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@SterlingArcher Well, sorta
@Zirak oh?
@SterlingArcher !expr negates expr, which means !Boolean(expr). The second ! makes is to negate the negation
So it's !(!expr). The inner NOT is what "casts" to a boolean, outer flips it.
@Dad You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/3717756/dad) have 74 reputation, earned 12 rep today, asked 14 questions, gave 4 answers, for a q:a ratio of 7:2.
avg. rep/post: 4.11. Badges: 0g 2s 21b
yay perfect
@Zirak interesting -- so what does !!(var) do?
!(!(var)), the parentheses was just to signify order
ohhh ok!
well, time fo lunch
> NEVER PULL OUT TOO SOON (you could lose your data!).
oh my god.
i lied, lunch is delayed a couple minutes
@RalphWiggum "✔"
@Dad You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/3717756/dad) have 13 reputation, earned -4 rep today, asked 12 questions, gave 0 answers, for a q:a ratio of TO͇̹̺ͅƝ̴ȳ̳ TH̘Ë͖́̉ ͠P̯͍̭O̚​N̐Y̡.
avg. rep/post: 1.08. Badges: 0g 2s 21b
@AbhishekHingnikar That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: stat, stats, steve, static
@AbhishekHingnikar You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/855760/abhishek-hingnikar) have 1744 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 12 questions, gave 32 answers, for a q:a ratio of 3:8.
avg. rep/post: 39.63. Badges: 0g 14s 25b
@AbhishekHingnikar Don't think so
Good bye dad :-/
@SomeGuy why not ?
it will add up on your college degree :P
Good bye Abishek, I'll be missing you :(
@RalphWiggum You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/548083/ralph-wiggum) have 1645 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 55 questions, gave 41 answers, for a q:a ratio of 55:41.
avg. rep/post: 17.13. Badges: 0g 11s 31b
A last statement before I go so you know the reasons and everything.
I'm done with SO, I may occasionally come here to quickly look for questions though. I can't really bear how some users behave. I already have to bear some people where I work at because they think they are superior to me.
bye friends
@Dad Grow a moustache, it'll make everything better
...i'm an idiot... I had a $.getJSON hidden off somewhere that was crapping itself when I needed the $.ajax with xhr options to send credentials...
seems awesome!
Protip: Don't put a debugger inside the digest loop
Ugh. My left ear is all pressurized and it's super uncomfortable.
lost of material design in
@towc He looks like a young Serj Tankin
Oh. @Dad was a troll. One of our previous problem users, right?
where the fuck is zigi ?
It's "Dad"
Why do you care?
Now I'm having a crisis. How do I know you're the real Zirak?!
Shut up, you don't matter anyway
God I'm an idiot. Digging all over and tweaking my services headers left and right for half of yesterday and most of this morning, all because I'm too stupid to spot the $.getJSON call presuming only the $.ajax call which I got working is the only one...
Welcome to programming
I once debugged something for quite some time because instead of if (!foo) I wrote if (foo)
@Zirak over a decade later and it's just as damned annoying
I'm not sure what's the worst thing I debugged...
probably this in_array bug...
@Zirak one of the reasons I wanted a dedicated linux laptop
a real terminal is nice
also, why do I always miss the drama!
I once spent an entire day because 'Facebook.com/blah-blah-blah' !== 'facebook.com/blah-blah-blah'
bon jour
@FlorianMargaine Why are you surprised? It's PHP
My favourite programming story ever is finding an off-by-two error.
I have problem and they told me go in javascript room cause its a help desk
indeed, it is
Bug I was most proud of ever finding: Holding objects pinned too long causing heap fragmentation that made the .NET compaction pass to take so long that by the time it was done - it was time to run again, so it just spun in GC endlessly as the whole server just becomes unresponsive. Took ~a day for the gen 2 to get so big and fragmented and only happened in production under load, so I had to figure it out from WinDbg seeing the code path that was creating too many pinned objects
you have to open a new ticket to get help however
how much it costs ?
I have one coupon
2 blowjobs and a banana
your coupon has expired
but what bug took me the longest to find? I think we've all chased bugs that we never resolved, even after a day or two, eventually just working (kludging) around it, so one of those I guess
oh nice I need girls make 2 bj to me for open a ticket
I've been chasing a bug for... what, maybe two weeks now?
@KendallFrey that is the worst
It seems to happen a lot with WCF
if youve been chasing bug shot it down and he will not run anymore
Currently chasing the "Why can we rename files but not folders" bug
yesterday, by Jimmy Hoffa
In closing I would just like to say thank you @copy and I hate wcf
what is wcf
A .NET thing kinda like signalr... maybe?
@Moderateur if you knew the answer, you'd feel dumber for it; take pride in your ignorance.
@KendallFrey nothing like signalr
lets be ingorante then
it does communication. so does signalr. close enough
!!urban wcf
@SomeKittensUx2666 Wcf "women crush friday" when a guy is "thirsty" for a girl and can not wait until wednesday the make them there
@CapricaSix are you drunk?
is that today?
it's friday
...friday, gotta get down on friday
I was woke up 1 night because I wanted make surprise for developer and creare script 4 him but he didnt reply too my message saying where script repositorry is located
gotta crush on Friday
I hate that sir and I will kick him in balls for ignoring me
A: Possibly quit your job with a polyglot

Ingo BürkGolfscript / Javascript (126 125 129 130 132 134 205 207) Try Golfscript here and Javascript here. 1.//"Jg!uif!cptt!gjoet!uijt-!J!rvju/"{(}%' alert((/^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/.test(Array(+prompt()+1).join(1))?"not ":"")+"prime");';#' I'd say it's shockingly close to those Mathematica solutions which,...

tahts why I look cold and unresponsive cause still no sleep
that's a pretty sweet answer
Im not durnk
Hi not drunk, I'm Ralph
hey ya
where your from
Did Hotz ever resurface and do anything cool or did he degrade into a PHP dev for Facebook?
whos hotz
wcf was probably wtf.
Google bought him for Project Zero
I have think the same wtf
ok george hotz now I get it
that kid is an alien
human cant break easy systems like he dose
He doesn't do anything.
He did something once.
he hacked chrome thats nothing
@Moderateur chrome is horrible browser when it comes to security
That's why I wondered if he ever did anything else
ok then thats bullshot
@Moderateur "hacking" a browser is nothing lol. He made his name with hardware exploits.
@Moderateur nope its being realistic :P
The fact that you'd bring up Chrome...
-- it comes from one of my friends who phone bombed mi6 and got jailed, then bailed.
really that is so easy ? I tried myself but it look impossible hacking a browserr
now studys computer science :P [i wonder what he learns]
> geohot's home on the internet...ain't my web design skills sick?

buy an Apple, Microsoft, LG, Samsung, Nintendo, ...

don't buy a Sony, (sue me, and your name can get added here)
Best homepage EVER
people say fbi.gov is easy to hack
I want try that
He made a song lol
try it :-)
good luck :D
ok but tomorrow after I sleep
> alias geohot, is an American hacker known for unlocking the iPhone
@AbhishekHingnikar lol people are so stupid.
I'm living outside usa they will do something at me
Q: Return a new promise and wait in Ember Data if response is 202

dignoeWe have an import process in our application that is handled by the server in the background, but is initiated by the user in our Ember app. If the import process hasn't completed after the transition, I'd like to send back a 202 response and have Ember re-try the request in 500ms. I'd like to u...

i fell rolling on the floor
@Moderateur You. Wut. Wtf are you saying
fbi.gov jhawins
It's not like the FBI stores all their databases on fbi.gov. That site is for info.
@Moderateur They will send drones after you
!!xkcd fbi poster
at least id become popular like more famous hacker living in russia now
Even if you "hacked" fbi.gov there shouldn't be sensitive things there hahaha
yes haha
Yeah, that xkcd is perfect.
but people wont see who iz the terrorist they have to search 4
@Moderateur try hacking indian govt website
@AbhishekHingnikar give me the website name
> Here at Reactions we don't believe in choice, we believe in both. Why make Obama president? Let Obama and Romney be president. Let's even let Ron Paul be president too.
google it xD
I think I'm going to use grunt to turn my files into AMDs... has anybody tried having your site split up with .html files that are partial views with the associated javascript in the file? I know I can't make that AMDs with ease, but curious if anyone's tried that vs. having every view's javascript in a separate js file... I think I prefer the former for development
govin looks like 1 surname
> 3 simple steps
Trained rocks can do it
He's back to where he was haha
@Moderateur the things I've heard people say make me think it's more like india.gov.out
@JimmyHoffa hahahahahaha
@Jhawins try searching for MLT :P
no indians are intellijent

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