Abhi you probably shouldn't need to use it for that.
@phenomnomnominal ok. If i should not need, can you tell me other ways ?
@hanu have you worked on it yourslef yet?
@Abhi make a change on your model from your controller and let the bindings do it for you.
hi all!
i'd like to make a popup, iframe, called with javascript, linked to google maps that would allow me to locate something... the map should appear, and, on click, i will get back lat/long of the clicked point... is that possible? anybody knows how to do, or has already done such a thing
@phenomnomnominal No , actually Ineed to add and remove certain classes to DOM elements. for that i amthinking to use JqLite
@Abhi no, do that with your controller and model
tell those classes to show up when certain properties on your model are set
morning awal
if' u have few minutes, can you have a look at my previous question? (4 posts earlier)
@phenomnomnominal ok. Can i use directives for that?
@Julo0sS look at the google maps api
(google's oauth is already sucking hard on me)
I wrote an email to them and one of them were helping me fix some oauth php file structures last night.
So just be warned, an api from google?, try to stay away as much as possible.
also, keeping the api aside, @Julo0sS you can make interactions among the main window and an iframe via window.top.
@AwalGarg : yeh i'd like to stay awayyyy, far awayyy from them... but seems like there is not many good alternatives... :/
maybe OpenStreetMap but looks a bit more complicated^^
gm Cerbrus
@Julo0sS yes. Don't get much depressed by that fact though. A big amount of devs use thier apis across the world. Reading that message more carefully, I guess that most of your work would be with the api only. It's not that difficult to have an iframe and window interact with each other.
@AwalGarg : openstreetmap looks as intrusive as gm... whata maze to get a key, need to give many many information (fake or not)
most of my work is NOT related to this... all i need is a way to locate an object... my work is handeling objects, various objects, not related at all to google maps... the only thing i need from them (or not) is to give me the possibility to geo-locate the object by clicking on a map, by locate i mean get the coordinates (latitude longitude) that's all...
@Julo0sS their api looks simpler than GM. You can give it a try, the main question is, does it have all the features you want?
@AwalGarg i need 1 feature... ;p
ahh well
hmm, looks easy. Not sure how easier it would be to implement that.
!!tell Julo0sS xkcd Tasks
Oh, she's dead again
Q: how to get latitude, longitude onclick of a map in google maps api v3 javascript?

Ramesh Kothahow to know latitude, longitude on click of a map in google maps api v3. i have done this in google maps api v2 with this code GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(overlay, latlng) { if (latlng) { marker = new GMarker(latlng, {draggable:true}); GEvent.addL...

think that helps?
@Julo0sS: Whenever a requirement starts with "The only thing I need..."
I hide in a time dilation field.
actually, once you get the latitude longitude info, your task is almost over. Communication between those windows is just a line away.
for this particular case, I would say stick with GM.
anyways, I have to leave right now.
the thing is : i have my button, geoLocate, on click, i have my popup coming, with 2 buttons : Cancel & Confirm. The thing is, on click, the popup has to initialize (with a map, idc if it comes from GM or anywhere else) but i don't want my app to become heavy & slow cuz of this... then, when i have it i set a point in this window, and get my coordinates back on "confirm" button.
later awal ;)
lol @Cerbrus
@Gotalove , yes i did
@hanu where can I get source code for such to sift through other than html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/basics
thanks @hanu
@Gotalove welcome
> Simplest WebRTC ever
> 20 files
thanks I think will start with the simplest :-P
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's the main advantage of using compared to catch in Bluebird? Not quite getting the purpose of it, despite a look at the docs.
@Qantas94Heavy resource management - let's say you want to open a DB connection (or several) and have Bluebird close it for you when you're done multiple times in your app.
.catch is for handling errors, using is for managing resources.
Wondering how it does that for you, do all returned values have to have a method like .close or something like that?
@Qantas94Heavy they have to have a .disposer attached to them.
It calls that when the promise you return from using resolves.
Ah, that would make sense.
that's easy enough to adapt if the library doesn't support a "disposer" function
I hate our new Project Manager
Hi! I have a window.onkeydown = function(event) { function... Is it possible to know where I'm writing ? i.e. if I'm writing in elements of class "myclas" => dosomething
do I have to do if event.target == etc. ?
@Basj yes
In fact I have lots of <div contenteditable="true"> elements... How to change a flag edited=false; to edited=true; only once text has been modified in one of these divs ?
Can i have a another if condition inside this ?
ng-class="{marked: $storage.quez[$index].marked, viewed : $storage.quez[$index].viewed , skipped: $storage.quez[$index].skipped}
Something like
marked: ($storage.quez[$index].marked) ? true: false
@samitha ($storage.quez[$index].marked) ? true: false is the same thing as $storage.quez[$index].marked
marked: ($storage.quez[$index].marked) ? $storage.quez[$index].viewed = false: $storage.quez[$index].skipped = false
this type of thing actually i want
how can we check whether the person loading a site on a Verizon 4G LTE Samsung Galaxy Note 2 if so i can redirect the desktop site to my mobile site can any one please help me
@samitha You can do it (surround with parentheses), but it is ugly as sin
@samitha i would suggest having a function in the ctrl you call which returns boolean rather than clogging up your HTML with IF statements
@DrogoNevets ^ _ ^
that way you get the ng-class working plus any other logic, that doesnt belong in that part of the view done too
and it looks pretty, and you can have as many if statements you like without it looking [too] messy
Anyone good with generators mind proofreading one of my answers?
ill have a look, cant promise how good i am though :P
marked: $storage.quez[$index][$storage.quez[$index].marked ? 'viewed' : 'skipped'] = false
@BenjaminGruenbaum go on
@FlorianMargaine I feel my tone here is kind of aggressive towards not doing what OP asked.
Also, I'm not sure I'm accurate there.
@FlorianMargaine What is that?
the same as what you wrote
@BenjaminGruenbaum not sure about that either
@BenjaminGruenbaum the tone is fine
@FlorianMargaine +1
Hey guys,can you take a look at this stackoverflow.com/questions/26106840/…
I have used precompiled handlebars templates for v1.3,I am testing v2.0 but there seem to be some differences,I did install handlebars 2.0 npm module,why is this throwing the error
How do you deal with JS code with different OS / Browsers ?
Example : I have to bind CTRL + KEY on Windows, but COMMAND + KEY on Apple... etc. Lots of small things like this vary as well here and here.
Should I do :
1) detect OS / browser in PHP => then serve myjs-osx.js or myjs-win.js etc.

2) detect OS / browser in the JS code itself => the I have only one big js containg lots of "if (osx) then ... else if (win) then ... "

3) another way ?
@Basj you've probably heard this a million times but
abstract it away with external JS libraries
what are the key codes? can you bind to both?
@rwollr no never, I haven't had any programming course
@rwollr what does this mean ?
here's something i just grabbed from google
@DrogoNevets yes sure I could bind both "event.ctrlKey" and "event.metaKey" (=Command for Mac) .... but then on Windows "metaKey" (=windows key) will also be bound (binded?) which is not what I want
Mousetrap.bind(['command+k', 'ctrl+k'], function(e) {
ng-class="{marked: $storage.quez[$index].marked, viewed : $storage.quez[$index].viewed || getViewByIndex($index, currentIndex) , skipped: $storage.quez[$index].skipped}"
is that ok ?
getViewByIndex($index, currentIndex) ?
@rwollr is this jquery or normal JS ?
it's definitely not native JS, that's a library
now I do :
window.onkeydown = function(event) {
        // CTRL+PLUS or PAGE DOWN
        if ((event.ctrlKey && (event.keyCode == 61 || event.keyCode == 187)) || event.keyCode == 34)
it would appear to not have any dependencies though
@rwollr I would prefer to avoid external libraries as much as I can : i would like to use only JS + jQuery
believe me i understand
but the paradigm for javascript for years now has always been let someone abstract away inconsistencies between platform/older browsers/newer browsers/different browsers rather than try and mess around with magic numbers and platform specific fixes, such as keycodes
it's not the way i would always like to do things either but it certainly is easiest
@samitha no, i would have the function return an array of classes (the ones you want applied) and do ng-class="getClasses()"
ok interesting point of view... i have no JS culture yet, so I trust you,
you're probably right :)
your ng-class directive there is difficult to read, and ugly!
"2) detect OS / browser in the JS code itself => the I have only one big js containg lots of "if (osx) then ... else if (win) then ... "" i definitely agree with you here but i don't really think there's a lot of other ways to do it unfortunately (without relying on external libs), although you can always try and be smart about reusing that code as much as possible
@rwollr *should try and be smart :P
oh yes
@rwollr Shouldn't I load <script src="myjs-osx.js "> or <script src="myjs-win.js "> in regard of current os/browser ?
i wouldn't
sounds like too much fragmentation
you kind of get into the problems of premature optimization and maintainability if you go down that route
like yeah you would be saving each platform's users however many bytes by only serving them platform specific code but i think the benefits would be outweighed by it becoming harder to keep track of everything
Hi all
@rwollr 100% true : then it would be a nightmare to replicate modifications from myjs-win.js to myjs-osx.js and backwards, etc.
@rwollr that's why i hesitated to do it... i think you're right with premature optimization
i mean really in the end there's no 100% right or wrong way
all of those solutions will work
i'd say that's 99% of what programming is, being able to figure out how to do something the least wrong way
@rlemon hi, I am going through the rules again. could you please update the link for chatbot and sandbox room? It is linked to a hash. thanks
@rwollr 99% of programming is dealing with your boss, client, meetings, computer problems your coworkers have
But I get your point
If only most of my time were spent programming
@Neil Come work with me. I'm perfect in every way :D
for real? my first javascript job they sat me at a desk and would give me something to work on every day or two
then again i was one of two programmers in a ~20 person company
@Neil i am the 1%, i have no boss, client, meeting, but I do have computer problems ;)
@Basj So you're a student then
@monners no I'a math teacher at university, but JS is for hobby ;)
that's really cool
@Basj lol, I was close :P
@monners defintely :)
@Basj what courses do you teach?
@BenjaminGruenbaum diff calculus, integral calculus, probability theory, etc. but my main topic was analytic number theory
@Basj that's cool
yes i enjoy teaching
@Basj Would you agree that elementary mathematics would make a lot more sense to new students in some sort of programming context?
anyone good with google maps api here? :)
10 mins ago, by rwollr
i'd say that's 99% of what programming is, being able to figure out how to do something the least wrong way
I like this :D
@SurajVerma ?
@monners sure! like probably many people here, math has always been simple for me because I had programming examples in my head, so dealing with variables, sets, sets of sets, etc. is straightforward if you have programming example in mind
Lots of things you don't have examples for though
@Basj A lot of mathematical concepts didn't make much sense to me until I started programming, especially trigonometry (thank you animation!)
same here, i didn't understand trig until i started trying to do game development
@BenjaminGruenbaum what do you mean ?
@Basj it's hard to give programming intuition to lots of things in Math
@BenjaminGruenbaum But the basics are the basics
@BenjaminGruenbaum hum... i don't know... sometimes when you really think about it, you find some example... what math example do you have in mind with no programming intuition link ?
none of the underscore.js methods for collections/arrays modify the original, right?
@Basj lots, there are a lot of fields in Mathematics with no link to programming whatsoever. Heck, there are fields in compuer science with no links to programming. For example - how would you give a programming example that uses imaginary numbers? All the examples would be math centric and the programming is very secondary.
(I used imaginary numbers since they're so basic)
I think that even more generally - the more advanced the topic gets the more you need your math intuition in programming and not vice versa.
Even in the more basic crypto algos today like RSA, the tricky parts are the group theory and not the programming part.
yes that's true that the examples that we could give would be a bit math centric, and programming would just be a useful way of displaying it nicely...
Stuff like high school trig is just basic enough that you can "pick it up as you go" when you do game programming, I'm not sure the same trick would work for matrix multiplication when you apply transformations in graphics which is still pretty basic, and it probably wouldn't work when you write a DFT
@Basj it's cool to have people who're into math in the room though :D
Wait, how are DFTs used in programming? I've only ever used them in DSP
@BenjaminGruenbaum i think it could work "pick it up as you go" for DFT for example... as I did much programming on audio things, I learned DFT "by doing it / by programming it" before I learned Fourier at university
so I think that's possible to do it "as you go" / "when you need it" when an application (DSP on audio example) requires it
@Basj You knew what a matrix was, and what an imaginary number was, and what the unit circle was and what a unit root was before you picked it up though - right?
You could figure out the identities that make DFT work because you knew the basic fundamentals.
If you hadn't known any of those things - I can't think of anything "simpler" that could have gotten you used to imaginary numbers, or "cis" representation of unit roots and that sort of stuff - you had to practice how these things work before applying it in programming - not to mention what a polynomial is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum matrix : no ( i was 17), imaginary numbers : probably, but i didn't use, i just learned good old fourier with no imaginary but only a_k * sin(n k) + b_k * cos (n k) , so no imaginary is really needed....
@BenjaminGruenbaum : at this time, for me, matrix = an array of numbers (like in programming), and i did not know anything about matrix multiplication, etc.
btw if anyone interested, that was pretty useful what I started learning Fourier before really studying at school : dspdimension.com/admin/dft-a-pied
@BenjaminGruenbaum There are definitely areas where the fields don't overlap, but I can certainly attest to the value of seeing a mathematical concept demonstrated in a programmatic context.
@monners I think Physics does a much better job than programming here though.
Guys :) if anyone as an idea...
I instantiate a google.map map into a popup on click on a button...
I locate things on it with markers, and set values in fields i can get back on confirm button...
When i close my popup... And then call it again... My map display is broken, seems like my map object is instantiated again on the previous one...
I need to destroy my objects before calling it again...
any idea someone?
Something else, just out of curiosity, do you use lots of math in your everyday coding projects ? @BenjaminGruenbaum @monners ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum That kinda supports my position though. Seeing the physics of a ball bouncing and the difference made by changing values is, in my humble opinion, much more descriptive than trying to memorize formulas in a purely numerical context.
@Basj I do, but it depends on what I'm working on - in JS/web I use highschool trig and basic stuff - the hardest thing I had to do is a gaussian blur which is first year of the BSc. In backend I mostly had to do probability, but again pretty basic. In machine learning there's plenty of math though. Also - as a hobby - all the functional stuff I work with is pretty math intensive - but that's hardly "work".
@monners no argument there.
@Basj Not in my day to day, but in my hobby stuff, yeah (animation, collision detection, boundary definition, etc, etc)
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh that's cool
@BenjaminGruenbaum Cool. That's really about as far as my understanding of the overlap goes, but it has certainly helped me.
sthing else : what site do you know which % of clients use this or this browser?
example : Safari for Windows ?
There isn't a Safari for windows, at least not since five or so years ago, right?
I installed Safari for Win 5.1.7, but I didn't check if it's a current version or not
Win what?!?
Holy shit, Windows NT 2000?
@monners lol, no I meant (Safari for Win) version 5.1.7
Can't imagine that's still being supported
ok i give up compatibility with this browser.... ;)
What OS are you on?
Win 98 SP 2
Yeah, Win what?
just kidding ;) Win 7
Windows 98 best OS EU
OSX best OS EU
The window controls are on the wrong side!
Safari for windows was discontinued
whispers take the bait, take it!
@Sippy I... what?
Say they're on the right side!
What, the Windows controls?
No, window controls.
As in minimize, close
As of Windows 8 all controls are on the wrong side
If you had said they're on the right side I would've said no they're on the left and been done with the joke @monners. sighs
Ain't nobody got time for that
Coulda been comedic genius.
How did you get on teaching your sis to code btw?
Or not started yet?
Not started yet
Ah right.
@monners Would you be my boss or my colleague? ;)
@Neil Romantic rendezvous isn't an option?
@monners Depends. Does a romantic rendezvous involve programming most of the time?
There'll definitely be some for in loops
And some hot reboots
And some stack overflows
And some hardware
Proceeded by some User Experience
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    cout << "I love you ";
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)(0 - 1); ++i) {
        cout << "so ";
    cout << "much!" << endl;
    return 0;
You guys could use that.
Unless you're not looking to use dependencies.
What, no threading?
Men I dnt no c=+
Half of me wishes I did and the other half says fuck that C# is way better.
Don't waste your time in c++
Only reason I half wish I knew it is because I don't understand a lot about what goes on underneath C#
It does a lot of legwork for you.
It's for programmers that think that it's worth the minuscule speed gain you get
But then again that privilege isn't going away any time soon.
C# is a far better alternative and perhaps more importantly, it is a simplified version of c++
me likey c#
Admittedly Java isn't bad either, though it gets a bad rap
I really wanna like JS as well, hard to get right though.
in C#, Sep 20 at 0:24, by user1112560
Whenever I work with Java, I just pretend I'm working with C# from 7 years in the past.
That's pinned in the C# room lol
I had fun writing client server stuff with RMI at uni in Java
My words just won't come out right today.
@Neil Java has a bad rep because it's a bad language.
@Neil that's completely false btw.
C# and C++ are very different, they have different semantics, different notions of ownership, different notions of determinism and so on, not to mention different syntax.
Wrote a distributed password cracker :D was pretty nifty. The guy I was working with managed to write an application in C++ that could do segments of a hash cracking task. So we'd split the task into segments dependent on how many clients were connected, that way the segments would always be the same size and wouldn't have an increasingly detrimental effect on client machines.
Then we connect the entire university network together to crack passwords.
was cool.
@BenjaminGruenbaum To say that it is completely false, you're saying C# is a more complicated version of C++, am I correct in assuming that?
@Neil no, why would you assume that :/?
They're different langauges, they have different semantics, all they have in common are the curly braces and C like syntax.
If A is completely false, then not A is completely true
That's not "not A"
then it isn't completely false
The inverse "A is not like B" is not "A is like not B".
Think about that.
You used the word "is", not "like", and A is like, totally not B
Work on your logic bro :D
!!afk lunch
Fine, you work on your pedantic attitude.
Could you try just this : unixpapa.com/js/testkey.html , and press CTRL + PLUS (or COMMAND + PLUS on Mac) ... .What keycodes do you get ?
I'd like to see if you get different codes on your different browsers / os

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