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@AwalGarg adding a tab may change the content inside of a li, but shouldn't affect anything outside of it
@ziGi you know it doesn't, right?
@towc where to add the tab?
@AwalGarg inside the li tags
@towc it doesn't affect anything outside of it for me, which is again the expected behavior.
wait... I'm dumb
haha, you aren't.
so, the prob is that there is a whitespace between the tags, not inside of them, right?
now it makes sense
the tab is one whitespace, nextline is another, space is another. They count differently.
Try adding a lots of tabs on the same line outside or inside the tags, it won't do anything.
@towc what does it mean then?
he said that you can greet other italians with
@ziGi cock
Hey, cazzo, come stai
really :O
the same volgarity value, the same meaning
we sometimes greet with it
haha so it is not accepted to say cazzo to your italian friends
like, we see each other on the street and didn't expect it and we say: 'cazzo! Come stai?'
it's a pretty common word actually
and you can say it to your friends, but only very close ones
it's also a swearing word, when something went wrong you just scream it
because italians need to show the others that they've done something wrong
haha do you know that in greek it means 'sit'
in that sense it's like english's shit
so if you go to greece and you are in the bus and someone say cazzo, cazzo
@ziGi oh
he means sit, sit, not dick, dick
@ziGi oh! I remember now XD
yes, what do you remember?
My father heard it for the first time in a greek restaurant (in greece), when the waiter asked where we were from, he said Italy, and he was like 'cazzo, cazzo'
my father thought it was just to make a joke on italians, later someone explained to him
I believe it's more like catzo in greek
@towc can you tell me some good Italian DJs that make music similar to Chase & Status, Mediks, Sigma or Feed Me
or maybe they are closer to David Guetta
@ziGi I don't listen to italian music
I see
modern italian music really is awful in my perspective
I see
what do you listen to?
english, american, french
not really sure....
does anyone know about this actually ?
about what?
var array = [ ];
var obj = {};
array + obj = 1
yes, so?
so i want to get the object index after pushing ?
should be the last one in the array
so just take
@samitha array.indexOf(obj)
array.length - 1
@towc oh, yes, that's better
@ziGi maybe he pushed smth else in the meantime
@towc true true
I just always prefer to use indexes if I know where things are, it is faster, otherwise for loops are involved
it is an old habit I have from my days of algorithmic programming
Hi all, I need to save browser's scrolls position on navigation from a certain page to another. I thought about using cookies or localstorage. Is there any recommended approach to achieve this ?
adding 4 different $(document).mouseup(function (e) {


just one with all logic in it, which one is best practice
Keep your data well structured so you don't have to search for things
@Yoda you can use Anchors
@CustomizedName always split your functions for clarification
@ziGi how does that have to do with anchors?
@Yoda not really
@CustomizedName otherwise you get too long functions with ifs and other programmers get confused
@towc well if you have anchors you can easily redirect to the new page using the same anchor?
@Yoda you can still use sessionStorage, so they're not presented to the users as cookies, and they're faster
@towc session or local storage?
@ziGi he wants to remember the scroll position of a page after leaving it, so that when you get back to that page you'll start at that position
@Yoda can you give us the bigger picture, what is the purpose of storing the scroll position, is the redirected page the same as the one from which the position is stored?
@Yoda session
@towc I see
@ziGi a bigger picture is not needed, it's pretty common use in stuff like reddit or fb
ah yes
I have seen it
also on 9gag, but I think their system doesn't do it properly
at least on my PC things are not on the same position afterall
never used 9gag
@zigi I thought you got banned?
btw how does facebook keep the chat open when you change the page, so it looks like it redirects but the chat stays ontop while the new page is loaded
@Sippy just muted for 16 hrs
@Sippy sippy please stop with the drama
@ziGi sessionStorage
No drama bro, was just curious
what is done is done, let's live in the present and plan for the future
I wasn't even here :)
@towc sorry
I know what sessionStorage is
what I am saying is that they have this main content under the header
It isn't done in session
that just reloads when you go and see some other user profile
so the chat and the header are still on
I think it's stored serverside
just the content gets reloaded
Only explanation.
@Sippy why would they store it serverside?
With your account details in some form
I don't know why.
@ziGi if you go to another tab and put in an fb link the chats you had opened are still open, it can't be that
Cos they want to.
@towc no, when you go to a new tab and open the same link the chat opens after everything else is loaded
actually it could be serverside, but I don't see a practical reason for it
@Sippy how do you know that
If you log into facebook on a different machine, your chat windows are still open.
So that rules out session and client side storage.
@Sippy yeah
but it's the same chat that gets open
when I just close chrome and reopen it my chats close 0.o
let me try
@Sippy tried it, you are wrong
Ah, that has changed then.
Cos that's what used to happen.
I don't see why they have to perserve the state to another machine
They don't.
They used to do it for whatever reason
could be
I didn't use fb for long enough probably
I think the reason they used to do it is just for homogeneity
Users don't expect Facebook to change when they use it somewhere else.
Destroying their open chats is a change that most of the userbase probably lament.
however most of the userbase also don't use it on two machines, they use it on a machine and a number of mobile devices.
should sidebar be on the left or on the right?
does anyone know if that is a game -> img-9gag-lol.9cache.com/photo/aZWpLZ0_700b.jpg
@AwalGarg Depends what the sidebar does really
@Sippy list of categories and links to useful pages on the site.
@Sippy haha just on a side note Sippy, lament is a word I heard for the first time in Conan by Arnold so now when you say lament I read it with his accent
@AwalGarg Nav categories?
@ziGi Lol.
@Sippy yes
Im trying to read a json string and it doesn't work for me :(
@AwalGarg I would always put a nav sidebar on the left, but that's just me.
jQuery.each(obj, function(i, val) {
  alert(" - " + val));
and I see this lefty thing everywhere... YT, Gmail, Google Search, FB, dunno why..
@MGE you have an extra ")" after the alert
@AwalGarg probably because everyone else does it
!!tell MGE mdn JSON.stringify
@AwalGarg he's not stringifying
@FlorianMargaine Is there something wrong with the right side?
sorry thats not the problem, just writing the code here, but in the code is just one ()
@FlorianMargaine but he can use that too... I think.
@AwalGarg it's an UX question
@AwalGarg the right side is for socializing using a chat
the left side has been always for menus
because you read from left to right
if it is an arabic or an israeli website it would be reversed
@AwalGarg I don't actually see a lot of research into that area of UX with some quick Googling, it might be something to ask on the UX stack
Would be interesting to know actually.
@ziGi Ah, this might be why.
"has always been" is possibly the most monkey-ish reason I hear.
Flow of information
Clever zigi
@Sippy I have been designing since 2006
I have read a lot about HCI etc. so it is just a common knowledge
@ziGi nice
@ziGi Makes sense that you would know then :D
Q: Menu in right sidebar vs left sidebar

fallenboyWhat do you think, is it better for handheld device users to use site menu when its in right sidebar (can click it with thumb/right hand doesnt block view when user click on menu item)? The reason i ask is because a loooot of sites use left side menu and I never understood why, cause IMO its not...

> Web users spend 69% of their time viewing the left half of the page and 30% viewing the right half. A conventional layout is thus more likely to make sites profitable.
in which case, I would go with the left side.
Since I want users to focus on the content, not on the sidebar.
If you read in English it is most prominently that information gets more general -> more specific from left to right
that is because you look at the information in categories
and then into details
I can't read this Json string :(
The sidebar, I think would be one of the less used elems on the site. I think for my case, right side would be the right choice.
@MGE you are alerting var instead of val
@ziGi +1 for basic problem solving
This is where the console comes really handy
<script>var jsondata = '<?php echo json_encode($this->getRelatedSounds);?>';
jQuery.each(jsondata, function(i, val) {
@MGE also parse the string
I wonder why people don't use it.
var jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsondata);

jQuery.each(jsonObj, function(i, val) {
thats the real code
@AwalGarg x-actly
	        var jsondata = '<?php echo json_encode($this->getRelatedSounds);?>';
	        var jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsondata);
			jQuery.each(jsonObj, function(i, val) {
!!afk seriousCoding
@MGE use Ctrl + K to indent the code here
ok srry
yes, doesn't that work?
jsonObj.forEach(function (val, i) {
...can do the same thing :)
ecmascript <3
@MGE, just use console.log after
use this and press F12
working sometimes in my code and sometimes it show an error 'unexpected token'
pastebin.com/ssvxUxvC <- unexpected token :(
@MGE multiline strings are not supported in javascript
@JanDvorak FALSE!
var s = 'some \
"some string"
without the awkward \n\ construct, I mean
that breaks if you append a space. Some editors may even do that for you.
how can I solve this? :/
json can't scape single ' quotes?
thats the problem im suffering :'(
the problem is here: ,"title":"I got a Soul but i'm not a soldier","1
in the '
"To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering" - Nietzsche
The Philosophy of Nietzsche: An Introduction by Alain de Botton
in Philosophy | June 5th, 2013 1 Comment

“To those human beings who are of any concern to me, I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill treatment, indignities, profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, and the wretchedness of the vanquished.”
I always thought his philosophy weirdly makes sense.
@jonathanconway Calm seas make for bad sailors.
15 hours ago, by rlemon
"love thy self" is #1, "not in public" is #2
Lol just saw that
silly lemon
nice one @Zir
What is this quote show and tell?
Here's mine then:
> “Consciousness is that annoying time between naps.” --Karin Gillespie
@Neil I like this one.
Having very recently been a student I relate quite well with it :D
Why can't pass this array to the function?
function getRelatedInfo(arrayinfo) {
@Sippy Kind of a dark way of seeing the world, isn't it?
the console.log show the info
It's the kind of things old poets wrote about
but then I can't pass this array to the function :/
@MGE Hi, it seems like you're not really sure how to do things. I recommend you read a beginner js tutorial.
@MGE arrays don't have a lenght function, but they do have a length property
Or read up on the docs:
!!tell MGE mdn Array
@Neil What is, napping?
Depends how you define seeing xD
it was lenght instead of ()
@JanDvorak I do think he's trying to say length ... just not quite hard enough.
@MGE Also isn't it Length*?
@Sippy you have to speak clearly if your computer is to understand you
@JanDvorak Can't argue with that ^_^
> Earth is another world's hell.
@Zirak all of us we know that you're a pro
@Sippy There was a Lovecraft story based on that, that the actual world was the one you were in when you were dreaming and that it was unfathomable to you while you are "dreaming" and therefore you can't remember any of it
> A blank piece of paper can provide home to a world changing idea; degrees and report cards only waste it by telling you the limit of one's power of cramming for exams.
@Neil I've thought about that before, usually showerthoughts ~_~
Is the quote show over?
I missed it eh... ;(
@Neil cool :)
@AwalGarg What's wrong with quoting people .. :/
I thought us programmers were all about reuse.
@Sippy WAAAT?
Some of us lean towards abuse
@AwalGarg I just did the most retarded thing .. I read that in my head as if you shouted it and it kinda made me jump slightly.
> If you steal from one author it's plagiarism; if you steal from many it's research. -- Wilson Mizner
!!afk brb in a while.
@Magikaas Lovecraft is great to read because it invokes a lot of these weird ideas
Not recommended while high. O_O
@Neil I have plenty of weird ideas and I have never read Lovecraft :P
@Magikaas Well you want more, don't you?
@Magikaas Maybe you're in the wrong line of work :P
Hahaha :P
Time to start 6 hours of lectures. Caaaan't wait.
Elementary number theory better be interesting
@Cereal I struggle enough with half hour lectures ...
I have 6, hour lectures today ;;
A: I don't want to get in an edit war - people haven't read the previous reason - what to do?

GlenH7The entire line with the word in question , over steak and drinks? That was a great stake. We talked about cars. could be removed without materially affecting the answer at all. So it would go from: Oh wait, we already did - remember that time we met, a few weeks ago, over steak and ...


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