@DavidB Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> My favorite two Final Fantasies are FFX and Final Fantasy Tactics... Advanced. I realize this last word turns an otherwise non-controversial opinion into Final Fantasy High Heresy, with the canonical position being that FFTA was a bastardization of an PS1-era classic, but I can't help it...
Yeah, it's one of those games I've always wanted to like; but 1) the PS1 version's difficulty, density, and slowness warred against my inability to sit still for too long
2) I got halfway through it and then my save file got hosed because I saved between a two-part fight with no hope of winning the second part.
Can we please reopen this, while it's asking about resources I believe it can be (and I have) answered in a way that does not require libraries but rather concepts stackoverflow.com/q/10929711/1348195
@wong2 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I don't know if ASP.NET provides libraries that tie in with your server, but it is important that you make this distinction. It is always javascript you're running on the client
If the libraries do anything, they probably abstract away the ajax calls to the server
On 11th of November we’ll organise the first dsgnday in Amsterdam; a one-day conference for graphic and UX designers working on the web. Today we announce the last speaker. A few weeks back we announced seven out of eight speakers. We still owed you an eighth one, and today we're happy to announce that Peter Boersma has agreed to speak. While working for increasingly international cli…
I am regular mongo user. But now i'm facing a problem with mongoimport command. It shows following error whenever i try to import database (dumped via mongodump)
connected to:
error: boost::filesystem::file_size: Operation not permitted: "mydb/"
when i tried running
mongoimport mydb...
Git gurus: Is there any way for me to display all changes made by a certain user in a specific timespan? Business is all up in my shit about making a deadline, even though I've only joined the project last thursday and the guy I inherited it from has (I suspect) done near to nothing. I just want to see if my claim is correct
@Loki Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Neil Not even sure how to approach the problem. One of the problems I've run into is that I've no idea how to store or constantly check, like, user permissions to access parts of app after a page refresh. Cookie is still alive, session intact, but permissions, that've lovingly stored in scope, are gone after a refresh
@Neil thank you, but all of that's been covered for on the backend. It's in Java + Spring, they're in the process of bashing annotations all over the code, so techincally sensitive data won't even get to me. The task I'm trying to solve is to hide portions of interfaces based on same permission sets that the backend uses. The permission sets are available through a REST service :)
@Neil If the permissions could be kept in the front-end related code, yeah, I'd just stick an object into a service and return portions of it, whatever
@Neil But I have to get permission sets from an endpoint, then somehow use them until a session timeout or a logout. Session Storage sounds like a way out, but I've managed to talk myself out of it somehow :)
Now I'm trying to find a way to call a method of a security service after a page refresh without tying to domready event in any form. Separating the concerns :)
probably a very noob question, but I really don't know the standard way to do this in javascript. If I have a string, say var string; and I want to check if this string is equal to either secondstring,thridstring or fourth string, how do you this ? Do you just say if (string == secondstring || string == thirdstring) etc or can you do something like if (string in [secondstring,thridstring,fourthstring]) ?
Goatse.cx (/ˈɡoʊtsiː dɒt ˌsiː ˈɛks/ or /ˈɡoʊt.sɛks/; "goat sex"), often referred to simply as "Goatse", was originally an Internet shock site. Its front page featured a picture, entitled hello.jpg, showing a naked man stretching his anus with both hands, to approximately the width of his fist. The inside of his rectum is also clearly visible. Below his gaping anus, his dangling penis and scrotum are visible, as well as a golden ring on the ring finger of his left hand. This site became a notorious surprise image and Internet meme, and was—and, through external hosting, still is—used regularly for...
I wish things were black and white. What's more important? Well, sometimes it's A, and sometimes it's B, and sometimes you have to sacrifice some of B for A, or vice-versa.
I came across that issue recently, when dealing with google SEO ranking, and user experience. We're redoing the whole website, and my concern is always optimization and best SEO practice (even though I was a designer, and should be more user-centric). Well, going responsive, we need to do some things that aren't best SEO practice, so we'll be sacrificing our seo a bit to allow for a better UX