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@DJDavid98 I asked how it implements not how it works
Please define "google article"
!!define google article
@Moderateur No definition found.
@DJDavid98 if your username is the same as your age I can understand that
an article coming from google results...
there is some pubsub action here that user gets pinged or better notified?
@Moderateur if your browser sees something like @ + yourUserName in the messages, it highlights it in green and plays the ping sound for you.
4 mins ago, by Moderateur
@DJDavid98 I asked how it implements not how it works
@Moderateur Which part gives you trouble?
@AwalGarg so it is implemented in Javascript? but you get notifications even when you're not in the page and come a while later
@Zirak trying to understand how stack overflow or facebook implements user mention with following notification
in a generalistic way
@Moderateur The messages are still loaded in the DOMContent so the script will probably search through them as well. Also, maybe the server keeps an eye whether you are here or not, and if not, it pushes you a message in your inbox (which you see as notification).
I think maybe like this. user mentions other user, if there is @ followed by username then it is followed to pubsub channel and if the other users get message from pubsub channel
And the desktop notifications work entirely on client side (after getting data from server ofcourse). Google 'creating chrome desktop notifications` and you will see that.
@AwalGarg thank you for the explanation, I can understand better now. I will search that
np (note that this is just my speculation)
I found something on the flow too
but is everying dirtied out from php that I don't like
important is idea anyway
@Moderateur What does my age have to do with anything by the way?
@Moderateur the logic will still be the same.
@DJDavid98 Because you have still a few years to develop full cognitive thinking as I did and that's why you didn't get the point earlier.
@AwalGarg Yes right. :-)
I program in J mainly
@FlorianMargaine I've got jsh running with a GAE compatible backend
Also got saving and loading. Just need to add the save button.
The J programming language, developed in the early 1990s by Kenneth E. Iverson and Roger Hui, is a synthesis of APL (also by Iverson) and the FP and FL function-level languages created by John Backus. To avoid repeating the APL special-character problem, J requires only the basic ASCII character set, resorting to the use of the dot and colon as "inflections" to form short words similar to digraphs. Most such "primary" (or "primitive") J words serve as mathematical symbols, with the dot or colon extending the meaning of the basic characters available. Additionally, many characters which might need...
@Moderateur PHP is not 'dirty'. Code is...
@AwalGarg Maybe :-)
@AwalGarg the SAPI is dirty, arrays in php are dirty, references are dirty, multiple block syntaxes are dirty, the bloody $ is dirty.
  return own_taste
Also that's a syntax error ^
Also that makes no sense whatsoever
It also makes no sense
Well... if it's a method in an ES6 class I guess it could sort of work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum not php :P
HAH beat ya!
@PeeHaa the correct term is 'ninja'd'
@PeeHaa I second that...
@PeeHaa @Zirak not php :-)
In any language
calling something dirty specifying no reason... what the fuck?
@Moderateur Google is a search engine, not a news website or a blog, so I don't think "google article" is a right term, because that implies that the article is written by someone from Google, which could change the meaning of your sentence. Don't just think that everyone will know you said an article found through Google at first glance, and especially don't call someone immature directly or indirectly because they ask for clarification. Kthxbai
The result is the taste of the first person
@DJDavid98 Ok, you're right and I'm wrong.
54 secs ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Well... if it's a method in an ES6 class I guess it could sort of work.
own_taste can be a class member
@BenjaminGruenbaum So you're saying it's an implied iterator?
@AwalGarg The reason is personal taste, what's weird about that O_o
@Moderateur then append "I think that" to those dirty sentences please.
@Zirak Nono, you can have a Person ES6 class with a foreach method that operates on an own_taste property - each Person instance can have a different value for that property.
just can't sleep :(
Also, PHP is objectively horrible as a language.
@Zirak It's not following the laws of normal computation because it only runs correctly in a quantum computer.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That still doesn't make sense
    return own_taste;
@BenjaminGruenbaum s/works/makes no sense
Nono, that's not ES6 class syntax.
@AwalGarg I will sorry. Anyway you'd be shocked how many times people told someone or something is dirty or sucks but I didn't feel the like to discuss it altough I'd punched that person to "extreme violence"
just sayin ;-)
Unless there's an implied function declaration, so that foreach somehow accepts that block as a callback...not seeing it
The own_taste part is tricky because it can't really be a member since this. isn't used - so it'd have to be a proxy that'd capture the this value and relay to a real property.
@Zirak there's implied function declaration.
Wait, Ruby has that syntax
fucka teh sintex. loook at da implication.
Naa, ruby uses different blocks, it's work in ES6 though.
So yeah, it could make sense
@Zirak It's an offspring actually
PHP is objectively horrible though.
@Moderateur Apologies, I was too quick to judge
no problem :-)
@Zirak Clearly, he was going for an ES6 class implied function declaration with a global proxy capturing the this value to begin with.
I dare you to quote that in PHP room xD
We already said that numerous times, both here and there.
You know nothing jon snow
in PHP, Aug 28 at 16:21, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
PHP sucks, god what a horrible language.
in PHP, Aug 6 at 10:34, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
PHP sucks.
in PHP, Nov 11 '13 at 19:47, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
PHP sucks.
in PHP, Dec 15 '13 at 12:10, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@randomdev but php sucks :P
Stop trolling @BenjaminTrollenbaum :P
in PHP, Aug 14 at 14:07, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
PHP truly sucks, I would not consider it for my next web project.
in PHP, May 11 at 12:46, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@Jefffrey Did you come here to tell people PHP sucks too?
sorry phone call
anyway that's like you're waving a piece of meat 1 cm from a hungry grizzly bear :D
@Moderateur so no, I guess I don't have the guts to do that.
I have a lot of respect for php devs, the smart ones especially. It's a lot like perl devs. They know it sucks, but they just say "yeah, whatever", and continue doing awesome stuff.
Yeah, that's really admirable.
The ones who don't recognise php's flaws are the sad ones
A language sucking doesn't mean it's all bad.
in Lounge<C++>, Aug 25 at 8:25, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Everything is horrible. C++ sucks. Oh god why.
lol, 5 stars for that just to prove a point
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is there any language that doesn't suck according to you?
in Lounge<C++>, Aug 27 at 19:12, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@Mgetz you should write blog posts about how much c++ sucks. I heard that gets you all da' bitches.
well it's mostly used by newbies unlike more scientific languages such as Java or Python
or even C
but that goes outside of web development env
in Java, Mar 28 at 14:49, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Meh, didn't want to start a debate on why Java sucks. I though that was pretty established :/ Wanted to ask about opinions of Java 8
Java had the fame of being slow
in Lounge<C++>, Nov 12 '13 at 12:57, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@Jefffrey ∀X∈languages : X sucks horribly in some way.
something I experienced too...10 years ago. it should now be better
Wait, you were slow 10 years ago?
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol that. also :-D
10 years ago seems like yesterday to him
@Zirak I'm not that young ;-)
PHP reminds me of Java's past. having the fame of being inefficient and slow because most code was written by not experienced devs
@Moderateur wat?
Yes, the problem with Java is bad programmers. The language is pristine.
@AwalGarg 404's
Yes that
Java was slow because Lars Bak hasn't built a JIT for it.
Java language is best language
Then Lars Bak built a jit for it - hence it became fast.
@PeeHaa removed. you need 10k to view it.
Simply because of that fact, doesn't matter if the JIT actually did anything or not.
Like JS.
@AwalGarg Javascript doesn't need to be fixed, some developers need.
That is where you are wrong
Both do
@PeeHaa care to elaborate?
Ohh, a religious war.
algorithms can always be optimized ad infinitum
JS needs to be fixed.
Nothing is perfect, not even the fucking dirty person who says something is fucking dirty. But we can't fix everything!!!
@Moderateur No they can't.
js is flawed. The new operator, with, typeof, lack of real integers, ...
JS has a lot of shitty parts that would have been completely different had it been designed today - denying that is stupid.
@AwalGarg I never said I was perfect and you can see it from my flawed english grip ;-)
We can still build cool stuff with it and it's still really expressive, it still has a lot of shitty parts.
It's my favorite deeply flawed language.
Why cap the T?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Information Technology is his favourite
held down shift too long.
!!define inorite
There are somethings in PHP which I like very much and some in JS and some in CSS and some in HTML and some in.. did I mention PHP? I wish I can combine those good things in one single language.
please my friend.
Hmm I think I need a new router
Not the syntax of php, i hope.
(I know css and html are not related to php/js but I like the syntax style of css and the markdown thing in html)
connected directly to the cable modem
@Luggage What's wrong with the syntax?
do you host a server?
connected via router.
wonder why its so much slower :?
guess the router is like 3 years old
@PeeHaa I hate it, but don't bother defending php, it's purely preference. I knew someone would speak up when I said that. :)
"Hello World" in J language
'Hello, world!'
@Luggage i like the way js handles objects. pretty cool. PHP OTOH can handle requests pretty well, I think.
@AwalGarg oh god I imagine the horror :D
@Luggage I was really not about to defend anything. I just think subjective blanket statement "just because" are stupid
g'night fellow australian
@AwalGarg The virgin mother weeps streams of angel's blood
'handle requests'? What in the language makes it handles requests better.
@PeeHaa Your languages preferences are always subjective.
Nope it really is not
15 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
PHP is objectively horrible though.
PeeHaa means PH?
you look dutch
That's because I am
it sounds weird in english :D
Yep ;)
yes that xD
urinate from laughing too much
That would be a Haa Pee
Laugh from urinating too much..
Which really is just a way of saying "Happy"
maybe he should call himself "Happy" :P
@Loktar Thanks for the pointer to the Amazon sale, picked up ALL the Command and Conquers.
So I'm looking for interesting new distros to try, and all I find are Debian derivatives (or worse, Ubuntu derivatives, or even worse, derivatives of Ubuntu derivatives!)
@copy Got anything?
Hello all, I am back from vacation
@Zirak server or desktop?
@Zirak Time to build everything from scratch
I've thought about spinning off of Arch. Because really, all of these are just some installer and package bundles.
But that seems...meh
does anyone know the most commonly used google maps api used for angular?
@Zirak Build your own OS
I'd love to, but time constraints
If you start now, you can get something working in 3 months
You say it as if that's plausible
Start with this
 ~% nasm test.asm
 ~% dd if=/dev/zero of=floppy.img ibs=1k count=1440
1440+0 records in
2880+0 records out
1474560 bytes (1.5 MB) copied, 0.023249 s, 63.4 MB/s
 ~% dd if=test of=floppy.img conv=notrunc
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.000491845 s, 1.0 MB/s
 ~% qemu-system-i386 -fda floppy.img
You probably want to attack gdb to QEMU to understand what's going on
See, plausability. You assume I'm insane.
Your quest is to load sectors from the floppy disk and enter protected mode. I gave you everything you need, you're on your own now. Good luck, kid
@Zirak Since when hasn't that been a safe assumption?
how does stack overflow differentiate mention between two different users with same name?
for example if my name is also monners how will the mention presents when you do "@monners"
No idea
Magic probably
ok I need to try it by changing my name
stay online please
@monners can you tell me what it shows you here if you try to mention me?
Q: Making WebWorkers a safe environment

ZirakIn a quest to have an interface capable of running arbitrary javascript code inside the browser, without having a security hole the size of a typical yo-mama joke, Esailija proposed using Web Workers. They run in a semi-sandboxed environment (no DOM access and already inside the browser) and can ...

just a moment please
I'd prefer you not change your name to be the same as mine.
@monners no it's as Zirak
just a moment tell me please what it shows you
so I can delete that testing comment and change back my name
It shows Zirak
monners 1 or 2 "Zirak"s?
I don't know what you're asking me. Your comment had the name Zirak next to it.
@monners I asked you what was showed when you did @Z
if there was two Zirak, one or it was showed differently
Well I didn't try that, and I'm kinda busy at the moment.
Ok leave it at that. I'll ask on Meta
thank you
Q: How are mentions involving different users with the same username managed?

Adam BarakI am curious about how mentions involving different users with the same username are managed. For example, if there's a user called Adam and another user called Adam, how are they distinguished when you mention them through @A ? Are they shown the same, differently or what? Is just one user not...

I couldn't resist buying one of these:

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