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@KendallFrey I'm pretty bad. The AI generally gives me a decent match
But, yeah, it's basically multiplayer QWOP.
no, multiplayer QWOP is multiplayer QWOP
film suggestion (to watch wiith parents)?
Throw mama from the train
@towc Human Centipede? Good documentary on the interconnectedness of modern life.
@towc What genre?
@Retsam comedy
@SomeKittens nah, no documentaries. Might watch it later on my own
@towc Titty titty bang bang
Bad Words
Bad Santa
@KendallFrey can't be anything but good -_-
BAMFs in Space
> The smarter you are, the more likely you are to be tripping balls at any given moment. // Cracked is hilarious sometimes
I'm sure your parents would love to watch that
Backdoor Sluts 9 :O
@towc The Whole Nine Yards imdb.com/title/tt0190138 <- real suggestion
(South Park fans will know it)
@Jhawins liiiink
@SomeKittens cracked.com/…
@rlemon I love that movie
Not really a good read tho..
@towc Despicable Me
And very old. How did I get linked to this anyway...
@Zirak 2 was such a disappointment
@rlemon sounds good. No sex or strip involved?
Why do you watch sequels? Of animated movies?
@SterlingArcher Why do you watch sequens? Of animated movies? (source)
@towc not that I can remember
@rlemon perfect! thanks!
Sequels are only good with Keanu Reeves
Ah yeah. Someone tried to tell me bad hand-writing was a direct sign of intelligence haha. Follow the rabbit hole and I ended up at Cracked
@towc might be some undies shown. again can't remember
google it
There are very few movies which weren't ruined by a sequel. I don't think I've met a Disney/Dreamworks/etc sequel which was anything more than shit.
@Jhawins At least among males it seems to be; I've never seen the same correlation made with females.
Lion King 2 and further ruined me.
The second Aladin was pretty decent
@towc wow imdb has that now imdb.com/title/tt0190138/parentalguide?ref_=tt_stry_pg -- so there is sex, but you don't see it
Jeepers Creepers 2 was pretty good
> According to Psychology Today, people who use more drugs are more intelligent. "Intelligent people don't always do the right thing," they write, "only the evolutionarily novel thing."
But that's not disney
Uhmmm, Toy Story?
Ok, well I don't believe that.
oo nvm
> A woman is walks around fully nude for about a minute. Her pubic region is always covered, but her breasts are very clearly visible.
I nearly cried on Toy Story 3
Ever met a real life crack head?
wow, you would think I would remember boobs
I don't think he's smarter than me because he smokes more crack than me hahaha
@rlemon you don't remember the boob scene?
@rlemon can't find how it is called in italian anyway
my mother can't understand english
well it is a good movie
put it on your list
I will ;)
@Retsam Really you've noticed that? Seems odd to me. I've known farm boys that write better than anyone I've ever met.
Watch the Italian Job
If that's not in italian america is doing it right
and by exciting I mean I am sad.
The guy with the best handwriting I've ever noticed was literally retarded. But that's just an exception..
@towc Unbreakable is also a good movie - safe, but not a comedy.
@Jhawins It's actually an observation I've heard my mother who works in schools (nurse, not teacher, though) make; but I'm evidence of it, and I've seen it too.
@SimonSarris hi!
@SterlingArcher Toy Story is an exception, agreed.
@rlemon going to add it on my list. Don't think that my parents are going to like that. But thank you anyway
Up ?
I agree with @BenjaminGruenbaum that Aladin was also a good sequel. The Return of Jaffar was intense
@rlemon too cartoonish
I love it when my own music comes on the radio :D
@SterlingArcher bonjour
@SimonSarris don't think I'll ever find my self needing to do that XD
@towc Benny and Joon!
@towc drawImage with an SVG source? YES YOU WILL
omg that took me a minute to remember the name of
such a good movie
and no nudity!
Lego Movie is also good, if we're talking about good comedies.
I don't think there's any nudity in that one, but I could be wrong.
@rlemon looks pretty childish and old. Also, they're going to sleep now, I don't think they're interested about the movie now XD
@Jhawins I think they missed the main point (at least, as I see it) of substance abuse: Disconnecting your brain.
It's nerve wrecking to think. Sleeping or watching "Gossip Girl" only work so long.
Harold and Maud!
That old ass movie was good
@towc it isn't childish at all. and it's mid 90's
you don't know good movies
go away
Never had good movie judgement capabilities XD
but from the photos it seems adapted to kids... maybe it's just the style
@Zirak I can't usually tell if you're being serious but -at the risk of seeming like an idiot- I totally agree.
read the description
It's a brilliant movie
Sleeping isn't always a release, it doesn't stop your mind.
> In a small town, an auto mechanic named Benny is devoted to taking care of his mentally ill sister, Joon, who can barely function alone in the real world despite being a talented artist. This relatively stable situation is shaken up when Benny is obliged in a poker game to welcome another player's relative, Sam, to his home for a few days. When Sam arrives, he quickly makes an impression with his quietly eccentric ways which emulate the antics of the great silent movie comedian, Buster Keaton.
and ohh boy does Depp ever play a fantastic role
Lucid dreams are torture, btw all. Don't waste your sleeping hours and don't learn how to remove the "rest" part from sleep.
one of my favorite movies from him
@Jhawins This room had a discussion about this before. Smart people tend to be more miserable, substance abuse makes you less miserable, seemingly easy equation.
woo, car's fixed
@Zirak be a genius, smoke crack, all is well again?
@Zirak Pretty much. It helps to turn the noise of life off/down
And then things turn to shit
turnt swag
Things always get worse unless you make them better -> do drugs and escape -> things seem better -> sober up -> things got worse while you were absent
I would assume anyway lol. Once I smoke this crack I'll know a little more about it, and be smarter, and then need to do Desomorphine because I am smarter now and more miserable
room topic changed to !JavaScript && JavaScript : Read this: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | Angularjs is on topic here. stop asking. Reg room here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/59354 [dinkleburg] [ecmascript] [hats] [javascript]
@AbhishekHingnikar ... well played.
@AbhishekHingnikar ...Did you do that really fast or did we do it at the same time?
oh man, a 30+ year old dream girl just walked right back into my life and I think I'm in love
She's tatted <3
@Jhawins i came, i saw the improvemnt possiblity, i did it
... phrasing?
2 mins ago, by Jhawins
I changed it here and just added a tag haha
That vine lol @SterlingArcher you prob seen that
most definitely
So fucking funny
@Jhawins your txts just arrived, but I'm not going to open it on work wifi because that url looks very sketchy LOL
Very good call
The worst part is I already know what's going to happen when I click it, I don't know the details on the happen though...
@SterlingArcher It's just a gif ;P
for any of you students here who wanted to try phpstorm or webstorm ^
Is there something offline that can save docs ?
i really dont wanna save sequelizejs.org
ps i don't know how long my signal will last
am in middle of a city with a 16 hour layover with fucked up web
@Zirak do you have a religion?
@AbhishekHingnikar They use a github wiki and you can clone it
API reference anyway. Just clone with git
@Jhawins like clone the whol repo ?
inst that what npm will do anyways ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Just take the API reference part
The most important thing to know is that they use BB promises so their API is actually reasonable for the most part :P
@AbhishekHingnikar their entire documentation site is on a repo too..... Clone the whole repo, install it and run it local
I just did it in <2 minutes. Souster.tk:3000
crazy just noticed photoshop cc uses node
illustrator scripts are written in js too I think
> Photoshop-node.exe
@fet Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
apparently they use it for their generators
@fet nice thats pretty cool
My autocorrect makes me look like a complete dumbass
randomly capitalizing words, correcting correct words to wrong words...
that's what it's for duchess
k thx
bbye all :-)
@SimonSarris Define "religion"
Also, no
We're space dust, the end
@Zirak I was hoping you had invented one that I could follow
meh, do whatever you want
@SimonSarris this one is pretty good imho: gist.github.com/ryankinal/315ebeb76534649c7c0b
@FlorianMargaine people like Al Capone and Pablo Escobar truly believed that they were doing good and helping the little guy
then they were good people
@RyanKinal I'd like to fork Goodism and add a clause about all the virgins waiting for me in the afterlife. Cool?
Why virgins? Wouldn't you want more experienced partners?
@Shmiddty if mohammaed taught us anything its that you never ask. You just write out the new version and get to conquering ASAP
@Shmiddty That's cool. Just don't be a dick.
@Zirak Why would I want tainted flesh?
> Clause 201b: Judging other people is totally cool and not being a dick at all.
Whoa. Whoa. That's kinda dickish.
You might want to reconsider.
See, you're judging me now. Isn't that cool?
Not judging. Just saying that might be a bit of a dick move.
I think no less of you. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes.
> Clause 1: Anyone trying to add to this is a dick
The classic religion safety net
room topic changed to JavaScript++: Read this: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | Angularjs is on topic here. stop asking. Reg room here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/59354 [dinkleburg] [ecmascript] [hats] [javascript]
Every one of them has one.
Meh. I could see some additional guidelines on how to not be a dick.
> You shall have no other gods before me.
@Shmiddty if something you do to someone taints them, maybe the problem rests with you :P
@SimonSarris Infidel.
@Shmiddty I have made no counter-claims
Hi all, I'm using this answer to download a zip file from a web service in my anuglarjs application. Using window.open method. However, is there a way to achieve the same but also read the response in case the web service gives some error instead of the zip file?
Okay, I want to check a string for three different characters, and want to find the character with the lowest index. I thought about Math.min(string.indexOf(char1),string.indexOf(char2),string.indexOf(char3) however this doesn't work, as the index is -1 sometimes.
How would you guys do this ?
@RyanKinal Thus, the end begins
Just say it's like Tao
@RyanKinal that's kinda dickish of you.
<3 Tao
@FlorianMargaine I'm not saying I'm going to write things. I'm just saying I could see somebody forking it and adding some.
@RyanKinal I've been thinking about it a lot lately, that and Pirsing's Quality. I'm working on something you might like, prototype name is "Personality". It's...weird.
I'll have to read about it
oh oh not like that, read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"
You'll love it
@RyanKinal In all serious, "being a dick" is a bit ambiguous. I think a possibly better way to say it is "Always try to consider how your actions affect others."
@Zirak I have a copy. Haven't read it, though.
@Shmiddty "Don't be a dick" sounds better.
@RyanKinal you should read eliot rodger's (sp?) manifesto
@Shmiddty It's ambiguous by design
its long but I think you'll discover why "being a dick" is insufficient criteria
"Always try to consider how your actions affect others." sounds like hippy-dippy bullshit.
@SimonSarris Insufficient for what?
@SimonSarris Holy hell. 141 page document.
@RyanKinal Because it's not abrasive?
@Zirak to have people behave in a manner that other people would like them to
@RyanKinal here's a summary I posted some time ago: facebook.com/simonsarris/posts/992739295506
@Shmiddty Nah, just because it's been said in basically that way so many times
And in so many holy books
@SimonSarris Other people are dicks
I don't care if you're actively considerate, as long as you're not actively harmful.
Dicks are in the eye of the beholder.
It would be better if you're actively considerate, but it's by no means necessary.
@Loktar wisdom
@Loktar ow
I've never seen that doc before @RyanKinal pretty cool
the goodism one
@Loktar Everything is in the eye of the beholder
Is what you perceive to be harmful the same as what I perceive to be harmful?
hehe he hehehehe hehe he hehehe he...
I'm sure there is definitely some overlap
!!google cake music band
@Shmiddty yeah thats my point really in general you can be nice.. but some people can take offense
> Please don't hold the door open for me I'm not weak!
Look at the earlier discussion: "I wouldn't mind posing half-naked, so sexism isn't really a problem."
The cake... isn't a lie?
!!youtube cake the distance
@Loktar Really? That surprises me. It's been around a while.
@SimonSarris wat
Glad you like it.
I must have missed it :?
@Shmiddty Maybe not entirely. But I'm sure we can agree on a lot of things.
@SomeKittens geo-censored
same here
@Zirak what?
(not available in my country)
@SimonSarris That's some weird stuff
I can hear that
@SimonSarris Yeah. Kid had some problems.
not too much melody so far
@RyanKinal Killing is wrong a) Always b) When done intentionally c) When not done in self defense d) Never And innumerable intricacies in between.
@Shmiddty as in, humans?
@Shmiddty Indeed. But that's why I don't literally say "Don't kill people". I say "Don't be a dick."
@JanDvorak There's another layer. ;)
My favorite day of Philosophy and Ethics class was when the prof went through 22 different levels of opinions one could have on abortion.
@SomeKittens Tricky issue ;-)
I don't feel shame in killing for food. I just lack the competence.
He presented them all, explained the details, and asked the (mostly conservative class) "So where do you stand?"
@SomeKittens Thanks for the link. I'll keep them in mind.
and a room full of people who had previously either been just "for" or "against" abortion realized they'd never be able to have a normal conversation about it again.
@SomeKittens What are they?
@JanDvorak Butcher chickens, it's hilarious.
never tried. I once watched a pig get killed
pigs don't run around without heads
Pigs don't run around, ever.
but you're right... I don't think I have any plans for seeing a chicken slaughter
@JanDvorak thanks for making me want to go to the KFC buffet now...
I have killed many animals. Living on a farm makes you not really care about it lol
I still get wierded out by a lot of things related to food though :/
@AaronSiciliano I've only killed animals when hunting
I still feel bad if I accidently run one over, or when my cats catch a baby bunny..
I can't say i have ever been that ambitious lol
I saved so many stupid baby bunnies this spring..
by not having cats?
If the cats will eat the bunny just let em have it
if its already hurt really bad I do, but if they like just got it and its crying I run outside and save it
or if it just a small scratch or two
Loktar nurses baby bunnies back to health in an 11 week program :D
@Loktar Never happened to me, but if I did see it, I would probably giggle.
lol thats fucked up
I always feel bad for the things
when they are already dead, whatever
but I hate when they're alive and the cats are just toying with it
Would you feel bad if it was a squirrel? Those little bastards taunt everything. Occasionally i would like to see them get whats coming to them.
haha nah I feel bad, one of our neighbors used to shoot them with a pellet gun
sometimes theyd fall out of the tree and still be alive
used to piss me off
also the fact they shot them over my yard really pissed me off.. never saw the fucker doing it though
so idk which neighbor it is
!!afk R.K. go home.
Hi guys, I've got his line in my js code: var saveBlob = navigator.msSaveBlob || navigator.webkitSaveBlob; and then I used saveBlob as saveBlob(blob, filename). I get invalid calling object error in IE11 on second statement. However, if I call navigator.msSaveBlob(blog, filename) directly, I don't get any error. Any idea why?
@Loktar you should hear the sad story of the turtle I ran over
@SimonSarris what happened?
He ran over a turtle
haha can't use the excuse it ran out in front of you.
> This turtle held the land speed record, and I killed it
@Yoda You'll probably need to bind the function context to navigator
@BenjaminGruenbaum how does bluebird handle promisifying functions with signatures other than function(param,param,param,callback)?
e.g.: var saveBlob = (navigator.msSaveBlob || navigator.webkitSaveBlob).bind(navigator);
@SecondRikudo such as?
@Shmiddty but I'm doing that in the first statement anyway. I've tried logging both saveBlob and navigator.msSaveBlob => both are same.
The one I'm looking at uses function(param, callback, options)
@SecondRikudo where it is from?
(Also, Bluebird doesn't handle those generally, since they don't conform to the nodeback convention, just like async doesn't handle them
Up until now 2/3 of the libraries I found were crap and I had to reimplement them :|
@Yoda Not exactly. this will have a different value, since you aren't calling it in the context of navigator
Is there a simple jQuery way to associate <Hit ENTER> on a <input> to myfunction() ?
@Shmiddty I'm using this answer: stackoverflow.com/a/24129082/1211329
@Shmiddty I have to thank you a loooooooooot !! do you know for what ?
Or, do you have a proper REST client library for Node?
@SecondRikudo that's a retarded library :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yup
Just promisify request and make HTTP calls, that works fine
@Basj Am I the father of your children?
@Yoda Sorry, I was just guessing. Not really familiar with the file api
@Shmiddty hey that bind fix works now :)
in IE11
@Shmiddty well, in a certain meaning, you are a (little?) (big?) bit father of this child : bigpicture.bi/demo
@Shmiddty but now I'm getting error in chrome that "cannot read property bind of undefined."
@Basj pretty cool. Zooming is a bit spastic.
@Loktar I ran over a turtle in my driveway (HOW did it get there?), and its shell was cracked and blood pooled beneath it. I figured oh well, poor dead turtle, and got a shovel and a plastic bag
@Yoda You'll want to include all of the vendor prefix versions
THEN the turtle flinched as I put the shovel near and I realized the guy was still alive
@Shmiddty what does the word spastic mean ?
@Shmiddty Yes, I'm doing
I tried to come up with a way to nicely kill the poor turtle that wouldn't be an accidental miss
!!tell Basj define spastic
@Basj spastic (pathology) Of, relating to, or affected by spasm.
@Shmiddty you mean too slow / transition effect is annoyting ?
@Shmiddty It now looks like this: `(navigator.msSaveBlob || navigator.webkitSaveBlob || navigator.mozSaveBlob || navigator.saveBlob).bind(navigator);`
!!tell Basj define spasm
@Basj spasm A sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle, a group of muscles, or a hollow organ.
!!afk meeting
What I came up with was this: I doubled my plastic bags and poured in a few cups of pure bleach. Then scooped up the turtle and placed him inside and sealed it. I figured the bleach gas would knock him out quickly (and ultimately kill the turtle)
get = Promise.promisify(require('http').get);
Like that? @BenjaminGruenbaum
@SimonSarris ahhh lol I bet that hurt
I just wish there was a more humane way but I didn't want to miss with a swift shovel strike
bleach in its wounds bleh
heh I would have tried to cut off the head.. or just stab its face lol idk
haha but yeah those situations always suck man
turtle heads are well protected ._.
@Loktar do you know a simple jQuery way to associate <Hit ENTER> on a <input> to myfunction() ?
yeah true
I just assumed you umm.. had already breached its defenses with the vehicle :P
$("#myinput").addListener(... ? ...) ?
@Basj onkeydown?
its not like I could have done a clean chop frmo above unless I broke through the shell a lot too
@Loktar and then I have to check manually if it's <ENTER > (keycode 13) ?
isn't it simpler with <form> onSubmit ?
I don't know what is the best practice...
@ircmaxell heh thats awesome
@Basj if they are in a form then yea use the submit
I just assumed they were one off inputs
@Loktar shoud I create a <form> for my single input or not ?
In which case should I do a form or not ?
eh I wouldn't

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