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@SomeKittensUx2666 you guys still in TS?
I might join ya
Is there a term for when you pick an array element like this:
var fruit = ["apple","orange","strawberry"][select];
Selecting from an array?
Element at index?
does someone want to do a bit of boolean logic? my brain doesn't seem to.
@Schoening If you're being pedantic, that's a property accessor using bracket notation. But 'selecting an element from an array' and other similar terms are more natural and widely understood. If you mean the specific pattern of creating an array literal and then immediately retrieving a value from it, then I'm not aware of a term for that other than 'bad practice'.
@KendallFrey Willing, but not necessarily able. Is it monstrous?
Given 3 bits a, b, c, express a ? b : c using bitwise operators
@KendallFrey a && b || c
meaning (a & b) | c?
if a = 1 and b = 0 and c = 1, it's wrong
oops, sorry; last used when b was known to be truthy
(a&b) | (!a&c)
yeah, that sounds right
it's not possible to do it in 3 operations is it?
definitiely not with SOP or POS
do you accept NORs and NANDs?
nope, only C-style bitwise ops
I think I may be able to do it in 3 by inverting one of b or c, which I can do ahead of time
not like this is performance critical, but...
wait, what? I thought you were golfing?
no, actually
POS-style: (a|c) & (!a|b)
since b and c are known ahead of time, I can...
which of the four cases of [b,c] don't occur?
var d = ~c;
result = (a & d) ^ (a | b);
@JanDvorak none of them
ahead of time means "outside the loop", not "before runtime"
@KendallFrey nice
fmbrain, time for bed soon
and yet, succeeding.
What does the ~c mean?
bitwise inversion
!!> (5).toString(2)
@KendallFrey "101"
!!> (~5).toString(2)
@KendallFrey "-110"
oh shove it
@KendallFrey ah ok thanks
hey Archer
back to learning shitty Java :/
wtf brain y r u stil writing code I want to sleep
Scumbag brain
I'm literally using single letter variable names, because nothing I can call them will make any more sense
sometimes you have to break convention, imo
so much purty
I'm so happy I don't want to go to tomorrow
but I have to
!!>Array.apply(null, {length: 10}).map(Number.call, Number);
@taco [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
nice. Javascript is so badass
!!> '0123456789'.split('').map(function(i){return +i});
@phenomnomnominal ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]
@phenomnomnominal [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
Java and lisp had a one night stand
and we play with the results
Hmm cool
I like that better @phenomnomnominal
But I guess that works better if you have a string
@taco stuff.toString() !
I'm just kidding, I have no idea what this discussion is about
The other one lets you create an array by passing the length... wouldn't want to type out 100 numbers
g'night all
Jesus. DNS is fucked and I can't seem to change it on my router.
@KendallFrey c ^ (c ^ b) & a
@SomeKittensUx2666 50% done
what other 50% should I do?
Other spaceships asplode also
Firebase, eh?
Going multiplayer?
It should be already.
Oh, nice you're doing the same thing I've been working on in the last weeks :P
Yep, also top-down, multiplayer, shooter (presumably)
yep, same deal
LOTS left to do
Wait, you're interning for Valve?
No, this is my free time project
ah, cool
This is something I've wanted to do for a while, had a day to hack on it
I've got a friend who's on WindowsRT and subsequently can't play games
So I wanted to throw something together he could play with us
If you want, I can show you what I have so far
I'm pretty serious about this project though, this is going to be big
If I stay motivated
I'd love to see it
Sent it to your email
holy cow
this is nice
It is?
@copy how do I run it?
@rlemon oh fine
run.sh, but you have to change the path to the nginx config file
Or uncomment the python webserver line
@SomeKittensUx2666 hehe it's just a suggestion
the circular explosions look better
if you're moving, so do the particles
Yeah, I've mostly been working on minimizing lag, bandwidth and server cpu usage
I've been doing pretty much the opposite
though I'm cheating with Firebase
Firebase is handling that really well
Well, mostly
there's some flicker issues but I don't know where they're coming from
You will probably want to display other players in the past and interpolate between their old and current position
That's what the valve link describes
Does it explain why or just how?
More why than how
@copy Are you using any engine?
I should, maybe. At least for graphics
I wrote some code that looks just like that.
@rlemon that should be a close vote reason.
@copy Well, I couldn't find much, but I'm sure the backend's cool
dumb math question: is there some slick way to make a number X further away from zero?
i.e. 5 -> 10
-5 -> -10
Kidding :)
Probably x + copysign(delta, x)
9/10 of everything I say is a joke, ya know.
Er, x + x
@mintsauce not quite
What if the increasing factor is five, and the number in question is negative 17?
so I'd want to end up with negative 22
Well, that wasn't the spec!
x + ((x ^ delta) < 0 ? -delta : delta)
Assuming you want negative deltas too
So, no
Ignore me
Well the obvious way is: (Math.abs(x) + delta) * (x<0?-1:1); But that's going to need some golfing.
I think the obvious way is x + (x < 0 ? -delta : delta)
Oh, yeah, that's better.
I'd hate to see this script
@flowstoneknight Putting 'window.onload = FirstCalledFuncName;' as the first line within $(document).ready(function() {}) resolved the issue! Thanks! — Michael Bruno 49 secs ago
@DJDavid98 actually I was planning on doing that but I though it would be better idea (would it be?) if I provide the functions written in the plain form so that any user can grab that specific function that he wants instead of the whole module! What do you say?
morning guys :)
@AwalGarg morning :-)
hi :)
State is annoying
Guys I want to generate a random color based on a string. Any ideas?
Hash the string with something simple like FNV
@SomeKittensUx2666 superb! thnx :)
@copy wud look at that too.
lol it seems HTML automatically does that. Try <body bgcolor="literallyAnythingHere">A color is set as background</body>
Yes, that's a known fact with a 1000000 upvote SO question
@copy ?
I'm not going to do the search for you
@copy got it, +1 from me.
I thought I discovered some ridiculously cool thing :(
woo! You can blow up other players!
now to figure out the bullets
1 hour later…
@rlemon Leon was cool
\o/ sunday!
@AwalGarg it's about the number of letters you insert apparently
Morning :)
Morning @IanClark
@rlemon you are a genius sir
why does m sometimes look like rn?
You just demonstrated why
But where specifically are you thinking of?
@IanClark an email address... I read rn instead of m.
@IanClark I meant, why don't font vendors rectify this?
@AwalGarg not sure, cant' say I've ever had a problem with it, but I suppose it depends on the typeface
Anyone here doing node.js?
!!welcome l0oky
@l0oky Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Everybody is
everyone but who isn't
wow copy solved his problem so easily! :D
node? That's that Python framework, right?
Why is it that when I make a for loop from 0 to 3 when I debug my node.js app when breakpoint gets the first time into the loop i = 3 .. is it because of It's non blocking stuff?
@AwalGarg wat
@l0oky wat
from 0-3 inclusive?
@monners Morning
@copy Evening
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
sigh Monday tomorrow
the first time breakpoint gets into the loop my debugger says i is 3
Where's your breakpoint?
in the loop..
Yep, non-blocking. The loop completes and delivers the final value of i
@copy nothing...
I want to populate an array in that loop but I am having trouble with that simple stuff.. argh!
I'm sure the breakpoint is after the loop
crazy stuff that node behaves that way... non blocking overrides the breakpoint eh?
You can avoid it by rescoping the instance of i within the loop
An anonymous function within the loop'll do it.
Can't remember how exactly, was reading about it recently
It's because we don't have block-level scoping (yet)
oh k
@l0oky Can you put together a jsfiddle?
I wonder how many people complain Python doesn't have block scoping :D
nodejs jsfiddle? never heard of it :D
Nobody ever
let all_pythoners_that_complain = 0...
because people don't expect asynchronous stuff to magically work with python because it doesn't really have closures until 3 and in 3 they're like super explicit :P
Because using greenlets or something like that isn't common in Python?
Did you watch that PyParallel lecture btw?
@monners Python doesn't have let
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was using it as a mechanism for incorporating block-level scoping into the joke...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, it's interesting. But I wouldn't approach problems that way (at least not in Python in 2014)
How would you approach it then?
Obviously, it's not mature
Separate processes
And separate servers
If they need to communicate with each other, zmq
And load balancers
But I'm not sure if the model that I have in my head makes sense
That's a lot slower though
It worked @monners
@l0oky :)
but now I have another problem hmm seems verrry strange
@BenjaminGruenbaum Depends on what you need
let me write a gist first one sec
I cant It won't work
I cant read this property
It says that payload is undefined .. but look when I stringify JSON
Wait a second, you're doing WHAT?! :O — Benjamin Gruenbaum 5 secs ago
Are you talking to me ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Seems legit. I'd totes trust them with my money.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Post it in every room
That is totally strange ...... I see that I have the property called 'payload' and It still doesn't recognize it
@copy inorite?
@l0oky try with result[i]["payload"]
"Hire a developer please" :P
@SomeGuy!! hello.
@AwalGarg same error :/
@l0oky it is saying result[i] is undefined... are you sure result is an array? Try console logging it.
already did.. look at my gist
ofc that's a stringified version
and i?
for loop should go from 0 to 3
it only prints once 3
second time it prints blank
and that's it :/
I changed i to j
so you now know the problem atleast.
still same
I think this is again the same kind of problem you had a while ago.
yeah.. it is
didn't fix the problem properly
If I can guess, I would say, the loop doesn't wait for the setPayloadToken function to complete and just continues... so by the time you log i in console, i has already incremented.
- Well-versed with Java or C# programming techniques
- Good know how of systematic debugging
- Well aware of the programming environment
- Good Problem solving capabilities
- Comfortable with algorithmic thinking
- Know how to structure the code
- Able to code quickly
@AwalGarg do you have any idea how can I fix this? I tried this solution looks like I didn't implement it properly.. stackoverflow.com/questions/750486/…
javascript is a bit confusing when it comes to this...
@l0oky yes, it clearly solves the problem... how did you implement it? make another gist showing that implementation.
@AbhishekHingnikar Your job ad?
@copy no for Worldskills2015.org 2nd level
@copy my job ad looks like this
@l0oky where are you calling those functions?
@AbhishekHingnikar why JAVA or C#?
- Knows (( Python || JavaScript ) && ( English ));
- Has atleast an year of working with aws/azure/google cloud
- Happy for a huge challenge
- NLP is plus
- ML is major plus
- Image processing is plus (granted u understand what you are doing in all the)
- Being able to cast jokes is plus
!!cask a joke
@monners That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
in all the
Well shit
@FlorianMargaine ?
var joke = (Joke)comment; // joke casting in c#
> - Image processing is plus (granted u understand what you are doing in all the)
in all the
and why the requirement for aws/azure/stuff? It's the easiest to learn
@AwalGarg which?
@AbhishekHingnikar So how much do you pay
@l0oky you are returning those functions by the createfunc, but you have to store them in an array and then run another loop at the end to call them.
That is so unpractical but ok.. hmm
@l0oky that is what that answer suggests, so if you want it to work, you would have to do that... or you can leave a comment on that answer for more clarification.
Thank you ^^ you helped me a great deal of work
@l0oky is it working now?
> New Request about PHP, Python, html, HTML/CSS, ajax, JavaScript on Codementor!

A new request has been posted to Codementor's network of experts.

about changes in my site

i want to add somethings in my site.so add some things in my site.
np. I have to go now.
!!afk sunday starts now.
@copy Depends on where you live
and how smart you are
and yes you get equity in company
and you grow with the company
@AbhishekHingnikar and how much is all that in cash?
@AbhishekHingnikar You already know where I live and how smart I am
@copy I don't know whats the avg salary in germany though
€23,550 - €62,228
i can pay you about $2000 - $2500 at max :-/ /mo but if company grows u grow
after taxes?
where do you get your funding?
TIL callback HELL!!!
hey awal :D
this prints me out :
it has to me 1/n/2/n3/n
so far college and one angel has given us some, next stop we going for kickstarter
also the product is a paid service with a clean business model
@copy there can be a major plus though if u don't mind moving to india for a few months :P of initial phase (xD)
we won't pay you on indian scale.. the money you get in german scale in india is a royal life in india :P
Why does that for loop print out 3 3 3 is Javascipt broken ?! :D

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